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Metroid: Zero Mission Hex Tweaks

“Hex Tweaks” are loosely defined as sets of single-or-multiple-byte-changes that can be preformed for desirable effects. There is no clearly-defined upper limit for the number of bytes that can constitute a 'hex tweak' but they are usually less than 16 bytes' worth of changes. Most ZM hex changes are 2 byte changes. All that is needed to perform the hex tweak is a hex editor such as HxD. The tweak will give you an offset, original byte values, and the new values that you will enter in.

Samus Tweaks

Tweaks related directly to Samus.

0x9522 = 04 to 01 Unmorphing makes samus stand all the way up.

0x879E = 08 4C to 05 E0 Disables the crouch sound.

0x606CC = 7F 07 to ?? ?? Y start position after loading a new game. To find your value use the following formula. (64n-1) Where N is the height in blocks.

0x8F92 = E0 79 to 28 E0 Disables walljumping.

0x6A36 = 0B to 08 (while moving left/right) 0x8D4C = 0C to 08 (respin) 0x8E64 = 0C to 08 (while turning back mid-air) 0x8EEC = 0C to 08 (spinjump) 0x6BBC = 01 D1 to 08 20 (initial spinjump pose) Disables spinjumping.

0x8F72 change to 0EDC 0x8F90 change to C046 0x6138 change to D061 Enables walljumping with spacejump and screw attack.

0x250174 = 2 to ?? (Frame 1) 0x250184 = 2 to ?? (Frame 2) 0x250194 = 2 to ?? (Frame 3) Power Suit Walljump animation frame timers. Adjusting these can reduce or lengthen WJ delay.

0x29F984 = 2 to ?? (Frame 1) 0x29F994 = 2 to ?? (Frame 2) 0x29F9A4 = 2 to ?? (Frame 3) Zero Suit Walljump animation frame timers. Adjusting these can reduce or lengthen WJ delay.

0x8F68 = 18 20 to 04 E0 Space jump has no delay as to when the player can jump again.

0x8F6C = 40 to ?? Delay before the player can spacejump again. Shorter jumps allow the player to jump quicker. Higher jumps take longer.

0x8F50 = 08 1C to 03 E0 Spacejump works underwater/lava/acid and without Gravity Suit.

0x81DA = 08 48 to 03 E0 0x823E = 00 21 to 14 E0 Screw Attack works under water/lava/acid without Gravity Suit.

0x7020 = 30 to ?? Invincibility timer. Max of 255 (FF) frames.

0x5FD4 = 38 4A to 04 E0 Always makes powergrip work, (even without the powergrip item.)

0x61D0 = 08 to ?? Walljump timer, slows Samus' X velocity when near the wall for this many frames. Max is FF.

0x7024 = 20 72 to C0 46 Getting damaged no longer resets shinespark timer.

0xA720 = 01 to 00 Disables jump echoes.

0x951E = 0F to 00 Stops unmorph glow.

0x9608 = 03 48 to 08 E0 0x979C = 02 48 to 06 E0 0x98BC = 02 48 to 06 E0 Allows Samus to stay gripped to a ledge while a power bomb is exploding.

0x8306 = 20 to 30 0x830A = 00 to 30 0x830D = D0 to D1 Gravity does not protect against heat. Only protects against lava if Varia is also equipped.

0xA734 = 01 to 00 Disables Speedboost and Shinespark echoes.

0x8C88 = 04 48 to 33 E0 Disables shinesparking.

Enemy/Boss Tweaks

Tweaks related to enemies and bosses.

0x1D482 = 03 20 to 05 E0 0x1D57C = 03 20 to 05 E0 0x1D6AE = 03 20 to 04 E0 0x1D772 = 03 20 to 04 E0 0x1D84C = 03 20 to 04 E0 Makes zipline and button always on.

0x3DCF4 = 03 20 to 06 E0 Mua spawns even if zipline event is not set.

0x2CC16 = 04 29 to 0E E0 Black pirates are weak to all beams.

0x19C8A = 06 20 to 08 E0 Skips Kraid Tourian Statue activating cutscene.

0x33B3C = 06 20 to 0B E0 Skips Ridley Tourian Statue activating cutscene.

0x32532 = 05 20 to 01 E0 Skips Ridley Encounter cutscene.

0x322C8 = 03 20 to 06 E0 Ridley fight will begin no matter what.

0x322CA = 17 to ?? Event Ridely will check for before starting fight. If event isn't set, fight will not begin.

0x21292 = 0B 48 to 19 E0 Deorem spawns regardless if missiles were obtained.

0x23158 = 04 49 to 04 E0 Make Deorem fight last until one of you dies.

0x232BE = 58 88 to 05 E0 Deorem drops no item upon death.

0x43178 = 11 1C to 08 E0 Make doors unlock right when Imago dies.

0x410 = 09 to 08 Makes game end from Samus' Ship without a cutscene after killing Mother Brain.

0x3D0E6 = 1120 to 17E0 Mother Brain's death no longer sets a timer, explosions, or makes the beeping noises.

0x53980 = 0F to 01 Make the escape timer work for MB and Mecha regardless if one of them isn't set.

0x4CDE6 = B4 to 18 0x4CF36 = 11 20 to 03 E0 0x4CF52 = 0C 48 to 04 E0 0x4E05A = FE F7 to 01 E0 Killing Mecha no longer sets a timer or beeps and unlocks doors quicker.

0x46476 = 03 20 to 04 E0 Makes power bomb tube breakable at any time.

0x35D58 = 01 to 00 Removes slowed physics when grabbed by a Metroid.

0x112A9 = D8 to E0 Enemies no longer get stunned when shot.

0x23b84 = 2A to ?? Event Dessgeega will check for before starting fight. If event isn't set, fight will not begin.

0x23b82 = 03 20 to 09 E0 Dessgeega will start fighting at anytime

Weapon Tweaks

Tweaks related to weapons.

0x50AC2 = 0C to 04 Make missile vulnerability only include normal missiles.

0x345CB4 = 0C to 04 Make Missile doors only open with normal missiles.

0x345ABC = 0C to 04 Prevent Super Missiles from breaking normal never reform missile blocks.

0x345ABE = 0C to 04 Prevent Super Missiles from breaking normal no reform missile blocks.

0x54E16 = 0A 20 to 06 E0 Removes screen shake and enemy fall/stun effect when a Super Missile explodes.

0x57786 = 78 20 to 02 E0 Removes screen shake and enemy fall/stun effect when a Power Bomb explodes.

0x521D8 = 13 to 31 Apply this and lay some bombs for a good time.

0x4F9FE = 80 18 to C0 46 0x4FA0E 40 19 to C0 46 Samus speed no longer added to projectile speed like in SM.

Interface Tweaks

Tweaks related to Map, HUD, Title Screen, etc.

52326 = 02 to ?? (First half Y position) 52378 = 02 to ?? (Second half Y position) 52390 = 20 to ?? (Second half X position) HUD Energy positions (in pixels) (WIP, will need ASM to change first half X position)

52484 = 40 46 to ?? 20 } (Missiles Y, first byte) 52486 = 06 74 to 10 70 5249C = 36 to ?? (Missiles X) 524D8 = 02 to ?? (Super Missiles Y) 524F0 = 50 to ?? (Super Missiles X) 5252C = 02 to ?? (Power Bombs Y) 52544 = 6A to ?? (Power Bombs X) HUD Ammo positions (in pixels)

5257E = 0A to ?? (Minimap flicker Y) 52596 = DE to ?? (Minimap flicker X) 52602 = FA to ?? (Minimap Y) 5261A = D6 to ?? (Minimap X) HUD Minimap positions (in pixels)

0x52888 = 1D 2F to 14 E0 Disables health alarm.

0x5ADCE = A0 78 to 02 E0 Getting an item no longer updates the map (Missiles, ect.).

0x5ADFE = 60 8A to 08 E0 Getting an ability no longer updates map.

0x6E1AA = 03 to 02 World map will not pop up if A is pressed on map screen.

0x6896C = 0A 48 to 05 E0 Always show items collected and timer on pause screen.

0x6A628 = 25 49 to 0A 1C Prevents Jap map tiles from being overwritten in VRAM, making them usable.

0x57C88 = 11 48 to 0F E0 Disables pausing.

6896C = 0A 48 to 05 E0 Always show items collected and timer on pause screen

0x2D4 = 01 to 02 Skip boot intros.

0x77110 = 91 42 to 04 E0 Disable title screen demos.

0x60DEA = 0F to ?? Index of last demo to play, (ex: if you want 4 demos total, set this to 03). Music Related

0x28856 = 03 20 to 08 E0 Makes pirate alarm music no longer play when triggering the pirate alarm.

0x28812 = 03 20 to 06 E0 Makes pirate ambiance music no longer play when the pirate alarm goes off.

0x3A2B2 = 43 to ?? Song for Chozo Guardian fight. Change to valid song value.

0x66B7C = 12 to ?? Song for Chozo Guardian Cutscene. Change to valid song value.

0x28862 = 45 to ?? Song for pirate alarm. Change to valid song value.

0x77218 = 02 to ?? Song for title screen. Change to valid song value.

0x7C85C = 09 to ?? Song for fileselect. Change to valid song value.

0x65840 = 35 to ?? Song for Ridley fight. Change to valid song value.

0x2149C = 3C to ?? Song for Deorem fight. Change to valid song value.

0x21E0A = 01 to ?? Song when Deorem dies. Change to valid song value.

0x4C2D8 = 41 to ?? Song that plays for Mecha fight. Change to valid song value.

0x4CF56 = 08 to ?? Mecha-Ridley Escape song. Change to valid song value. Misc.

3A2: 0C → 08 Selecting “Gallery” option on file select plays the credits instead of opening the gallery.

0x62E5C = 33 02 → 63 00 No exiting ship, jump or footsteps sounds on starting new game.

0x60F96 = 07 to 1E 0x60FA4 = F0 0B to D4 13 No longer lose upgrades or suit after escaping Tourain. (You may want to alter the cutscene that plays.)

0x4AFE6 = 4A to ?? Change to whatever event you'd like the blue ship to activate to.

0x4AFEF = D1 to E0 The blue ship always activate.

0x10266 = 91 42 to 17 E0 Samus' Ship no longer refills health

0x102AA = 91 42 to 17 E0 Samus' Ship no longer refills missiles.

0x102EE = 91 42 to 17 E0 Samus' Ship no longer refills Super Missiles.

0x10332 = 91 42 to 17 E0 Samus' Ship no longer refills Power Bombs.

0x2C75C = F0 to ?? Pirate alarm timer. Value is multiplied by two to get the true value used for the alarm. So F0 = 1E0, Ex: 3D = 7A

0x12F00 = 05 to ?? Amount of health small orbs restore.

0x12F20 = 14 to ?? Amount of health big orbs restore.

0x12F40 = 02 to ?? Amount Missile drops restore.

0x12F60 = 02 to ?? Amount Super drops restore.

0x12F80 = 01 to ?? Amount Power Bomb drops restore.

0x3459C4 = 64 to ?? (Easy) 0x3459C8 = 64 to ?? (Normal) 0x3459CC = 32 to ?? (Hard) Energy Tank Values

0x3459C5 = 5 to ?? (Easy) 0x3459C9 = 5 to ?? (Normal) 0x3459CD = 2 to ?? (Hard) Missile Tank Values

0x3459C6 = 2 to ?? (Easy) 0x3459CA = 2 to ?? (Normal) 0x3459CE = 1 to ?? (Hard) Super Missile Tank Values

0x3459C7 = 2 to ?? (Easy) 0x3459CB = 2 to ?? (Normal) 0x3459CF = 1 to ?? (Hard) Power Bomb Tank Values

0x3459C0 = 63 to ?? (Energy) 0x3459C1 = 0 to ?? (Missiles) 0x3459C2 = 0 to ?? (Super Missiles) 0x3459C3 = 0 to ?? (Power Bombs) Starting Energy/Ammo

0x45132 = 0B D1 to 6E E0 0x4521A = 1E to 0 0x45228 = 1A to 16 0x45236 = 04 48 to 02 E0 Ship no longer refills energy or ammunition.

0x5E793 = D0 to E0 All hatches with more than one hit's worth of “health” will flash.

0x345CB2 = 00 to ?? Amount of hits required to open a blue hatch.

0x345CB6 = 00 to ?? Amount of Missiles required to open a red hatch.

0x345CBA = 00 to ?? Amount of Super Missiles required to open a green hatch.

0x345CBE = 00 to ?? Amount of Power bombs required to open a yellow hatch.

0x5CE36 = 06 to ?? 0805CE54 06 to ?? Door Transition speed.

0x5EF8A = 06 48 to 03 E0 All door transitions are hatchless variant (Faster)

0x61116 = 08 D1 to C0 46 Press B to skip elevator/boss intro cutscenes.

0x345B4A 3C → ?? number of frames it takes for slow crumble blocks to break

7DE0E = 04 D1 to 11 D1 Makes hard mode always available

55FA8 = 11 48 to 64 E0 Disables varia suit animation

0x56010 = df to ff 0x600ee = 20 to 00 If Gravity Suit has not been acquired, it will not be activated after defeating ruin test

13C08 + (SpriteID - 22) * 4 to DC = left D4 = right To change a Chozo statue's direction

0x75EA78 - 29 02 02 08 to 81 72 04 08 0x75ED70 - 48 39 2D 08 to 74 D6 30 08 All save stations use Chozodia AI/Graphics (healing/ammo refill)

Editing the text in the opening before the title screen. Start at 0x845F468 (“Emergency Order”), 0x845F4D0 (“Exterminate all…”), or 0x845F60A (“And defeat the…”) Every six bytes will be the tile's character number. For example, if you wanted “Emergency Order” to say “Fnergency Order”, you would do this: 0x845F468 08 → 09 0x845F46E 0E → 0F

03 is a blank character 1E is a period Please note that there isn't a letter K for some reason.

zm/locations/tweaks.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/24 22:13 by felixwright