Address | Decimal | Width | Height | Description |
0x2007000 | xxxxxxx | xx | x | Hatch Transition Tilemap RAM, uncompressed[1] |
0x8364F80 | 3559296 | xx | x | Hatch Transition Tilemap (ROM, RLE compressed)[1] |
0x83655A0 | 3560864 | 32 | ? | Hatch Animation Tilemap[2] |
0x85D940C | 6132748 | 32 | 4 | Generic BG GFX (Zebes) |
0x85DA40C | 6136844 | 32 | 4 | Generic BG GFX (Mothership) |
0x85D980C | 6133772 | 17 | 1 | Zebes Hatch Open Animation |
0x85DA80C | 6137868 | 17 | 1 | Mothership Hatch Open Animation |
0x85DFE20 | 6159904 | Palette | 1 Row | Generic BG Tiles Palette |
0x85DFE40 | 6159936 | Palette | 1 Row | Generic BG Hatch Palette |
0x85E0420 | 6161440 | Palette | 6 Rows | Zebes Hatch Unlock Palette |
0x85E0220 | 6160928 | Palette | 6 Rows | Mothership Hatch Unlock Palette |
1: To Edit RLE Graphics
To edit:
1) Open ROM in nocash and load a save file. set a breakpoint for [0x2007000]?!
. Go through a hatch to start a room transition.
2) Resume the game until it breaks right before the DMA at 0x8003248. This should happen the third time it breaks.
3) Go to 0x2007000 in the data window and dump 4096 (0x1000 bytes) using no$ → utility → “binary dump to .bin file”
4) Export generic BG GFX as raw. (use the default .gfx filetype)
5) Pad the beginning of exported generic BG with 2048 (0x800) bytes of 00.
6) MAGE → tools → compression → lz77 compress file…
exported generic BG and dumped tilemap
7) Append both files to the end of ROM using a hex editor. Take note of the offset before you paste in the bytes of the first and second file.
8) Reload rom in MAGE, then open MAGE → editors → tile table editor → offset
. punch in compressed tile table, compressed generic bg, and generic bg palette.
9) Make desired edits, then export raw. rename file to “tt.bin” then grab this C code below.1)
10) Go to jdoodle and paste in the code.
11) Upload tt.bin, then run the code. you should get tt.rle.
12) Open tt.rle in a hex editor and copy all the bytes. (Ctrl A, then Ctrl C)
13) Open your rom in a hex editor, go to 0x8364F80, and replace the bytes with the ones you just copied in step 12. You can do this with Ctrl+B in HxD. Do not use Ctrl V unless you have the correct number of bytes to replace highlighted, because that ADDS bytes instead of REPLACING them
2: To View Hatch Animation Tilemap
To view in MAGE, add tileset (blank), open tileset editor, substract two from offset (0x836559E) and write it to new tileset's tiletable pointer, apply. then open tile table editor to new tileset.