Bank 2
All Enemy data. TODO: actually decipher this mess.
Bank :2 Contents :Enemy-related code and data Range :0x08000-0x0BFFF 0x09109-0x0911B - Arachnus handler and action pointer list 0x0911C-0x0913E - [ASM] Check if Arachnus's item orb has been shot 0x0913F-0x09151 - [ASM] Initialize Arachnus fight once its item orb has been shot open 0x09152-0x09160 - [ASM] Handle Arachnus's opening jump 0x09161-0x0916D - [ASM] Handle Arachnus jumping, gets called each time a particular direction of the jumping arc is reached 0x0916E-0x091B8 - [ASM] Handle Arachnus jumping, called every frame during ball form 0x091B9-0x091CD - [ASM] Handle Arachnus bouncing after landing from the opening jump out of the item orb 0x091CE-0x091EB - [ASM] Handle Arachnus unmorphing 0x091EC-0x091FA - [ASM] Handle Arachnus unmorphed, right before picking its head up parallel to the ground 0x091FB-0x0926D - [ASM] Check if Arachnus is taking any damage 0x0926E-0x09299 - [ASM] Handle Arachnus jumping every time after the first landing 0x0929A-0x092A5 - [ASM] Handle Arachnus while standing up 0x092A6-0x092D1 - [ASM] Handle Arachnus preparing a projectile attack 0x092D2-0x092DE - Array of bytes related to Arachnus's projectile attack 0x092DF-0x092FA - [ASM] Handle Arachnus's on-screen projectile 0x092FC-0x0932D - Array of bytes called to when Arachnus's ball form is revealed from the item orb 0x0932E-0x09355 - Array of bytes called to when Arachnus rolls back into ball form every time after his opening jump 0x09356-0x0936E - Array of bytes called to when Arachnus first touches the ground after the opening jump
ros/data_locations/bank2.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/22 03:30 by