Bank 5
This is the contents of Bank 5 in a ROM map form.
Bank :5 Contents :Screen Transition Data, Title/Ending Graphics Range :0x14000-0x17FFF 0x14000-0x142E4 - ?? 0x142E5-0x142E6 - Screen Transition Pointer 0 0x142E7-0x142E8 - Screen Transition Pointer 1 0x142E9-0x142EA - Screen Transition Pointer 2 etc. 0x146E3-0x146E4 - Screen Transition Pointer 511 (invalid??) 0x146E5-0x146E5 - Screen Transition Code 0 (Does nothing) 0x146E6-0x146EC - Screen Transition Code 1 0x146ED-0x146F3 - Screen Transition Code 2 etc. 0x155A2 - End of Screen Transition Codes (?) 0x155A3-0x15B33 - ?? 0x15B34-0x15F33 - Title Screen Tilemap (32x32) 0x15F34-0x16F33 - Title Screen Graphics 0x16F34-0x17F33 - Samus' ending Graphics 0x17F34-0x17FFF - Free Space
ros/data_locations/bank5.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/04 18:03 by