Table of Contents
EEFF Yellow or grey, doesn't really matter. *Torizo's can be used in Crateria or Norfair. In Crateria, they are hardcoded to be on screen 00,00. In Norfair, they are hardcoded to be on screen 01,01 and fall from the ceiling. The Norfair ones also have a few extra attack modes. To allow it to be placed correctly in SMILE, do the following: $1548E0 = 9D 7A 0F* $1548E6 = 9D 7E 0F* *Change each byte to EA
Hacking Information
Enemy Bank: $AA
Animation stuff by Grime :
Related Hex Tweaks
PC Address | Changes | Description |
0x15491C | D0 to 80 | Disable Golden Torizo code completely. Golden Torizo code: press and hold A+B+X+Y right before entering Golgen Torizo room in ball form. (JAM) |
0x15491F | BF 02 to ?? ?? | [Golden Torizo code] Amount of Energy to set. |
0x154928 | 2C 01 to ?? ?? | [Golden Torizo code] Amount of Reserve Energy to set. |
0x154931 | 64 00 to ?? ?? | [Golden Torizo code] Amount of Missiles to set. |
0x15493A | 14 00 to ?? ?? | [Golden Torizo code] Amount of Super Missiles to set. |
0x154943 | 14 00 to ?? ?? | [Golden Torizo code] Amount of Power Bombs to set. |
0x15494C | 37 F3 to ?? ?? | [Golden Torizo code] What items to get. Value is a sum of all item values. Add 0008 to include Screw Attack. |
0x154955 | 0F 10 to ?? ?? | [Golden Torizo code] What beams to get. Value is a sum of all item values. |
0x154957 | 8D A6 09 to EA EA EA | [Golden Torizo code] Prevents the game from freezing when shooting after entering the room. |
Related Pages
sm/enemy/ef7f.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/28 22:59 by