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metroid:asm:defines [2015/02/28 22:59] – external edit [2015/04/20 23:00] (current) – removed gf_kennon
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-The "defines" file declares names for constants and addresses of variables and data. It is included in other files via the .include directive, and also makes a handy RAM map. 
-<code 6502kickass> 
-; ------------------- 
-; METROID source code 
-; ------------------- 
-;     HAI YUKAMI 
-;     M.HOUDAI 
-; (C) 1986 NINTENDO 
-;Disassembled, reconstructed and commented 
-;by SnowBro [Kent Hansen] <> 
-;Continued by Dirty McDingus ( 
-;Can be reassembled using Ophis. 
-;A work in progress. 
-;Last updated: 3/9/2010 
-;Hosted on, with possible additions by wiki contributors. 
-;Metroid defines. 
-;-------------------------------------------[ Defines ]---------------------------------------------- 
-.alias CodePtr $0C ;Points to address to jump to when choosing--> 
-;      CodePtr+1 $0D ;a routine from a list of routine addresses. 
-;The bits of the change and status addresses represent the following joypad buttons: 
-;bit 7=A, bit 6=B, bit 5=SELECT, bit 4=START, bit 3=Up, bit 2=Down, bit 1=Left, bit 0=Right. 
-.alias Joy1Change    $12 ;These addresses store any button changes--> 
-.alias Joy2Change $13 ;that happened since last frame(pads 1 and 2). 
-.alias Joy1Status    $14 ;These two addresses store all buttons--> 
-.alias Joy2Status $15 ;currently being pressed on the two controllers. 
-.alias Joy1Retrig    $16 ;These two addresses store any buttons that need--> 
-.alias Joy2Retrig $17 ;to retrigger after being held down by player. 
-.alias RetrigDelay1    $18 ;These two addresses are counters that control--> 
-.alias RetrigDelay2 $19 ;The retriggering of held down buttons. 
-.alias NMIStatus $1A ;0=NMI in progress. anything else, NMI not in progress. 
-.alias PPUDataPending $1B ;1=not PPU data pending, 1=data pending. 
-.alias PalDataPending $1C ;Pending palette data. Palette # = PalDataPending - 1. 
-.alias GameMode $1D     ;0 = Game is playing, 1 = At title/password screen 
-.alias MainRoutine $1E ;5 = Game paused, 3 = Game engine running 
-.alias TitleRoutine $1F ;Stores title routine number currently running. 
-.alias NextRoutine $20 ;Stores next routine to jump to after WaitTimer expires. 
-.alias CurrentBank $23 ;0 thru 7. current memory page in lower memory block. 
-.alias SwitchPending $24 ;Switch memory page. Page # = SwitchPending - 1. 
-.alias MMCReg0Cntrl $25 ;Stores bits to be loaded into MMC1 Register 0. 
-.alias SwitchUpperBits $28 ;Used to store bits 3 and 4 for MMC1 register 3.  Bits--> 
- ;3 and 4 should always be 0 under normal conditions. 
-.alias TimerDelay $29 ;Count down from 9 to 0. Decremented every frame. 
-.alias Timer1 $2A ;Decremented every frame after set. 
-.alias Timer2 $2B ;Decremented every frame after set. 
-.alias Timer3 $2C ;Decremented every 10 frames after set. 
-.alias FrameCount $2D     ;Increments every frame(overflows every 256 frames). 
-.alias RandomNumber1 $2E ;Random numbers used-->  
-.alias RandomNumber2 $2F ;throughout the game. 
-.alias SpareMem30 $30 ;Written to, but never accessed. 
-.alias GamePaused $31 ;#$00=Game running, #$01=Game paused. 
-.alias RoomPtr $33 ;Low byte of room pointer address. 
-;      RoomPtr+1 $34 ;High byte of room pointer address. 
-.alias StructPtr $35 ;Low bute of structure pointer address. 
-;      StructPtr+1 $36 ;High byte of structure pointer address. 
-.alias CartRAMWorkPtr $37 ;Low byte of pointer to current position in room RAM. 
-;      CartRAMWorkPtr+1 $38 ;High byte of pointer to current position in room RAM. 
- ;The CartRAMWorkPtr points to the current memory address--> 
- ;in the room RAM that is being loaded. 
-.alias CartRAMPtr    $39 ;Low byte of pointer to room RAM (#$00). 
-;      CartRAMPtr+1 $3A ;High byte of pointer to room RAM (#$60 or #$64). 
- ;Room RAM is a screen buffer where the objects that make--> 
- ;up a room are loaded.  There are two room RAM memory--> 
- ;areas and they are the exact same size as the two name--> 
- ;tables and attribute tables in the PPU. Once the room--> 
- ;RAM conatins a completed room in it, the entire contents--> 
- ;of the room RAM is loaded into the PPU.  
-.alias RoomPtrTable $3B ;Low byte of start of room pointer table. 
-;      RoomPtrTable+1 $3C ;High byte of start of room pointer table. 
-.alias StructPtrTable $3D ;Low byte of start of structure pointer table. 
-;      StructPtrTable+1 $3E ;High byte of structure pointer table. 
-.alias MacroPtr $3F ;Low byte of pointer into macro definitions. 
-;      MacroPtr+1 $40 ;High byte of pointer into macro definitions. 
-.alias EnmyFrameTbl1Ptr $41 ;Low byte of pointer into address table to find enemy animations. 
-;      EnmyFrameTbl1Ptr+1 $42 ;High byte of pointer into address table to find enemy animations. 
-.alias EnmyFrameTbl2Ptr $43 ;Same as above except in a second table because there are--> 
-;      EnmyFrameTbl2Ptr+1 $44 ;too many entries to fit into one table. 
-.alias EnmyPlaceTblPtr $45 ;Low byte of pointer into enemy frame placement table. 
-;      EnmyPlaceTblPtr+1 $46 ;High byte of pointer into enemy frame placement table. 
-.alias EnemyAnimPtr $47 ;Low byte of start of EnemyAnimIndexTbl. 
-;      EnemyAnimPtr+1 $48 ;High byte of start of EnemyAnimIndexTbl. 
-.alias ScrollDir $49     ;0=Up, 1=Down, 2=Left, 3=Right. 
-.alias TempScrollDir $4A ;Stores ScrollDir when room is initially loaded. 
-.alias PageIndex $4B ;Index to object data. 
- ;#$D0, #$E0, #$F0 = projectile indices(including bombs). 
- ; 
-.alias ItemIndex $4C ;#$00 or #$08. Added to PowerUpType addresses to determine if--> 
- ;the first or second item slot is being checked.  
-.alias SamusDir $4D     ;0 = Right, 1 = Left. 
-.alias SamusDoorDir $4E     ;Direction Samus passed through door. 
-.alias MapPosY $4F ;Current y position on world map. 
-.alias MapPosX $50 ;Current x position on world map. 
-.alias SamusScrX $51 ;Samus x position on screen. 
-.alias SamusScrY $52 ;Samus y position on screen. 
-.alias WalkSoundDelay $53 
-.alias IsSamus $55 ;1=Samus object being accessed, 0=not Samus. 
-.alias DoorStatus $56 ;0=Not in door, 1=In right door, 2=In left door, 3=Scroll up--> 
- ;4=Scroll down, 5=Exit door, MSB set=Door entered. If value--> 
- ;is 3 or 4, a door was entered while in a verticle shaft and--> 
- ;the door was not centered on the screen and up or down--> 
- ;scrolling needs to occur before scrolling to the next room. 
-.alias DoorScrollStatus $57 ;#$01=Entered right hand door from horizontal area.--> 
- ;#$02=Entered left hand door from horizontal area.--> 
- ;#$03=Entered door from verticle shaft and room needs to--> 
- ;be centered before horizontal scrolling. #$04=Entered--> 
- ;door from verticle shaft and room was already centered. 
-.alias SamusDoorData $58 ;The upper 4 bits store either 1 or 2. If 1 is stored(bit 4--> 
- ;set), the scrolling after Samus exits the door is toggled.--> 
- ;If 2 is stored(bit 5 set), the scrolling is set to--> 
- ;horizontal scrolling after Samus exits the door. This--> 
- ;happens mostly in item rooms. The lower 4 bits store Samus'--> 
- ;action status as she enters the door. This is used to set--> 
- ;Samus' action after she exits and keeps her looking the same. 
-.alias DoorDelay $59 ;Number of frames to delay when Samus entering/exiting doors. 
-.alias RoomNumber $5A ;Room number currently being loaded. 
-.alias SpritePagePos $5B ;Index into sprite RAM used to load object sprite data. 
-.alias SamusInLava $64 ;#$01=Samus in lava, #$00=She is not. 
-.alias ObjectCounter $65 ;Counts such things as object explosion time. 
-.alias ObjectPal $67 ;Attrib. table info for room object(#$00 thru #$03). 
-.alias RoomPal $68 
-.alias TempX $69 
-.alias TempY $6A 
-.alias ObjectCntrl $6B ;Controls object properties such as mirroring and color--> 
- ;bits. Bit 4 controls object mirroring. 
-.alias DoorOnNameTable3 $6C ;The following two addresses are used to keep track of the--> 
-.alias DoorOnNameTable0 $6D ;doors loaded on the name tables. The information is used--> 
- ;in the GetRoomNum routine to prevent the loading of a--> 
- ;room behind a door when scrolling horizontally. This has--> 
- ;the effect of stopping scrolling until Samus walks through--> 
- ;the door. #$01=Left door on name table. #$02=right door--> 
- ;on name table. #$03 two doors on the same name table.--> 
- ;#$00 is possible in $6D if 2 doors are on name table 0--> 
- ;while vertically scrolling. 
-.alias HealthLoChange $6E ;Amount to add/subtract from HealthLo. 
-.alias HealthHiChange $6F ;Amount to add/subtract from HealthHi. 
-.alias SamusBlink $70 
-.alias UpdatingProjectile $71 ;#$01=Projectile update in process. #$00=not in process. 
-.alias DamagePushDirection $72 ;#$00=Push Samus left when hit, #$01=Push right, #$FF=No push.  
-.alias InArea $74 ;#$10(or #$00)=Brinstar, #$11=Norfair, #$12=Kraid hideout,--> 
- ;#$13=Tourian, #$14=Ridley hideout. 
-.alias SpareMem75 $75 ;Initialized to #$FF in AreaInit. Not used. 
-.alias PalToggle $76 
-.alias ItemRoomMusicStatus $79 ;#$00=Item room music not playing.  
- ;#$01=Play item room music. 
- ;#$80=Stop item room music once door scroll complete.  
- ;#$81=Item room music already playing. Don't restart. 
-.alias OnFrozenEnemy $7D ;#$01=Samus standing on frozen enemy, #$00=she is not. 
-;--------------------------------------[ End routine specific ]-------------------------------------- 
-.alias EndMsgWrite $7A ;0=don't write end message, 1=write end message. 
-.alias IsCredits $7B ;0=credits not rolling, 1=credits rolling. 
-.alias SpriteByteCounter $7C ;Used to indicate when Samus sprite load complete. 
-.alias SpritePointerIndex $7D ;Index to proper Samus sprite graphics at end game. 
-.alias SpriteAttribByte $7E ;#$00.  Attribute byte of some sprites. 
-.alias ColorCntIndex $7F ;Index for finding count number for ClrChangeCounter. 
-.alias CreditPageNumber $80 ;Stores current page of credits(#$00 thru #$06). 
-.alias HideShowEndMsg $81 ;0=show end message, 1=erase end message. 
-.alias ClrChangeCounter $82 ;When=#$00, change end Samus sprite colors. 
-.alias WaveSpritePointer $83 ;Address pointer to Samus hand waving sprites in end. 
-.alias WaveSpriteCounter $84 ;Stores length of wave sprite data (#$10). 
-.alias MetroidOnSamus $92 ;#$01=Metroid on Samus, #$00=Metroid not on Samus. 
-.alias MaxMissilePickup $93 ;Maximum missiles power-ups that can be picked up. Randomly--> 
- ;recalculated whenever Samus goes through a door. 
-.alias MaxEnergyPickup $94 ;Maximum energy power-ups that can be picked up. Randomly--> 
- ;recalculated whenever Samus goes through a door. 
-.alias CurrentMissilePickups $95 ;Number of missile power-ups currently collected by Samus--> 
- ;Reset to 0 when Samus goes through a door. 
-.alias CurrentEnergyPickups $96 ;Number of energy power-ups currently collected by Samus--> 
- ;Reset to 0 when Samus goes through a door. 
-.alias MotherBrainStatus $98 ;#$00=Mother brain not in room, #$01=Mother brain in room,--> 
- ;#$02=Mother brain hit, #$03=Mother brain dying--> 
- ;#$04=Mother brain dissapearing, #$05=Mother brain gone,--> 
- ;#$06=Time bomb set, #$07=Time bomb exploded,--> 
- ;#$08=Initialize mother brain,--> 
- ;#$09, #$0A=Mother brain already dead. 
-.alias MotherBrainHits $99 ;Number of times mother brain has been hit. Dies at #$20. 
-.alias SpareMemB7 $B7 ;Written to in title routine and accessed by unsed routine. 
-.alias SpareMemB8 $B8 ;Written to in title routine and accessed by unsed routine. 
-.alias SpareMemBB $BB ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias First4SlowCntr $BC ;This address holds an 8 frame delay. when the delay is up,--> 
- ;The crosshair sprites double their speed. 
-.alias Second4Delay $BD ;This address holds a 32 frame delay.  When the delay is--> 
- ;up, the second set of crosshair sprites start their movement. 
-.alias SecondCrosshairSprites $BF ;#$01=Second crosshair sprites active in intro. 
-.alias FlashScreen $C0 ;#$01=Flash screen during crosshairs routine. 
-.alias PalDataIndex $C1 
-.alias ScreenFlashPalIndex $C2 ;Index to palette data to flash screen during intro. 
-.alias IntroStarOffset $C3 ;Contains offset into IntroStarPntr table for twinkle effect. 
-.alias FadeDataIndex $C4 ;Index to palette data to fade items in and out during intro. 
-.alias SpareMemC5 $C5 ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias CrossDataIndex $C6 ;#$00 thru #$04. Index to find cross sprite data. 
-.alias DrawCross $C7 ;#$01=Draw cross on screen during crosshairs routine. 
-.alias SpriteLoadPending $C8 ;Set to #$00 after sprite RAM load complete. 
-.alias SpareMemC9 $C9 :Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemCB $CB ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemCC $CC ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemCD $CD ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemCE $CE ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemCF $CF ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemD0 $D0 ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemD1 $D1 ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemD2 $D2 ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemD3 $D3 ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias SpareMemD7 $D7 ;Written to in title routine, but never accessed. 
-.alias IntroMusicRestart $D8 ;After all title routines run twice, restarts intro music. 
-.alias ABStatus $F0 ;Stores A and B button status in AreaInit. Never used. 
-; $F7 
-.alias MirrorCntrl $FA ;If bit 3 is set, PPU set to horizontal mirroring--> 
- ;else if bit 3 is clear, PPU is set to vertical--> 
- ;mirroring. No other bits seem to matter. 
-.alias ScrollY $FC ;Y value loaded into scroll register.  
-.alias ScrollX $FD ;X value loaded into scroll register. 
-.alias PPUCNT1ZP $FE ;Data byte to be loaded into PPU control register 1. 
-.alias PPUCNT0ZP $FF ;Data byte to be loaded into PPU control register 0. 
-.alias HealthLo $0106   ;Lower health digit in upper 4 bits. 
-.alias HealthHi $0107   ;Upper health digit in lower 4 bits--> 
-                                        ;# of full tanks in upper 4 bits. 
-.alias MiniBossKillDelay $0108 ;Initiate power up music and delay after Kraid/Ridley killed. 
-.alias PowerUpDelay $0109 ;Initiate power up music and delay after item pickup. 
-.alias EndTimerLo $010A ;Lower byte of end game escape timer. 
-.alias EndTimerHi $010B ;Upper byte of end game escape timer. 
-.alias MissileToggle $010E   ;0=fire bullets, 1=fire missiles. 
-;-----------------------------------------[ Sprite RAM ]--------------------------------------------- 
-.alias Sprite00RAM    $0200 ;$0200 thru $02FF 
-.alias Sprite01RAM $0204 ; 
-.alias Sprite02RAM $0208 ; 
-.alias Sprite03RAM $020C ; 
-.alias Sprite04RAM $0210 ; 
-.alias Sprite05RAM $0214 ; 
-.alias Sprite06RAM $0218 ; 
-.alias Sprite07RAM $021C ; 
-.alias Sprite08RAM $0220 ; 
-.alias Sprite09RAM $0224 ; 
-.alias Sprite0ARAM $0228 ; 
-.alias Sprite0BRAM $022C ; 
-.alias Sprite0CRAM $0230 ; 
-.alias Sprite0DRAM $0234 ; 
-.alias Sprite0ERAM $0238 ; 
-.alias Sprite0FRAM $023C ; 
-.alias Sprite10RAM    $0240 ; 
-.alias Sprite11RAM $0244 ; 
-.alias Sprite12RAM $0248 ; 
-.alias Sprite13RAM $024C ; 
-.alias Sprite14RAM $0250 ; 
-.alias Sprite15RAM $0254 ; 
-.alias Sprite16RAM $0258 ; 
-.alias Sprite17RAM $025C ; 
-.alias Sprite18RAM $0260 ; 
-.alias Sprite19RAM $0264 ; 
-.alias Sprite1ARAM $0268 ;These 256 bytes of memory are loaded into sprite 
-.alias Sprite1BRAM $026C ;RAM using the DMA sprite register $4014. 
-.alias Sprite1CRAM $0270 ; 
-.alias Sprite1DRAM $0274 ; 
-.alias Sprite1ERAM $0278 ; 
-.alias Sprite1FRAM $027C ; 
-.alias Sprite20RAM    $0280 ; 
-.alias Sprite21RAM $0284 ; 
-.alias Sprite22RAM $0288 ; 
-.alias Sprite23RAM $028C ; 
-.alias Sprite24RAM $0290 ; 
-.alias Sprite25RAM $0294 ; 
-.alias Sprite26RAM $0298 ; 
-.alias Sprite27RAM $029C ; 
-.alias Sprite28RAM $02A0 ; 
-.alias Sprite29RAM $02A4 ; 
-.alias Sprite2ARAM $02A8 ; 
-.alias Sprite2BRAM $02AC ; 
-.alias Sprite2CRAM $02B0 ; 
-.alias Sprite2DRAM $02B4 ; 
-.alias Sprite2ERAM $02B8 ; 
-.alias Sprite2FRAM $02BC ; 
-.alias Sprite30RAM    $02C0 ; 
-.alias Sprite31RAM $02C4 ; 
-.alias Sprite32RAM $02C8 ; 
-.alias Sprite33RAM $02CC ; 
-.alias Sprite34RAM $02D0 ; 
-.alias Sprite35RAM $02D4 ; 
-.alias Sprite36RAM $02D8 ; 
-.alias Sprite37RAM $02DC ; 
-.alias Sprite38RAM $02E0 ; 
-.alias Sprite39RAM $02E4 ; 
-.alias Sprite3ARAM $02E8 ; 
-.alias Sprite3BRAM $02EC ; 
-.alias Sprite3CRAM $02F0 ; 
-.alias Sprite3DRAM $02F4 ; 
-.alias Sprite3ERAM $02F8 ; 
-.alias Sprite3FRAM $02FC ; 
-;-----------------------------------------[ Object RAM ]--------------------------------------------- 
-;Samus RAM. 
-.alias ObjAction $0300 ;Status of object. 0=object slot not in use. 
-.alias ObjRadY $0301 ;Distance in pixels from object center to top or bottom. 
-.alias ObjRadX $0302 ;Distance in pixels from object center to left or right side. 
-.alias AnimFrame $0303 ;*2 = Index into FramePtrTable for current animation. 
-.alias AnimDelay $0304 ;Number of frames to delay between animation frames. 
-.alias AnimResetIndex $0305 ;Restart index-1 when AnimIndex finished with last frame.  
-.alias AnimIndex $0306 ;Current index into ObjectAnimIndexTbl. 
-.alias SamusOnElevator $0307   ;0=Samus not on elevator, 1=Samus on elevator. 
-.alias ObjVertSpeed $0308 ;MSB set=moving up(#$FA max), MSB clear=moving down(#$05 max). 
-.alias ObjHorzSpeed $0309 ;MSB set=moving lft(#$FE max), MSB clear=moving rt(#$01 max). 
-.alias SamusHit $030A ;Samus hit by enemy. 
-.alias ObjectOnScreen $030B ;1=Object on screen, 0=Object beyond screen boundaries. 
-.alias ObjectHi $030C ;0=Object on nametable 0, 1=Object on nametable 3. 
-.alias ObjectY $030D ;Object y position in room(not actual screen position). 
-.alias ObjectX $030E ;Object x position in room(not actual screen position). 
-.alias SamusJumpDsplcmnt $030F ;Number of pixels vertically displaced from jump point. 
-.alias VertCntrNonLinear $0310 ;Verticle movement counter. Exponential change in speed. 
-.alias HorzCntrNonLinear $0311 ;Horizontal movement counter. Exponential change in speed. 
-.alias VertCntrLinear $0312 ;Verticle movement counter. Linear change in speed. 
-.alias HorzCntrLinear $0313 ;Horizontal movement counter. Linear change in speed. 
-.alias SamusGravity $0314 ;Value used in calculating vertical acceleration on Samus. 
-.alias SamusHorzAccel $0315 ;Value used in calculating horizontal acceleration on Samus. 
-.alias SamusHorzSpeedMax $0316 ;Used to calc maximum horizontal speed Samus can reach. 
-;Elevator RAM. 
-.alias ElevatorStatus $0320 ;#$01=Elevator present, #$00=Elevator not present. 
-;Power-up item RAM. 
-.alias PowerUpAnimFrame $0343 ;*2 = Index into FramePtrTable for current animation. 
-.alias PowerUpHi $034C ;Name table power up item is located on. 
-.alias PowerUpY $034D ;Room Y coord of power up item. 
-.alias PowerUpX $034E ;Room x coord of power up item. 
-;-------------------------------------[ Title routine specific ]------------------------------------- 
-.alias PasswordCursor $0320 ;Password write position (#$00 - #$17). 
-.alias InputRow $0321 ;Password character select row (#$00 - #$04). 
-.alias InputColumn $0322 ;Password character select column (#$00 - #$0C). 
-.alias PasswordStat00 $0324 ;Does not appear to have a function. 
-.alias StartContinue $0325 ;0=START selected, 1=CONTINUE selected. 
-;------------------------------------------[ Enemy RAM ]--------------------------------------------- 
-.alias EnYRoomPos $0400 ;Enemy y position in room.(not actual screen position). 
-.alias EnXRoomPos $0401 ;Enemy x position in room.(not actual screen position). 
-; $0402 
-; $0403 
-; $0404 
-; $0405 
-.alias EnCounter $0406 ;Counts such things as explosion time. 
-; $0407 
-; $0408 
-.alias EnDelay $0409 ;Delay counter between enemy actions. 
-; $040A 
-.alias EnHitPoints $040B ;Current hit points of enemy. 
-; $040C 
-; $040D 
-; $040E 
-.alias EnSpecialAttribs $040F ;Bit 7 set=tough version of enemy, bit 6 set=mini boss. 
-;Tile respawning 
-.alias TileRoutine $0500 
-.alias TileAnimFrame $0503 
-.alias TileAnimDelay $0504 
-.alias TileAnimIndex $0506 
-.alias TileDelay $0507 
-.alias TileWRAMLo $0508 
-.alias TileWRAMHi $0509 
-.alias TileType $050A 
-;---------------------------------[ Sound engine memory addresses ]---------------------------------- 
-.alias Cntrl0Data $EA ;Temp storage for data of first address sound channel 
-.alias VolumeCntrlAddress $EB ;Desired address number in VolumeCntrlAdressTbl 
-.alias MusicSQ1PeriodLow $0600 ;Loaded into SQ1Cntrl2 when playing music 
-.alias MusicSQ1PeriodHigh $0601 ;Loaded into SQ1Cntrl3 when playing music 
-.alias SFXPaused $0602 ;0=Game not paused, 1=Game paused 
-.alias PauseSFXStatus $0603 ;Plays PauseMusic SFX if less than #$12 
-.alias MusicSQ2PeriodLow $0604 ;Loaded into SQ2Cntrl2 when playing music 
-.alias MusicSQ2PeriodHigh $0605 ;Loaded into SQ2Cntrl3 when playing music 
-.alias WriteMultiChannelData $0607 ;1=data needs to be written, 0=no data to write 
-.alias MusicTriPeriodLow $0608 ;Loaded into TriangleCntrl2 when playing music 
-.alias MisicTriPeriodHigh $0609 ;Loaded into TriangleCntrl3 when playing music  
-.alias TrianglePeriodLow $0610 ;Stores triangle SFX period low for processing 
-.alias TrianglePeriodHigh $0611 ;Stroes triangle SFX period high for processing 
-.alias TriangleChangeLow $0612 ;Stores triangle SFX change in period low 
-.alias TriangleChangeHigh $0613 ;Stores triangle SFX change in period high 
-.alias TriangleLowPercentage $0614 ;Stores percent to change period low by each frame 
-.alias TriangleHighPercentage $0615 ;Stores percent to change period high by each frame  
-.alias PercentDifference $0616 ;if=5, percent=1/5(20%), if=0A, percent=1/10(10%), etc 
-.alias DivideData $0617 ;Used in DivideTrianglePeriods 
-.alias HasBeamSFX $061F ;Bit 7 set=has long beam, bit 0 set=has ice beam 
-;The following addresses are loaded into $0640 thru $0643 when those  
-;addresses decrement to zero.  These addresses do not decrement. 
-.alias SQ1FrameCountInit $0620 ;Holds number of frames to play sq1 channel data 
-.alias SQ2FrameCountInit $0621 ;Holds number of frames to play sq2 channel data 
-.alias TriangleFrameCountInit $0622 ;Holds number of frames to play triangle channel data 
-.alias NoiseFrameCountInit $0623 ;Holds number of frames to play noise channel data 
-.alias SQ1RepeatCounter $0624 ;Number of times to repeat SQ1 music loop 
-.alias SQ2RepeatCounter $0625 ;Number of times to repeat SQ2 music loop 
-.alias TriangleRepeatCounter $0626 ;Number of times to repeat Triangle music loop 
-.alias NoiseRepeatCounter $0627 ;Number of times to repeat Noise music loop 
-.alias SQ1DutyEnvelope $0628 ;Loaded into SQ1Cntrl0 when playing music 
-.alias SQ2DutyEnvelope $0629 ;Loaded into SQ2Cntrl0 when playing music 
-.alias TriLinearCount $062A ;disable\enable counter, linear count length 
-.alias NoteLengthTblOffset $062B ;Stores the offset to find proper note length table 
-.alias MusicRepeat $062C ;0=Music does not repeat, Nonzero=music repeats 
-.alias TriangleCounterCntrl $062D ;$F0=disable length cntr, $00=long note, $0F=short note 
-.alias SQ1VolumeCntrl $062E ;Entry number in VolumeCntrlAdressTbl for SQ1 
-.alias SQ2VolumeCntrl $062F ;Entry number in VolumeCntrlAdressTbl for SQ2 
-.alias SQ1LowBaseByte $0630 ;low byte of base address for SQ1 music data 
-.alias SQ1HighBaseByte $0631 ;High byte of base address for SQ1 music data 
-.alias SQ2LowBaseByte $0632 ;low byte of base address for SQ2 music data 
-.alias SQ2HighBaseByte $0633 ;High byte of base address for SQ2 music data 
-.alias TriangleLowBaseByte $0634 ;low byte of base address for Triangle music data 
-.alias TriangleHighBaseByte $0635 ;High byte of base address for Triangle music data 
-.alias NoiseLowBaseByte $0636 ;low byte of base address for Noise music data 
-.alias NoiseHighBaseByte $0637 ;High byte of base address for Noise music data 
-.alias SQ1MusicIndexIndex $0638 ;Index to find sQ1 sound data index. Base=$630,$631 
-.alias SQ2MusicIndexIndex $0639 ;Index to find SQ2 sound data index. Base=$632,$633 
-.alias TriangleMusicIndexIndex $063A ;Index to find Tri sound data index. Base=$634,$635 
-.alias NoiseMusicIndexIndex $063B ;Index to find Noise sound data index. Base=$636,$637 
-.alias SQ1LoopIndex $063C ;SQ1 Loop start index 
-.alias SQ2LoopIndex $063D ;SQ2 loop start index 
-.alias TriangleLoopIndex $063E ;Triangle loop start index 
-.alias NoiseLoopIndex $063F ;Noise loop start index 
-.alias SQ1MusicFrameCount $0640 ;Decrements every sq1 frame. When 0, load new data 
-.alias SQ2MusicFrameCount $0641 ;Decrements every sq2 frame. when 0, load new data 
-.alias TriangleMusicFrameCount $0642 ;Decrements every triangle frame. When 0, load new data 
-.alias NoiseMusicFrameCount $0643 ;Decrements every noise frame. When 0, load new data 
-.alias MusicSQ1Sweep $0648 ;Value is loaded into SQ1Cntrl1 when playing music 
-.alias MusicSQ2Sweep $0649 ;Value is loaded into SQ2Cntrl1 when playing music 
-.alias TriangleSweep $064A ;Loaded into TriangleCntrl1(not used) 
-.alias ThisSoundChannel $064B ;Least sig. byte of current channel(00,04,08 or 0C) 
-.alias CurrentSFXFlags $064D ;Stores flags of SFX currently being processed. 
-.alias NoiseInUse $0652 ;Noise in use? (Not used) 
-.alias SQ1InUse $0653 ;1=SQ1 channel being used by SFX, 0=not in use 
-.alias SQ2InUse $0654 ;2=SQ2 channel being used by SFX, 0=not in use 
-.alias TriangleInUse $0655 ;3=Triangle channel being used by SFX, 0=not in use 
-.alias ChannelType $065C ;Stores channel type being processed(0,1,2,3 or 4) 
-.alias CurrentMusicRepeat $065D ;Stores flags of music to repeat 
-.alias MusicInitIndex $065E ;index for loading $62B thru $637(base=$BD31). 
-.alias NoiseSFXLength $0660 ;Stores number of frames to play Noise SFX 
-.alias SQ1SFXLength $0661 ;Stores number of frames to play SQ1 SFX 
-.alias SQ2SFXLngth $0662 ;Stores number of frames to play SQ2 SFX 
-.alias TriangleSFXLength $0663 ;Stores number of frames to play Triangle SFX 
-.alias MultiSFXLength $0664 ;Stores number of frames to play Multi SFX 
-.alias ThisNoiseFrame $0665 ;Stores current frame number for noise SFX 
-.alias ThisSQ1Frame $0666 ;Stores current frame number for sq1 SFX 
-.alias ThisSQ2Frame $0667 ;Stores current frame number for SQ2 SFX 
-.alias ThisTriangleFrame $0668 ;Stores current frame number for triangle SFX 
-.alias ThisMultiFrame $0669 ;Stores current frame number for Multi SFX 
-.alias SQ1VolumeIndex $066A ;Stores index to SQ1 volume data in a volume data tbl 
-.alias SQ2VolumeIndex $066B ;Stores index to SQ2 volume data in a volume data tbl 
-.alias SQ1VolumeData $066C ;stores duty cycle and this frame volume data of SQ1 
-.alias SQ2VolumeData $066D ;Stores duty cycle and this frame volume data of SQ2 
-.alias NoiseSFXData $0670 ;Stores additional info for Noise SFX 
-.alias SQ1SFXData $0671 ;Stores additional info for SQ1 SFX 
-.alias SQ2SFXData $0672 ;Stores additional info for SQ2 SFX 
-.alias TriangleSFXData $0673 ;Stores additional info for triangle SFX 
-.alias MultiSFXData $0674 ;Stores additional info for Multi SFX 
-.alias SQ1SQ2SFXData $0675 ;Stores additional info for SQ1 and SQ2 SFX 
-.alias ScrewAttackSFXData $0678 ;Contains extra data for screw attack SFX 
-.alias SQ1SFXPeriodLow $0679 ;Period low data for processing multi SFX routines 
-.alias NoiseSFXFlag $0680 ;Initialization flags for noise SFX 
-.alias SQ1SFXFlag $0681 ;Initialization flags for SQ1 SFX 
-.alias SQ2SFXFlag $0682 ;Initialization flags for SQ2 SFX(never used) 
-.alias TriangleSFXFlag $0683 ;Initialization flags for triangle SFX 
-.alias MultiSFXFlag $0684 ;Initialization Flags for SFX and some music 
-.alias MusicInitFlag $0685 ;Music init flags 
-.alias NoiseContSFX $0688 ;Continuation flags for noise SFX 
-.alias SQ1ContSFX $0689 ;Continuation flags for SQ1 SFX 
-.alias SQ2ContSFX $068A ;Continuation flags for SQ2 SFX (never used) 
-.alias TriangleContSFX $068B ;Continuation flags for Triangle SFX 
-.alias MultiContSFX $068C ;Continuation flags for Multi SFX 
-.alias CurrentMusic $068D ;Stores the flag of the current music being played  
-.alias PowerUpType $0748 ;Holds the byte describing what power-up is on name table. 
-.alias PowerUpYCoord $0749 ;Y coordinate of the power-up. 
-.alias PowerUpXCoord $074A ;X coordiante of the power-up 
-.alias PowerUpNameTable $074B ;#$00 if on name table 0, #$01 if on name table 3. 
-.alias PowerUpAnimIndex $074F ;Entry into FramePtrTable for item animation. 
-.alias PowerUpBType $0750 ;Holds the description byte of a second power-up(if any). 
-.alias PowerUpBYCoord $0751 ;Y coordinate of second power-up. 
-.alias PowerUpBXCoord $0752 ;X coordiante of second power-up. 
-.alias PowerUpBNameTable $0753 ;#$00 if on name table 0, #$01 if on name table 3. 
-.alias PowerUpBAnimIndex $0757 ;Entry into FramePtrTable for item animation. 
-.alias TileSize $0780 ;4 MSBs=Y size of tile to erase.4 LSBs=X size of tile to erase. 
-.alias TileInfo0 $0781 ; 
-.alias TileInfo1 $0782 ; 
-.alias TileInfo2 $0783 ;Tile patterns to replace blasted tiles. 
-.alias TileInfo3 $0784 ; 
-.alias TileInfo4 $0785 ; 
-.alias TileInfo5 $0786 ; 
-.alias PPUStrIndex $07A0 ;# of bytes of data in PPUDataString. #$4F bytes max. 
-;$07A1 thru $07F0 contain a byte string of data to be written the the PPU. The first 
-;byte in the string is the upper address byte of the starting point in the PPU to write 
-;the data.  The second bye is the lower address byte. The third byte is a configuration 
-;byte. if the MSB of this byte is set, the PPU is incremented by 32 after each byte write 
-;(vertical write).  It the MSB is cleared, the PPU is incremented by 1 after each write 
-;(horizontal write). If bit 6 is set, the next data byte is repeated multiple times during 
-;successive PPU writes.  The number of times the next byte is repeated is based on bits 
-;0-5 of the configuration byte.  Those bytes are a repitition counter. Any following bytes 
-;are the actual data bytes to be written to the PPU. #$00 separates the data chunks. 
-.alias PPUDataString $07A1 ;Thru $07F0. String of data bytes to be written to PPU. 
-;-------------------------------------[ Hardware defines ]------------------------------------------- 
-.alias PPUControl0 $2000 ; 
-.alias PPUControl1 $2001 ; 
-.alias PPUStatus $2002 ; 
-.alias SPRAddress $2003 ;PPU hardware control registers. 
-.alias SPRIOReg $2004 ; 
-.alias PPUScroll $2005 ; 
-.alias PPUAddress $2006 ; 
-.alias PPUIOReg $2007 ; 
-.alias SQ1Cntrl0 $4000 ; 
-.alias SQ1Cntrl1 $4001 ;SQ1 hardware control registers. 
-.alias SQ1Cntrl2 $4002 ; 
-.alias SQ1Cntrl3 $4003 ; 
-.alias SQ2Cntrl0 $4004 ; 
-.alias SQ2Cntrl1 $4005 ;SQ2 hardware control registers. 
-.alias SQ2Cntrl2 $4006 ; 
-.alias SQ2Cntrl3 $4007 ; 
-.alias TriangleCntrl0 $4008 ; 
-.alias TriangleCntrl1 $4009 ;Triangle hardware control registers. 
-.alias TriangleCntrl2 $400A ; 
-.alias TriangleCntrl3 $400B ; 
-.alias NoiseCntrl0 $400C ; 
-.alias NoiseCntrl1 $400D ;Noise hardware control registers. 
-.alias NoiseCntrl2 $400E ; 
-.alias NoiseCntrl3 $400F ; 
-.alias DMCCntrl0 $4010 ; 
-.alias DMCCntrl1 $4011 ;DMC hardware control registers. 
-.alias DMCCntrl2 $4012 ; 
-.alias DMCCntrl3 $4013 ; 
-.alias SPRDMAReg $4014 ;Sprite RAM DMA register. 
-.alias APUCommonCntrl0 $4015 ;APU common control 1 register. 
-.alias CPUJoyPad1    $4016 ;Joypad1 register. 
-.alias APUCommonCntrl1 $4017 ;Joypad2/APU common control 2 register. 
-.alias RoomRAMA $6000 ;Thru $63FF. Used to load room before it is put into the PPU. 
-.alias RoomRAMB $6400 ;Thru $67FF. Used to load room before it is put into the PPU. 
-.alias EndingType $6872 ;1=worst ending, 5=best ending 
-.alias SamusDataIndex $6875 ;Index for Samus saved game stats(not used). #$00, #$10, #$20. 
-.alias SamusStat00 $6876 ;Unused memory address for storing Samus info. 
-.alias TankCount $6877   ;Number of energy tanks. 
-.alias SamusGear $6878 ;Stores power-up items Samus has. 
-.alias MissileCount $6879 ;Stores current number of missiles. 
-.alias MaxMissiles $687A ;Maximum amount of missiles Samus can carry 
-.alias KraidStatueStatus $687B ;bit 0 set, the statues blink, --> 
-.alias RidleyStatueStatus $687C ;bit 7 set, statues are up. 
-.alias SamusAge $687D ;Low byte of Samus' age. 
-;      SamusAge+1 $687E ;Mid byte of Samus' age. 
-;      SamusAge+2 $687F ;High byte of Samus' age. 
-.alias SamusStat01 $6880 ;Unused memory address for storing Samus info. 
-.alias SamusStat02 $6881 ;SamusStat02 and 03 keep track of how many times Samus has--> 
-.alias SamusStat03 $6882 ;died, but this info is never accessed anywhere in the game. 
-.alias AtEnding $6883 ;1=End scenes playing, 0=Not at ending. 
-.alias EraseGame $6884 ;MSB set=erase selected saved game(not used in password carts). 
-.alias DataSlot $6885 ;#$00 thru #$02. Stored Samus data to load. Apparently a save--> 
- ;game system was going to be used instead of a password routine.--> 
- ;The code that uses this memory address is never accessed in--> 
- ;the actual game. It looks like three player slots were going--> 
- ;to be used to store game data(like Zelda).   
-.alias NumberOfUniqueItems $6886 ;Counts number of power-ups and red doors--> 
- ;opened.  Does not count different beams--> 
- ;picked up (ice, long, wave). increments by 2. 
-.alias UniqueItemHistory $6887 ;Thru $68FC. History of Unique items collected.--> 
-.alias EndItemHistory $68FC ;Two bytes per item. 
-.alias KraidRidleyPresent $6987 ;#$01=Kraid/Ridley present, #$00=Kraid/Ridley not present. 
-.alias PasswordByte00 $6988 ;Stores status of items 0 thru 7. 
-.alias PasswordByte01 $6989 ;Stores status of items 8 thru 15. 
-.alias PasswordByte02 $698A ;Stores status of items 16 thru 23. 
-.alias PasswordByte03 $698B ;Stores status of items 24 thru 31. 
-.alias PasswordByte04 $698C ;Stores status of items 32 thru 39. 
-.alias PasswordByte05 $698D ;Stores status of items 40 thru 47. 
-.alias PasswordByte06 $698E ;Stores status of items 48 thru 55. 
-.alias PasswordByte07 $698F ;Stores status of items 56 thru 58(bits 0 thru 2). 
-.alias PasswordByte08 $6990 ;start location(bits 0 thru 5), Samus suit status (bit 7). 
-.alias PasswordByte09 $6991 ;Stores SamusGear. 
-.alias PasswordByte0A $6992 ;Stores MissileCount. 
-.alias PasswordByte0B $6993 ;Stores SamusAge. 
-.alias PasswordByte0C $6994 ;Stores SamusAge+1. 
-.alias PasswordByte0D $6995 ;Stores SamusAge+2. 
-.alias PasswordByte0E $6996 ;Stores no data. 
-.alias PasswordByte0F $6997 ;Stores Statue statuses(bits 4 thu 7). 
-.alias PasswordByte10 $6998 ;Stores value RandomNumber1. 
-.alias PasswordByte11 $6999 ;Stores sum of $6988 thru $6998(Checksum). 
-;Upper two bits of PasswordChar bytes will always be 00. 
-.alias PasswordChar00 $699A ; 
-.alias PasswordChar01 $699B ; 
-.alias PasswordChar02 $699C ; 
-.alias PasswordChar03 $699D ; 
-.alias PasswordChar04 $699E ; 
-.alias PasswordChar05 $699F ; 
-.alias PasswordChar06 $69A0 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar07 $69A1 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar08 $69A2 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar09 $69A3 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar0A $69A4 ;These 18 memory addresses store the 18 characters--> 
-.alias PasswordChar0B $69A5 ;of the password to be displayed on the screen. 
-.alias PasswordChar0C $69A6 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar0D $69A7 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar0E $69A8 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar0F $69A9 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar10 $69AA ; 
-.alias PasswordChar11 $69AB ; 
-.alias PasswordChar12 $69AC ; 
-.alias PasswordChar13 $69AD ; 
-.alias PasswordChar14 $69AE ; 
-.alias PasswordChar15 $69AF ; 
-.alias PasswordChar16 $69B0 ; 
-.alias PasswordChar17 $69B1 ; 
-.alias NARPASSWORD $69B2 ;0 = invinsible Samus not active, 1 = invinsible Samus active. 
-.alias JustInBailey $69B3   ;0 = Samus has suit, 1 = Samus is without suit. 
-.alias ItmeHistory $69B4 ;Thru $6A73. Unique item history saved game data (not used). 
-;---------------------------------------[ More enemy RAM ]------------------------------------------- 
-.alias Enstatus $6AF4 ;Keeps track of enemy statuses. #$00=Enemy slot not in use,--> 
- ;#$04=Enemy frozen. 
-.alias EnRadY $6AF5 ;Distance in pixels from middle of enemy to top or botom. 
-.alias EnRadX $6AF6 ;Distance in pixels from middle of enemy to left or right. 
-.alias EnAnimFrame $6AF7 ;Index into enemy animation frame data. 
-.alias EnAnimDelay $6AF8 ;Number of frames to delay between animation frames. 
-.alias EnResetAnimIndex $6AF9 ;Index to beginning of animation sequence. 
-.alias EnAnimIndex $6AFA ;Index to current animation. 
-.alias EnNameTable $6AFB ;#$00=Enemy on name table 0, #$01=Enemy on name table 3. 
-; $6AFC 
-; $6AFD 
-; $6AFE 
-; $6AFF 
-; $6B00 
-; $6B01 
-.alias EnDataIndex $6B02 ;Contains index into enemy data tables. 
-; $6B03 
-;-------------------------------------[ Intro sprite defines ]--------------------------------------- 
-.alias IntroStarSprite00 $6E00 ;thru $6E9F 
-.alias IntroStarSprite01 $6E04 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite02 $6E08 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite03 $6E0C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite04 $6E10 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite05 $6E14 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite06 $6E18 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite07 $6E1C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite08 $6E20 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite09 $6E24 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite0A $6E28 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite0B $6E2C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite0C $6E30 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite0D $6E34 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite0E $6E38 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite0F $6E3C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite10 $6E40 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite11 $6E44 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite12 $6E48 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite13 $6E4C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite14 $6E50 ;RAM used for storing intro star sprite data. 
-.alias IntroStarSprite15 $6E54 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite16 $6E58 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite17 $6E5C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite18 $6E60 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite19 $6E64 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite1A $6E68 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite1B $6E6C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite1C $6E70 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite1D $6E74 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite1E $6E78 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite1F $6E7C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite20 $6E80 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite21 $6E84 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite22 $6E88 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite23 $6E8C ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite24 $6E90 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite25 $6E94 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite26 $6E98 ; 
-.alias IntroStarSprite27 $6E9C ; 
-;Intro sprite 0 and sparkle sprite. 
-.alias IntroSpr0YCoord $6EA0 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr0PattTbl $6EA1 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr0Cntrl $6EA2 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr0XCoord $6EA3 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr0Index $6EA4 ;Index to next sparkle sprite data byte. 
-.alias IntroSpr0NextCntr $6EA5 ;Decrements each frame. When 0, load new sparkle sprite data. 
-.alias SparkleSpr0YChange $6EA6 ;Sparkle sprite y coordinate change. 
-.alias IntroSpr0XChange $6EA6 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias SparkleSpr0XChange $6EA7 ;Sparkle sprite x coordinate change. 
-.alias IntroSpr0YChange $6EA7 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr0ChngCntr $6EA8 ;decrements each frame from #$20. At 0, change sparkle sprite. 
-.alias IntroSpr0ByteType $6EA9 ;#$00 or #$01. When #$01, next sparkle data byte uses all 8--> 
- ;bits for x coord change. if #$00, next data byte contains--> 
- ;4 bits for x coord change and 4 bits for y coord change. 
-.alias IntroSpr0Complete $6EAA ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr0SpareB $6EAB ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr0XRun $6EAC ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr0YRise $6EAD ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr0XDir $6EAE ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr0YDir $6EAF ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-;Intro sprite 1 and sparkle sprite. 
-.alias IntroSpr1YCoord $6EB0 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr1PattTbl $6EB1 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr1Cntrl $6EB2 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr1XCoord $6EB3 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr1Index $6EB4 ;Index to next sparkle sprite data byte. 
-.alias IntroSpr1NextCntr $6EB5 ;Decrements each frame. When 0, load new sparkle sprite data. 
-.alias SparkleSpr1YChange $6EB6 ;Sparkle sprite y coordinate change. 
-.alias IntroSpr1XChange $6EB6 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias SparkleSpr1XChange $6EB7 ;Sparkle sprite x coordinate change. 
-.alias IntroSpr1YChange $6EB7 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr1ChngCntr $6EB8 ;decrements each frame from #$20. At 0, change sparkle sprite. 
-.alias IntroSpr1ByteType $6EB9 ;#$00 or #$01. When #$01, next sparkle data byte uses all 8--> 
- ;bits for x coord change. if #$00, next data byte contains--> 
- ;4 bits for x coord change and 4 bits for y coord change. 
-.alias IntroSpr1Complete $6EBA ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr1SpareB $6EBB ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr1XRun $6EBC ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr1YRise $6EBD ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr1XDir $6EBE ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr1YDir $6EBF ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-;Intro sprite 2. 
-.alias IntroSpr2YCoord $6EC0 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr2PattTbl $6EC1 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr2Cntrl $6EC2 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr2XCoord $6EC3 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr2Spare5 $6EC4 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr2Spare6 $6EC5 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr2XChange $6EC6 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr2YChange $6EC7 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr2Spare8 $6EC8 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr2Spare9 $6EC9 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr2Complete $6ECA ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr2SpareB $6ECB ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr2XRun $6ECC ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr2YRise $6ECD ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr2XDir $6ECE ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr2YDir $6ECF ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-;Intro sprite 3. 
-.alias IntroSpr3YCoord $6ED0 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr3PattTbl $6ED1 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr3Cntrl $6ED2 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr3XCoord $6ED3 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr3Spare5 $6ED4 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr3Spare6 $6ED5 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr3XChange $6ED6 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr3YChange $6ED7 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr3Spare8 $6ED8 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr3Spare9 $6ED9 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr3Complete $6EDA ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr3SpareB $6EDB ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr3XRun $6EDC ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr3YRise $6EDD ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr3XDir $6EDE ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr3YDir $6EDF ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-;Intro sprite 4. 
-.alias IntroSpr4YCoord $6EE0 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr4PattTbl $6EE1 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr4Cntrl $6EE2 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr4XCoord $6EE3 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr4Spare5 $6EE4 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr4Spare6 $6EE5 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr4XChange $6EE6 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr4YChange $6EE7 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr4Spare8 $6EE8 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr4Spare9 $6EE9 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr4Complete $6EEA ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr4SpareB $6EEB ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr4XRun $6EEC ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr4YRise $6EED ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr4XDir $6EEE ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr4YDir $6EEF ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-;Intro sprite 5. 
-.alias IntroSpr5YCoord $6EF0 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr5PattTbl $6EF1 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr5Cntrl $6EF2 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr5XCoord $6EF3 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr5Spare5 $6EF4 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr5Spare6 $6EF5 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr5XChange $6EF6 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr5YChange $6EF7 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr5Spare8 $6EF8 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr5Spare9 $6EF9 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr5Complete $6EFA ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr5SpareB $6EFB ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr5XRun $6EFC ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr5YRise $6EFD ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr5XDir $6EFE ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr5YDir $6EFF ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-;Intro sprite 6. 
-.alias IntroSpr6YCoord $6F00 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr6PattTbl $6F01 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr6Cntrl $6F02 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr6XCoord $6F03 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr6Spare5 $6F04 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr6Spare6 $6F05 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr6XChange $6F06 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr6YChange $6F07 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr6Spare8 $6F08 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr6Spare9 $6F09 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr6Complete $6F0A ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr6SpareB $6F0B ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr6XRun $6F0C ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr6YRise $6F0D ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr6XDir $6F0E ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr6YDir $6F0F ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-;Intro sprite 7. 
-.alias IntroSpr7YCoord $6F10 ;Loaded into byte 0 of sprite RAM(Y position). 
-.alias IntroSpr7PattTbl $6F11 ;Loaded into byte 1 of sprite RAM(Pattern table index). 
-.alias IntroSpr7Cntrl $6F12 ;Loaded into byte 2 of sprite RAM(Control byte). 
-.alias IntroSpr7XCoord $6F13 ;Loaded into byte 3 of sprite RAM(X position). 
-.alias IntroSpr7Spare5 $6F14 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr7Spare6 $6F15 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr7XChange $6F16 ;Intro sprite x total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr7YChange $6F17 ;Intro sprite y total movement distance. 
-.alias IntroSpr7Spare8 $6F18 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr7Spare9 $6F19 ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr7Complete $6F1A ;#$01=sprite has completed its task, #$00 if not complete. 
-.alias IntroSpr7SpareB $6F1B ;Not used. 
-.alias IntroSpr7XRun $6F1C ;x displacement of sprite movement(run). 
-.alias IntroSpr7YRise $6F1D ;y displacement of sprite movement(rise). 
-.alias IntroSpr7XDir $6F1E ;MSB set=decrease sprite x pos, else increase sprite  x pos. 
-.alias IntroSpr7YDir $6F1F ;MSB set=decrease sprite y pos, else increase sprite  y pos. 
-.alias WorldMapRAM $7000 ;Thru $73FF. The map is 1Kb in size (1024 bytes). 
-.alias SamusData $77FE ;Thru $782D. Samus saved game data (not used). 
-.alias MMC1Reg0 $8000 ;Writing to any of these addresses or any-->  
-.alias MMC1Reg1 $A000 ;address in between will write configuration--> 
-.alias MMC1Reg2 $C000 ;bits to the MMC chip. 
-.alias MMC1Reg3 $E000 ; 
-;------------------------------------------[ Misc. defines ]----------------------------------------- 
-.alias modeTitle 1 
-;Bitmask defs used for SamusGear. 
-.alias gr_BOMBS %00000001 
-.alias gr_HIGHJUMP %00000010 
-.alias gr_LONGBEAM %00000100 
-.alias gr_SCREWATTACK %00001000 
-.alias gr_MARUMARI %00010000 
-.alias gr_VARIA %00100000 
-.alias gr_WAVEBEAM %01000000 
-.alias gr_ICEBEAM %10000000 
-;Samus action handlers. 
-.alias sa_Stand 0 
-.alias sa_Run 1 ;Also run and jump. 
-.alias sa_Jump 2 
-.alias sa_Roll 3 
-.alias sa_PntUp 4 
-.alias sa_Door 5 
-.alias sa_PntJump 6 
-.alias sa_Dead 7 
-.alias sa_Dead2 8 
-.alias sa_Elevator 9 
-.alias sa_FadeIn0 20 
-.alias sa_FadeIn1 21 
-.alias sa_FadeIn2 22 
-.alias sa_FadeIn3 23 
-.alias sa_FadeIn4 24 
-.alias sa_Begin 255 
-.alias an_SamusRun $00 
-.alias an_SamusFront $04 
-.alias an_SamusStand $07 
-.alias an_SamusJump $0C 
-.alias an_SamusSalto $0E 
-.alias an_SamusRunJump $13 
-.alias an_SamusRoll $16 
-.alias an_Bullet $1B 
-.alias an_SamusFireJump $20 
-.alias an_SamusFireRun $22 
-.alias an_SamusPntUp $27 
-.alias an_Explode $32 
-.alias an_SamusJumpPntUp $35 
-.alias an_SamusRunPntUp $37 
-.alias an_WaveBeam $7D 
-.alias an_BombTick $7F 
-.alias an_BombExplode $82 
-.alias an_MissileLeft $8B 
-.alias an_MissileRight $8D 
-.alias an_MissileExplode $91 
-;Weapon action handlers. 
-.alias wa_RegularBeam 1 
-.alias wa_WaveBeam 2 
-.alias wa_IceBeam 3 
-.alias wa_BulletExplode 4 
-.alias wa_LayBomb 8 
-.alias wa_BombCount 9 
-.alias wa_BombExplode 10 
-.alias wa_Missile 11 
metroid/asm/defines.1425164372.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/20 23:00 (external edit)