PAK Contents
This page is a list of each .pak file in Metroid Prime. Each item in the list links to its respective page, listing all the files in that particular .pak and brief descriptions of what they are.
- <color #999999> Metroid1.pak - Frigate Orpheon assets</color>
- <color #DD7600> Metroid2.pak - Chozo Ruins assets</color>
- <color #BBBBCC> Metroid3.pak - Phendrana Drifts assets</color>
- <color #99BB99> Metroid4.pak - Tallon Overworld assets</color>
- <color #6B77A2> metroid5.pak - Phazon Mines assets</color>
- <color #BB1111> Metroid6.pak - Magmoor Caverns assets</color>
- <color #5B33A2> Metroid7.pak - Impact Crater assets</color>
mp1/pak_contents.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/10 01:09 by