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Welcome To The General Section

 Samus Logo Welcome MetConstian to the General guides section, whether you are looking to get into hacking or to improve your level design, its all here, if you are new here you should check out Why ROM Hack to see why you should try getting into ROM hacking if you have a serious interest in getting into games design, once you read that you can go check out the rest of this section of the wiki for all the tools and guides to read to get into ROM hacking more.

Useful tools and utilities

Below is a section of essential downloads for any hacker, you should probably have these already downloaded, but just in case we will list links to them below.

xvi32 xvi32 is a freeware hex editor, you can pick between this or HxD depending on your tastes.
HxD HxD is a hex editor, useful for when you need to do any kind of hex editing in your ROM.
Lunar IPS Tool for applying any IPS patches you may download from MetConst.
XDelta-UI Tool for applying any xdelta patches you may download from MetConst. A more updated CLI version can be found Here.
Lunar Address SNES address converter tool, useful for during hex editing.
Graphics Editors
YY-CHR The other graphical editing tool, both function pretty well, its a matter of preference to which you use.
Tile Molester Another graphical editing tool, some people prefer this, it also has support for Mode 7, something which the other editors lack.
Tile Layer Pro Graphical editing tool, used to edit any GFX files you may download or uncompressed graphics inside the ROM.
FCEUX Contains debugging tools for Metroid hacking, nestopia is probably better for playing, but lacks debugging tools.
Mesen A high-accuracy NES emulator for playing, debugging, and even audiovisually enhancing Metroid ROM hacks.
Nestopia Latest version of nestopia, for playing Metroid ROM hacks.
BGB BGB is a GB/C emulator and debugger.
Sameboy Sameboy is a GB/C emulator designed for high-accuracy gameplay, along with WIP debugging.
RGBDS An assembler for GB code. While primarily designed for homebrew games, it can be used to patch code to ROMs for hacks.
SNES9x Latest version of SNES9x, for playing Super Metroid ROM hacks.
Geiger's SNES9x Debugger version of SNES9x, for tracing and debugging your Super Metroid hacks.
bsnes-plus A modern debugging emulator based on bsnes. May have better compatibility for some users than Geiger's.
SNEStuff This program combines Lunar Address/ips/Expand, xkas v0.6, an HDMA color converter and more. Very useful.
xkas v0.06 A 65c816 assembler, you will need this for any assembly you download from MetConst.
ASMDev ASMDev is mainly a ASM code editor that allows users to change the ASM code in a ROM without the use of an external assembler.
VBA Debugger VBA with enhanced debugging abilities, useful for GBA hacking.
no$gba A recommended GBA/DS debugger, useful for when assembly hacking.
Visual Boy Advance VBA is an emulator for playing GBA and GB games.
mGBA mGBA is an emulator for playing GBA/GBC/GB games.
armips An assembler for various ARM and MIPS platforms. Automated builds are available Here.
melonDS melonDS is an emulator for playing DS games. More accurate than DeSmuME, but currently lacks features such as Lua scripting.
DeSmuME DeSmuME is an emulator for playing DS games.
NDS Editor A simple tool for importing and extracting files to and from DS ROMs.
Tinke Another DS ROM file editor, but this one's more fully-featured.
Dolphin Dolphin is an emulator for playing GC/Wii games. Also has a debugger.
PrimeHack PrimeHack is an unofficial variant of Dolphin designed to allow mouse and keyboard control for Prime Trilogy.
Nintendont Nintendont is a Wii homebrew app that can play GC ISOs on a Wii or Wii U.
NODTool A fairly new command-line tool that can deal with GC and Wii disc images.
Wii Backup Fusion A graphical tool that can extract and rebuild GC and Wii disc images.


Starter Guides

  • Beginners Guide to playing ROM hacks - Useful quick guide for anyone not knowing how to patch a ROM.
  • Other guides before…
  • Pre-production - The final starter guide, inside this guide we talk about your preperation for making your hack or fan game, including setting a goal and planning out what you want and need to do, this is a must read!
  • Tile Molester Graphics Guide - Quick Guide on using Tile Molester to Rip, View, and Edit graphics.
  • YY-CHR Graphics GuideFIXME - Quick Guide for viewing, editing, and ripping graphics in YY-CHR.
  • HxD Hex Edit Guide - Guide on using HxD to Find, Compare, and Edit hex.
  • Hex Editing - Quick guide on hex editing, including problems you may face and need to avoid.
  • Graphical Editing - Quick guide on using the graphical editors.
  • Hacker Pitfalls - First time hacking? Better check this to make sure you dont bugger up anything.
  • What Not To Do - There are a lot of things people do wrong first time they start on their journey to making a game, read this and make sure you don't fall prey to these problems.
  • Spikes - Read this before you start using spikes.. please..
  • guide_name - basic level design rules test guide thingy

Game Specific Guides

Since some guides are game specific, they have been split off to their own pages, click a game title below to be taken to their page, you may find guides written up on how to use publicly released tilesets on MetConst below in their specific game page.

2D Game Guides

2.5D Game Guides

3D Game Guides

general.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/26 17:06 by felixwright