Table of Contents
Welcome to the Metroid Construction DokuWiki!
Welcome MetConstians to the Metroid Construction Documentation Wiki, the ultimate resource for all things Metroid hacking related! This wiki holds the collective knowledge of MetConst, documenting all discoveries and information about hacking Metroid, written by you guys for the benefit of all MetConstians everywhere! We have guides ranging from basic FAQ's to advanced assembly guides, it's all here! If you are looking to get started editing this wiki, check out the syntax page to learn how to edit, or check out any pages source code. You can also use the playground to test any editing you do.
This wiki is paired up with the WikiTalk Board, please document any work you do on the wiki to this forum board so that we can keep track of new pages and edits to existing pages. It also helps other people assist you and others when working on the same document.
Currently the wiki is undergoing a lot of work, so a lot of documents might not have made it to the wiki yet. If you want, you can help out by filling out some backlogged information and data to the wiki, and searching the forum for any lost information that should be preserved in here.
About Metroid Construction (MetConst)
Founded on the 19th February 2009 by GF_Kennon, Metroid Construction has aimed to be the ultimate website for all things Metroid hacking related. Since its creation eight years ago, a massive amount of documentation has been generated along with plenty of free resources. This wiki hosts all the documentation created for MetConst in an easily viewable format for your viewing pleasure.
Getting Started
Beginners Guide to playing ROM hacks
๐ Why ROM Hack?
๐ General - Useful Tools, Utilities, & Guides
Please note, minor changes are not shown.
Wiki Changes
- ros by mariofan2468 ( (2025/03/20 14:10)
- disasm05 - created by mariofan2468 ( (2025/03/20 14:09)
- gba_asm - [Banks] by raygun ( (2025/03/17 23:19)
- messages - created by felixwright ( (2025/03/06 23:17)
- gen_entity - created by felixwright ( (2025/03/06 23:17)
- gen_bg - created by felixwright ( (2025/03/06 23:17)
- music - created by felixwright ( (2025/03/06 23:16)
- status - created by felixwright ( (2025/03/06 23:16)
- map - created by felixwright ( (2025/03/06 23:15)
- samus - created by felixwright ( (2025/03/06 23:14)
Forum Posts
- Re: new zero mission[U] by Darth_Viper (2025/03/27 07:20)I'm unable to get the p.bomb behind yellow hatch on the mothership. Can't figure out the activation(or deactivation) conditions for the barrier.Edit: managed to solve it on my own - you need yo enter the room in alarm mode for the barrier to be lifted
- Re: Post a track of your favourite music type by FelixWright (2025/03/27 05:59)
- Re: Room of the Month: Submissions Thread by MetroidNerd#9001 (2025/03/26 21:27)Shifting over to Norfair for some room building now...
- Re: Room of the Month: Submissions Thread by Wolfric (2025/03/26 19:05)It's a real room I made for SM of course
- Re: Room of the Month: Submissions Thread by OmegaDragnet9 (2025/03/26 17:10)Descending to Ruin
- Hack Review: Super Metroid: Z-Factor by RT-55J (2025/03/29 19:07)
- Hack Review: Metroid: New Zero Mission by bg2 (2025/03/29 17:34)
- Resource Review: MZM Randomizer Plus by (2025/03/28 14:16)
- Hack Review: Metroid_The_Matrix by KPF (2025/03/28 00:42)
- Hack Review: Super Metroid: Unknown by Kirarin (2025/03/27 09:57)
- Hack Review: Super Metroid Funfar 2 - Funfarrer by Zhs2 (2025/03/26 22:58)
- Hack Review: kaleidoscope by DramaticMarquinh0svi (2025/03/25 18:38)
- Hack Review: kaleidoscope by OmegaDragnet9 (2025/03/25 17:34)
- Hack Review: Metroid: Castle by Contendo (2025/03/25 16:04)
- Hack Review: Super Metroid Redux by KPF (2025/03/24 06:34)
- Hack Approved: Metroid: Castle by justaicon (2025/03/21 08:57)
- Hack Approved: Sebez_2 by Chozo39 (2025/03/13 17:04)
- Hack Approved: Metroid: Engage Ridley by justaicon (2025/03/12 20:53)
- Hack Approved: Metroid: Fastest Fusion by Biospark, baria (2025/03/09 15:36)
- Hack Approved: Metroid Musical Update by Mindflower, Frost (2025/03/09 15:36)
- Hack Approved: kaleidoscope by neen (2025/02/27 08:41)
- Hack Approved: Metroid - Other Z by Noxus (2025/02/20 16:45)
- Hack Approved: Metroid: Operation Save Thanksgiving by Nodever2 (2025/02/17 13:30)
- Hack Approved: Metroid: The Blue Plague by Nodever2 (2025/02/17 13:30)
- Hack Approved: Super Metroid Dedux by wittyphoenix (2025/02/15 09:37)
- Resource Approved: Skip Mother Brain 2 and 3 by Chozo39 (2025/03/16 15:37)
- Resource Approved: Morph Bounce Removal by Nodever2 (2025/02/17 13:27)
- Resource Approved: Homing Drops by Nodever2 (2025/02/17 13:27)
- Resource Approved: Event Gray Doors 2025 by OmegaDragnet9, JAM (2025/02/17 13:27)
- Resource Approved: Boss Area Event System by PHOSPHOTiDYL, JAM, OmegaDragnet9 (2025/02/17 13:27)
- Resource Approved: Decompression Optimization by Kejardon, Maddo, Tundain (2025/02/17 13:26)
- Resource Approved: JAM Messenger PLM Disassembly and Updated Version by JAM, OmegaDragnet9 (2025/02/15 09:36)
- Resource Approved: Room Event Construction Blocks by OmegaDragnet9 (2025/02/15 09:36)
- Resource Approved: Modified Event PLM and Maridia Tubes by OmegaDragnet9, dewhi100, Amoeba, JAM (2025/02/15 09:36)
- Resource Approved: Efficient Generic Tiles by alexman25 (2025/02/06 16:45)