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Hacking Information
Enemy Bank: $A3
Related Hex Tweaks
PC Address | Changes | Description |
0x11C6E6 | 30 to ?? | Distance that Samus has to be within of Skrees before they dive down from the ceiling. 00 = Skrees never dive, 01 = Must be directly underneath Skrees before they dive, 60 = Skrees dive while Samus is further away, etc. |
0x11C754 | FF to ?? | Skree's horizontal travelling speed while Samus is to the LEFT of them. FE would be noticable; FB is probably as low as you'd want to go. |
0x11C746 | 01 to ?? | Skree's horizontal travelling speed while Samus is to the RIGHT of them. 02 would be noticable; 05 is probably as high as you'd want to go. |
0x11C795 0x11C79C 0x11C7A3 0x11C7AA | 22 27 80 86 [right] 22 27 80 86 [mid-right] 22 27 80 86 [left] 22 27 80 86 [mid-left] | JSLs for each of the 4 small projectiles that Skrees throw outward as they burrow into the ground. Replacing 22 27 80 86 with EA EA EA EA will remove that specific one, so you could have them only throw certain ones or none at all. |
0x11C80D 0x11C814 0x11C81B 0x11C822 | 22 27 80 86 [right] 22 27 80 86 [mid-right] 22 27 80 86 [left] 22 27 80 86 [mid-left] | JSLs for each of the 4 small projectiles that Skrees throw outward if they're shot and killed by Samus. Same as above; 22 27 80 86 to EA EA EA EA to disable some or all of them. |
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sm/enemy/db7f.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/28 22:59 by