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The Brinstar bank includes code and data for Brinstar.

; -------------------
; METROID source code
; -------------------
;     M.HOUDAI
; (C) 1986 NINTENDO
;Commented by Dirty McDingus (
;Disassembled using TRaCER.
;Can be reassembled using Ophis.
;Last updated: 3/9/2010

;Hosted on, with possible additions by wiki contributors.

;Brinstar (memory page 1)

.org $8000

.include "MetroidDefines.txt"

;--------------------------------------[ Forward declarations ]--------------------------------------

.alias startup                  $C01A
.alias NMI                      $C0D9
.alias ChooseRoutine            $C27C
.alias Adiv32                   $C2BE
.alias Amul16                   $C2C5
.alias TwosCompliment           $C3D4
.alias Base10Subtract           $C3FB
.alias SubtractHealth           $CE92
.alias SetProjectileAnim        $D2FA
.alias UpdateEnemyAnim          $E094
.alias VerticalRoomCentered     $E21B

;-----------------------------------------[ Start of code ]------------------------------------------

L8000:  JMP $F410
L8003:  JMP $F438
L8006:  JMP $F416
L8009:  JMP $F852
L800C:  JMP UpdateEnemyAnim             ;($E094)
L800F:  JMP $F68D
L8012:  JMP $F83E
L8015:  JMP $F85A
L8018:  JMP $FBB9
L801B:  JMP $FB88
L8021:  JMP $F870
L8024:  JMP ChooseRoutine               ;($C27C)
L8027:  JMP $FD8F
L802A:  JMP $EB6E
L802D:  JMP $8244
L8030:  JMP $8318
L8033:  JMP $FA1E
L8036:  JMP $833F
L8039:  JMP $8395
L803C:  JMP $DD8B
L8042:  JMP SubtractHealth              ;($CE92)
L8045:  JMP Base10Subtract              ;($C3FB)

L8048:  .word $84FD, $84A6, $844A, $844A, $84A6, $84FD, $83F4, $83F4

L8058:  LDX PageIndex
L805A:  LDA $0405,X
L805D:  ASL 
L805E:  BMI ++++++++
L8060:  LDA EnStatus,X
L8063:  CMP #$02
L8065:  BNE ++++++++
L8067:  JSR $8244
L806A:  LDA $00
L806C:  BPL ++
L806E:  JSR TwosCompliment              ;($C3D4)
L8071:  STA $66
L8073:* JSR $83F5
L8076:  JSR $80B8
L8079:  DEC $66
L807B:  BNE -
L807D:* BEQ ++
L807F:  STA $66
L8081:* JSR $844B
L8084:  JSR $80FB
L8087:  DEC $66
L8089:  BNE -
L808B:* JSR $8318
L808E:  LDA $00
L8090:  BPL ++
L8092:  JSR TwosCompliment              ;($C3D4)
L8095:  STA $66
L8097:* JSR $84A7
L809A:  JSR $816E
L809D:  DEC $66
L809F:  BNE -
L80A1:* BEQ ++
L80A3:  STA $66
L80A5:* JSR $84FE
L80A8:  JSR $8134
L80AB:  DEC $66
L80AD:  BNE -
L80B0:  LDY EnDataIndex,X
L80B3:  LDA $977B,Y
L80B6:  ASL                             ;*2 
L80B7:  RTS

L80B8:  LDX PageIndex
L80BA:  BCS $80FA
L80BC:  LDA $0405,X
L80BF:  BPL $80C7
L80C1:  JSR $81FC
L80C4:  JMP $80F6
L80C7:  JSR $80B0
L80CA:  BPL $80EA
L80CC:  LDA $6B03,X
L80CF:  BEQ $80C1
L80D1:  BPL $80D8
L80D3:  JSR $81B1
L80D6:  BEQ $80E2
L80D8:  SEC 
L80D9:  ROR $0402,X
L80DC:  ROR EnCounter,X
L80DF:  JMP $80F6
L80E2:  STA $0402,X
L80E5:  STA EnCounter,X
L80E8:  BEQ $80F6
L80EA:  LDA $977B,Y
L80ED:  LSR 
L80EE:  LSR 
L80EF:  BCC $80F6
L80F1:  LDA #$04
L80F3:  JSR $856B
L80F6:  LDA #$01
L80F8:  STA $66
L80FB:  LDX PageIndex
L80FD:  BCS $8133
L80FF:  LDA $0405,X
L8102:  BPL $810A
L8104:  JSR $81FC
L8107:  JMP $812F
L810A:  JSR $80B0
L810D:  BPL $8123
L810F:  LDA $6B03,X
L8112:  BEQ $8104
L8114:  BPL $8120
L8116:  CLC 
L8117:  ROR $0402,X
L811A:  ROR EnCounter,X
L811D:  JMP $812F
L8120:  JSR $81B1
L8123:  LDA $977B,Y
L8126:  LSR 
L8127:  LSR 
L8128:  BCC $812F
L812A:  LDA #$04
L812C:  JSR $856B
L812F:  LDA #$01
L8131:  STA $66
L8133:  RTS
L8134:  LDX PageIndex
L8136:  BCS $816D
L8138:  JSR $80B0
L813B:  BPL $815E
L813D:  LDA $0405,X
L8140:  BMI $8148
L8142:  JSR $81C7
L8145:  JMP $8169
L8148:  LDA $6B03,X
L814B:  BEQ $8142
L814D:  BPL $8159
L814F:  CLC 
L8150:  ROR $0403,X
L8153:  ROR $0407,X
L8156:  JMP $8169
L8159:  JSR $81C0
L815C:  BEQ $8169
L815E:  LDA $977B,Y
L8161:  LSR 
L8162:  BCC $8169
L8164:  LDA #$01
L8166:  JSR $856B
L8169:  LDA #$01
L816B:  STA $66
L816D:  RTS

L816E:  LDX PageIndex
L8170:  BCS $81B0
L8172:  JSR $80B0
L8175:  BPL $81A0
L8177:  LDA $0405,X
L817A:  BMI $8182
L817C:  JSR $81C7
L817F:  JMP $81AC
L8182:  LDA $6B03,X
L8185:  BEQ $817C
L8187:  BPL $818E
L8189:  JSR $81C0
L818C:  BEQ $8198
L818E:  SEC 
L818F:  ROR $0403,X
L8192:  ROR $0407,X
L8195:  JMP $81AC
L8198:  STA $0403,X
L819B:  STA $0407,X
L819E:  BEQ $81AC
L81A0:  JSR $80B0
L81A3:  LSR 
L81A4:  LSR 
L81A5:  BCC $81AC
L81A7:  LDA #$01
L81A9:  JSR $856B
L81AC:  LDA #$01
L81AE:  STA $66
L81B0:  RTS
L81B1:  JSR $81B8
L81B4:  STA $6AFE,X
L81B7:  RTS

L81B8:  LDA #$20
L81BA:  JSR $F744
L81BD:  LDA #$00

L81C0:  JSR $81B8
L81C3:  STA $6AFF,X
L81C6:  RTS

L81C7:  JSR $81F6
L81CA:  BNE $81F5
L81CC:  LDA #$01
L81CE:  JSR $856B
L81D1:  LDA $6AFF,X
L81D4:  JSR $C3D4
L81D7:  STA $6AFF,X

L81DA:  JSR $81F6
L81DD:  BNE $81F5
L81DF:  JSR $80B0
L81E2:  SEC 
L81E3:  BPL $81ED
L81E5:  LDA #$00
L81E7:  SBC $0407,X
L81EA:  STA $0407,X
L81ED:  LDA #$00
L81EF:  SBC $0403,X
L81F2:  STA $0403,X
L81F5:  RTS

L81F6:  JSR $F74B
L81F9:  AND #$20

L81FC:  JSR $81F6
L81FF:  BNE $81F5
L8201:  LDA #$04
L8203:  JSR $856B
L8206:  LDA $6AFE,X
L8209:  JSR $C3D4
L820C:  STA $6AFE,X

L820F:  JSR $81F6
L8212:  BNE $822A
L8214:  JSR $80B0
L8217:  SEC 
L8218:  BPL $8222
L821A:  LDA #$00
L821C:  SBC EnCounter,X
L821F:  STA EnCounter,X
L8222:  LDA #$00
L8224:  SBC $0402,X
L8227:  STA $0402,X
L822A:  RTS 

L822B:  LDA $0405,X
L822E:  BPL $8232
L8230:  LSR 
L8231:  LSR 
L8232:  LSR 
L8233:  LDA $0408,X
L8236:  ROL 
L8237:  ASL 
L8238:  TAY 
L8239:  LDA $96DB,Y
L823C:  STA $81
L823E:  LDA $96DC,Y
L8241:  STA $82
L8243:  RTS

L8244:  JSR $80B0
L8247:  BPL $824C
L8249:  JMP $833F
L824C:  LDA $0405,X
L824F:  AND #$20
L8251:  EOR #$20
L8253:  BEQ $82A2
L8255:  JSR $822B
L8258:  LDY EnCounter,X
L825B:  LDA ($81),Y
L825D:  CMP #$F0
L825F:  BCC $827F
L8261:  CMP #$FA
L8263:  BEQ $827C
L8265:  CMP #$FB
L8267:  BEQ $82B0
L8269:  CMP #$FC
L826B:  BEQ $82B3
L826D:  CMP #$FD
L826F:  BEQ $82A5
L8271:  CMP #$FE
L8273:  BEQ $82DE
L8275:  LDA #$00
L8277:  STA EnCounter,X
L827A:  BEQ $8258
L827C:  JMP $8312
L827F:  SEC 
L8280:  SBC EnDelay,X
L8283:  BNE $8290
L8285:  STA EnDelay,X
L8288:  INY 
L8289:  INY 
L828A:  TYA 
L828B:  STA EnCounter,X
L828E:  BNE $825B
L8290:  INC EnDelay,X
L8293:  INY 
L8294:  LDA ($81),Y
L8296:  ASL 
L8297:  PHP 
L8298:  JSR Adiv32                      ;($C2BE)Divide by 32.
L829B:  PLP 
L829C:  BCC $82A2
L829E:  EOR #$FF
L82A0:  ADC #$00
L82A2:  STA $00
L82A4:  RTS

L82A5:  INC EnCounter,X
L82A8:  INY 
L82A9:  LDA #$00
L82AB:  STA $6B01,X
L82AE:  BEQ $825B
L82B0:  PLA 
L82B1:  PLA 
L82B2:  RTS

L82B3:  LDA $6B03,X
L82B6:  BPL $82BE
L82B8:  JSR $E770
L82BB:  JMP $82C3
L82BE:  BEQ $82D2
L82C0:  JSR $E77B
L82C3:  LDX PageIndex
L82C5:  BCS $82D2
L82C7:  LDY EnCounter,X
L82CA:  INY 
L82CB:  LDA #$00
L82CD:  STA $6B03,X
L82D0:  BEQ $82D7
L82D2:  LDY EnCounter,X
L82D5:  DEY 
L82D6:  DEY 
L82D7:  TYA 
L82D8:  STA EnCounter,X
L82DB:  JMP $825B
L82DE:  DEY 
L82DF:  DEY 
L82E0:  TYA 
L82E1:  STA EnCounter,X
L82E4:  LDA $6B03,X
L82E7:  BPL $82EF
L82E9:  JSR $E770
L82EC:  JMP $82F4
L82EF:  BEQ $82FB
L82F1:  JSR $E77B
L82F4:  LDX PageIndex
L82F6:  BCC $82FB
L82F8:  JMP $8258
L82FB:  LDY EnDataIndex,X
L82FE:  LDA $968B,Y
L8301:  AND #$20
L8303:  BEQ $8312
L8305:  LDA $0405,X
L8308:  EOR #$05
L830A:  ORA $968B,Y
L830D:  AND #$1F
L830F:  STA $0405,X
L8312:  JSR $81B1
L8315:  JMP $82A2
L8318:  JSR $80B0
L831B:  BPL $8320
L831D:  JMP $8395
L8320:  LDA $0405,X
L8323:  AND #$20
L8325:  EOR #$20
L8327:  BEQ $833C
L8329:  LDY EnCounter,X
L832C:  INY 
L832D:  LDA ($81),Y
L832F:  TAX 
L8330:  AND #$08
L8332:  PHP 
L8333:  TXA 
L8334:  AND #$07
L8336:  PLP 
L8337:  BEQ $833C
L8339:  JSR $C3D4
L833C:  STA $00
L833E:  RTS

L833F:  LDY #$0E
L8341:  LDA $6AFE,X
L8344:  BMI $835E
L8346:  CLC 
L8347:  ADC EnCounter,X
L834A:  STA EnCounter,X
L834D:  LDA $0402,X
L8350:  ADC #$00
L8352:  STA $0402,X
L8355:  BPL $8376
L8357:  JSR $C3D4
L835A:  LDY #$F2
L835C:  BNE $8376
L835E:  JSR $C3D4
L8361:  SEC 
L8362:  STA $00
L8364:  LDA EnCounter,X
L8367:  SBC $00
L8369:  STA EnCounter,X
L836C:  LDA $0402,X
L836F:  SBC #$00
L8371:  STA $0402,X
L8374:  BMI $8357
L8376:  CMP #$0E
L8378:  BCC $8383
L837A:  LDA #$00
L837C:  STA EnCounter,X
L837F:  TYA 
L8380:  STA $0402,X
L8383:  LDA $6AFC,X
L8386:  CLC 
L8387:  ADC EnCounter,X
L838A:  STA $6AFC,X
L838D:  LDA #$00
L838F:  ADC $0402,X
L8392:  STA $00
L8394:  RTS

L8395:  LDA #$00
L8397:  STA $00
L8399:  STA $02
L839B:  LDA #$0E
L839D:  STA $01
L839F:  STA $03
L83A1:  LDA $0407,X
L83A4:  CLC 
L83A5:  ADC $6AFF,X
L83A8:  STA $0407,X
L83AB:  STA $04
L83AD:  LDA #$00
L83B2:  BPL $83B6
L83B4:  LDA #$FF
L83B6:  ADC $0403,X
L83B9:  STA $0403,X
L83BC:  TAY 
L83BD:  BPL $83D0
L83BF:  LDA #$00
L83C1:  SEC 
L83C2:  SBC $0407,X
L83C5:  STA $04
L83C7:  LDA #$00
L83C9:  SBC $0403,X
L83CC:  TAY 
L83CD:  JSR $E449
L83D0:  LDA $04
L83D2:  CMP $02
L83D4:  TYA 
L83D5:  SBC $03
L83D7:  BCC $83E3
L83D9:  LDA $00
L83DB:  STA $0407,X
L83DE:  LDA $01
L83E0:  STA $0403,X
L83E3:  LDA $6AFD,X
L83E6:  CLC 
L83E7:  ADC $0407,X
L83ED:  LDA #$00
L83EF:  ADC $0403,X
L83F2:  STA $00
L83F4:  RTS

L83F5:  LDX PageIndex
L83F7:  LDA EnYRoomPos,X
L83FA:  SEC 
L83FB:  SBC EnRadY,X
L83FE:  AND #$07
L8400:  SEC 
L8401:  BNE $8406
L8403:  JSR $E770
L8406:  LDY #$00
L8408:  STY $00
L840A:  LDX PageIndex
L840C:  BCC $844A
L840E:  INC $00
L8410:  LDY EnYRoomPos,X
L8413:  BNE $8429
L8415:  LDY #$F0
L8417:  LDA $49
L8419:  CMP #$02
L841B:  BCS $8429
L841D:  LDA $FC
L841F:  BEQ $844A
L8421:  JSR $8563
L8424:  BEQ $844A
L8426:  JSR $855A
L8429:  DEY 
L842A:  TYA 
L842B:  STA EnYRoomPos,X
L842E:  CMP EnRadY,X
L8431:  BNE $8441
L8433:  LDA $FC
L8435:  BEQ $843C
L8437:  JSR $8563
L843A:  BNE $8441
L843C:  INC EnYRoomPos,X
L843F:  CLC 
L8440:  RTS

L8441:  LDA $0405,X
L8444:  BMI $8449
L8446:  INC $6B01,X
L8449:  SEC 
L844A:  RTS

L844B:  LDX PageIndex
L844D:  LDA EnYRoomPos,X
L8450:  CLC 
L8451:  ADC EnRadY,X
L8454:  AND #$07
L8456:  SEC 
L8457:  BNE $845C
L8459:  JSR $E77B
L845C:  LDY #$00
L845E:  STY $00
L8460:  LDX PageIndex
L8462:  BCC $84A6
L8464:  INC $00
L8466:  LDY EnYRoomPos,X
L8469:  CPY #$EF
L846B:  BNE $8481
L846D:  LDY #$FF
L846F:  LDA $49
L8471:  CMP #$02
L8473:  BCS $8481
L8475:  LDA $FC
L8477:  BEQ $84A6
L8479:  JSR $8563
L847C:  BNE $84A6
L847E:  JSR $855A
L8481:  INY 
L8482:  TYA 
L8483:  STA EnYRoomPos,X
L8486:  CLC 
L8487:  ADC EnRadY,X
L848A:  CMP #$EF
L848C:  BNE $849D
L848E:  LDA $FC
L8490:  BEQ $8497
L8492:  JSR $8563
L8495:  BEQ $849D
L8497:  DEC EnYRoomPos,X
L849A:  CLC 
L849B:  BCC $84A6
L849D:  LDA $0405,X
L84A0:  BMI $84A5
L84A2:  DEC $6B01,X
L84A5:  SEC 
L84A6:  RTS

L84A7:  LDX PageIndex
L84A9:  LDA EnXRoomPos,X
L84AC:  SEC 
L84AD:  SBC EnRadX,X
L84B0:  AND #$07
L84B2:  SEC 
L84B3:  BNE $84B8
L84B5:  JSR $E8F1
L84B8:  LDY #$00
L84BA:  STY $00
L84BC:  LDX PageIndex
L84BE:  BCC $84FD
L84C0:  INC $00
L84C2:  LDY EnXRoomPos,X
L84C5:  BNE $84DA
L84C7:  LDA $49
L84C9:  CMP #$02
L84CB:  BCC $84DA
L84CF:  BEQ $84D4
L84D1:  JSR $8563
L84D4:  CLC 
L84D5:  BEQ $84FD
L84D7:  JSR $855A
L84DA:  DEC EnXRoomPos,X
L84DD:  LDA EnXRoomPos,X
L84E0:  CMP EnRadX,X
L84E3:  BNE $84F4
L84E5:  LDA $FD
L84E7:  BEQ $84EE
L84E9:  JSR $8563
L84EC:  BNE $84F4
L84EE:  INC EnXRoomPos,X
L84F1:  CLC 
L84F2:  BCC $84FD
L84F4:  LDA $0405,X
L84F7:  BPL $84FC
L84F9:  INC $6B01,X
L84FC:  SEC 

L84FE:  LDX PageIndex
L8500:  LDA EnXRoomPos,X
L8503:  CLC 
L8504:  ADC EnRadX,X
L8507:  AND #$07
L8509:  SEC 
L850A:  BNE $850F
L850C:  JSR $E8FC
L850F:  LDY #$00
L8511:  STY $00
L8513:  LDX PageIndex
L8515:  BCC $8559
L8517:  INC $00
L8519:  INC EnXRoomPos,X
L851C:  BNE $8536
L851E:  LDA $49
L8520:  CMP #$02
L8522:  BCC $8536
L8524:  LDA $FD
L8526:  BEQ $852D
L8528:  JSR $8563
L852B:  BEQ $8533
L852D:  DEC EnXRoomPos,X
L8530:  CLC 
L8531:  BCC $8559
L8533:  JSR $855A
L8536:  LDA EnXRoomPos,X
L8539:  CLC 
L853A:  ADC EnRadX,X
L853D:  CMP #$FF
L853F:  BNE $8550
L8541:  LDA $FD
L8543:  BEQ $854A
L8545:  JSR $8563
L8548:  BEQ $8550
L854A:  DEC EnXRoomPos,X
L854D:  CLC 
L854E:  BCC $8559
L8550:  LDA $0405,X
L8553:  BPL $8558
L8555:  DEC $6B01,X
L8558:  SEC 
L8559:  RTS

L855A:  LDA EnNameTable,X
L855D:  EOR #$01
L855F:  STA EnNameTable,X
L8562:  RTS

L8563:  LDA EnNameTable,X
L8566:  EOR $FF
L8568:  AND #$01
L856A:  RTS

L856B:  EOR $0405,X
L856E:  STA $0405,X
L8571:  RTS 

;---------------------------------[ Object animation data tables ]----------------------------------

;The following tables are indices into the FramePtrTable that correspond to various animations. The
;FramePtrTable represents individual frames and the entries in ObjectAnimIndexTbl are the groups of
;frames responsible for animaton Samus, her weapons and other objects.


;Samus run animation.
L8572:  .byte $03, $04, $05, $FF

;Samus front animation.
L8576:  .byte $07, $FF

;Samus jump out of ball animation.
L8578:  .byte $17

;Samus Stand animation.
L8579:  .byte $08, $FF

;Samus stand and fire animation.
L857B:  .byte $22, $FF

;Samus stand and jump animation.
L857D:  .byte $04

;Samus Jump animation.
L857E:  .byte $10, $FF

;Samus summersault animation.
L8580:  .byte $17, $18, $19, $1A, $FF

;Samus run and jump animation.
L8585:  .byte $03, $17, $FF

;Samus roll animation.
L8588:  .byte $1E, $1D, $1C, $1B, $FF

;Bullet animation.
L858D:  .byte $28, $FF

;Bullet hit animation.
L858F:  .byte $2A, $F7, $FF

;Samus jump and fire animation.
L8592:  .byte $12, $FF

;Samus run and fire animation.
L8594:  .byte $0C, $0D, $0E, $FF

;Samus point up and shoot animation.
L8598:  .byte $30 

;Samus point up animation.
L8599:  .byte $2B, $FF

;Door open animation.
L859B:  .byte $31, $31, $33, $F7, $FF

;Door close animation.
L85A0:  .byte $33, $33, $31, $FF

;Samus explode animation.
L85A4: .byte $35, $FF

;Samus jump and point up animation.
L85A6: .byte $39, $38, $FF

;Samus run and point up animation.
L85A9:  .byte $40, $41, $42, $FF

;Samus run, point up and shoot animation 1.
L85AD:  .byte $46, $FF

;Samus run, point up and shoot animation 2.
L85AF:  .byte $47, $FF

;Samus run, point up and shoot animation 3.
L85B1:  .byte $48, $FF

;Samus on elevator animation 1.
L85B3:  .byte $07, $F7, $F7, $07, $F7, $F7, $F7, $07, $F7, $F7, $F7, $F7, $07, $F7, $FF

;Samus on elevator animation 2.
L85C2:  .byte $23, $F7, $F7, $23, $F7, $F7, $F7, $23, $F7, $F7, $F7, $F7, $23, $F7, $FF

;Samus on elevator animation 3.
L85D1:  .byte $07, $F7, $F7, $F7, $F7, $07, $F7, $F7, $F7, $07, $F7, $F7, $07, $F7, $FF

;Samus on elevator animation 4.
L85E0:  .byte $23, $F7, $F7, $F7, $F7, $23, $F7, $F7, $F7, $23, $F7, $F7, $23, $F7, $FF

;Wave beam animation.
L85EF:  .byte $4B, $FF

;Bomb tick animation.
L85F1:  .byte $4E, $4F, $FF

;Bomb explode animation.
L85F4:  .byte $3C, $4A, $49, $4A, $4D, $4A, $4D, $F7, $FF

;Missile left animation.
L85FD:  .byte $26, $FF

;Missile right animation.
L85FF:  .byte $25, $FF

;Missile up animation.
L8601:  .byte $27, $FF

;Missile explode animation.
L8603:  .byte $67, $67, $67, $68, $68, $69, $F7, $FF

;----------------------------[ Sprite drawing pointer tables ]--------------------------------------

;The above animation pointers provide an index into the following table
;for the animation sequences.

L860B:  .word $87CB, $87CB, $87CB, $87CB, $87DD, $87F0, $8802, $8802
L861B:  .word $8818, $882C, $882C, $882C, $882C, $883E, $8851, $8863
L862B:  .word $8863, $8874, $8874, $8885, $8885, $8885, $8885, $8885
L863B:  .word $888F, $8899, $88A3, $88AD, $88B8, $88C3, $88CE, $88D9
L864B:  .word $88D9, $88D9, $88D9, $88EE, $88F8, $88F8, $88FE, $8904
L865B:  .word $890A, $890F, $890F, $8914, $8928, $8928, $8928, $8928
L866B:  .word $8928, $893C, $8948, $8948, $8954, $8954, $8961, $8961
L867B:  .word $8961, $8974, $8987, $8987, $8987, $8995, $8995, $8995
L868B:  .word $8995, $89A9, $89BE, $89D2, $89D2, $89D2, $89D2, $89E6
L869B:  .word $89FB, $8A0F, $8A1D, $8A21, $8A26, $8A26, $8A3C, $8A41
L86AB:  .word $8A46, $8A4E, $8A56, $8A5E, $8A66, $8A6E, $8A76, $8A7E
L86BB:  .word $8A86, $8A8E, $8A9C, $8AA1, $8AA6, $8AAE, $8ABA, $8AC4
L86CB:  .word $8AC4, $8AC4, $8AC4, $8AC4, $8AC4, $8AC4, $8AD8, $8AE9
L86DB:  .word $8AF3, $8B03

;The following table provides pointers to data used for the placement of the sprites that make up
;Samus and other non-enemy objects.

L86DF:  .word $8701, $871F, $872B, $8737, $8747, $8751, $86FD, $875D
L86EF:  .word $8775, $878D, $8791, $8799, $87A5, $8749, $87B1

;------------------------------[ Sprite placement data tables ]-------------------------------------

;Sprite placement data. The placement data is grouped into two byte segments. The first byte is the
;y placement byte and the second is the x placement byte.  If the MSB is set in the byte, the byte
;is in twos compliment format so when it is added to the object position, the end result is to
;decrease the x or y position of the sprite.  The Samus explode table is a special case with special
;data bytes. The format of those data bytes is listed just above the Samus explode data. Each data
;table has a graphical representation above it to show how the sprites are laid out with respect to
;the object position, which is represented by a * in the table. The numbers in the lower right corner
;of the boxes indicates which segment of the data table represents which box in the graphic. Each box
;is filled with an 8x8 sprite.

;Samus pointing up frames. Added to the main Samus animation table below.
;          +--------+ <----0
;          +--------+ <----1
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          +--------+
;          +--------+
;               *
;              +--0--+   +--1--+
L86FD:  .byte $E8, $FC, $EA, $FC

;Several Samus frames.
;      +-------+ <---------------D
;      +-------+ <---------------E
;      |       |
;      |   +---+----+--------+
;      |   |   |    |        |
;      +-------+    |        |
;      +-------+    |        |
;          |       0|       1|
; +----+-+-+----+-+-+--------+
; |    | | |    | | |        |
; |    | | |    | | |        |
; |    | | |    | | |        |
; |    | |2|   B|C|3|       4|
; +----+-+-+----+-+-*--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |       5|       6|       7|
;          +--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |       8|       9|       A|
;          +--------+--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+   +--6--+   +--7--+
L8701:  .byte $F0, $F8, $F0, $00, $F8, $F0, $F8, $F8, $F8, $00, $00, $F8, $00, $00, $00, $08
;              +--8--+   +--9--+   +--A--+   +--B--+   +--C--+   +--D--+   +--E--+
L8711:  .byte $08, $F8, $08, $00, $08, $08, $F8, $F4, $F8, $F6, $EC, $F4, $EE, $F4

;Samus summersault and roll frames.
;          +--------+--------+
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |       0|       1|
;          +--------+--------+
;          |        |        |
;          +--------+--------+
;          |        *        |
;          |       2|       3|
;          +--------+--------+
;          |       4|       5|
;          +--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+
L871F:  .byte $F3, $F8, $F3, $00, $FB, $F8, $FB, $00, $03, $F8, $03, $00 

;Samus summersault frame.
;          +--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |       0|       1|       2|
;          +--------+-*------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |       3|       4|       5|
;          +--------+--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+
L872B:  .byte $F8, $F6, $F8, $FE, $F8, $06, $00, $F6, $00, $FE, $00, $06

;Elevator frame.
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
;          |        |        *        |        |        |        |        |        |
;          |       0|       1|       2|       3|       4|       5|       6|       7|
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+   +--6--+   +--7--+
L8737:  .byte $FC, $F0, $FC, $F8, $FC, $00, $FC, $08, $FC, $10, $FC, $18, $FC, $20, $FC, $28

;Several projectile frames.
;          +--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |    *   |
;          |       0|
;          +--------+
;              +--0--+
L8747:  .byte $FC, $FC

;Power-up items and bomb explode frames.
;          +--------+--------+
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |       0|       1|
;          +--------*--------+
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |       2|       3|
;          +--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+
L8749:  .byte $F8, $F8, $F8, $00, $00, $F8, $00, $00

;Door frames.
;          +--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       0|
;          +--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       1|
;          +--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       2|
;          *--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       3|
;          +--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       4|
;          +--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       5|
;          +--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+
L8751:  .byte $E8, $00, $F0, $00, $F8, $00, $00, $00, $08, $00, $10, $00 

;Samus explode. Special case. The bytes that are #$8X indicate displacement data will be loaded
;from a table for the y direction and from a counter for the x direction.  The initial displacement
;bytes start at $8769.  If the LSB is clear in the bytes where the upper nibble is #$8, those
;data bytes will be used to decrease the x position of the sprite each frame. If the LSB is set,
;the data bytes will increase the x position of the sprite each frame.
;          +--------+--------+
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |       0|       1|
;          +--------+--------+
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |        *        |
;          |       2|       3|
;          +--------+--------+
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |        |        |
;          |       4|       5|
;          +--------+--------+
;                                                                          +--0--+   +--1--+
L875D:  .byte $80, $80, $81, $81, $82, $82, $83, $83, $84, $84, $85, $85, $F4, $F8, $F4, $00
;              +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+
L876D:  .byte $FC, $F8, $FC, $00, $04, $F8, $04, $00

;Bomb explode frame.
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |        |
;          |       3|       4|       0|       1|
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |       5|                 |       2|
;          +--------+        *        +--------+
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |       6|                 |       9|
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |        |
;          |       7|       8|       A|       B|
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+   +--6--+   +--7--+
L8775:  .byte $F0, $00, $F0, $08, $F8, $08, $F0, $F0, $F0, $F8, $F8, $F0, $00, $F0, $08, $F0
;              +--8--+   +--9--+   +--A--+   +--B--+
L8785:  .byte $08, $F8, $00, $08, $08, $00, $08, $08

;Missile up frame.
;          +--------+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       0|
;          +----*---+
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |        |
;          |       1|
;          +--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+
L878D:  .byte $F8, $FC, $00, $FC

;Missile left/right and missile explode frames.
;          +--------+--------+        +--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |        |        |
;          |        *        |        |        |        |
;          |       0|       1|        |       2|       3|
;          +--------+--------+        +--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+
L8791:  .byte $FC, $F8, $FC, $00, $FC, $10, $FC, $18

;Missile explode frame.
;                   +--------+--------+
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |       1|       2|
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |        |                 |        |
;          |        |        *        |        |
;          |       0|                 |       3|
;          +--------+--------+--------+--------+
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |       4|       5|
;                   +--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+
L8799:  .byte $FC, $F0, $F4, $F8, $F4, $00, $FC, $08, $04, $F8, $04, $00

;Missile explode frame.
;                    +--------+                 +--------+
;                    |        |                 |        |
;                    |        |                 |        |
;                    |        |                 |        |
;                    |       1|                 |       2|
;                    +--------+                 +--------+
;          +--------+                                     +--------+
;          |        |                                     |        |
;          |        |                                     |        |
;          |        |                  *                  |        |
;          |       0|                                     |       3|
;          +--------+                                     +--------+
;                    +--------+                 +--------+
;                    |        |                 |        |
;                    |        |                 |        |
;                    |        |                 |        |
;                    |       4|                 |       5|
;                    +--------+                 +--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+
L87A5:  .byte $FC, $E8, $EC, $F0, $EC, $08, $FC, $10, $0C, $F0, $0C, $08

;Statue frames.
;          +--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |       4|       5|       6|
;          +--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |       7|       8|       9|
;          +--------+--------+--------+
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |        |        |        |
;          |       A|       B|       C|
;          +--------+--------*--------+
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |       0|       1|
;                   +--------+--------+
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |        |        |
;                   |       2|       3|
;                   +--------+--------+
;              +--0--+   +--1--+   +--2--+   +--3--+   +--4--+   +--5--+   +--6--+   +--7--+
L87B1:  .byte $00, $F8, $00, $00, $08, $F8, $08, $00, $E8, $F0, $E8, $F8, $E8, $00, $F0, $F0
;              +--8--+   +--9--+   +--A--+   +--B--+   +--C--+
L87C1:  .byte $F0, $F8, $F0, $00, $F8, $F0, $F8, $F8, $F8, $00

;-------------------------------[ Sprite frame data tables ]---------------------------------------

;Frame drawing data. The format for the frame drawing data is as follows:
;There are 4 control bytes associated with the frame data and they are #$FC, #$FD, #$FE and #$FF.
;#$FC displaces the location of the object in the x and y direction.  The first byte following #$FC
;is the y displacement of the object and the second byte is the x displacement. any further bytes
;are pattern table index bytes until the next control byte is reached.
;#$FD tells the program to change the sprite control byte.  The next byte after #$FD is the new
;control byte.  Only the 4 upper bits are used. Any further bytes are pattern table index bytes
;until the next control byte is reached.
;#$FE causes the next placement position to be skipped.  Any further bytes are pattern table index
;bytes until the next control byte is reached.
;#$FF ends the frame drawing data segment. 
;The first 3 bytes are unique.  The first byte contains two parts: AAAABBBB. The upper 4 bits
;are sprite control data which control mirroring and color bits.  The lower 4 bits are multiplied
;by 2 and used as an index into the PlacePtrTable to find the proper placement data for the
;current frame.  The second byte is saved as the object's y radius and the third byte is saved
;as the object's x radius.

;Samus run.
L87CB:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $00, $01, $FD, $20, $FE, $41, $40, $FD, $60, $20, $21, $FE, $FE
L87DB:  .byte $31, $FF

;Samus run.
L87DD:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $02, $03, $FD, $20, $FE, $43, $42, $FD, $60, $22, $23, $FE, $32
L87ED:  .byte $33, $34, $FF

;Samus run.
L87F0:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $05, $06, $FD, $20, $FE, $45, $44, $FD, $60, $25, $26, $27, $35
L8800:  .byte $36, $FF

;Samus facing forward.
L8802:  .byte $00, $0F, $04, $09, $FD, $60, $09, $FD, $20, $FE, $19, $1A, $FD, $20, $29, $2A
L8812:  .byte $FE, $39, $FD, $60, $39, $FF

;Samus stand.
L8818:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $FD, $20, $0E, $0D, $FE, $1E, $1D, $2E, $2D, $FE, $FD, $60, $3B
L8828:  .byte $3C, $FE, $17, $FF

;Samus run and fire.
L882C:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $00, $01, $FD, $20, $4B, $4A, $49, $FD, $60, $20, $21, $FE, $FE
L883C:  .byte $31, $FF

;Samus run and fire.
L883E:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $00, $01, $FD, $20, $4B, $4A, $49, $FD, $60, $22, $23, $FE, $32
L884E:  .byte $33, $34, $FF

;Samus run and fire.
L8851:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $00, $01, $FD, $20, $4B, $4A, $49, $FD, $60, $25, $26, $27, $35
L8861:  .byte $36, $FF

;Samus stand and jump.
L8863:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $00, $01, $FD, $20, $FE, $41, $40, $FD, $60, $22, $07, $08, $32
L8873:  .byte $FF

;Samus jump and fire.
L8874:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $00, $01, $FD, $20, $4B, $4A, $49, $FD, $60, $22, $07, $08, $32
L8884:  .byte $FF

;Samus summersault.
L8885:  .byte $41, $0F, $04, $52, $53, $62, $63, $72, $73, $FF

;Samus summersault.
L888F:  .byte $42, $0F, $04, $54, $55, $56, $64, $65, $66, $FF

;Samus summersault.
L8899:  .byte $81, $0F, $04, $52, $53, $62, $63, $72, $73, $FF

;Samus summersault.
L88A3:  .byte $82, $0F, $04, $54, $55, $56, $64, $65, $66, $FF

;Samus roll.
L88AD:  .byte $01, $08, $04, $FC, $03, $00, $50, $51, $60, $61, $FF

;Samus roll.
L88B8:  .byte $81, $08, $04, $FC, $FD, $00, $50, $51, $60, $61, $FF

;Samus roll.
L88C3:  .byte $C1, $08, $04, $FC, $FD, $00, $50, $51, $60, $61, $FF

;Samus roll.
L88CE:  .byte $41, $08, $04, $FC, $03, $00, $50, $51, $60, $61, $FF

;Samus stand and fire.
L88D9:  .byte $40, $0F, $04, $FD, $20, $0E, $0D, $FE, $1E, $1D, $2E, $2D, $FE, $FD, $60, $3B
L88E9:  .byte $3C, $FE, $FE, $17, $FF

L88EE:  .byte $03, $04, $10, $28, $38, $38, $FD, $60, $28, $FF

;Missile right.
L88F8:  .byte $4A, $04, $08, $5E, $5F, $FF

;Missile left.
L88FE:  .byte $0A, $04, $08, $5E, $5F, $FF

;Missile up.
L8904:  .byte $09, $08, $04, $14, $24, $FF

;Bullet fire.
L890A:  .byte $04, $02, $02, $30, $FF

;Bullet hit.
L890F:  .byte $04, $00, $00, $04, $FF

;Samus stand and point up.
L8914:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $69, $FE, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $2E, $2D, $FE, $FD
L8924:  .byte $60, $3B, $3C, $FF

;Samus from ball to pointing up.
L8928:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $FE, $69, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $2E, $2D, $FE, $FD
L8938:  .byte $60, $3B, $3C, $FF

;Door closed.
L893C:  .byte $35, $18, $08, $0F, $1F, $2F, $FD, $A3, $2F, $1F, $0F, $FF

;Door open/close.
L8948:  .byte $35, $18, $04, $6A, $6B, $6C, $FD, $A3, $6C, $6B, $6A, $FF

;Samus explode.
L8954:  .byte $07, $00, $00, $FC, $FC, $00, $0B, $0C, $1B, $1C, $2B, $2C, $FF

;Samus jump and point up.
L8961:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $69, $FD, $20, $FE, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $22, $07
L8971:  .byte $08, $32, $FF

;Samus jump and point up.
L8974:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $FE, $69, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $22, $07
L8984:  .byte $08, $32, $FF

;Bomb explode.
L8987:  .byte $0D, $0C, $0C, $74, $FD, $60, $74, $FD, $A0, $74, $FD, $E0, $74, $FF

;Samus run and point up.
L8995:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $69, $FE, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $20, $21
L89A5:  .byte $FE, $FE, $31, $FF

;Samus run and point up.
L89A9:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $69, $FE, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $22, $23
L89B9:  .byte $FE, $32, $33, $34, $FF

;Samus run and point up.
L89BE:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $69, $FE, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $25, $26
L89CE:  .byte $27, $35, $36, $FF

;Samus run and point up.
L89D2:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $FE, $69, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $20, $21
L89E2:  .byte $FE, $FE, $31, $FF

;Samus point up, run and fire.
L89E6:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $FE, $69, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $22, $23
L89F6:  .byte $FE, $32, $33, $34, $FF

;Samus point up, run and fire.
L89FB:  .byte $46, $0F, $04, $FE, $69, $FD, $20, $7A, $79, $FE, $78, $77, $FD, $60, $25, $26
L8A0B:  .byte $27, $35, $36, $FF

;Bomb explode.
L8A0F:  .byte $0D, $0C, $0C, $75, $FD, $60, $75, $FD, $A0, $75, $FD, $E0, $75, $FF

;Bomb explode.
L8A1D:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $FF

;Wave beam.
L8A21:  .byte $04, $04, $04, $4C, $FF

;Bomb explode.
L8A26:  .byte $08, $10, $10, $3D, $3E, $4E, $FD, $60, $3E, $3D, $4E, $FD, $E0, $4E, $3E, $3D
L8A36:  .byte $FD, $A0, $4E, $3D, $3E, $FF

;Bomb tick.
L8A3C:  .byte $04, $04, $04, $70, $FF

;Bomb tick.
L8A41:  .byte $04, $04, $04, $71, $FF

;Bomb item.
L8A46:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $86, $87, $96, $97, $FF

;High jump item.
L8A4E:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $7B, $7C, $8B, $8C, $FF

;Long beam item.
L8A56:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $88, $67, $98, $99, $FF

;Screw attack item.
L8A5E:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $80, $81, $90, $91, $FF

;Maru Mari item.
L8A66:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $7D, $7E, $8D, $8E, $FF

;Varia item.
L8A6E:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $82, $83, $92, $93, $FF

;Wave beam item.
L8A76:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $88, $89, $98, $99, $FF

;Ice beam item.
L8A7E:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $88, $68, $98, $99, $FF

;Energy tank item.
L8A86:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $84, $85, $94, $95, $FF

;Missile item.
L8A8E:  .byte $0D, $03, $03, $3F, $FD, $40, $3F, $FD, $00, $4F, $FD, $40, $4F, $FF

;Skree burrow.
L8A9C:  .byte $34, $04, $04, $F2, $FF

;Not used.
L8AA1:  .byte $04, $00, $00, $5A, $FF, $13, $00, $00, $B0, $B1, $B2, $B3, $FF, $13, $00, $00
L8AB1:  .byte $B4, $B5, $B6, $B7, $B8, $B6, $B9, $B3, $FF, $13, $00, $00, $B3, $BA, $BA, $FE
L8AC1:  .byte $80, $80, $FF

;Kraid statue.
L8AC4:  .byte $1E, $00, $08, $FA, $FB, $FA, $FB, $FC, $00, $04, $C5, $C6, $C7, $D5, $D6, $D7
L8AD4:  .byte $E5, $E6, $E7, $FF

;Ridley statue.
L8AD8:  .byte $1E, $00, $08, $FA, $FB, $FA, $FB, $FE, $C8, $C9, $EB, $D8, $D9, $EA, $E8, $E9
L8AE8:  .byte $FF

;Missile explode.
L8AE9:  .byte $0A, $04, $08, $FD, $00, $57, $FD, $40, $57, $FF

;Missile explode.
L8AF3:  .byte $0B, $04, $0C, $FD, $00, $57, $18, $FD, $40, $18, $57, $FD, $C0, $18, $18, $FF

;Missile explode.
L8B03:  .byte $0C, $04, $10, $FD, $00, $57, $18, $FD, $40, $18, $57, $FD, $C0, $18, $18, $FF

;------------------------------------[ Samus enter door routines ]-----------------------------------

;This function is called once when Samus first enters a door.

L8B13:  LDA DoorStatus                  ;The code determines if Samus has entered a door if the-->
L8B15:  BNE ++++                        ;door status is 0, but door data information has been-->
L8B17:  LDY SamusDoorData               ;written. If both conditions are met, Samus has just-->
L8B19:  BEQ ++++                        ;entered a door.
L8B1B:  STA CurrentMissilePickups       ;
L8B1D:  STA CurrentEnergyPickups        ;Reset current missile and energy power-up counters.
L8B1F:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;
L8B21:  AND #$0F                        ;Randomly recalculate max missile pickups(16 max, 0 min).
L8B23:  STA MaxMissilePickup            ;
L8B25:  ASL                             ;
L8B26:  ORA #$40                        ;*2 for energy pickups and set bit 6(128 max, 64 min).
L8B28:  STA MaxEnergyPickup             ;
L8B2A:  LDA PPUCNT0ZP                   ;
L8B2C:  EOR #$01                        ;
L8B2E:  AND #$01                        ;Erase name table door data for new room.
L8B30:  TAY                             ;
L8B31:  LSR                             ;
L8B32:  STA $006C,Y                     ;
L8B35:  LDA ScrollDir                   ;
L8B37:  AND #$02                        ;Is Samus scrolling horizontally?-->
L8B39:  BNE +                           ;If so, branch.
L8B3B:  LDX #$04                        ;Samus currently scrolling vertically.
L8B3D:  LDA ScrollY                     ;Is room centered on screen?-->
L8B3F:  BEQ +++++                       ;If so, branch.
L8B41:  LDA $FF                         ;
L8B43:  EOR ObjectHi                    ;Get inverse of Samus' current nametable.
L8B46:  LSR                             ;
L8B47:  BCC +++                         ;If Samus is on nametable 3, branch.
L8B49:  BCS ++                          ;If Samus is on nametable 0, branch to decrement x.

L8B4B:* LDX #$02                        ;Samus is currently scrolling horizontally.
L8B4D:  LDA ObjectX                     ;Is Samus entering a left hand door?-->
L8B50:  BPL ++                          ;If so, branch.
L8B52:* DEX                             ;

L8B53:* TXA                             ;X contains door scroll status and is transferred to A.
L8B54:  STA DoorScrollStatus            ;Save door scroll status.
L8B56:  JSR SamusInDoor                 ;($8B74)Indicate Samus just entered a door.
L8B59:  LDA #$12                        ;
L8B5B:  STA DoorDelay                   ;Set DoorDelay to 18 frames(going into door).
L8B5D:  LDA SamusDoorData               ;
L8B5F:  JSR Amul16                      ;($C2C5)*16. Move scroll toggle data to upper 4 bits.
L8B62:  ORA ObjAction                   ;Keep Samus action so she will appear the same comming-->
L8B65:  STA SamusDoorData               ;out of the door as she did going in.
L8B67:  LDA #$05                        ;
L8B69:  STA ObjAction                   ;Indicate Samus is in a door.
L8B6C:* RTS                             ;

L8B6D:* JSR SetDoorEntryInfo            ;($8B53)Save Samus action and set door entry timer.
L8B70:  JSR VerticalRoomCentered        ;($E21B)Room is centered. Toggle scroll.

L8B73:  TXA                             ;X=#$01 or #$02(depending on which door Samus is in).

L8B74:  ORA #$80                        ;Set MSB of DoorStatus to indicate Samus has just-->
L8B76:  STA DoorStatus                  ;entered a door.
L8B78:  RTS                             ;


L8B79:  LDX #$B0
L8B7B:* JSR $8B87
L8B7E:  LDA PageIndex
L8B80:  SEC 
L8B81:  SBC #$10
L8B83:  TAX 
L8B84:  BMI -
L8B86:  RTS

L8B87:  STX PageIndex
L8B89:  LDA ObjAction,X
L8B8C:  JSR ChooseRoutine               ;($C27C)

L8B8F:  .word $C45C
L8B91:  .word $8B9D
L8B93:  .word $8BD5
L8B95:  .word $8C01
L8B97:  .word $8C84
L8B99:  .word $8CC6
L8B9B:  .word $8CF0

L8B9D:  INC $0300,X
L8BA0:  LDA #$30
L8BA2:  JSR SetProjectileAnim           ;($D2FA)
L8BA8:  LDY $0307,X
L8BAE:  STA $030F,X
L8BB1:  LDA $0307,X
L8BB4:  CMP #$03
L8BB8:  LDA #$01
L8BBA:  ORA #$A0
L8BBE:  LDA #$00
L8BC0:  STA $030A,X
L8BC3:  TXA 
L8BC4:  AND #$10
L8BC6:  EOR #$10
L8BC8:  ORA $6B
L8BCC:  LDA #$06

L8BD1:  .byte $05, $01, $0A, $01

L8BD5:  LDA $030A,X
L8BD8:  AND #$04
L8BDC:  DEC $030F,X
L8BE1:  LDA #$03
L8BE3:  CMP $0307,X
L8BE8:  LDY $010B
L8BEE:  STA $0300,X
L8BF1:  LDA #$50
L8BF3:  STA $030F,X
L8BF6:  LDA #$2C
L8BF8:  STA $0305,X
L8BFC:  SBC #$03
L8C01:  LDA DoorStatus
L8C03:  BEQ $8C1D
L8C05:  LDA $030C
L8C08:  EOR $030C,X
L8C0B:  LSR 
L8C0C:  BCS $8C1D
L8C0E:  LDA $030E
L8C11:  EOR $030E,X
L8C14:  BMI $8C1D
L8C16:  LDA #$04
L8C18:  STA $0300,X
L8C1B:  BNE $8C73
L8C1D:  LDA $0306,X
L8C20:  CMP $0305,X
L8C23:  BCC $8C73
L8C25:  LDA $030F,X
L8C28:  CMP #$50
L8C2A:  BNE $8C57
L8C2C:  JSR $8CF7
L8C2F:  LDA $0307,X
L8C32:  CMP #$01
L8C34:  BEQ $8C57
L8C36:  CMP #$03
L8C38:  BEQ $8C57
L8C3A:  LDA #$0A
L8C3C:  STA $09
L8C3E:  LDA $030C,X
L8C41:  STA $08
L8C43:  LDY $50
L8C45:  TXA 
L8C46:  JSR $C2C5
L8C49:  BCC $8C4C
L8C4B:  DEY 
L8C4C:  TYA 
L8C50:  LDA #$00
L8C52:  STA $0300,X
L8C55:  BEQ $8C73
L8C57:  LDA $2D
L8C59:  LSR 
L8C5A:  BCS $8C73
L8C5C:  DEC $030F,X
L8C5F:  BNE $8C73
L8C61:  LDA #$01
L8C63:  STA $030F,X
L8C66:  JSR $8CFB
L8C69:  LDA #$02
L8C6B:  STA $0300,X
L8C6E:  JSR $8C76
L8C71:  LDX PageIndex
L8C73:  JMP $8BB1
L8C76:  LDA #$30
L8C78:  STA $0305,X
L8C7B:  SEC 
L8C7C:  SBC #$02
L8C84:  LDA DoorStatus
L8C86:  CMP #$05
L8C88:  BCS $8CC3
L8C8D:  JSR $8C76
L8C90:  LDX PageIndex
L8C92:  LDA $91
L8C94:  BEQ $8CA7
L8C96:  TXA 
L8C97:  JSR $C2BF
L8C9A:  EOR $91
L8C9C:  LSR 
L8C9D:  BCC $8CA7
L8C9F:  LDA $76
L8CA1:  EOR #$07
L8CA3:  STA $76
L8CA5:  STA $1C
L8CA7:  INC $0300,X
L8CAA:  LDA #$00
L8CAC:  STA $91
L8CAE:  LDA $0307,X
L8CB1:  CMP #$03
L8CB3:  BNE $8CC3
L8CB5:  TXA 
L8CB6:  JSR $C2C5
L8CB9:  BCS $8CC0
L8CC0:  JSR $CC03
L8CC3:  JMP $8C71
L8CC6:  LDA DoorStatus
L8CC8:  CMP #$05
L8CCD:  EOR #$10
L8CD0:  LDA #$06
L8CD2:  STA $0300,X
L8CD5:  LDA #$2C
L8CD7:  STA $0305,X
L8CDB:  SBC #$03
L8CE3:  JSR $CB73
L8CE6:  LDX PageIndex
L8CE8:  LDA #$02
L8CEA:  STA $0300,X
L8CF0:  LDA DoorStatus
L8CF4:  JMP $8C61
L8CF7:  LDA #$FF
L8CFB:  LDA #$4E
L8CFE:  LDA #$50
L8D00:  STA $02
L8D02:  TXA 
L8D03:  JSR $C2BF
L8D06:  AND #$01
L8D08:  TAY 
L8D09:  LDA $8D3A,Y
L8D0C:  STA $03
L8D0E:  LDA $030C,X
L8D11:  STA $0B
L8D13:  JSR $E96A
L8D16:  LDY #$00
L8D18:  PLA 
L8D19:  STA ($04),Y
L8D1B:  TAX 
L8D1C:  TYA 
L8D1D:  CLC 
L8D1E:  ADC #$20
L8D20:  TAY 
L8D21:  TXA 
L8D22:  CPY #$C0
L8D24:  BNE $8D19
L8D26:  LDX PageIndex
L8D28:  TXA 
L8D29:  JSR $C2C0
L8D2C:  AND #$06
L8D2E:  TAY 
L8D2F:  LDA $04
L8D31:  STA $005C,Y
L8D34:  LDA $05
L8D36:  STA $005D,Y
L8D39:  RTS

L8D3A:  .byte $E8, $10, $60, $AD, $91, $69, $8D, $78, $68, $AD, $92, $69, $8D, $79, $68, $A9 
L8D4A:  .byte $00, $85, $00, $85, $02, $AD, $97, $69, $29, $80, $F0, $06, $A5, $00, $09, $80
L8D5A:  .byte $85, $00, $AD, $97, $69, $29

;------------------------------------------[ Graphics data ]-----------------------------------------

;Partial font, "THE END".
L8D60:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $18, $18, $08, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8D70:  .byte $18, $38, $18, $18, $18, $18, $7E, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8D80:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $78, $70, $F0, $F0, $78, $79, $1F, $00
L8D90:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $03, $87, $46, $4E, $4C, $8C, $08, $00
L8DA0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $39, $99, $3B, $33, $73, $79, $30, $00
L8DB0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FC, $DC, $98, $B8, $B8, $FD, $66, $00
L8DC0:  .byte $3C, $60, $C0, $FC, $C6, $C6, $7C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8DD0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $18, $18, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8DE0:  .byte $7C, $C6, $C6, $7C, $C6, $C6, $7C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8DF0:  .byte $7C, $C6, $C6, $7E, $06, $0C, $78, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E00:  .byte $38, $6C, $C6, $C6, $FE, $C6, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E10:  .byte $FC, $C6, $C6, $FC, $C6, $C6, $FC, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E20:  .byte $3C, $66, $C0, $C0, $C0, $66, $3C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E30:  .byte $F8, $CC, $C6, $C6, $C6, $CC, $F8, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E40:  .byte $FE, $C0, $C0, $FC, $C0, $C0, $FE, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E50:  .byte $FE, $C0, $C0, $FC, $C0, $C0, $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E60:  .byte $3E, $60, $C0, $CE, $C6, $66, $3E, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E70:  .byte $C6, $C6, $C6, $FE, $C6, $C6, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E80:  .byte $7E, $18, $18, $18, $18, $18, $7E, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8E90:  .byte $1E, $06, $06, $06, $C6, $C6, $7C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8EA0:  .byte $C6, $CC, $D8, $F0, $F8, $DC, $CE, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8EB0:  .byte $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $7E, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8EC0:  .byte $C6, $EE, $FE, $FE, $D6, $C6, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8ED0:  .byte $C6, $E6, $F6, $FE, $DE, $CE, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8EE0:  .byte $7C, $C6, $C6, $C6, $C6, $C6, $7C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8EF0:  .byte $FC, $C6, $C6, $C6, $FC, $C0, $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F00:  .byte $7C, $C6, $C6, $C6, $DE, $CC, $7A, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F10:  .byte $FC, $C6, $C6, $CE, $F8, $DC, $CE, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F20:  .byte $78, $CC, $C0, $7C, $06, $C6, $7C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F30:  .byte $7E, $18, $18, $18, $18, $18, $18, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F40:  .byte $C6, $C6, $C6, $C6, $C6, $C6, $7C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F50:  .byte $C6, $C6, $C6, $EE, $7C, $38, $10, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F60:  .byte $C6, $C6, $D6, $FE, $FE, $EE, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F70:  .byte $C6, $EE, $7C, $38, $7C, $EE, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F80:  .byte $66, $66, $66, $3C, $18, $18, $18, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8F90:  .byte $FE, $0E, $1C, $38, $70, $E0, $FE, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L8FA0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $01, $07, $0F, $0C, $08, $08, $04, $03
L8FB0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $C1, $FF, $FF, $3E, $00, $08, $88, $19
L8FC0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $20, $60, $60, $E0, $C0, $C8
L8FD0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $38
L8FE0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $30, $48, $40, $61, $3F, $3F, $1F, $00
L8FF0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $11, $33, $73, $E7, $E6, $C6, $04, $00
L9000:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $9C, $CC, $1C, $19, $3A, $3C, $18, $00
L9010:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $7C, $74, $E4, $F8, $E0, $72, $3C, $00
L9020:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $03, $06, $0C, $0C, $06, $02, $1E, $3C
L9030:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $80, $40, $20, $20, $40, $03, $01, $03
L9040:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $80, $90
L9050:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $01, $03, $03, $07, $06, $EE
L9060:  .byte $32, $FF, $F7, $FF, $7F, $FF, $DB, $FF, $73, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF
L9070:  .byte $B4, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FE, $7B, $FF, $FD, $B6, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF
L9080:  .byte $B5, $FF, $7F, $9D, $F6, $7F, $DD, $77, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $EF, $FF, $BB, $FE
L9090:  .byte $D7, $FF, $79, $DE, $F5, $3F, $ED, $BF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $BF, $FF, $FB, $FF
L90A0:  .byte $89, $F7, $5F, $F3, $E7, $FD, $70, $CF, $FF, $BF, $EC, $FF, $9F, $FE, $AF, $F9
L90B0:  .byte $9F, $F9, $3D, $F7, $3F, $99, $FD, $CF, $F6, $7F, $FF, $FD, $CF, $FF, $FF, $FB
L90C0:  .byte $B9, $59, $CC, $7F, $DF, $9F, $BF, $1E, $7F, $FF, $B7, $F3, $FD, $6F, $FF, $E7
L90D0:  .byte $7F, $F9, $F3, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $BB, $9F, $FF, $CF, $9F, $FD, $FF, $27, $DF
L90E0:  .byte $63, $EF, $EE, $1F, $B9, $1C, $F7, $FF, $9D, $38, $FF, $FF, $C7, $E3, $FF, $BF
L90F0:  .byte $FF, $9D, $7E, $FF, $B3, $C7, $FF, $A1, $3C, $7E, $FF, $E7, $CF, $FF, $FB, $7F
L9100:  .byte $C8, $ED, $BE, $DC, $9E, $F8, $36, $CC, $3F, $1E, $7F, $FF, $EF, $07, $CF, $FF
L9110:  .byte $C7, $BF, $3A, $7F, $BD, $A3, $7F, $FC, $3C, $7C, $FD, $E7, $CF, $FE, $8C, $0F
L9120:  .byte $00, $00, $18, $18, $3C, $7E, $5E, $FF, $10, $10, $18, $38, $7C, $7E, $FE, $FF
L9130:  .byte $00, $10, $10, $10, $10, $30, $30, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $30, $30, $30, $30
L9140:  .byte $20, $30, $30, $20, $60, $30, $70, $F8, $20, $30, $30, $60, $60, $70, $F0, $F8
L9150:  .byte $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $00, $10, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00

;Brinstar enemy tile patterns.
L9160:  .byte $03, $0F, $05, $32, $D1, $48, $12, $24, $01, $02, $02, $11, $48, $20, $00, $00
L9170:  .byte $E0, $F0, $EC, $DE, $92, $8D, $A0, $3C, $C0, $00, $0C, $02, $01, $0C, $02, $00
L9180:  .byte $00, $00, $F8, $3E, $1F, $0F, $0F, $0E, $00, $00, $00, $08, $04, $00, $00, $00
L9190:  .byte $18, $30, $6C, $7C, $5C, $78, $70, $21, $00, $00, $0C, $1C, $1C, $38, $30, $3C
L91A0:  .byte $18, $30, $60, $60, $40, $40, $40, $01, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $3C
L91B0:  .byte $00, $01, $00, $00, $03, $04, $48, $3C, $00, $01, $00, $03, $0C, $08, $10, $03
L91C0:  .byte $48, $2F, $B3, $4D, $32, $CC, $84, $6F, $48, $28, $AF, $3D, $78, $CD, $B6, $6F
L91D0:  .byte $00, $50, $00, $C8, $74, $34, $90, $38, $00, $00, $B0, $E8, $74, $BC, $18, $18
L91E0:  .byte $3C, $7F, $FF, $FF, $FF, $7E, $7B, $3D, $3C, $7F, $FF, $FC, $D1, $50, $69, $0E
L91F0:  .byte $00, $00, $C0, $E0, $B0, $08, $07, $87, $00, $00, $C0, $60, $B0, $68, $73, $B2
L9200:  .byte $01, $00, $1C, $0F, $07, $03, $0F, $3F, $01, $00, $10, $08, $04, $00, $08, $20
L9210:  .byte $80, $C0, $F8, $C8, $88, $32, $51, $68, $0C, $10, $A0, $06, $01, $32, $11, $00
L9220:  .byte $00, $01, $21, $33, $3B, $1F, $9F, $FF, $00, $01, $20, $12, $08, $00, $80, $20
L9230:  .byte $00, $00, $08, $98, $B8, $F0, $F2, $FE, $00, $00, $08, $90, $20, $00, $02, $04
L9240:  .byte $81, $A5, $E7, $00, $00, $24, $18, $24, $81, $A5, $E7, $42, $66, $C3, $66, $18
L9250:  .byte $00, $24, $1B, $1F, $3B, $44, $5B, $3F, $BD, $9B, $E4, $C0, $C4, $98, $83, $C7
L9260:  .byte $00, $20, $60, $C3, $CC, $60, $20, $00, $0A, $0F, $0F, $1C, $13, $0F, $0F, $0A
L9270:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $E0, $00, $00, $00, $40, $E8, $FA, $FF, $1F, $FA, $E8, $40
L9280:  .byte $1E, $1C, $18, $3A, $36, $60, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $02, $06, $00, $03, $00
L9290:  .byte $43, $C6, $FE, $F8, $F6, $A9, $21, $20, $38, $00, $00, $00, $66, $AD, $F9, $20
L92A0:  .byte $73, $DE, $EF, $F8, $F6, $A9, $21, $20, $38, $1E, $0F, $00, $66, $AD, $F9, $20
L92B0:  .byte $03, $02, $30, $7E, $70, $D0, $6C, $1D, $04, $30, $48, $00, $80, $11, $30, $21
L92C0:  .byte $61, $30, $1E, $81, $28, $FF, $FF, $F1, $61, $32, $1E, $81, $F8, $FF, $FF, $F9
L92D0:  .byte $B8, $D0, $6C, $36, $9E, $0C, $C0, $E8, $FC, $FC, $7E, $36, $BE, $0C, $E0, $F8
L92E0:  .byte $1F, $0F, $07, $03, $01, $0E, $1F, $3F, $07, $03, $03, $01, $00, $06, $17, $13
L92F0:  .byte $C3, $66, $9E, $DE, $EF, $F7, $73, $B9, $DA, $66, $DE, $C6, $E3, $61, $25, $B9
L9300:  .byte $0F, $03, $07, $0F, $1D, $00, $01, $03, $08, $00, $04, $08, $10, $00, $01, $02
L9310:  .byte $60, $51, $32, $88, $C8, $F8, $C0, $00, $0C, $11, $32, $00, $04, $02, $12, $20
L9320:  .byte $78, $33, $65, $26, $19, $00, $04, $02, $00, $00, $04, $46, $80, $90, $14, $0A
L9330:  .byte $1C, $C8, $A4, $64, $18, $00, $20, $40, $00, $00, $25, $62, $80, $88, $26, $40
L9340:  .byte $00, $02, $0D, $17, $2D, $62, $6D, $2E, $83, $C5, $F2, $E0, $C2, $81, $8C, $CE
L9350:  .byte $00, $40, $B0, $E8, $B4, $46, $B6, $74, $C1, $A3, $4F, $07, $43, $81, $31, $73
L9360:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $20, $73, $DF, $00, $00, $0A, $0F, $1F, $14, $11, $18
L9370:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $12, $C0, $00, $00, $40, $E8, $FA, $FF, $70, $00
L9380:  .byte $24, $3C, $5A, $DB, $66, $99, $5A, $24, $00, $00, $42, $C3, $66, $00, $00, $42
L9390:  .byte $00, $00, $44, $EE, $B2, $82, $84, $40, $04, $38, $54, $EE, $B2, $80, $00, $00
L93A0:  .byte $00, $00, $0C, $04, $62, $12, $1F, $01, $00, $B0, $50, $78, $9C, $6C, $20, $00
L93B0:  .byte $38, $72, $C5, $73, $72, $6F, $22, $00, $40, $82, $05, $23, $42, $07, $1E, $00
L93C0:  .byte $C3, $E0, $7C, $8F, $C7, $F3, $72, $00, $E3, $F0, $7E, $8F, $C7, $F2, $71, $01
L93D0:  .byte $F0, $E8, $3C, $9C, $80, $18, $1C, $00, $F0, $E8, $3C, $9E, $42, $5A, $5C, $00
L93E0:  .byte $3B, $7D, $7B, $7D, $7E, $FF, $FF, $00, $31, $3D, $3B, $1C, $6E, $37, $79, $00
L93F0:  .byte $F9, $B9, $50, $E0, $7C, $8C, $E0, $00, $F9, $B1, $40, $60, $3C, $8E, $C2, $02
L9400:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L9410:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L9420:  .byte $60, $71, $30, $18, $0C, $00, $00, $00, $62, $72, $37, $93, $81, $7E, $34, $06
L9430:  .byte $00, $01, $00, $08, $1C, $30, $70, $60, $02, $02, $07, $83, $91, $7E, $74, $66
L9440:  .byte $26, $31, $10, $1C, $18, $0C, $00, $00, $C6, $C0, $60, $60, $20, $30, $18, $08
L9450:  .byte $5E, $2C, $20, $3C, $24, $18, $00, $00, $87, $C3, $42, $42, $42, $66, $24, $24
L9460:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $0B, $27, $73, $DF, $0A, $0F, $1F, $34, $0B, $07, $11, $18
L9470:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $8C, $F2, $E0, $40, $E8, $FA, $FF, $60, $80, $30, $00
L9480:  .byte $00, $00, $1C, $3E, $3E, $3E, $1C, $00, $00, $1C, $26, $69, $55, $53, $32, $1C
L9490:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L94A0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L94B0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L94C0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L94D0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L94E0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L94F0:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L9500:  .byte $1D, $1D, $1D, $1D, $1D, $1D, $1D, $1D, $0F, $0F, $0F, $0F, $0F, $0F, $0F, $0F
L9510:  .byte $F8, $F8, $F8, $F8, $F8, $F8, $F8, $F8, $A0, $A0, $A0, $A0, $A0, $A0, $A0, $A0
L9520:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF
L9530:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF
L9540:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L9550:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00


L9560:  .word Palette00                 ;($A271)
L9562:  .word Palette01                 ;($A295)
L9564:  .word Palette02                 ;($A2A1)
L9566:  .word Palette03                 ;($A29B)
L9568:  .word Palette04                 ;($A2A7)
L956A:  .word Palette05                 ;($A2AD)
L956C:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L956E:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9570:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9572:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9574:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9576:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9578:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L957A:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L957C:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L957E:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9580:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9582:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9584:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9586:  .word Palette06                 ;($A2D0)
L9588:  .word Palette07                 ;($A2D7)
L958A:  .word Palette08                 ;($A2DE)
L958C:  .word Palette09                 ;($A2E5)
L958E:  .word Palette0A                 ;($A2EC)
L9590:  .word Palette0B                 ;($A2F4)
L9592:  .word Palette0C                 ;($A2FC)
L9594:  .word Palette0D                 ;($A304)
L9596:  .word Palette0E                 ;($A30C)

L9598:  .word SpecItmsTbl               ;($A3D6)Beginning of special items table.
L959A:  .word RmPtrTbl                  ;($A314)Beginning of room pointer table.        
L959C:  .word StrctPtrTbl               ;($A372)Beginning of structure pointer table.
L959E:  .word MacroDefs                 ;($AEF0)Beginning of macro definitions.
L95A0:  .word EnemyFramePtrTbl1         ;($9DE0)Pointer table into enemy animation data. Two-->
L95A2:  .word EnemyFramePtrTbl2         ;($9EE0)tables needed to accommodate all entries.
L95A4:  .word EnemyPlacePtrTbl          ;($9F0E)Pointers to enemy frame placement data.
L95A6:  .word EnemyAnimIndexTbl         ;($9D6A)index to values in addr tables for enemy animations.

L95A8:  .byte $60, $EA, $EA, $60, $EA, $EA, $60, $EA, $EA, $60, $EA, $EA, $60, $EA, $EA, $60 
L95B8:  .byte $EA, $EA, $60, $EA, $EA, $60, $EA, $EA, $60, $EA, $EA

L95C3:  JMP $9D35                       ;Area specific routine.

L95C6:  EOR #$FF                        ;
L95C8:  CLC                             ;The following routine returns the twos-->
L95C9:  ADC #$01                        ;compliment of the value stored in A.
L95CB:  RTS                             ;

L95CC:  .byte $FF                       ;Not used.
L95CD:  .byte $01                       ;Brinstar music init flag.

L95CE:  .byte $80                       ;Base damage caused by area enemies to lower health byte.
L95CF:  .byte $00                       ;Base damage caused by area enemies to upper health byte.

;Special room numbers(used to start item room music).
L95D0:  .byte $2B, $2C, $28, $0B, $1C, $0A, $1A

L95D7:  .byte $03                       ;Samus start x coord on world map.
L95D8:  .byte $0E                       ;Samus start y coord on world map.
L95D9:  .byte $B0                       ;Samus start verticle screen position.

L95DA:  .byte $01, $00, $03, $43, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $69 

L95E5:  LDA EnDataIndex, X
L95E8:  JSR $8024

L95EB:  .word $99B8
L95ED:  .word $99D3
L95EF:  .word $99E5
L95F1:  .word $99D8
L95F3:  .word $99FA
L95F5:  .word $9A4C
L95F7:  .word $9AF5
L95F9:  .word $9B32
L95FB:  .word $9BA2
L95FD:  .word $9BD2
L95FF:  .word $9C1A
L9601:  .word $0000
L9603:  .word $0000
L9605:  .word $0000
L9607:  .word $0000
L9609:  .word $0000

L960B:  .byte $27, $27, $29, $29, $2D, $2B, $31, $2F, $33, $33, $41, $41, $4B, $4B, $55, $53

L961B:  .byte $72, $74, $00, $00, $00, $00, $69, $69, $69, $69, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00

L962B:  .byte $08, $08, $04, $FF, $02, $02, $04, $01, $20, $FF, $FF, $04, $01, $00, $00, $00

L963B:  .byte $05, $05, $0B, $0B, $17, $13, $1B, $19, $23, $23, $35, $35, $48, $48, $59, $57 

L964B:  .byte $6C, $6F, $5B, $5D, $62, $67, $69, $69, $69, $69, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00

L965B:  .byte $05, $05, $0B, $0B, $17, $13, $1B, $19, $23, $23, $35, $35, $48, $48, $50, $4D

L966B:  .byte $6C, $6F, $5B, $5D, $5F, $64, $69, $69, $69, $69, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00

L967B:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00 

L968B:  .byte $01, $01, $01, $00, $86, $04, $89, $80, $81, $00, $00, $00, $82, $00, $00, $00 

L969B:  .byte $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $20, $01, $01, $01, $40, $00, $00, $00 

L96AB:  .byte $00, $00, $06, $00, $83, $00, $88, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 

L96BB:  .byte $08, $08, $01, $01, $01, $01, $10, $08, $10, $00, $00, $01, $01, $00, $00, $00

L96CB:  .byte $00, $03, $06, $08, $0A, $10, $0C, $0E, $14, $17, $19, $10, $12, $00, $00, $00

L96DB:  .word $97EF, $97F2, $97F5, $97F5, $97F5, $97F5, $97F5, $97F5
L96EB:  .word $97F5, $97F5, $97F5, $9840, $988B, $988E, $9891, $98A5
L96FB:  .word $98B9, $98B9, $98B9, $98B9, $98B9, $98B9, $98B9, $98B9
L970B:  .word $98B9, $98C0, $98C7, $98CE, $98D5, $98D8, $98DB, $98F2
L971B:  .word $9909, $9920, $9937, $994E

L9723:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $7F, $40, $30, $C0, $D0, $00, $00, $7F
L9733:  .byte $80, $00, $54, $70, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L9743:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L9753:  .byte $F6, $FC, $FE, $04, $02, $00, $00, $00, $0C, $FC, $FC, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L9763:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $02, $02, $02, $02, $00, $00, $00, $02, $00, $02, $02
L9773:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00

L977B:  .byte $64, $6C, $21, $01, $04, $00, $4C, $40, $04, $00, $00, $40, $40, $00, $00, $00 

L978B:  .byte $00, $00, $64, $67, $69, $69, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
L979B:  .byte $0C, $F4, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $F4, $00, $00, $00

L97A7:  .word $9965, $9974, $9983, $9992, $9D36, $9D3B, $9D40, $9D45
L97B7:  .word $9D4A, $9D4F, $9D54, $9D59, $9D5E, $9D63, $9D6A, $9D6A
L97C7:  .word $9D6A, $9D6A, $9D6A, $9D6A, $9D6A

L97D1:  .byte $01, $01, $02, $01, $03, $04, $00, $05, $00, $06, $00, $07, $00, $08, $00, $09
L97E1:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $0B, $01, $0C, $0D, $00, $0E, $03, $0F, $10, $11, $0F

L97EF:  .byte $20, $22, $FE

L97F2:  .byte $20, $2A, $FE

L97F5:  .byte $02, $F2, $04, $E2, $04, $D2, $05, $B2, $03, $92, $04, $02, $05, $12, $03, $32
L9805:  .byte $05, $52, $04, $62, $02, $72, $02, $72, $04, $62, $04, $52, $05, $32, $03, $12
L9815:  .byte $04, $02, $05, $92, $03, $B2, $05, $D2, $04, $E2, $02, $F2, $FD, $03, $D2, $06
L9825:  .byte $B2, $08, $92, $05, $02, $07, $12, $05, $32, $04, $52, $03, $52, $06, $32, $08
L9835:  .byte $12, $05, $02, $07, $92, $05, $B2, $04, $D2, $FD, $FF

L9840:  .byte $02, $FA, $04, $EA, $04, $DA, $05, $BA, $03, $9A, $04, $0A, $05, $1A, $03, $3A
L9850:  .byte $05, $5A, $04, $6A, $02, $7A, $02, $7A, $04, $6A, $04, $5A, $05, $3A, $03, $1A
L9860:  .byte $04, $0A, $05, $9A, $03, $BA, $05, $DA, $04, $EA, $02, $FA, $FD, $03, $DA, $06
L9870:  .byte $BA, $08, $9A, $05, $0A, $07, $1A, $05, $3A, $04, $5A, $03, $5A, $06, $3A, $08
L9880:  .byte $1A, $05, $0A, $07, $9A, $05, $BA, $04, $DA, $FD, $FF

L988B:  .byte $01, $01, $FF

L988E:  .byte $01, $09, $FF

L9891:  .byte $04, $22, $01, $42, $01, $22, $01, $42, $01, $62, $01, $42, $04, $62, $FC, $01
L98A1:  .byte $00, $64, $00, $FB

L98A5:  .byte $04, $2A, $01, $4A, $01, $2A, $01, $4A, $01, $6A, $01, $4A, $04, $6A, $FC, $01
L98B5:  .byte $00, $64, $00, $FB

L98B9:  .byte $14, $11, $0A, $00, $14, $19, $FE

L98C0:  .byte $14, $19, $0A, $00, $14, $11, $FE

L98C7:  .byte $1E, $11, $0A, $00, $1E, $19, $FE 

L98CE:  .byte $1E, $19, $0A, $00, $1E, $11, $FE

L98D5:  .byte $50, $04, $FF

L98D8:  .byte $50, $0C, $FF

L98DB:  .byte $02, $F3, $04, $E3, $04, $D3, $05, $B3, $03, $93, $04, $03, $05, $13, $03, $33
L98EB:  .byte $05, $53, $04, $63, $50, $73, $FF

L98F2:  .byte $02, $FB, $04, $EB, $04, $DB, $05, $BB, $03, $9B, $04, $0B, $05, $1B, $03, $3B
L9902:  .byte $05, $5B, $04, $6B, $50, $7B, $FF

L9909:  .byte $02, $F4, $04, $E4, $04, $D4, $05, $B4, $03, $94, $04, $04, $05, $14, $03, $34
L9919:  .byte $05, $54, $04, $64, $50, $74, $FF

L9920:  .byte $02, $FC, $04, $EC, $04, $DC, $05, $BC, $03, $9C, $04, $0C, $05, $1C, $03, $3C
L9930:  .byte $05, $5C, $04, $6C, $50, $7C, $FF

L9937:  .byte $02, $F2, $04, $E2, $04, $D2, $05, $B2, $03, $92, $04, $02, $05, $12, $03, $32
L9947:  .byte $05, $52, $04, $62, $50, $72, $FF

L994E:  .byte $02, $FA, $04, $EA, $04, $DA, $05, $BA, $03, $9A, $04, $0A, $05, $1A, $03, $3A
L995E:  .byte $05, $5A, $04, $6A, $50, $7A, $FF

L9965:  .byte $04, $B3, $05, $A3, $06, $93, $07, $03, $06, $13, $05, $23, $50, $33, $FF

L9974:  .byte $09, $C2, $08, $A2, $07, $92, $07, $12, $08, $22, $09, $42, $50, $72, $FF

L9983:  .byte $07, $C2, $06, $A2, $05, $92, $05, $12, $06, $22, $07, $42, $50, $72, $FF

L9992:  .byte $05, $C2, $04, $A2, $03, $92, $03, $12, $04, $22, $05, $42, $50, $72, $FF

L99A1:  LDA $81
L99A3:  CMP #$01
L99A5:  BEQ $99B0
L99A7:  CMP #$03
L99A9:  BEQ $99B5
L99AB:  LDA $00
L99AD:  JMP $8000
L99B0:  LDA $01
L99B2:  JMP $8003
L99B5:  JMP $8006

L99B8:  LDA #$09
L99BA:  STA $85
L99BC:  STA $86
L99BE:  LDA EnStatus,X
L99C1:  CMP #$03
L99C3:  BEQ $99C8
L99C5:  JSR $801B
L99C8:  LDA #$06
L99CA:  STA $00
L99CC:  LDA #$08
L99CE:  STA $01
L99D0:  JMP $99A1

L99D3:  LDA #$0F
L99D5:  JMP $99BA
L99D8:  LDA EnStatus,X
L99DB:  CMP #$03
L99DD:  BEQ $99E2
L99DF:  JSR $801E
L99E2:  JMP $99C8
L99E5:  LDA #$21
L99E7:  STA $85
L99E9:  LDA #$1E
L99EB:  STA $86
L99ED:  LDA EnStatus,X
L99F0:  CMP #$03
L99F2:  BEQ $99F7
L99F4:  JSR $801B
L99F7:  JMP $99C8
L99FA:  LDA $81
L99FC:  CMP #$01
L99FE:  BEQ $9A44
L9A00:  CMP #$03
L9A02:  BEQ $9A49
L9A04:  LDA EnCounter,X
L9A07:  CMP #$0F
L9A09:  BCC $9A3F
L9A0B:  CMP #$11
L9A0D:  BCS $9A16
L9A0F:  LDA #$3A
L9A11:  STA $6B01,X
L9A14:  BNE $9A3F
L9A16:  DEC $6B01,X
L9A19:  BNE $9A3F
L9A1B:  LDA #$00
L9A1D:  STA EnStatus,X
L9A20:  LDY #$0C
L9A22:  LDA #$0A
L9A24:  STA $00A0,Y
L9A27:  LDA EnYRoomPos,X
L9A2A:  STA $00A1,Y
L9A2D:  LDA EnXRoomPos,X
L9A30:  STA $00A2,Y
L9A33:  LDA EnNameTable,X
L9A36:  STA $00A3,Y
L9A39:  DEY 
L9A3A:  DEY 
L9A3B:  DEY 
L9A3C:  DEY 
L9A3D:  BPL $9A22
L9A3F:  LDA #$02
L9A41:  JMP $8000
L9A44:  LDA #$08
L9A46:  JMP $8003
L9A49:  JMP $8006

L9A4C:  JSR $8009
L9A4F:  AND #$03
L9A51:  BEQ $9A87
L9A53:  LDA $81
L9A55:  CMP #$01
L9A57:  BEQ $9A44
L9A59:  CMP #$03
L9A5B:  BEQ $9A49
L9A5D:  LDA EnStatus,X
L9A60:  CMP #$03
L9A62:  BEQ $9A87
L9A64:  LDA $040A,X
L9A67:  AND #$03
L9A69:  CMP #$01
L9A6B:  BNE $9A7E
L9A6D:  LDY EnYRoomPos,X
L9A70:  CPY #$E4
L9A72:  BNE $9A7E
L9A74:  JSR $9ABD
L9A77:  LDA #$03
L9A79:  STA $040A,X
L9A7C:  BNE $9A84
L9A7E:  JSR $9AE2
L9A81:  JSR $9AA8
L9A84:  JSR $9AC6
L9A87:  LDA #$03
L9A89:  JSR $800C
L9A8C:  JMP $8006
L9A8F:  LDA $0405,X
L9A92:  LSR 
L9A93:  LDA $040A,X
L9A96:  AND #$03
L9A98:  ROL 
L9A99:  TAY 
L9A9A:  LDA $9AA0,Y
L9A9D:  JMP $800F

L9AA0:  .byte $35, $35, $3E, $38, $3B, $3B, $38, $3E 

L9AA8:  LDX PageIndex
L9AAC:  LDA $00
L9AB0:  LDY $040A,X
L9AB3:  DEY 
L9AB4:  TYA 
L9AB5:  AND #$03
L9AB7:  STA $040A,X
L9ABD:  LDA $0405,X
L9AC0:  EOR #$01
L9AC2:  STA $0405,X

L9AC9:  JSR $9AE2
L9ACC:  LDX PageIndex
L9AD3:  STA $040A,X
L9AD6:  JSR $9A8F

L9ADA:  LDY $040A,X
L9ADF:  AND #$03

L9AE2:  LDY $0405,X
L9AE5:  STY $00
L9AE7:  LSR $00
L9AE9:  ROL 
L9AEC:  LDA $8049,Y
L9AF0:  LDA $8048,Y
L9AF3:  PHA 

L9AF5:  LDA $81
L9AF7:  CMP #$01
L9AF9:  BEQ $9B2D
L9AFB:  CMP #$03
L9AFF:  LDA #$80
L9B01:  STA $6AFE,X
L9B04:  LDA $0402,X
L9B07:  BMI $9B25
L9B09:  LDA $0405,X
L9B0C:  AND #$10
L9B0E:  BEQ $9B25
L9B10:  LDA EnYRoomPos,X
L9B13:  SEC 
L9B14:  SBC $030D
L9B17:  BPL $9B1C
L9B19:  JSR $95C6
L9B1C:  CMP #$10
L9B1E:  BCS $9B25
L9B20:  LDA #$00
L9B22:  STA $6AFE,X
L9B25:  LDA #$03
L9B27:  JMP $8000
L9B2A:  JMP $8006
L9B2D:  LDA #$08
L9B2F:  JMP $8003
L9B32:  LDA EnStatus,X
L9B35:  CMP #$02
L9B37:  BNE $9B71
L9B39:  LDA $0403,X
L9B3C:  BNE $9B71
L9B41:  BNE $9B55
L9B43:  LDA $030D
L9B46:  SEC 
L9B47:  SBC EnYRoomPos,X
L9B4A:  CMP #$40
L9B4C:  BCS $9B71
L9B4E:  LDA #$7F
L9B50:  STA $6AFE,X
L9B53:  BNE $9B71
L9B55:  LDA $0402,X
L9B58:  BMI $9B71
L9B5A:  LDA #$00
L9B5C:  STA $0402,X
L9B5F:  STA EnCounter,X
L9B62:  STA $6AFE,X
L9B65:  LDA $0405,X
L9B68:  AND #$01
L9B6A:  TAY 
L9B6B:  LDA $9BA0,Y
L9B6E:  STA $0403,X
L9B71:  LDA $0405,X
L9B74:  ASL 
L9B75:  BMI $9B95
L9B77:  LDA EnStatus,X
L9B7A:  CMP #$02
L9B7C:  BNE $9B95
L9B7E:  JSR $8036
L9B81:  PHA 
L9B82:  JSR $8039
L9B85:  STA $05
L9B87:  PLA 
L9B88:  STA $04
L9B8A:  JSR $9CA8
L9B8D:  JSR $8027
L9B90:  BCC $9B9A
L9B92:  JSR $9C96
L9B95:  LDA #$03
L9B97:  JMP $8003
L9B9A:  LDA #$00
L9B9C:  STA EnStatus,X

L9BA0:  .byte $04, $FC

L9BA2:  LDA EnStatus,X
L9BA5:  CMP #$03
L9BA7:  BCC $9BC2
L9BAB:  CMP #$05
L9BAF:  LDA #$00
L9BB1:  STA $6B04
L9BB4:  STA $6B14
L9BB7:  STA $6B24
L9BBA:  STA $6B34
L9BBD:  STA $6B44
L9BC2:  JSR $9C1D
L9BC8:  JSR $9D05
L9BCB:  LDA #$0A
L9BCD:  STA $00
L9BD2:  LDA $0405,X
L9BD5:  AND #$02
L9BD7:  BEQ $9BE0
L9BD9:  LDA EnStatus,X
L9BDC:  CMP #$03
L9BE0:  LDA #$00
L9BE2:  STA EnStatus,X
L9BE5:  BEQ $9C12
L9BE7:  LDA $0405,X
L9BEB:  BMI $9C12
L9BED:  LDA EnStatus,X
L9BF0:  CMP #$02
L9BF2:  BNE $9C12
L9BF4:  JSR $802D
L9BF7:  LDX PageIndex
L9BF9:  LDA $00
L9BFB:  STA $0402,X
L9BFE:  JSR $8030
L9C01:  LDX PageIndex
L9C03:  LDA $00
L9C05:  STA $0403,X
L9C08:  JSR $8033
L9C0B:  BCS $9C12
L9C0D:  LDA #$03
L9C0F:  STA EnStatus,X
L9C12:  LDA #$01
L9C14:  JSR $800C
L9C17:  JMP $8006
L9C1A:  JMP $9BD2
L9C1D:  LDX #$50
L9C1F:  JSR $9C2A
L9C22:  TXA 
L9C23:  SEC 
L9C24:  SBC #$10
L9C26:  TAX 
L9C27:  BNE $9C1F
L9C29:  RTS

L9C2A:  LDY EnStatus,X
L9C2D:  BEQ $9C55
L9C2F:  LDA EnDataIndex,X
L9C32:  CMP #$0A
L9C34:  BEQ $9C3A
L9C36:  CMP #$09
L9C38:  BNE $9CA7
L9C3A:  LDA $0405,X
L9C3D:  AND #$02
L9C3F:  BEQ $9C55
L9C41:  DEY 
L9C42:  BEQ $9C60
L9C44:  CPY #$02
L9C46:  BEQ $9C55
L9C48:  CPY #$03
L9C4A:  BNE $9CA7
L9C4C:  LDA $040C,X
L9C4F:  CMP #$01
L9C51:  BNE $9CA7
L9C53:  BEQ $9C60
L9C55:  LDA #$00
L9C57:  STA EnStatus,X
L9C5A:  STA EnSpecialAttribs,X
L9C5D:  JSR $802A
L9C60:  LDA $0405
L9C63:  STA $0405,X
L9C66:  LSR 
L9C67:  PHP 
L9C68:  TXA 
L9C69:  LSR 
L9C6A:  LSR 
L9C6B:  LSR 
L9C6C:  LSR 
L9C6D:  TAY 
L9C6E:  LDA $9CB7,Y
L9C71:  STA $04
L9C73:  LDA $9CC6,Y
L9C76:  STA EnDataIndex,X
L9C79:  TYA 
L9C7A:  PLP 
L9C7B:  ROL 
L9C7C:  TAY 
L9C80:  STA $05
L9C82:  LDX #$00
L9C84:  JSR $9CA8
L9C87:  JSR $8027
L9C8A:  LDX PageIndex
L9C8C:  BCC $9CA7
L9C8E:  LDA EnStatus,X
L9C91:  BNE $9C96
L9C93:  INC EnStatus,X
L9C96:  LDA $08
L9C98:  STA EnYRoomPos,X
L9C9B:  LDA $09
L9C9D:  STA EnXRoomPos,X
L9CA0:  LDA $0B
L9CA2:  AND #$01
L9CA4:  STA EnNameTable,X

L9CA8:  LDA EnYRoomPos,X
L9CAB:  STA $08
L9CAD:  LDA EnXRoomPos,X
L9CB0:  STA $09
L9CB2:  LDA EnNameTable,X
L9CB5:  STA $0B

L9CB8:  .byte $F5, $FD, $05, $F6, $FE, $0A, $F6, $0C, $F4, $0E, $F2, $F8, $08, $F4, $0C, $09
L9CC8:  .byte $09, $09, $0A, $0A
L9CD0:  LDY #$80
L9CD2:  LDA $2D
L9CD4:  AND #$02
L9CD6:  BNE $9D04
L9CD8:  DEY 
L9CD9:  STY $7E
L9CDD:  BMI $9D04
L9CDF:  AND #$0F
L9CE1:  CMP #$0A
L9CE3:  BNE $9D04
L9CE5:  LDA #$01
L9CE7:  LDX #$10
L9CE9:  CMP EnStatus,X
L9CEE:  LDX #$20
L9CF0:  CMP EnStatus,X
L9CF5:  LDX #$30
L9CF7:  CMP EnStatus,X

L9CFF:  LDA #$08
L9D01:  STA EnDelay,X
L9D04:  RTS

L9D05:  LDY $7F
L9D07:  BNE $9D0B
L9D09:  LDY #$60
L9D0B:  LDA $2D
L9D0D:  AND #$02
L9D0F:  BNE $9D34
L9D11:  DEY 
L9D12:  STY $7F
L9D14:  TYA 
L9D15:  ASL 
L9D16:  BMI $9D34
L9D18:  AND #$0F
L9D1A:  BNE $9D34
L9D1C:  LDA #$01
L9D1E:  LDX #$40
L9D20:  CMP EnStatus,X
L9D23:  BEQ $9D2F
L9D25:  LDX #$50
L9D27:  CMP EnStatus,X
L9D2A:  BEQ $9D2F
L9D2C:  INC $7F

L9D2F:  LDA #$08
L9D31:  STA EnDelay,X
L9D34:  RTS

L9D35:  .byte $60, $22, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $22, $80, $81, $82, $83, $22, $84, $85, $86, $87
L9D45:  .byte $22, $88, $89, $8A, $8B, $22, $8C, $8D, $8E, $8F, $22, $94, $95, $96, $97, $22
L9D55:  .byte $9C, $9D, $9D, $9C, $22, $9E, $9F, $9F, $9E, $22, $90, $91, $92, $93, $32, $4E
L9D65:  .byte $4E, $4E, $4E, $4E, $4E

;-----------------------------------[ Enemy animation data tables ]----------------------------------


L9D6A:  .byte $00, $01, $FF

L9D6D:  .byte $02, $FF

L9D6F:  .byte $19, $1A, $FF

L9D72:  .byte $1A, $1B, $FF

L9D75:  .byte $1C, $1D, $FF

L9D78:  .byte $1D, $1E, $FF

L9D7B:  .byte $22, $23, $24, $FF

L9D7F:  .byte $1F, $20, $21, $FF

L9D83:  .byte $22, $FF

L9D85:  .byte $1F, $FF

L9D87:  .byte $23, $04, $FF

L9D8A:  .byte $20, $03, $FF

L9D8D:  .byte $27, $28, $29, $FF

L9D91:  .byte $37, $FF

L9D93:  .byte $38, $FF

L9D95:  .byte $39, $FF

L9D97:  .byte $3A, $FF

L9D99:  .byte $3B, $FF

L9D9B:  .byte $3C, $FF

L9D9D:  .byte $3D, $FF

L9D9F:  .byte $58, $59, $FF

L9DA2:  .byte $5A, $5B, $FF

L9DA5:  .byte $5C, $5D, $FF

L9DA8:  .byte $5E, $5F, $FF

L9DAB:  .byte $60, $FF

L9DAD:  .byte $61, $F7, $62, $F7, $FF

L9DB2:  .byte $63, $64, $FF

L9DB5:  .byte $65, $FF

L9DB7:  .byte $66, $67, $FF

L9DBA:  .byte $69, $6A, $FF

L9DBD:  .byte $68, $FF

L9DBF:  .byte $6B, $FF

L9DC1:  .byte $66, $FF

L9DC3:  .byte $69, $FF

L9DC5:  .byte $6C, $FF

L9DC7:  .byte $6D, $FF

L9DC9:  .byte $6F, $70, $71, $6E, $FF

L9DCE:  .byte $73, $74, $75, $72, $FF

L9DD3:  .byte $8F, $90, $FF

L9DD6:  .byte $91, $92, $FF

L9DD9:  .byte $93, $94, $FF

L9DDC:  .byte $95, $FF

L9DDE:  .byte $96, $FF

;----------------------------[ Enemy sprite drawing pointer tables ]---------------------------------

L9DE0:  .word $9FC2, $9FC7, $9FCC, $9FD1, $9FDA, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3
L9DF0:  .word $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3
L9E00:  .word $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FE3
L9E10:  .word $9FE3, $9FE3, $9FF1, $9FFF, $A00B, $A019, $A027, $A033
L9E20:  .word $A03C, $A046, $A050, $A059, $A063, $A06D, $A06D, $A06D
L9E30:  .word $A07B, $A082, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B
L9E40:  .word $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B, $A08B
L9E50:  .word $A09F, $A0B3, $A0BE, $A0C9, $A0D2, $A0DB, $A0E6, $A0E6
L9E60:  .word $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6
L9E70:  .word $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6
L9E80:  .word $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6, $A0E6
L9E90:  .word $A0E6, $A0EE, $A0F6, $A0FE, $A106, $A10E, $A116, $A11E
L9EA0:  .word $A126, $A12E, $A13C, $A156, $A162, $A16F, $A177, $A17F
L9EB0:  .word $A187, $A18F, $A197, $A19F, $A1A7, $A1AF, $A1B7, $A1BF
L9EC0:  .word $A1C7, $A1CF, $A1D7, $A1DF, $A1E7, $A1EF, $A1F7, $A1F7
L9ED0:  .word $A1F7, $A1F7, $A1F7, $A1F7, $A1F7, $A1F7, $A1F7, $A1F7

L9EE0:  .word $A1F7, $A1FF, $A204, $A204, $A204, $A204, $A204, $A204
L9EF0:  .word $A204, $A204, $A209, $A209, $A209, $A209, $A209, $A209
L9F00:  .word $A213, $A21D, $A22D, $A23D, $A24D, $A25D, $A267

L9F0E:  .word $9F2E, $9F30, $9F48, $9F60, $9F60, $9F60, $9F70, $9F7C
L9F1E:  .word $9F84, $9F90, $9F90, $9FB0, $9FBE, $9FBE, $9FBE, $9FBE

;------------------------------[ Enemy sprite placement data tables ]--------------------------------

L9F2E:  .byte $FC, $FC

;Enemy explode.
L9F30:  .byte $80, $80, $81, $81, $82, $82, $83, $83, $84, $84, $85, $85, $F4, $F8, $F4, $00
L9F40:  .byte $FC, $F8, $FC, $00, $04, $F8, $04, $00

L9F48:  .byte $F0, $F4, $F0, $FC, $F0, $04, $F8, $F4, $F8, $FC, $F8, $04, $00, $F4, $00, $FC
L9F58:  .byte $00, $04, $08, $F4, $08, $FC, $08, $04

L9F60:  .byte $F8, $F4, $00, $F4, $F8, $FC, $00, $FC, $F4, $FC, $FC, $FC, $F8, $04, $00, $04

L9F70:  .byte $02, $F4, $0A, $F4, $F8, $FC, $00, $FC, $02, $04, $0A, $04

L9F7C:  .byte $F8, $F8, $F8, $00, $00, $F8, $00, $00

L9F84:  .byte $F4, $FC, $FC, $FC, $04, $FC, $FC, $04, $04, $04, $0C, $FC

L9F90:  .byte $F8, $F8, $F8, $00, $00, $F8, $00, $00, $F0, $00, $F0, $08, $F8, $08, $F0, $F0
L9FA0:  .byte $F0, $F8, $F8, $F0, $00, $F0, $08, $F0, $08, $F8, $00, $08, $08, $00, $08, $08

L9FB0:  .byte $F8, $FC, $00, $F8, $F4, $F4, $FC, $F4, $00, $00, $F4, $04, $FC, $04

L9FBE:  .byte $FC, $F8, $FC, $00 

;Enemy frame drawing data.

L9FC2:  .byte $00, $02, $02, $14, $FF

L9FC7:  .byte $00, $02, $02, $24, $FF

L9FCC:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $04, $FF

L9FD1:  .byte $27, $06, $08, $FC, $04, $00, $D0, $D1, $FF

L9FDA:  .byte $67, $06, $08, $FC, $04, $00, $D0, $D1, $FF

L9FE3:  .byte $25, $08, $0A, $A3, $B3, $A4, $B4, $FE, $FE, $FD, $62, $A3, $B3, $FF

L9FF1:  .byte $25, $08, $0A, $A5, $B3, $FE, $FE, $A4, $B4, $FD, $62, $A5, $B3, $FF

L9FFF:  .byte $26, $08, $0A, $B5, $B3, $A4, $B4, $FD, $62, $B5, $B3, $FF

LA00B:  .byte $A5, $08, $0A, $A3, $B3, $A4, $B4, $FE, $FE, $FD, $E2, $A3, $B3, $FF

LA019:  .byte $A5, $08, $0A, $A5, $B3, $FE, $FE, $A4, $B4, $FD, $E2, $A5, $B3, $FF

LA027:  .byte $A6, $08, $0A, $B5, $B3, $A4, $B4, $FD, $E2, $B5, $B3, $FF

LA033:  .byte $27, $06, $08, $FC, $04, $00, $C0, $C1, $FF

LA03C:  .byte $27, $06, $08, $E0, $E1, $FD, $A2, $E0, $E1, $FF

LA046:  .byte $27, $06, $08, $F0, $F1, $FD, $A2, $F0, $F1, $FF

LA050:  .byte $67, $06, $08, $FC, $04, $00, $C0, $C1, $FF

LA059:  .byte $67, $06, $08, $E0, $E1, $FD, $E2, $E0, $E1, $FF

LA063:  .byte $67, $06, $08, $F0, $F1, $FD, $E2, $F0, $F1, $FF

LA06D:  .byte $28, $0C, $08, $CE, $FC, $00, $FC, $DE, $EE, $DF, $FD, $62, $EE, $FF

LA07B:  .byte $28, $0C, $08, $CE, $CF, $EF, $FF

LA082:  .byte $28, $0C, $08, $CE, $FD, $62, $CF, $EF, $FF

LA08B:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $FC, $08, $FC, $A3, $FC, $00, $08, $A3, $FC, $00, $F8, $B3, $FC
LA09B:  .byte $00, $08, $B3, $FF

LA09F:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $FC, $00, $FC, $B3, $FC, $00, $08, $B3, $FC, $00, $F8, $A3, $FC
LA0AF:  .byte $00, $08, $A3, $FF

LA0B3:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $FC, $04, $00, $F1, $F0, $F1, $F0, $FF

LA0BE:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $FC, $04, $00, $F0, $F1, $F0, $F1, $FF

LA0C9:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $FC, $08, $00, $D1, $D0, $FF

LA0D2:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $FC, $08, $00, $D0, $D1, $FF

LA0DB:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $FC, $08, $00, $DE, $DF, $EE, $EE, $FF

LA0E6:  .byte $27, $08, $08, $CC, $CD, $DC, $DD, $FF

LA0EE:  .byte $67, $08, $08, $CC, $CD, $DC, $DD, $FF

LA0F6:  .byte $27, $08, $08, $CA, $CB, $DA, $DB, $FF

LA0FE:  .byte $A7, $08, $08, $CA, $CB, $DA, $DB, $FF

LA106:  .byte $A7, $08, $08, $CC, $CD, $DC, $DD, $FF

LA10E:  .byte $E7, $08, $08, $CC, $CD, $DC, $DD, $FF

LA116:  .byte $67, $08, $08, $CA, $CB, $DA, $DB, $FF

LA11E:  .byte $E7, $08, $08, $CA, $CB, $DA, $DB, $FF

LA126:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $CC, $CD, $DC, $DD, $FF

LA12E:  .byte $0A, $00, $00, $75, $FD, $60, $75, $FD, $A0, $75, $FD, $E0, $75, $FF

LA13C:  .byte $0A, $00, $00, $FE, $FE, $FE, $FE, $3D, $3E, $4E, $FD, $60, $3E, $3D, $4E, $FD
LA14C:  .byte $E0, $4E, $3E, $3D, $FD, $A0, $4E, $3D, $3E, $FF

LA156:  .byte $2B, $08, $08, $E2, $E3, $E4, $FE, $FD, $62, $E3, $E4, $FF

LA162:  .byte $2B, $08, $08, $E2, $E3, $FE, $E4, $FD, $62, $E3, $FE, $E4, $FF

LA16F:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $96, $96, $98, $98, $FF

LA177:  .byte $2A, $08, $08, $C2, $C3, $D2, $D3, $FF

LA17F:  .byte $2A, $08, $08, $C2, $C4, $D2, $D4, $FF

LA187:  .byte $21, $08, $08, $C2, $C4, $D2, $D4, $FF

LA18F:  .byte $6A, $08, $08, $C2, $C3, $D2, $D3, $FF

LA197:  .byte $6A, $08, $08, $C2, $C4, $D2, $D4, $FF

LA19F:  .byte $61, $08, $08, $C2, $C4, $D2, $D4, $FF

LA1A7:  .byte $20, $02, $04, $FC, $FF

LA1AC:  .byte $00, $F8, $FF

LA1AF:  .byte $60, $02, $04, $FC, $FF

LA1B4:  .byte $00, $F8, $FF

LA1B7:  .byte $20, $02, $02, $FC, $FE, $00, $D9, $FF

LA1BF:  .byte $E0, $02, $02, $FC, $00, $02, $D8, $FF

LA1C7:  .byte $E0, $02, $02, $FC, $02, $00, $D9, $FF

LA1CF:  .byte $20, $02, $02, $FC, $00, $FE, $D8, $FF

LA1D7:  .byte $60, $02, $02, $FC, $FE, $00, $D9, $FF

LA1DF:  .byte $A0, $02, $02, $FC, $00, $FE, $D8, $FF

LA1E7:  .byte $A0, $02, $02, $FC, $02, $00, $D9, $FF

LA1EF:  .byte $60, $02, $02, $FC, $00, $02, $D8, $FF

LA1F7:  .byte $06, $08, $04, $FE, $FE, $14, $24, $FF

LA1FF:  .byte $00, $04, $04, $8A, $FF

LA204:  .byte $00, $04, $04, $8A, $FF

LA209:  .byte $3F, $04, $08, $FD, $03, $EC, $FD, $43, $EC, $FF

LA213:  .byte $3F, $04, $08, $FD, $03, $ED, $FD, $43, $ED, $FF

LA21D:  .byte $22, $10, $0C, $C5, $C6, $C7, $D5, $D6, $D7, $E5, $E6, $E7, $F5, $F6, $F7, $FF

LA22D:  .byte $22, $10, $0C, $C5, $C6, $C7, $D5, $D6, $D7, $E5, $E6, $E7, $E8, $E9, $F9, $FF

LA23D:  .byte $62, $10, $0C, $C5, $C6, $C7, $D5, $D6, $D7, $E5, $E6, $E7, $F5, $F6, $F7, $FF

LA24D:  .byte $62, $10, $0C, $C5, $C6, $C7, $D5, $D6, $D7, $E5, $E6, $E7, $E8, $E9, $F9, $FF

LA25D:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $C5, $C7, $D5, $D7, $E5, $E7, $FF

LA267:  .byte $21, $00, $00, $C7, $C5, $D7, $D5, $E7, $E5, $FF

;----------------------------------------[ Palette data ]--------------------------------------------

LA271:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA272:  .byte $00                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA273:  .byte $20                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the background palette:
LA274:  .byte $0F, $22, $12, $1C, $0F, $22, $12, $1C, $0F, $27, $11, $07, $0F, $22, $12, $1C
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA284:  .byte $0F, $16, $19, $27, $0F, $12, $30, $21, $0F, $27, $2A, $3C, $0F, $15, $21, $38

LA294:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette00 info.

LA295:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA296:  .byte $12                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA297:  .byte $02                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA298:  .byte $19, $27

LA29A:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette01 info.

LA29B:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA29C:  .byte $12                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA29D:  .byte $02                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA29E:  .byte $2C, $27

LA2A0:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette02 info.

LA2A1:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2A2:  .byte $12                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2A3:  .byte $02                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2A4:  .byte $19, $35

LA2A6:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette03 info.

LA2A7:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2A8:  .byte $12                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2A9:  .byte $02                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2AA:  .byte $2C, $24

LA2AC:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette04 info.

LA2AD:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2AE:  .byte $00                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2AF:  .byte $10                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the background palette:
LA2B0:  .byte $0F, $20, $10, $00, $0F, $28, $19, $17, $0F, $27, $11, $07, $0F, $28, $16, $17
LA2C0:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2C1:  .byte $14                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2C2:  .byte $0C                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2C3:  .byte $0F, $12, $30, $21, $0F, $26, $1A, $31, $0F, $15, $21, $38

LA2CF:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette05 info.

LA2D0:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2D1:  .byte $11                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2D2:  .byte $03                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2D3:  .byte $04, $09, $07

LA2D6:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette06 info.

LA2D7:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2D8:  .byte $11                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2D9:  .byte $03                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2DA:  .byte $05, $09, $17

LA2DD:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette07 info.

LA2DE:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2DF:  .byte $11                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2E0:  .byte $03                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2E1:  .byte $06, $0A, $26

LA2E4:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette08 info.

LA2E5:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2E6:  .byte $11                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2E7:  .byte $03                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2E8:  .byte $16, $19, $27

LA2EB:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette09 info.

LA2EC:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2ED:  .byte $00                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2EE:  .byte $04                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the background palette:
LA2EF:  .byte $0F, $30, $30, $21

LA2F3:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette0A info.

LA2F4:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2F5:  .byte $10                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2F6:  .byte $04                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2F7:  .byte $0F, $15, $34, $17

LA2FB:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette0B info.

LA2FC:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2FD:  .byte $10                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA2FE:  .byte $04                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA2FF:  .byte $0F, $15, $34, $19

LA303:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette0C info.

LA304:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA305:  .byte $10                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA306:  .byte $04                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA307:  .byte $0F, $15, $34, $28

LA30B:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette0D info.

LA30C:  .byte $3F                       ;Upper byte of PPU palette adress.
LA30D:  .byte $10                       ;Lower byte of PPU palette adress.
LA30E:  .byte $04                       ;Palette data length.
;The following values are written to the sprite palette:
LA30F:  .byte $0F, $15, $34, $29

LA313:  .byte $00                       ;End Palette0E info.

;----------------------------[ Room and structure pointer tables ]-----------------------------------

LA314:  .word $A441, $A454, $A45C, $A480, $A4BB, $A4ED, $A524, $A55A
LA324:  .word $A587, $A5B9, $A5DD, $A615, $A635, $A661, $A68D, $A6B1
LA334:  .word $A6DB, $A715, $A73C, $A768, $A78B, $A7A3, $A7D0, $A7F1
LA344:  .word $A81B, $A85B, $A88B, $A8B1, $A8E7, $A910, $A92B, $A96B
LA354:  .word $A997, $A9C6, $A9F6, $AA20, $AA56, $AAA4, $AAE6, $AB19
LA364:  .word $AB48, $AB71, $AB92, $ABBF, $AC24, $AC4D, $AC6A 

LA372:  .word $AC84, $AC97, $ACB0, $ACC9, $ACD0, $ACD7, $ACDB, $ACE6
LA382:  .word $ACF3, $ACFF, $AD05, $AD0A, $AD1A, $AD1E, $AD28, $AD4D 
LA392:  .word $AD57, $AD6A, $AD7F, $AD8E, $AD98, $ADA2, $ADAD, $ADBE
LA3A2:  .word $ADE3, $ADE6, $ADEC, $ADF9, $AE09, $AE13, $AE18, $AE2D
LA3B2:  .word $AE42, $AE48, $AE4B, $AE5F, $AE70, $AE85, $AE8E, $AE92
LA3C2:  .word $AEA5, $AEB0, $AEB3, $AEBE, $AEC8, $AECB, $AEDE, $AEE1
LA3D2:  .word $AEE4, $AEED 

;------------------------------------[ Special items table ]-----------------------------------------

;The way the bytes work int the special items table is as follows:
;Long entry(one with a data word in it):
;Byte 0=Y coordinate of room on the world map.
;Word 0=Address of next entry in the table that has a different Y coordinate.--> 
;       $FFFF=No more items with different Y coordinates.
;Byte 1=X coordinate of room in the world map.
;Byte 2=byte offset-1 of next special item in the table that has the same-->
;       Y coordinate(short entry). $FF=No more items with different X-->
;       coordinates until next long entry.
;Byte 3=Item type. See list below for special item types.
;Bytes 4 to end of entry(ends with #$00)=Data bytes for special item(s).-->
;       It is possible to have multiple special items in one room.
;Short entry(one without a data word in it):
;Byte 0=X coordinate of room in the world map(Y coordinate is the same-->
;       as the last long item entry in the table).
;Byte 1=byte offset-1 of next special item in the table that has the same-->
;       Y coordinate(short entry). $FF=No more items with different X-->
;       coordinates until next long entry.
;Byte 2=Item type. See list below for special item types.
;Bytes 3 to end of entry(ends with #$00)=Data bytes for special item(s).-->
;       It is possible to have multiple special items in one room.
;Special item types:
;#$02=Power up.
;#$03=Mellows, Memus or Melias.
;#$05=Mother brain room cannon.
;#$06=Mother brain.
;#$0A=Palette change room.


;Elevator to Tourian.
LA3D6:  .byte $02
LA3D7:  .word $A3E4
LA3D9:  .byte $03, $05, $04, $03, $00

;Varia suit.
LA3DE:  .byte $0F, $FF, $02, $05, $37, $00

LA3E4:  .byte $03
LA3E5:  .word $A3F3
LA3E7:  .byte $18, $06, $02, $09, $67, $00

;Energy tank.
LA3ED:  .byte $1B, $FF, $02, $08, $87, $00

;Long beam.
LA3F3:  .byte $05
LA3F4:  .word $A402
LA3F6:  .byte $07, $06, $02, $02, $37, $00

LA3FC:  .byte $19, $FF, $02, $00, $37, $00

;Palette change room.
LA402:  .byte $07
LA403:  .word $A40F
LA405:  .byte $0C, $04, $0A, $00

;Energy tank.
LA409:  .byte $19, $FF, $02, $08, $87, $00

;Ice beam.
LA40F:  .byte $09
LA410:  .word $A41C
LA412:  .byte $13, $06, $02, $07, $37, $00

LA418:  .byte $15, $FF, $03, $00

LA41C:  .byte $0B
LA41D:  .word $A42A
LA41F:  .byte $12, $06, $02, $09, $67, $00

;Elevator to Norfair.
LA425:  .byte $16, $FF, $04, $01, $00

;Maru Mari.
LA42A:  .byte $0E
LA42B:  .word $A439
LA42D:  .byte $02, $06, $02, $04, $96, $00

;Energy tank.
LA433:  .byte $09, $FF, $02, $08, $12, $00

;Elevator to Kraid.
LA439:  .byte $12
LA43A:  .word $FFFF
LA43C:  .byte $07, $FF, $04, $02, $00

;-----------------------------------------[ Room definitions ]---------------------------------------

;The first byte of the room definitions is attribute table data and is used to set the base color of
;the room. The object data is grouped into 3 byte segments and represents a structure in the room.
;The first byte of the structure data has the format yyyyxxxx and contains the y, x location of the
;structure in the room(measured in tiles). The second byte is an index into the StrctPtrTbl and
;identifies which structure to use.  The third byte is an attribute table byte and determines the
;color of the structure.  Most of the time, this byte will have the same value as the attribute byte
;for the base color of the room. Having a room base color byte reduces the calculations required to
;find the proper color for each structure as the structure attribute byte is skipped if it is the same
;as the room attribute byte. #$FD marks the end of the room objects portion of the room definition.
;Using the byte #$FE can be used as an empty place holder in the room data.  For example, if you
;wanted to remove a structure from a room, simply replace the three bytes associated with the structure
;with #$FE. The next portion of the room definition describes the enemies and doors in the room. The
;number of data bytes and their functions vary depending on what type of item is being loaded.

;Room #$00
LA441:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAA42:  .byte $40, $01, $02, $48, $01, $02, $50, $03, $02, $5F, $03, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAA4F:  .byte $02, $A1, $02, $B1, $FF

;Room #$01
LA454:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA455:  .byte $07, $02, $02, $87, $02, $02, $FF

;Room #$02
LA45C:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA45D:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $50, $0B, $03, $5E, $0B, $03, $A0, $0B, $03, $AE
LA46D:  .byte $0B, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data: 
LA470:  .byte $01, $03, $42, $11, $83, $8A, $21, $03, $B5, $31, $02, $59, $41, $02, $A3, $FF

;Room #$03
LA480:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA481:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $02, $09, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $50, $0B, $03, $56, $0A, $03, $5F
LA491:  .byte $03, $02, $8B, $0A, $03, $8E, $0B, $03, $92, $0A, $03, $A0, $0B, $03, $C7, $09
LA4A1:  .byte $03, $DE, $0B, $03, $FD 
;Room enemy/door data:
LA4A6:  .byte $02, $A1, $01, $85, $47, $11, $05, $BA, $21, $03, $08, $31, $83, $53, $41, $83
LA4B6:  .byte $97, $51, $03, $C5, $FF

;Room #$04
LA4BB:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA4BC:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $04, $0A, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $47, $09, $03, $50, $03, $02, $5E
LA4CC:  .byte $0B, $03, $80, $0B, $03, $82, $0A, $03, $9C, $0A, $03, $AE, $0B, $03, $B6, $0A
LA4DC:  .byte $03, $C0, $0B, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA4E1:  .byte $02, $B1, $41, $03, $45, $51, $03, $BB, $31, $05, $39, $FF 

;Room #$05
LA4ED:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA4EE:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $15, $09, $03, $50, $03, $02, $57, $0A, $03, $5F
LA4FE:  .byte $03, $02, $80, $0B, $03, $82, $0A, $03, $8B, $0A, $03, $8E, $0B, $03, $B0, $0B
LA50E:  .byte $03, $C6, $09, $03, $CE, $0B, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA516:  .byte $02, $A1, $02, $B1, $01, $83, $43, $31, $85, $48, $51, $05, $B7, $FF

;Room #$06
LA524:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA525:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $12, $0A, $03, $37, $0A, $03, $50, $0B, $03, $5E
LA535:  .byte $0B, $03, $73, $0A, $03, $8A, $0A, $03, $A0, $0B, $03, $AE, $0B, $03, $B6, $09
LA545:  .byte $03, $FD 
;Room enemy/door data:
LA547:  .byte $01, $03, $B3, $11, $03, $3C, $21, $05, $A8, $31, $05, $64, $51, $85, $7B, $41
LA557:  .byte $05, $28, $FF

;Room #$07
LA55A:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA55B:  .byte $00, $0D, $03, $08, $0D, $03, $54, $06, $03, $5A, $06, $03, $67, $07, $03, $A0
LA56B:  .byte $0B, $03, $AE, $0B, $03, $C2, $06, $03, $CD, $06, $03, $D2, $00, $02, $D6, $00
LA57B:  .byte $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA57D:  .byte $51, $05, $B2, $41, $05, $BD, $31, $05, $67, $FF

;Room #$08
LA587:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA588:  .byte $00, $1E, $03, $04, $1E, $03, $08, $1E, $03, $0C, $1E, $03, $38, $1E, $03, $40
LA598:  .byte $1E, $03, $44, $1E, $03, $4C, $1E, $03, $74, $1E, $03, $78, $1E, $03, $80, $1E
LA5A8:  .byte $03, $8C, $1E, $03, $B0, $1E, $03, $B4, $1E, $03, $B8, $1E, $03, $CC, $1E, $03
LA5B8:  .byte $FF

;Room #$09(Starting room).
LA5B9:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA5BA:  .byte $00, $11, $01, $08, $11, $01, $35, $1D, $03, $3B, $1D, $03, $55, $0B, $03, $5A
LA5CA:  .byte $0B, $03, $C5, $16, $00, $D0, $10, $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data: 
LA5D6:  .byte $51, $05, $25, $41, $05, $2B, $FF

;Room #$0A
LA5DD:  .byte $00                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA5DE:  .byte $00, $14, $00, $08, $14, $00, $0F, $15, $00, $10, $15, $00, $14, $15, $00, $25
LA5EE:  .byte $08, $03, $50, $14, $00, $58, $0C, $00, $5F, $04, $02, $60, $14, $00, $70, $13
LA5FE:  .byte $00, $80, $14, $00, $88, $14, $00, $90, $16, $00, $99, $16, $00, $B3, $15, $00
LA60E:  .byte $BC, $15, $00, $FD
;Room enemy/door data: 
LA612:  .byte $02, $A0, $FF

;Room #$0B
LA615:  .byte $00                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA616:  .byte $00, $15, $00, $01, $16, $00, $08, $16, $00, $0F, $15, $00, $4F, $15, $00, $50
LA626:  .byte $04, $02, $80, $16, $00, $87, $02, $02, $89, $16, $00, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA632:  .byte $02, $B1, $FF

;Room #$0C
LA635:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA636:  .byte $00, $1B, $02, $08, $1B, $02, $10, $1A, $02, $50, $03, $02, $80, $1A, $02, $82
LA646:  .byte $19, $02, $BC, $19, $02, $C0, $1A, $02, $C6, $1B, $02, $D1, $00, $02, $D9, $00
LA656:  .byte $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA658:  .byte $02, $B1, $51, $02, $5A, $31, $02, $AA, $FF

;Room #$0D
LA661:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA662:  .byte $00, $1B, $02, $08, $1B, $02, $1E, $1A, $02, $5F, $03, $02, $8C, $19, $02, $8E
LA672:  .byte $1A, $02, $B7, $1A, $02, $C2, $1A, $02, $CE, $1A, $02, $D0, $00, $02, $D7, $00
LA682:  .byte $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA684:  .byte $02, $A1, $31, $05, $B3, $51, $02, $44, $FF

;Room #$0E
LA68D:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA68E:  .byte $00, $1B, $02, $08, $1B, $02, $AC, $19, $02, $B4, $19, $02, $B8, $1A, $02, $D0
LA69E:  .byte $00, $02, $D8, $00, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA6A4:  .byte $01, $82, $28, $11, $05, $A5, $21, $02, $8B, $31, $02, $BD, $FF 

;Room #$0F
LA6B1:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA6B2:  .byte $00, $1B, $02, $08, $1B, $02, $59, $06, $03, $92, $19, $02, $AC, $19, $02, $BB
LA6C2:  .byte $19, $02, $C0, $06, $03, $D0, $00, $02, $D8, $00, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA6CE:  .byte $01, $02, $3B, $11, $02, $B8, $51, $85, $84, $41, $05, $49, $FF

;Room #$10
LA6DB:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA6DC:  .byte $00, $17, $02, $08, $17, $02, $10, $17, $02, $18, $17, $02, $50, $03, $02, $5F
LA6EC:  .byte $03, $02, $80, $1A, $02, $82, $19, $02, $86, $2E, $02, $87, $1B, $02, $8E, $1A
LA6FC:  .byte $02, $C0, $1A, $02, $CE, $1A, $02, $D2, $12, $02, $D8, $12, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA70A:  .byte $02, $A1, $02, $B1, $01, $02, $5C, $11, $02, $A7, $FF

;Room #$11
LA715:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA716:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $02, $06, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $50, $0B, $03, $52, $06, $03, $5E
LA726:  .byte $0B, $03, $A0, $0B, $03, $A2, $06, $03, $AE, $0B, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA732:  .byte $01, $83, $DD, $11, $03, $35, $21, $02, $7D, $FF

;Room #$12
LA73C:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA73D:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $02, $11, $01, $0A, $11, $01, $50, $03, $02, $80, $0B, $03, $82
LA74D:  .byte $0A, $03, $D0, $10, $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA756:  .byte $02, $B1, $01, $05, $C7, $11, $05, $CB, $51, $04, $3A, $41, $04, $29, $31, $04
LA766:  .byte $1E, $FF

;Room #$13
LA768:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA769:  .byte $00, $11, $01, $07, $10, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $5F, $03, $02, $8A, $09, $03, $8E
LA779:  .byte $0B, $03, $D0, $10, $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA782:  .byte $02, $A1, $01, $05, $7B, $11, $05, $C8, $FF

;Room #$14
LA78B:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA78C:  .byte $00, $11, $01, $08, $11, $01, $D0, $10, $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA799:  .byte $51, $04, $14, $21, $04, $38, $41, $04, $2E, $FF

;Room #$15
LA7A3:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA7A4:  .byte $00, $10, $03, $08, $10, $03, $90, $1F, $01, $96, $1F, $01, $AA, $05, $03, $AC
LA7B4:  .byte $1F, $01, $BA, $10, $03, $C4, $05, $03, $D0, $10, $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA7C3:  .byte $51, $05, $89, $37, $87, $AB, $21, $06, $23, $17, $07, $C5, $FF

;Room #$16
LA7D0:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA7D1:  .byte $00, $11, $01, $08, $11, $01, $B0, $1F, $01, $B6, $05, $03, $B8, $05, $03, $BC
LA7E1:  .byte $1F, $01, $C6, $1F, $01, $D4, $00, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA7EA:  .byte $07, $07, $B7, $47, $87, $B9, $FF

;Room #$17
LA7F1:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA7F2:  .byte $00, $11, $01, $08, $10, $03, $4A, $1E, $03, $6B, $1E, $03, $8C, $1E, $03, $A6
LA802:  .byte $15, $00, $B3, $1D, $03, $B9, $1D, $03, $C3, $0C, $00, $C8, $0C, $00, $D0, $10
LA812:  .byte $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA817:  .byte $41, $05, $B4, $FF

;Room #$18
LA81B:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA81C:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $01, $11, $01, $09, $11, $01, $0E, $0B, $03, $50, $03, $02, $5F
LA82C:  .byte $03, $02, $64, $0D, $03, $66, $20, $01, $80, $1F, $01, $84, $20, $01, $88, $20
LA83C:  .byte $01, $8C, $1E, $03, $A6, $20, $01, $B0, $0B, $03, $BE, $0B, $03, $E6, $20, $01
LA84C:  .byte $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA84D:  .byte $02, $A1, $02, $B1, $31, $05, $56, $01, $85, $5A, $21, $05, $D9, $FF

;Room #$19
LA85B:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA85C:  .byte $00, $10, $03, $04, $1F, $01, $08, $1F, $01, $0C, $11, $01, $12, $31, $03, $44
LA86C:  .byte $1F, $01, $48, $1F, $01, $84, $1F, $01, $88, $1F, $01, $D0, $1F, $01, $D4, $1F
LA87C:  .byte $01, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA881:  .byte $51, $05, $C0, $41, $05, $CA, $31, $06, $3C, $FF

;Room #$1A
LA88B:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA88C:  .byte $00, $28, $02, $01, $2D, $02, $09, $2D, $02, $50, $04, $02, $80, $28, $02, $81
LA89C:  .byte $14, $00, $95, $15, $00, $D0, $2D, $02, $D8, $2D, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA8A8:  .byte $02, $B0, $01, $05, $C7, $11, $85, $CA, $FF

;Room #$1B
LA8B1:  .byte $00                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA8B2:  .byte $00, $14, $00, $04, $15, $00, $08, $14, $00, $0A, $15, $00, $97, $06, $03, $A0
LA8C2:  .byte $0B, $03, $A6, $15, $00, $A8, $15, $00, $AE, $0B, $03, $B4, $06, $03, $BA, $06
LA8D2:  .byte $03, $C2, $06, $03, $D2, $00, $02, $D6, $00, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA8DD:  .byte $41, $05, $AA, $21, $06, $17, $11, $05, $A4, $FF

;Room #$1C
LA8E7:  .byte $00                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA8E8:  .byte $00, $15, $00, $01, $0D, $03, $09, $0E, $01, $2A, $23, $01, $37, $22, $03, $4D
LA8F8:  .byte $0E, $01, $50, $03, $02, $6A, $16, $00, $6D, $0E, $01, $80, $14, $00, $87, $02
LA908:  .byte $02, $89, $14, $00, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA90D:  .byte $02, $B1, $FF

;Room #$1D
LA910:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA911:  .byte $00, $0E, $01, $08, $0E, $01, $44, $0E, $01, $84, $0F, $01, $94, $0E, $01, $B0
LA921:  .byte $0E, $01, $B8, $0E, $01, $FD 
;Room enemy/door data:
LA927:  .byte $31, $06, $42, $FF

;Room #$1E
LA92B:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA92C:  .byte $00, $0E, $01, $02, $2A, $01, $07, $25, $01, $08, $0E, $01, $10, $0E, $01, $12
LA93c:  .byte $2A, $01, $17, $25, $01, $18, $0E, $01, $50, $03, $02, $5F, $03, $02, $74, $26
LA94C:  .byte $01, $78, $26, $01, $80, $0E, $01, $88, $0E, $01, $C0, $24, $01, $CC, $24, $01
LA95C:  .byte $D4, $00, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA960:  .byte $02, $A1, $02, $B1, $11, $02, $52, $01, $03, $C8, $FF

;Room #$1F
LA96B:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA96C:  .byte $00, $27, $01, $08, $27, $01, $10, $24, $01, $50, $03, $02, $80, $24, $01, $A6
LA97C:  .byte $26, $01, $B0, $0E, $01, $CA, $26, $01, $D8, $0E, $01, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA988:  .byte $02, $B1, $01, $02, $2B, $11, $02, $BB, $21, $82, $5B, $31, $02, $8B, $FF

;Room #$20
LA997:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA998:  .byte $00, $27, $01, $08, $27, $01, $1C, $24, $01, $20, $24, $01, $5F, $03, $02, $8C
LA9A8:  .byte $24, $01, $BA, $26, $01, $C4, $26, $01, $C8, $0E, $01, $D0, $0E, $01, $FD 
;Room enemy/door data:
LA9B7:  .byte $02, $A1, $51, $02, $85, $41, $02, $C5, $31, $05, $BA, $21, $05, $C5, $FF

;Room #$21
LA9C6:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA9C7:  .byte $00, $0E, $01, $08, $0E, $01, $30, $0E, $01, $38, $0E, $01, $A7, $26, $01, $B0
LA9D7:  .byte $24, $01, $B6, $24, $01, $BC, $24, $01, $C4, $05, $03, $D4, $27, $01, $DA, $00
LA9E7:  .byte $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LA9E9:  .byte $07, $07, $C5, $11, $05, $AC, $21, $05, $A8, $51, $06, $7A, $FF

;Room #$22
LA9F6:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LA9F7:  .byte $00, $0E, $01, $08, $0E, $01, $30, $0E, $01, $37, $25, $01, $48, $2A, $01, $4C
LAA07:  .byte $2A, $01, $68, $0E, $01, $78, $0E, $01, $A3, $26, $01, $B0, $0E, $01, $B8, $0E
LAA17:  .byte $01, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAA19:  .byte $41, $06, $75, $21, $03, $85, $FF

;Room #$23
LAA20:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAA21:  .byte $00, $27, $01, $08, $27, $01, $63, $29, $01, $73, $28, $02, $8B, $29, $01, $9B
LAA31:  .byte $28, $02, $C0, $26, $01, $C6, $26, $01, $D0, $0E, $01, $D8, $00, $02, $D9, $0E
LAA41:  .byte $01, $DE, $05, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAA46:  .byte $01, $85, $63, $11, $05, $8B, $21, $02, $6E, $47, $07, $DF, $31, $83, $A8, $FF

;Room #$24
LAA56:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAA57:  .byte $00, $0E, $01, $08, $0E, $01, $40, $2B, $00, $48, $2B, $00, $50, $0E, $01, $53
LAA67:  .byte $20, $01, $58, $0E, $01, $5B, $20, $01, $60, $2B, $00, $68, $13, $00, $70, $27
LAA77:  .byte $01, $78, $27, $01, $80, $2B, $00, $88, $2B, $00, $90, $27, $01, $98, $27, $01
LAA87:  .byte $A0, $13, $00, $A8, $2B, $00, $B0, $0E, $01, $B8, $0E, $01, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAA94:  .byte $01, $05, $4D, $11, $85, $6C, $21, $05, $8A, $31, $85, $AF, $41, $05, $47, $FF

;Room #$25
LAAA4:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAAA5:  .byte $00, $27, $01, $05, $27, $01, $0A, $0E, $01, $23, $24, $01, $4A, $13, $00, $52
LAAB5:  .byte $24, $01, $59, $20, $01, $5A, $0E, $01, $6A, $2B, $00, $79, $0E, $01, $89, $2B
LAAC5:  .byte $00, $90, $28, $02, $94, $06, $03, $98, $0E, $01, $A8, $13, $00, $B0, $0E, $01
LAAD5:  .byte $B8, $0E, $01, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAAD9:  .byte $51, $05, $4F, $41, $05, $6E, $31, $05, $8E, $21, $02, $48, $FF

;Room #$26
LAAE6:  .byte $01                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAAE7:  .byte $00, $0E, $01, $08, $27, $01, $40, $2B, $00, $50, $0E, $01, $56, $20, $01, $60
LAAF7:  .byte $2B, $00, $68, $2C, $00, $80, $27, $01, $8B, $24, $01, $D0, $00, $02, $D8, $00
LAB07:  .byte $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAB09:  .byte $51, $05, $67, $41, $05, $7E, $21, $05, $7B, $31, $03, $49, $11, $02, $C6, $FF

;Room #$27
LAB19:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAB1A:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $02, $11, $01, $09, $11, $01, $50, $04, $02, $80, $0B, $03, $82
LAB2A:  .byte $1E, $03, $B6, $1D, $03, $B7, $1D, $03, $C2, $09, $03, $C8, $1D, $03, $D0, $10
LAB3A:  .byte $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAB3F:  .byte $02, $B0, $11, $04, $38, $31, $06, $27, $FF

;Room #$28
LAB48:  .byte $00                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAB49:  .byte $00, $2D, $02, $08, $2D, $02, $0F, $28, $02, $5F, $03, $02, $87, $14, $00, $8F
LAB59:  .byte $28, $02, $9A, $15, $00, $C3, $26, $01, $D0, $2D, $02, $D8, $2D, $02, $FD 
;Room enemy/door data:
LAB68:  .byte $02, $A1, $01, $06, $23, $31, $05, $7D, $FF

;Room #$29
LAB71:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAB72:  .byte $00, $2D, $02, $08, $2D, $02, $C2, $26, $01, $C7, $26, $01, $C9, $26, $01, $D0
LAB82:  .byte $2D, $02, $D8, $2D, $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAB88:  .byte $41, $86, $25, $51, $06, $2A, $21, $05, $CB, $FF

;Room #$2A
LAB92:  .byte $00                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAB93:  .byte $00, $11, $01, $08, $11, $01, $68, $21, $02, $78, $15, $00, $95, $15, $00, $A0
LABA3:  .byte $0B, $03, $AE, $0B, $03, $BB, $15, $00, $C2, $06, $03, $D2, $00, $02, $D6, $00
LABB3:  .byte $02, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LABB5:  .byte $01, $05, $58, $11, $05, $85, $31, $06, $26, $FF

;Room #$2B(Bridge to Tourian).
LABBF:  .byte $02                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LABC0:  .byte $00, $30, $00, $01, $1A, $02, $02, $30, $00, $03, $1A, $02, $05, $1C, $02, $0A
LABD0:  .byte $1B, $02, $0F, $30, $00, $10, $30, $00, $14, $30, $00, $1F, $30, $00, $2C, $18
LABE0:  .byte $02, $35, $18, $02, $41, $19, $02, $44, $2F, $02, $45, $18, $02, $46, $2F, $02
LABF0:  .byte $50, $04, $02, $53, $19, $02, $5F, $04, $02, $64, $1C, $02, $65, $1C, $02, $68
LAC00:  .byte $2F, $02, $80, $15, $00, $81, $19, $02, $8D, $19, $02, $9C, $19, $02, $9F, $15
LAC10:  .byte $00, $C0, $30, $00, $D1, $00, $02, $D7, $00, $02, $DF, $30, $00, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAC1E:  .byte $02, $A0, $02, $B1, $06, $FF

;Room #$2C
LAC24:  .byte $00                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAC25:  .byte $00, $16, $00, $07, $16, $00, $0E, $16, $00, $1F, $15, $00, $20, $15, $00, $40
LAC35:  .byte $30, $00, $5F, $04, $02, $80, $16, $00, $87, $02, $02, $89, $16, $00, $A0, $15
LAC45:  .byte $00, $AF, $15, $00, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAC4A:  .byte $02, $A1, $FF

;Room #$2D
LAC4D:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAC4E:  .byte $00, $11, $01, $08, $11, $01, $1E, $1E, $03, $5F, $04, $02, $8B, $10, $03, $9E
LAC5E:  .byte $0B, $03, $D0, $10, $03, $D8, $10, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAC67:  .byte $02, $A1, $FF

;Room #$2E
LAC6A:  .byte $03                               ;Attribute table data.
;Room object data:
LAC6B:  .byte $00, $0B, $03, $0E, $0B, $03, $50, $03, $02, $5E, $0B, $03, $80, $0B, $03, $AE
LAC7B:  .byte $0B, $03, $D0, $0B, $03, $FD
;Room enemy/door data:
LAC81:  .byte $02, $B1, $FF

;---------------------------------------[ Structure definitions ]------------------------------------

;The first byte of the structure definition states how many macros are in the first row of the
;structure. The the number of bytes after the macro number byte is equal to the value of the macro
;number byte and those bytes define what each macro in the row are. For example, if the macro number
;byte is #$08, the next 8 bytes represent 8 macros. The macro description bytes are the macro numbers
;and are multiplied by 4 to find the index to the desired macro in MacroDefs.  Any further bytes in
;the structure definition represent the next rows.  #$FF marks the end of the structure definition.

;Structure #$00
LAC84:  .byte $08, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $08, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
LAC94:  .byte $00, $00, $FF

;Structure #$01
LAC97:  .byte $08, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $01, $28, $01, $28, $01, $28, $08
LACA7:  .byte $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $FF

;Structure #$02
LACB0:  .byte $02, $04, $05, $02, $04, $05, $02, $04, $05, $02, $04, $05, $02, $04, $05, $02
LACC0:  .byte $04, $05, $02, $04, $05, $02, $04, $05, $FF

;Structure #$03
LACC9:  .byte $01, $06, $01, $06, $01, $06, $FF

;Structure #$04
LACD0:  .byte $01, $07, $01, $07, $01, $07, $FF

;Structure #$05
LACD7:  .byte $02, $31, $32, $FF

;Structure #$06
LACDB:  .byte $01, $08, $01, $33, $01, $33, $01, $33, $01, $33, $FF

;Structure #$07
LACE6:  .byte $01, $28, $01, $08, $01, $1F, $01, $17, $01, $17, $01, $1F, $FF

;Structure #$08
LACF3:  .byte $02, $0E, $11, $03, $0F, $12, $22, $03, $10, $13, $14, $FF

;Structure #$09
LACFF:  .byte $04, $08, $35, $35, $08, $FF

;Structure #$0A
LAD05:  .byte $03, $08, $35, $08, $FF

;Structure #$0B
LAD0A:  .byte $02, $36, $36, $02, $1C, $08, $02, $08, $34, $02, $34, $34, $02, $08, $08, $FF

;Structure #$0C
LAD1A:  .byte $02, $20, $20, $FF

;Structure #$0D
LAD1E:  .byte $08, $08, $1C, $08, $35, $08, $35, $1C, $08, $FF

;Structure #$0E
LAD28:  .byte $08, $1E, $1E, $1C, $1C, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $08, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1C, $1E
LAD38:  .byte $1E, $1E, $08, $1C, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1C, $1E, $08, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1C
LAD48:  .byte $1E, $1C, $1C, $1E, $FF

;Structure #$0F
LAD4D:  .byte $08, $2E, $2E, $2E, $2E, $2E, $2E, $2E, $2E, $FF

;Structure #$10
LAD57:  .byte $08, $08, $0B, $0B, $0B, $0B, $08, $0B, $0B, $08, $08, $08, $1C, $1C, $08, $08
LAD67:  .byte $1C, $08, $FF

;Structure #$11
LAD6A:  .byte $08, $1C, $08, $08, $08, $08, $0A, $08, $1C, $08, $08, $0A, $09, $0A, $28, $28
LAD7A:  .byte $08, $08, $01, $08, $FF

;Structure #$12
LAD7F:  .byte $06, $2C, $2C, $2C, $2C, $15, $2C, $06, $2D, $2D, $2D, $2D, $16, $2D, $FF

;Structure #$13
LAD8E:  .byte $08, $2B, $2B, $2B, $2B, $2B, $2B, $2B, $2B, $FF

;Structure #$14
LAD98:  .byte $08, $1A, $1A, $1A, $1A, $1A, $1A, $1A, $1A, $FF

;Structure #$15
LADA2:  .byte $01, $20, $01, $20, $01, $17, $01, $17, $01, $20, $FF

;Structure #$16
LADAD:  .byte $07, $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $07, $20, $1A, $20, $1F, $20, $1A, $20
LADBD:  .byte $FF

;Structure #$17
LADBE:  .byte $08, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $08, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D
LADCE:  .byte $0D, $0D, $08, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $08, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D
LADDE:  .byte $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $FF

;Structure #$18
LADE3:  .byte $01, $0D, $FF

;Structure #$19
LADE6:  .byte $04, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $FF

;Structure #$1A
LADEC:  .byte $02, $0D, $0D, $02, $0D, $0D, $02, $0D, $0D, $02, $0D, $0D, $FF

;Structure #$1B
LADF9:  .byte $08, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $05, $27, $30, $0D, $0D, $30, $FF

;Structure #$1C
LAE09:  .byte $08, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $FF

;Structure #$1D
LAE13:  .byte $01, $0C, $01, $1F, $FF

;Structure #$1E
LAE18:  .byte $04, $08, $35, $08, $08, $04, $08, $1C, $08, $34, $04, $34, $08, $08, $08, $04
LAE28:  .byte $08, $08, $1C, $08, $FF

;Structure #$1F
LAE2D:  .byte $04, $1D, $1D, $1D, $1D, $04, $1D, $1C, $1C, $1D, $04, $1C, $1D, $1C, $1C, $04
LAE3D:  .byte $1D, $1C, $1D, $1D, $FF

;Structure #$20
LAE42:  .byte $04, $33, $33, $33, $33, $FF

;Structure #$21
LAE48:  .byte $01, $22, $FF

;Structure #$22
LAE4B:  .byte $03, $28, $0E, $08, $03, $37, $08, $39, $03, $38, $39, $39, $03, $28, $3A, $0A
LAE5B:  .byte $02, $3B, $3C, $FF

;Structure #$23
LAE5F:  .byte $03, $1E, $1E, $1C, $03, $39, $08, $1E, $03, $0A, $09, $1E, $03, $3D, $0B, $0A
LAE6F:  .byte $FF

;Structure #$24
LAE70:  .byte $04, $1E, $1E, $1C, $1E, $04, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $04, $1C, $1E, $1E, $1E, $04
LAE80:  .byte $1E, $1E, $1C, $1E, $FF

;Structure #$25
LAE85:  .byte $01, $23, $01, $23, $01, $23, $01, $23, $FF

;Structure #$26
LAE8E:  .byte $02, $3E, $3F, $FF

;Structure #$27
LAE92:  .byte $08, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $08, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E, $1E
LAEA2:  .byte $1E, $1E, $FF

;Structure #$28
LAEA5:  .byte $01, $1F, $01, $1F, $01, $1F, $01, $1F, $01, $1F, $FF

;Structure #$29
LAEB0:  .byte $01, $3E, $FF

;Structure #$2A
LAEB3:  .byte $04, $2E, $2A, $2E, $2E, $04, $2E, $2E, $2E, $2A, $FF

;Structure #$2B
LAEBE:  .byte $08, $2B, $03, $03, $2B, $03, $03, $03, $2B, $FF

;Structure #$2C
LAEC8:  .byte $01, $1B, $FF

;Structure #$2D
LAECB:  .byte $08, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $08, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F
LAEDB:  .byte $1F, $1F, $FF

;Structure #$2E
LAEDE:  .byte $01, $2F, $FF

;Structure #$2F
LAEE1:  .byte $01, $1F, $FF

;Structure #$30
LAEE4:  .byte $01, $17, $01, $17, $01, $17, $01, $17, $FF

;Structure #$31
LAEED:  .byte $01, $24, $FF

;----------------------------------------[ Macro definitions ]---------------------------------------

;The macro definitions are simply index numbers into the pattern tables that represent the 4 quadrants
;of the macro definition. The bytes correspond to the following position in order: lower right tile,
;lower left tile, upper right tile, upper left tile. 


LAEF0:  .byte $F1, $F1, $F1, $F1
LAEF4:  .byte $FF, $FF, $F0, $F0
LAEF8:  .byte $64, $64, $64, $64
LAEFC:  .byte $D5, $D6, $CB, $CC
LAF00:  .byte $A4, $FF, $A4, $FF
LAF04:  .byte $FF, $A5, $FF, $A5
LAF08:  .byte $A0, $A0, $A0, $A0
LAF0C:  .byte $A1, $A1, $A1, $A1
LAF10:  .byte $00, $01, $02, $03
LAF14:  .byte $0B, $00, $FF, $0B
LAF18:  .byte $03, $0A, $0A, $FF
LAF1C:  .byte $08, $09, $02, $03
LAF20:  .byte $0E, $0F, $10, $11
LAF24:  .byte $12, $13, $14, $0C
LAF28:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $30
LAF2C:  .byte $FF, $33, $FF, $36
LAF30:  .byte $FF, $39, $FF, $3D
LAF34:  .byte $FF, $FF, $31, $32
LAF38:  .byte $34, $35, $37, $38
LAF3C:  .byte $3A, $3B, $3E, $3F
LAF40:  .byte $3C, $41, $40, $42
LAF44:  .byte $FF, $FF, $43, $43
LAF48:  .byte $44, $44, $44, $44
LAF4C:  .byte $45, $46, $45, $46
LAF50:  .byte $FF, $47, $47, $48
LAF54:  .byte $48, $FF, $47, $48
LAF58:  .byte $48, $47, $47, $48
LAF5C:  .byte $49, $49, $4A, $4A
LAF60:  .byte $4B, $4C, $4D, $50
LAF64:  .byte $51, $52, $53, $54
LAF68:  .byte $55, $56, $57, $58
LAF6C:  .byte $59, $5B, $59, $5B
LAF70:  .byte $5C, $5D, $5E, $5F
LAF74:  .byte $4F, $4F, $4F, $4F
LAF78:  .byte $88, $89, $8A, $8B
LAF7C:  .byte $84, $85, $86, $87
LAF80:  .byte $8C, $8D, $8E, $8F
LAF84:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF        ;Not used.
LAF88:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF        ;Not used.
LAF8C:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF        ;Not used.
LAF90:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF        ;Not used.
LAF94:  .byte $B0, $B1, $B2, $B3
LAF98:  .byte $B4, $B5, $B6, $B7
LAF9C:  .byte $B8, $B8, $B9, $B9
LAFA0:  .byte $FF, $FF, $BA, $BA
LAFA4:  .byte $BB, $BB, $BB, $BB
LAFA8:  .byte $C7, $C8, $C9, $CA
LAFAC:  .byte $94, $95, $96, $97
LAFB0:  .byte $0D, $FF, $FF, $FF
LAFB4:  .byte $FF, $FF, $59, $5A
LAFB8:  .byte $FF, $FF, $5A, $5B
LAFBC:  .byte $80, $81, $82, $83
LAFC0:  .byte $04, $05, $04, $05
LAFC4:  .byte $06, $06, $07, $07
LAFC8:  .byte $60, $61, $62, $63
LAFCC:  .byte $C1, $00, $00, $08
LAFD0:  .byte $0B, $BE, $BC, $BD
LAFD4:  .byte $BF, $01, $02, $03
LAFD8:  .byte $C0, $01, $C0, $03
LAFDC:  .byte $FF, $C1, $FF, $FF
LAFE0:  .byte $C2, $01, $FF, $FF
LAFE4:  .byte $30, $00, $BC, $BD
LAFE8:  .byte $CD, $CE, $CF, $D0
LAFEC:  .byte $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4
LAFF0:  .byte $90, $91, $92, $93

;Not used.
LAFF4:  .byte $20, $20, $20, $20, $C0, $C0, $C0, $C0, $C0, $C0, $C0, $C0

;------------------------------------------[ Area music data ]---------------------------------------

;There are 3 control bytes associated with the music data and the rest are musical note indexes.
;If the byte has the binary format 1011xxxx ($Bx), then the byte is an index into the corresponding
;musical notes table and is used to set the note length until it is set by another note length
;byte. The lower 4 bits are the index into the note length table. Another control byte is the loop
;and counter btye. The loop and counter byte has the format 11xxxxxx. Bits 0 thru 6 contain the
;number of times to loop.  The third control byte is #$FF. This control byte marks the end of a loop
;and decrements the loop counter. If #$00 is found in the music data, the music has reached the end.
;A #$00 in any of the different music channel data segments will mark the end of the music. The
;remaining bytes are indexes into the MusicNotesTbl and should only be even numbers as there are 2
;bytes of data per musical note.

LB000:  .byte $C2                       ;
LB001:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds  +
LB002:  .byte $2E                       ;B3             | Repeat 2 times
LB003:  .byte $30                       ;C4             +
LB004:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB005:  .byte $C3                       ;
LB006:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds    +
LB007:  .byte $2E                       ;B3             |
LB008:  .byte $34                       ;D4             | Repeat 3 times
LB009:  .byte $30                       ;C4             |
LB00A:  .byte $3A                       ;F4             +
LB00B:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB00C:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LB00d:  .byte $2E                       ;B3
LB00E:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB00F:  .byte $30                       ;C4
LB010:  .byte $34                       ;D4
LB011:  .byte $C3                       ;
LB012:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds +
LB013:  .byte $38                       ;E4             |
LB014:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB015:  .byte $30                       ;C4             |
LB016:  .byte $26                       ;G3             | Repeat 3 times
LB017:  .byte $30                       ;C4             |
LB018:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds    |
LB019:  .byte $3A                       ;F4             |
LB01A:  .byte $34                       ;D4             +
LB01B:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB01C:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LB01D:  .byte $38                       ;E4
LB01E:  .byte $38                       ;E4
LB01F:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB020:  .byte $3A                       ;F4
LB021:  .byte $30                       ;C4
LB022:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB023:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB024:  .byte $30                       ;C4
LB025:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LB026:  .byte $30                       ;C4
LB027:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB028:  .byte $34                       ;D4
LB029:  .byte $3A                       ;F4
LB02A:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB02B:  .byte $30                       ;C4
LB02C:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB02D:  .byte $36                       ;D#4
LB02E:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB02F:  .byte $22                       ;F3
LB030:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB031:  .byte $18                       ;C3
LB032:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LB033:  .byte $18                       ;C3
LB034:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB035:  .byte $1C                       ;D3
LB036:  .byte $22                       ;F3
LB037:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LB038:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB039:  .byte $18                       ;C3
LB03A:  .byte $22                       ;F3
LB03B:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB03C:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB03D:  .byte $2E                       ;B3
LB03E:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB03F:  .byte $26                       ;G3
LB040:  .byte $34                       ;D4
LB041:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB042:  .byte $36                       ;D#4
LB043:  .byte $3A                       ;F4
LB044:  .byte $28                       ;Ab3
LB045:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB046:  .byte $26                       ;G3
LB047:  .byte $22                       ;F3
LB048:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3
LB049:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB04A:  .byte $22                       ;F3
LB04B:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LB04C:  .byte $26                       ;G3
LB04D:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB04E:  .byte $22                       ;F3
LB04F:  .byte $44                       ;A#4
LB050:  .byte $34                       ;D4
LB051:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LB052:  .byte $34                       ;D4
LB053:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB054:  .byte $2E                       ;B3
LB055:  .byte $26                       ;G3
LB056:  .byte $00                       ;End Brinstar music

LB057:  .byte $C2                       ;
LB058:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    +
LB059:  .byte $0E                       ;G2             |
LB05A:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB05B:  .byte $0E                       ;G2             |
LB05C:  .byte $06                       ;D2             |
LB05D:  .byte $0E                       ;G2             |
LB05E:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB05F:  .byte $0E                       ;G2             |
LB060:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB061:  .byte $0E                       ;G2             |
LB062:  .byte $06                       ;D2             |
LB063:  .byte $0E                       ;G2             | Repeat 2 times
LB064:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB065:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            |
LB066:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB067:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            |
LB068:  .byte $0A                       ;F2             |
LB069:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            |
LB06A:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB06B:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            |
LB06C:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB06D:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            |
LB06E:  .byte $0A                       ;F2             |
LB06F:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            +
LB070:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB071:  .byte $C3                       ;
LB072:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds  +
LB073:  .byte $3E                       ;G4             |
LB074:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds |
LB075:  .byte $44                       ;A#4            |
LB076:  .byte $B0                       ;3/32 seconds   | Repeat 3 times
LB077:  .byte $42                       ;A4             |
LB078:  .byte $44                       ;A#4            |
LB079:  .byte $42                       ;A4             |
LB07A:  .byte $3A                       ;F4             +
LB07B:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB07C:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LB07D:  .byte $3E                       ;G4
LB07E:  .byte $3E                       ;G4
LB07F:  .byte $C3                       ;
LB080:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds +
LB081:  .byte $48                       ;C5             |
LB082:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB083:  .byte $3E                       ;G4             |
LB084:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds |
LB085:  .byte $44                       ;A#4            | Repeat 3 times
LB086:  .byte $B0                       ;3/32 seconds   |
LB087:  .byte $42                       ;A4             |
LB088:  .byte $44                       ;A#4            |
LB089:  .byte $42                       ;A4             |
LB08A:  .byte $3A                       ;F4             +
LB08B:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB08C:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LB08D:  .byte $3E                       ;G4
LB08E:  .byte $26                       ;G3
LB08F:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds
LB090:  .byte $42                       ;A4
LB091:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB092:  .byte $42                       ;A4
LB093:  .byte $3E                       ;G4
LB094:  .byte $42                       ;A4
LB095:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB096:  .byte $44                       ;A#4
LB097:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB098:  .byte $3A                       ;F4
LB099:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB09A:  .byte $30                       ;C4
LB09B:  .byte $3A                       ;F4
LB09C:  .byte $3E                       ;G4
LB09D:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds
LB09E:  .byte $42                       ;A4
LB09F:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB0A0:  .byte $42                       ;A4
LB0A1:  .byte $3E                       ;G4
LB0A2:  .byte $42                       ;A4
LB0A3:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB0A4:  .byte $44                       ;A#4
LB0A5:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB0A6:  .byte $3A                       ;F4
LB0A7:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB0A8:  .byte $3A                       ;F4
LB0A9:  .byte $44                       ;A#4
LB0AA:  .byte $48                       ;C5
LB0AB:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LB0AC:  .byte $4C                       ;D5
LB0AD:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB0AE:  .byte $48                       ;C5
LB0AF:  .byte $46                       ;B4
LB0B0:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds
LB0B1:  .byte $48                       ;C5
LB0B2:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB0B3:  .byte $4E                       ;D#5
LB0B4:  .byte $4C                       ;D5
LB0B5:  .byte $48                       ;C5
LB0B6:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LB0B7:  .byte $4C                       ;D5
LB0B8:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB0B9:  .byte $44                       ;A#4
LB0BA:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB0BB:  .byte $44                       ;A#4
LB0BC:  .byte $4C                       ;D5
LB0BD:  .byte $52                       ;F5
LB0BE:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LB0BF:  .byte $54                       ;F#5
LB0C0:  .byte $54                       ;F#5

LB0C1:  .byte $C4                       ;
LB0C2:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds  + Repeat 4 times
LB0C3:  .byte $02                       ;No sound       +
LB0C4:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB0C5:  .byte $C3                       ;
LB0C6:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    +
LB0C7:  .byte $26                       ;G3             |
LB0C8:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB0C9:  .byte $26                       ;G3             |
LB0CA:  .byte $3E                       ;G4             |
LB0CB:  .byte $34                       ;D4             |
LB0CC:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB0CD:  .byte $26                       ;G3             |
LB0CE:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB0CF:  .byte $26                       ;G3             |
LB0D0:  .byte $34                       ;D4             | Repeat 3 times
LB0D1:  .byte $26                       ;G3             |
LB0D2:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB0D3:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3            |
LB0D4:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB0D5:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3            |
LB0D6:  .byte $3A                       ;F4             |
LB0D7:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3            |
LB0D8:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB0D9:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3            |
LB0DA:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB0DB:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3            |
LBoDC:  .byte $3A                       ;F4             |
LB0DD:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3            +
LB0DE:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB0DF:  .byte $C4                       ;
LB0E0:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    +
LB0E1:  .byte $26                       ;G3             |
LB0E2:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    | Repeat 4 times
LB0E3:  .byte $34                       ;D4             |
LB0E4:  .byte $26                       ;G3             |
LB0E5:  .byte $26                       ;G3             +
LB0E6:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB0E7:  .byte $D0                       ;
LB0E8:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    +                               
LB0E9:  .byte $18                       ;C3             |
LB0EA:  .byte $26                       ;G3             | Repeat 16 times
LB0EB:  .byte $18                       ;C3             |
LB0EC:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB0ED:  .byte $18                       ;C3             +
LB0EE:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB0EF:  .byte $C2                       ;
LB0F0:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    +
LB0F1:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3            |
LB0F2:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB0F3:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3            |
LB0F4:  .byte $18                       ;C3             |
LB0F5:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3            |
LB0F6:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB0F7:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3            |
LB0F8:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB0F9:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3            |
LB0FA:  .byte $18                       ;C3             | Repeat 2 times
LB0FB:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3            |
LB0FC:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB0FD:  .byte $1C                       ;D3             |
LB0FE:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB0FF:  .byte $1C                       ;D3             |
LB100:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            |
LB101:  .byte $1C                       ;D3             |
LB102:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    |
LB103:  .byte $1C                       ;D3             |
LB104:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB105:  .byte $1C                       ;D3             |
LB106:  .byte $14                       ;A#2            |
LB107:  .byte $1C                       ;D3             +
LB108:  .byte $FF                       ;
LB109:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB10A:  .byte $26                       ;G3
LB10B:  .byte $12                       ;A2
LB10C:  .byte $16                       ;B2
LB10D:  .byte $18                       ;C3
LB10E:  .byte $1C                       ;D3
LB10F:  .byte $20                       ;E3
LB110:  .byte $24                       ;F#3
LB111:  .byte $26                       ;G3
LB112:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB113:  .byte $28                       ;Ab3
LB114:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB115:  .byte $28                       ;Ab3
LB116:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3
LB117:  .byte $18                       ;C3
LB118:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB119:  .byte $10                       ;Ab2
LB11A:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds
LB11B:  .byte $30                       ;C4
LB11C:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LB11D:  .byte $28                       ;Ab3
LB11E:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LB11F:  .byte $1E                       ;D#3
LB120:  .byte $1C                       ;D3
LB121:  .byte $18                       ;C3
LB122:  .byte $14                       ;A#2
LB123:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB124:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB125:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB126:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LB127:  .byte $CC                       ;
LB128:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    + Repeat 12 times
LB129:  .byte $2A                       ;A3             +
LB12A:  .BYTE $FF                       ;

LB12B:  .byte $E8                       ;
LB12C:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds    +
LB12D:  .byte $04                       ;Drumbeat 01    |
LB12E:  .byte $04                       ;Drumbeat 01    |
LB12F:  .byte $04                       ;Drumbeat 01    | Repeat 40 times
LB130:  .byte $B9                       ;1/8 seconds    |
LB131:  .byte $04                       ;Drumbeat 01    |
LB132:  .byte $04                       ;Drumbeat 01    |
LB133:  .byte $04                       ;Drumbeat 01    +
LB134:  .byte $FF                       ;

;Unused tile patterns. 
LB135:  .byte $E0, $E0, $F0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $21, $80, $40, $02, $05
LB145:  .byte $26, $52, $63, $00, $00, $00, $06, $07, $67, $73, $73, $FF, $AF, $2F, $07, $0B
LB155:  .byte $8D, $A7, $B1, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $80, $80, $80, $F8, $B8, $F8, $F8, $F0
LB165:  .byte $F0, $F8, $FC, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07
LB175:  .byte $03, $03, $01, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $80, $FF, $C7, $83, $03, $C7
LB185:  .byte $CF, $FE, $EC, $00, $30, $78, $F8, $30, $00, $01, $12, $F5, $EA, $FB, $FD, $F9
LB195:  .byte $1E, $0E, $44, $07, $03, $03, $01, $01, $E0, $10, $48, $2B, $3B, $1B, $5A, $D0
LB1A5:  .byte $D1, $C3, $C3, $3B, $3B, $9B, $DA, $D0, $D0, $C0, $C0, $2C, $23, $20, $20, $30
LB1B5:  .byte $98, $CF, $C7, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $30, $1F, $80, $C0, $C0, $60
LB1C5:  .byte $70, $FC, $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $01, $00, $00, $00, $00
LB1D5:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $80, $80, $C0, $78, $4C, $C7, $80, $80, $C4, $A5, $45, $0B, $1B
LB1E5:  .byte $03, $03, $00, $3A, $13, $31, $63, $C3, $83, $03, $04, $E6, $E6, $C4, $8E, $1C
LB1F5:  .byte $3C, $18, $30, $E8, $E8, $C8, $90, $60, $00, $00, $00

;------------------------------------------[ Sound Engine ]------------------------------------------

;SFXdata. The top four entries are used by the noise music player for drum beats.
LB200:  .byte $00                       ;Base for drum beat music data.

LB201:  .byte $10, $01, $18             ;Noise channel music data #$01.
LB204:  .byte $00, $01, $38             ;Noise channel music data #$04.
LB207:  .byte $01, $02, $40             ;Noise channel music data #$07.
LB20A:  .byte $00, $09, $58             ;Noise channel music data #$0A.
LB20D:  .byte $80, $7F, $80, $48
LB211:  .byte $35, $7F, $00, $B0
LB215:  .byte $19, $7F, $0E, $A0
LB219:  .byte $0D, $7F, $0F, $08
LB21D:  .byte $16, $7F, $0B, $18
LB221:  .byte $13, $7F, $0E, $F8
LC225:  .byte $C1, $89, $02, $0F
LB229:  .byte $34, $BA, $E0, $05
LB22D:  .byte $34, $BB, $CE, $05
LB231:  .byte $B6, $7F, $00, $C2
LB235:  .byte $B6, $7F, $04, $C2
LB239:  .byte $17, $7F, $66, $89
LB23D:  .byte $89, $7F, $67, $18
LB241:  .byte $8B, $7F, $FD, $28
LB245:  .byte $02, $7F, $A8, $F8
LB249:  .byte $D7, $83, $58, $F8
LB24D:  .byte $D6, $82, $58, $F8
LB251:  .byte $95, $8C, $40, $B9
LB255:  .byte $1D, $9A, $20, $8F
LB259:  .byte $16, $8D, $E0, $42
LB25D:  .byte $19, $7F, $6F, $40
LB261:  .byte $18, $7F, $80, $40
LB265:  .byte $07, $7F, $40, $28
LB269:  .byte $07, $7F, $45, $28
LB26D:  .byte $7F, $7F, $DD, $3B
LB26E:  .byte $7F, $7F, $FF, $98
LB275:  .byte $7F, $7F, $40, $08
LB279:  .byte $09, $7F, $30, $48
LB27D:  .byte $03, $7F, $42, $18
LB281:  .byte $03, $7F, $11, $09
LB285:  .byte $7F, $7F, $30, $B2

;The following table is used by the CheckSFXFlag routine.  The first two bytes of each row
;are the address of the pointer table used for handling SFX and music  routines for set flags.
;The second pair of bytes is the address of the routine to next jump to if no SFX or music
;flags were found.  The final byte represents what type of channel is currently being
;processed: 0=Noise, 1=SQ1, 3=Triangle, 4=Multiple channels.


LB289:  .word $B2BB, $B322              ;Noise init SFX         (1st).
LB28D:  .byte $00
LB28E:  .word $B2CB, $B4EE              ;Noise continue SFX     (2nd).
LB292:  .byte $00

LB293:  .word $B2DB, $B330              ;SQ1 init SFX           (5th).
LB297:  .byte $01

LB298:  .word $B2EB, $B4EE              ;SQ2 continue SFX       (6th).
LB29C:  .byte $01

LB29D:  .word $B2FB, $B344              ;Triangle init SFX      (7th).
LB2A1:  .byte $03

LB2A2:  .word $B30B, $B4EE              ;Triangle continue SFX  (8th).
LB2A6:  .byte $03

LB2A7:  .word $BC06, $B35C              ;Multi init SFX         (3rd).
LB2AB:  .byte $04

LB2AC:  .word $BC16, $B364              ;Multi continue SFX     (4th).
LB2B0:  .byte $04

LB2B1:  .word $BC26, $BC4B              ;temp flag Music        (10th).
LB2B5:  .byte $00

LB2B6:  .word $BC26, $BC3D              ;Music                  (9th).
LB2BA:  .byte $00

;The tables below contain addresses for SFX handling routines.

;Noise Init SFX handling routine addresses:
LB2BB:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LB2BD:  .word $B52B                     ;Screw attack init SFX.
LB2BF:  .word $B56E                     ;Missile launch init SFX.
LB2C1:  .word $B583                     ;Bomb explode init SFX.
LB2C3:  .word $B598                     ;Samus walk init SFX.
LB2C5:  .word $B50F                     ;Spit flame init SFX.
LB2C7:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LB2C9:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.

;Noise Continue SFX handling routine addresses:

LB2CB:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LB2CD:  .word $B539                     ;Screw attack continue SFX.
LB2CF:  .word $B57B                     ;Missile launch continue SFX.
LB2D1:  .word $B58A                     ;Bomb explode continue SFX.
LB2D3:  .word $B58A                     ;Samus walk continue SFX.
LB2D5:  .word $B516                     ;Spit flame continue SFX.
LB2D7:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LB2D9:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.

;SQ1 Init SFX handling routine addresses:

LB2DB:  .word $B6CD                     ;Missile pickup init SFX.
LB2DD:  .word $B6E7                     ;Energy pickup init SFX.
LB2DF:  .word $B735                     ;Metal init SFX.
LB2E1:  .word $B716                     ;Bullet fire init SFX.
LB2E3:  .word $B73C                     ;Bird out of hole init SFX.
LB2E5:  .word $B710                     ;Enemy hit init SFX.
LB2E7:  .word $B703                     ;Samus jump init SFX.
LB2E9:  .word $B77A                     ;Wave beam init SFX.

;SQ1 Continue SFX handling routine addresses:

LB2EB:  .word $B6B0                     ;Missile pickup continue SFX.
LB2ED:  .word $B6D3                     ;Energy pickup continue SFX.
LB2EF:  .word $B6ED                     ;Metal continue SFX.
LB2F1:  .word $B74F                     ;Bullet fire continue SFX.
LB2F3:  .word $B6ED                     ;Bird out of hole continue SFX.
LB2F5:  .word $B6ED                     ;Enemy hit continue SFX.
LB2F7:  .word $B6ED                     ;Samus jump continue SFX.
LB2F9:  .word $B781                     ;Wave beam continue SFX.

;Triangle init handling routine addresses:

LB2FB:  .word $B8D2                     ;Samus die init SFX.
LB2FD:  .word $B7AC                     ;Door open close init SFX.
LB2FF:  .word $B8A7                     ;Metroid hit init SFX.
LB301:  .word $B921                     ;Statue raise init SFX.
LB303:  .word $B7D9                     ;Beep init SFX.
LB305:  .word $B7EF                     ;Big enemy hit init SFX.
LB307:  .word $B834                     ;Samus to ball init SFX.
LB309:  .word $B878                     ;Bomb launch init SFX.

;Triangle continue handling routine addresses:

LB30B:  .word $B8ED                     ;Samus die continue SFX.
LB30E:  .word $B7CB                     ;Door open close continue SFX.
LB30F:  .word $B8B1                     ;Metroid hit continue SFX.
LB311:  .word $B940                     ;Statue raise continue SFX.
LB313:  .word $B7E7                     ;Beep continue SFX.
LB315:  .word $B80E                     ;Big enemy hit continue SFX.
LB317:  .word $B84F                     ;Samus to ball continue SFX.
LB319:  .word $B87F                     ;Bomb launch continue SFX.

LB31B:  LDA NoiseSFXFlag                ;Load A with Noise init SFX flags, (1st SFX cycle).
LB31E:  LDX #$89                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB320:  BNE GotoSFXCheckFlags           ;Branch always.

LB322:  LDA NoiseContSFX                ;Load A with Noise continue flags, (2nd SFX cycle).
LB325:  LDX #$8E                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB327:  BNE GotoSFXCheckFlags           ;Branch always.

LB329:  LDA SQ1SFXFlag                  ;Load A with SQ1 init flags, (5th SFX cycle).
LB32C:  LDX #$93                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB32E:  BNE GotoSFXCheckFlags           ;Branch always.

LB330:  LDA SQ1ContSFX                  ;Load A with SQ1 continue flags, (6th SFX cycle).
LB333:  LDX #$98                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB335:  BNE GotoSFXCheckFlags           ;Branch always.

LB337:  JSR CheckSFXFlag                ;($B4BD)Checks to see if SFX flags set.         
LB33A:  JMP ($00E2)                     ;if no flag found, Jump to next SFX cycle,-->
                                        ;else jump to specific SFX handling routine.
LB33D:  LDA TriangleSFXFlag             ;Load A with Triangle init flags, (7th SFX cycle).
LB340:  LDX #$9D                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB342:  BNE GotoSFXCheckFlags           ;Brach always.

LB344:  LDA TriangleContSFX             ;Load A with Triangle continue flags, (8th SFX cycle).
LB347:  LDX #$A2                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB349:  BNE GotoSFXCheckFlags           ;Branch always.

LB34B:  LDA MultiSFXFlag                ;Load A with Multi init flags, (3rd SFX cycle).
LB34E:  LDX #$A7                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB350:  JSR CheckSFXFlag                ;($B4BD)Checks to see if SFX or music flags set.
LB353:  JSR FindMusicInitIndex          ;($BC53)Find bit containing music init flag.
LB356:  JSR Add8                        ;($BC64)Add 8 to MusicInitIndex.
LB359:  JMP ($00E2)                     ;If no flag found, Jump to next SFX cycle,-->
                                        ;else jump to specific SFX handling subroutine.
LB35C:  LDA MultiContSFX                ;Load A with $68C flags (4th SFX cycle).
LB35F:  LDX #$AC                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LB361:  JMP GotoSFXCheckFlags           ;($B337)Checks to see if SFX or music flags set.

LB364:  JSR LoadSQ1SFXInitFlags         ;($B329)Check for SQ1 init flags.
LB367:  RTS                             ;

LoadSQ1ChannelSFX:                      ;Used to determine which sound registers to change-->
LB368:  LDA #$00                        ;($4000 - $4003) - SQ1.
LB36A:  BEQ +                           ;Branch always.

LoadTriangleChannelSFX:                 ;Used to determine which sound registers to change-->
LB36C:  LDA #$08                        ;($4008 - $400B) - Triangle.
LB36E:  BNE +                           ;Branch always.

LoadNoiseChannelSFX:                    ;Used to determine which sound registers to change-->
LB370:  LDA #$0C                        ;($400C - $400F) - Noise.
LB372:  BNE +                           ;Branch always.

LoadSQ2ChannelSFX:                      ;Used to determine which sound registers to change-->
LB374:  LDA #$04                        ;($4004 - $4007) - SQ2.

LB376:* STA $E0                         ;Lower address byte of desired APU control register.
LB378:  LDA #$40                        ;
LB37A:  STA $E1                         ;Upper address byte of desired APU control register.
LB37C:  STY $E2                         ;Lower address byte of data to load into sound channel.
LB37E:  LDA #$B2                        ;
LB380:  STA $E3                         ;Upper address byte of data to load into sound channel.
LB382:  LDY #$00                        ;Starting index for loading four byte sound data.

LB384:* LDA ($E2),Y                     ;Load A with SFX data byte.
LB386:  STA ($E0),Y                     ;Store A in SFX register.
LB388:  INY                             ;
LB389:  TYA                             ;The four registers associated with each sound-->
LB38A:  CMP #$04                        ;channel are loaded one after the other (the loop-->
LB38C:  BNE -                           ;repeats four times).
LB38E:  RTS                             ;

LB38F:* INC SFXPaused                   ;SFXPaused=#$01
LB392:  JSR ClearSounds                 ;($B43E)Clear sound registers of data.          
LB395:  STA PauseSFXStatus              ;PauseSFXStatus=#$00
LB398:  RTS                             ;

LB399:* LDA SFXPaused                   ;Has SFXPaused been set? if not, branch
LB39C:  BEQ --                          ;
LB39E:  LDA PauseSFXStatus              ;For the first #$12 frames after the game has been-->
LB3A1:  CMP #$12                        ;paused, play GamePaused SFX.  If paused for #$12-->
LB3A3:  BEQ ++                          ;frames or more, branch to exit.
LB3A5:  AND #$03                        ;
LB3A7:  CMP #$03                        ;Every fourth frame, repeat GamePaused SFX
LB3A9:  BNE +                           ;
LB3AB:  LDY #$0D                        ;Lower address byte of GamePaused SFX data(Base=$B200)
LB3AD:  JSR LoadSQ1ChannelSFX           ;($B368) Load GamePaused SFX data.
LB3B0:* INC PauseSFXStatus              ;
LB3B3:* RTS                             ;

;------------------------------------[ Sound Engine Entry Point ]------------------------------------
;SFX take priority over music.
;There are 10 SFX cycles run every time the sound engine subroutine is called.  The cycles
;search for set sound flags in the following registers in order:
;$680, $688, $684, $68C, $681, $689, $683, $68B, $65D, $685 
;The sound channels are assigned SFX numbers.  Those SFX numbers are:
;Noise=0, sq1=1, sq2=2, triangle=3, Multi=4
;The sound channels are assigned music numbers.  Those music numbers are:
;SQ1=0, SQ2=1, Triangle=2, Noise=3

LB3B4:  LDA #$C0                        ;Set APU to 5 frame cycle, disable frame interrupt.
LB3B6:  STA APUCommonCntrl1             ;
LB3B9:  LDA NoiseSFXFlag                ;is bit zero is set in NoiseSFXFlag(Silence-->
LB3BC:  LSR                             ;music)?  If yes, branch.
LB3BD:  BCS ++                          ;
LB3BF:  LDA MainRoutine                 ;
LB3C1:  CMP #$05                        ;Is game paused?  If yes, branch.
LB3C3:  BEQ ---                         ;
LB3C5:  LDA #$00                        ;Clear SFXPaused when game is running.
LB3C7:  STA SFXPaused                   ;
LB3CA:  JSR LoadNoiseSFXInitFlags       ;($B31B)Check noise SFX flags.
LB3CD:  JSR LoadMultiSFXInitFlags       ;($B34B)Check multichannel SFX flags.
LB3D0:  JSR LoadSTriangleSFXInitFlags   ;($B33D)Check triangle SFX flags.
LB3D3:  JSR LoadMusicTempFlags          ;($BC36)Check music flags.

LB3D6:* LDA #$00                        ;
LB3D8:  STA NoiseSFXFlag                ;
LB3DB:  STA SQ1SFXFlag                  ;
LB3DE:  STA SQ2SFXFlag                  ;Clear all SFX flags.
LB3E1:  STA TriangleSFXFlag             ;
LB3E4:  STA MultiSFXFlag                ;
LB3E7:  STA MusicInitFlag               ;
LB3EA:  RTS                             ;

LB3EB:* JSR InitializeSoundAddresses    ;($B404)Prepare to start playing music.         
LB3EE:  BEQ --                          ;Branch always.

LB3F0:  LDA MusicRepeat                 ;
LB3F3:  BEQ +                           ;If music is supposed to repeat, reset music,-->
LB3F5:  LDA CurrentMusic                ;flags else branch to exit.
LB3F8:  STA CurrentMusicRepeat          ;
LB3FB:  RTS                             ;

LB3FC:  LDA CurrentMusic                ;Loads A with current music flags and compares it-->
LB3FF:  CMP CurrentSFXFlags             ;with current SFX flags.  If both are equal,-->
LB402:  BEQ ++                          ;just clear music counters, else clear everything.

InitializeSoundAddresses:               ;
LB404:* JSR ClearMusicAndSFXAddresses   ;($B41D)Jumps to all subroutines needed to reset-->
LB407:  JSR ClearSounds                 ;($B43E)all sound addresses in order to start-->
LB40A:* JSR ClearSpecialAddresses       ;($B40E)playing music.
LB40D:  RTS                             ;

LB40E:  LDA #$00                        ;       
LB410:  STA TriangleCounterCntrl        ;Clears addresses used for repeating music,-->
LB413:  STA SFXPaused                   ;pausing music and controlling triangle length.
LB416:  STA CurrentMusicRepeat          ;
LB419:  STA MusicRepeat                 ;
LB41C:  RTS                             ;

ClearMusicAndSFXAddresses:              ;
LB41D:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB41F:  STA SQ1InUse                    ;
LB422:  STA SQ2InUse                    ;
LB425:  STA TriangleInUse               ;
LB428:  STA WriteMultiChannelData       ;
LB42B:  STA NoiseContSFX                ;Clears any SFX or music--> 
LB42E:  STA SQ1ContSFX                  ;currently being played.
LB431:  STA SQ2ContSFX                  ;
LB434:  STA TriangleContSFX             ;
LB437:  STA MultiContSFX                ;
LB43A:  STA CurrentMusic                ;
LB43D:  RTS                             ;

ClearSounds:                            ;
LB43E:  LDA #$10                        ;
LB440:  STA SQ1Cntrl0                   ;
LB443:  STA SQ2Cntrl0                   ;
LB446:  STA NoiseCntrl0                 ;Clears all sounds that might be in-->
LB449:  LDA #$00                        ;The sound channel registers.
LB44B:  STA TriangleCntrl0              ;
LB44E:  STA DMCCntrl1                   ;
LB451:  RTS                             ;

LB452:  LDX ChannelType                 ;
LB455:  STA NoiseSFXLength,X            ;Stores frame length of SFX in corresponding address.
LB458:  TXA                             ;
LB459:  BEQ ++                          ;Branch if SFX uses noise channel.
LB45B:  CMP #$01                        ;
LB45D:  BEQ +                           ;Branch if SFX uses SQ1 channel.
LB45F:  CMP #$02                        ;
LB461:  BEQ MusicBranch00               ;Branch if SFX uses SQ2 channel.
LB463:  CMP #$03                        ;
LB465:  BEQ MusicBranch01               ;Branch if SFX uses triangle wave.
LB467:  RTS                             ;Exit if SFX routine uses no channels.

LB468:* JSR LoadSQ1ChannelSFX           ;($B368)Prepare to load SQ1 channel with data.
LB46B:  BEQ ++                          ;Branch always.
MusicBranch00:                          ;
LB46D:  JSR LoadSQ2ChannelSFX           ;($B374)Prepare to load SQ2 channel with data.
LB470:  BEQ ++                          ;Branch always.
MusicBranch01:                          ;
LB472:  JSR LoadTriangleChannelSFX      ;($B36C)Prepare to load triangle channel with data.
LB475:  BEQ ++                          ;Branch always.
LB477:* JSR LoadNoiseChannelSFX         ;($B370)Prepare to load noise channel with data.
LB47A:* JSR UpdateContFlags             ;($B493)Set continuation flags for this SFX.
LB47D:  TXA                             ;
LB47E:  STA NoiseInUse,X                ;Indicate sound channel is in use.
LB481:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB483:  STA ThisNoiseFrame,X            ;
LB486:  STA NoiseSFXData,X              ;Clears all the following addresses before going-->
LB489:  STA MultiSFXData,X              ;to the proper SFX handling routine.
LB48C:  STA ScrewAttackSFXData,X        ;
LB48F:  STA WriteMultiChannelData       ;
LB492:  RTS                             ;

LB493:* LDX ChannelType                 ;Loads X register with sound channel just changed.
LB496:  LDA NoiseContSFX,X              ;Clear existing continuation SFX-->
LB499:  AND #$00                        ;flags for that channel.
LB49B:  ORA CurrentSFXFlags             ;Load new continuation flags.
LB49E:  STA NoiseContSFX,X              ;Save results.
LB4A1:  RTS                             ;

LB4A2:  LDA #$00                        ;Once SFX has completed, this block clears the-->
LB4A4:  STA CurrentSFXFlags             ;SFX flag from the current flag register.
LB4A7:  BEQ -                           ;

LB4A9:  LDX ChannelType                 ;Load SFX channel number.
LB4AC:  INC ThisNoiseFrame,X            ;increment current frame to play on given channel.
LB4AF:  LDA ThisNoiseFrame,X            ;Load current frame to play on given channel.
LB4B2:  CMP NoiseSFXLength,X            ;Check to see if current frame is last frame to play.
LB4B5:  BNE +                           ;
LB4B7:  LDA #$00                        ;If current frame is last frame,-->
LB4B9:  STA ThisNoiseFrame,X            ;reset current frame to 0.
LB4BC:* RTS                             ;

;The CheckSFXFlag routine loads E0 thru E3 with the below values:
;1st  SFX cycle $E0=#$BB, $E1=#$B2, $E2=#$22, $E3=#$B3.  Base address=$B289
;2nd  SFX cycle $E0=#$CB, $E1=#$B2, $E2=#$EE, $E3=#$B4.  Base address=$B28E
;3rd  SFX cycle $E0=#$06, $E1=#$BC, $E2=#$5C, $E3=#$B3.  Base address=$B2A7
;4th  SFX cycle $E0=#$16, $E1=#$BC, $E2=#$64, $E3=#$B3.  Base address=$B2AC
;5th  SFX cycle $E0=#$DB, $E1=#$B2, $E2=#$30, $E3=#$B3.  Base address=$B293
;6th  SFX cycle $E0=#$EB, $E1=#$B2, $E2=#$EE, $E3=#$B4.  Base address=$B298
;7th  SFX cycle $E0=#$FB, $E1=#$B2, $E2=#$44, $E3=#$B3.  Base address=$B29D
;8th  SFX cycle $E0=#$0B, $E1=#$B3, $E2=#$EE, $E3=#$B4.  Base address=$B2A2
;9th  SFX cycle $E0=#$26, $E1=#$BC, $E2=#$3D, $E3=#$BC.  Base address=$B2B6
;10th SFX cycle $E0=#$26, $E1=#$BC, $E2=#$4B, $E3=#$BC.  Base address=$B2B1

LB4BD:  STA CurrentSFXFlags             ;Store any set flags in $064D.
LB4C0:  STX $E4                         ;
LB4C2:  LDY #$B2                        ;
LB4C4:  STY $E5                         ;
LB4C6:  LDY #$00                        ;Y=0 for counting loop ahead.
LB4C8:* LDA ($E4),Y                     ;
LB4CA:  STA $00E0,Y                     ;See table above for values loaded into $E0-->
LB4CD:  INY                             ;thru $E3 during this loop.
LB4CE:  TYA                             ;
LB4CF:  CMP #$04                        ;Loop repeats four times to load the values.
LB4D1:  BNE -                           ;
LB4D3:  LDA ($E4),Y                     ;
LB4D5:  STA ChannelType                 ;#$00=SQ1,#$01=SQ2,#$02=Triangle,#$03=Noise
LB4D8:  LDY #$00                        ;Set y to 0 for counting loop ahead.
LB4DA:  LDA CurrentSFXFlags             ;
LB4DD:  PHA                             ;Push current SFX flags on stack.
LB4DE:* ASL CurrentSFXFlags             ;
LB4E1:  BCS +                           ;This portion of the routine loops a maximum of-->
LB4E3:  INY                             ;eight times looking for any SFX flags that have-->
LB4E4:  INY                             ;been set in the current SFX cycle.  If a flag-->
LB4E5:  TYA                             ;is found, Branch to SFXFlagFound for further-->
LB4E6:  CMP #$10                        ;processing, if no flags are set, continue to-->
LB4E8:  BNE -                           ;next SFX cycle.

LB4EA:  PLA                             ;
LB4EB:  STA CurrentSFXFlags             ;Restore original data in CurrentSFXFlags.
LB4EE:  RTS                             ;

SFXFlagFound:                           ;
LB4EF:* LDA ($E0),Y                     ;This routine stores the starting address of the-->
LB4F1:  STA $E2                         ;specific SFX handling routine for the SFX flag--> 
LB4F3:  INY                             ;found.  The address is stored in registers-->
LB4F4:  LDA ($E0),Y                     ;$E2 and $E3.
LB4F6:  STA $E3                         ;
LB4F8:  JMP RestoreSFXFlags             ;($B4EA)Restore original data in CurrentSFXFlags.

;-----------------------------------[ SFX Handling Routines ]---------------------------------------

;The following table is used by the SpitFlamesSFXContinue routine to change the volume-->
;on the SFX.  It starts out quiet, then becomes louder then goes quiet again.
LB4FB:  .byte $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $1A, $1B, $1C, $1D, $1B, $1A, $19, $17
LB50B:  .byte $16, $15, $14, $12

LB50F:  LDA #$14                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB511:  LDY #$21                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB513:  JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB516:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB519:  BNE +                           ;If more frames to process, branch.
LB51B:  JMP EndNoiseSFX                 ;($B58F)End SFX.
LB51E:* LDY NoiseSFXData                ;
LB521:  LDA $B4FB,Y                     ;Load data from table above and store in NoiseCntrl0.
LB524:  STA NoiseCntrl0                 ;
LB527:  INC NoiseSFXData                ;Increment to next entry in data table.
LB52A:  RTS 

LB52B:  LDA #$05                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB52D:  LDY #$11                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB52F:  JSR SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.
LB532:  LDA $B213                       ;#$00.
LB535:  STA NoiseSFXData                ;Clear NoiseSFXData.
LB538:* RTS                             ;

LB539:  LDA ScrewAttackSFXData          ;Prevents period index from being incremented until-->
LB53C:  CMP #$02                        ;after the tenth frame of the SFX.
LB53E:  BEQ +                           ;Branch if not ready to increment.
LB540:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB543:  BNE -                           ;
LB545:  INC ScrewAttackSFXData          ;Increment every fifth frame.
LB548:  RTS                             ;

LB549:* JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB54C:  BNE IncrementPeriodIndex        ;Start increasing period index after first ten frames.
LB54E:  DEC NoiseSFXData                ;
LB551:  DEC NoiseSFXData                ;Decrement NoiseSFXData by three every fifth frame.
LB554:  DEC NoiseSFXData                ;
LB557:  INC MultiSFXData                ;Increment MultiSFXData.  When it is equal to #$0F-->
LB55A:  LDA MultiSFXData                ;end screw attack SFX.  MultiSFXData does not-->
LB55D:  CMP #$0F                        ;appear to be linked to multi SFX channels in-->
LB55F:  BNE --                          ;this routine.
LB561:  JMP EndNoiseSFX                 ;($B58F)End SFX.

LB564:  INC NoiseSFXData                ;Incrementing the period index has the effect of-->
LB567:  LDA NoiseSFXData                ;lowering the frequency of the noise SFX.
LB56A:  STA NoiseCntrl2                 ;
LB56D:  RTS                             ;

LB56E:  LDA #$18                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB570:  LDY #$15                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB572:  JSR GotoSelectSFXRoutine        ;($B587)Prepare to setup registers for SFX.
LB575:  LDA #$0A                        ;
LB577:  STA NoiseSFXData                ;Start increment index for noise channel at #$0A.
LB57A:  RTS                             ;

LB57B:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB57E:  BNE IncrementPeriodIndex        ;
LB580:  JMP EndNoiseSFX                 ;($B58F)End SFX.

LB583:  LDA #$30                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB585:  LDY #$19                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).

LB587:* JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

;The following routine is used to continue BombExplode and SamusWalk SFX.

LB58A:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB58D:  BNE MusicBranch02               ;If more frames to process, branch to exit. 

LB58F:  JSR ClearCurrentSFXFlags        ;($B4A2)Clear all SFX flags.
LB592:  LDA #$10                        ;
LB594:  STA NoiseCntrl0                 ;disable envelope generator(sound off).

LB597:  RTS                             ;Exit for multiple routines.
LB598:  LDA NoiseContSFX                ;If MissileLaunch, SamusWalk or SpitFire SFX are-->
LB59B:  AND #$34                        ;already being played, branch to exit.
LB59D:  BNE MusicBranch02               ;
LB59F:  LDA #$03                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB5A1:  LDY #$1D                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB5A3:  BNE -                           ;Branch always.

LB5A5:  STA MultiSFXLength              ;
LB5A8:  JSR LoadSQ2ChannelSFX           ;($B374)Set SQ2 SFX data.
LB5AB:  JSR UpdateContFlags             ;($B493)Set continue SFX flag.
LB5AE:  LDA #$01                        ;
LB5B0:  STA SQ1InUse                    ;Disable music from using SQ1 and SQ2 while-->
LB5B3:  LDA #$02                        ;SFX are playing.
LB5B5:  STA SQ2InUse                    ;
LB5B8:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB5BA:  STA SQ1ContSFX                  ;
LB5BD:  STA SQ1SFXData                  ;
LB5C0:  STA SQ1SQ2SFXData               ;Clear all listed memory addresses.
LB5C3:  STA SQ1SFXPeriodLow             ;
LB5C6:  STA ThisMultiFrame              ;
LB5C9:  STA WriteMultiChannelData       ;
LB5CC:  RTS                             ;

LB5CD:  LDA #$10                        ;
LB5CF:  STA SQ1Cntrl0                   ;Disable SQ1 envelope generator(sound off).
LB5D2:  STA SQ2Cntrl0                   ;Disable SQ2 envelope generator(sound off).
LB5D5:  LDA #$7F                        ;
LB5D7:  STA SQ1Cntrl1                   ;Disable SQ1 sweep.
LB5DA:  STA SQ2Cntrl1                   ;Disable SQ2 sweep.
LB5DD:  JSR ClearCurrentSFXFlags        ;($B4A2)Clear all SFX flags.
LB5E0:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB5E2:  STA SQ1InUse                    ;
LB5E5:  STA SQ2InUse                    ;Allows music player to use SQ1 and SQ2 channels.
LB5E8:  INC WriteMultiChannelData       ;
LB5EB:  RTS                             ;

LB5EC:  LDY #$2D                        ;Low byte of SQ1 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB5EE:  JSR LoadSQ1ChannelSFX           ;($B368)Set SQ1 SFX data.
LB5F1:  LDY #$29                        ;Low byte of SQ2 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB5F3:  JMP MultiSFXInit                ;($B5A5)Initiate multi channel SFX.

LB5F6:  INC SQ1SFXData                  ;Increment index to data in table below.
LB5F9:  LDY SQ1SFXData                  ;
LB5FC:  LDA $B63C,Y                     ;
LB5FF:  STA SQ1Cntrl0                   ;Load SQ1Cntrl0 and SQ2Cntrl0 from table below.
LB602:  STA SQ2Cntrl0                   ;
LB605:  LDA SQ1SFXData                  ;
LB608:  CMP #$14                        ;After #$14 frames, end SFX.
LB60A:  BEQ ++                          ;
LB60C:  CMP #$06                        ;After six or more frames of SFX, branch.
LB60E:  BCC +                           ;
LB610:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;
LB612:  ORA #$10                        ;Set bit 5.
LB614:  AND #$7F                        ;Randomly set bits 7, 3, 2, 1 and 0.
LB616:  STA SQ1SFXPeriodLow             ;Store in SQ1 period low.
LB619:  ROL                             ;
LB61A:  STA SQ1SQ2SFXData               ;
LB61D:  JMP WriteSQ1SQ2PeriodLow        ;($B62C)Write period low data to SQ1 and SQ2.
LB620:* INC SQ1SQ2SFXData               ;
LB623:  INC SQ1SQ2SFXData               ;Increment SQ1 and SQ2 period low by two.
LB626:  INC SQ1SFXPeriodLow             ;
LB629:  INC SQ1SFXPeriodLow             ;

LB62C:  LDA SQ1SQ2SFXData               ;
LB62F:  STA SQ2Cntrl2                   ;Write new SQ1 and SQ2 period lows to SQ1 and SQ2-->
LB632:  LDA SQ1SFXPeriodLow             ;channels.
LB635:  STA SQ1Cntrl2                   ;
LB638:  RTS                             ;

LB639:* JMP EndMultiSFX                 ;($B5CD)End SFX.

LB63C:  .byte $38, $3D, $3F, $3F, $3F, $3F, $3F, $3D, $3B, $39, $3B, $3D, $3F, $3D, $3B, $39
LB64C:  .byte $3B, $3D, $3F, $39

LB650:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB653:  BNE +                           ;If more SFX frames to process, branch.
LB655:  JMP EndMultiSFX                 ;($B5CD)End SFX.
LB658:* LDY #$25                        ;Low byte of SQ1 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB65A:  JSR LoadSQ1ChannelSFX           ;($B368)Set SQ1 SFX data.
LB65D:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;
LB65F:  AND #$0F                        ;Randomly set last four bits of SQ1 period low.
LB661:  STA SQ1Cntrl2                   ;
LB664:  LDY #$25                        ;Low byte of SQ2 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB666:  JSR LoadSQ2ChannelSFX           ;($B374)Set SQ2 SFX data.
LB669:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;
LB66B:  LSR                             ;Multiply random number by 4.
LB66C:  LSR                             ;
LB66D:  AND #$0F                        ;
LB66F:  STA SQ2Cntrl2                   ;Randomly set bits 2 and 3 of SQ2 period low.
LB672:  RTS                             ;

LB673:  LDY #$25                        ;Low byte of SQ1 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB675:  JSR LoadSQ1ChannelSFX           ;($B368)Set SQ1 SFX data.
LB678:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;
LB67A:  AND #$0F                        ;Randomly set last four bits of SQ1 period low.
LB67C:  STA SQ1Cntrl2                   ;
LB67F:  CLC                             ;
LB680:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;Randomly set last three bits of SQ2 period low+1.
LB682:  AND #$03                        ;
LB684:  ADC #$01                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB686:  LDY #$25                        ;Low byte of SQ2 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB688:  JSR MultiSFXInit                ;($B5A5)Initiate multi channel SFX.
LB68B:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;
LB68D:  LSR                             ;Multiply random number by 4.
LB68E:  LSR                             ;
LB68F:  AND #$0F                        ;
LB691:  STA SQ2Cntrl2                   ;Randomly set bits 2 and 3 of SQ2 period low.
LB694:* RTS                             ;

LB695:  LDY #$31                        ;Low byte of SQ1 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB697:  JSR LoadSQ1ChannelSFX           ;($B368)Set SQ1 SFX data.
LB69A:  LDA #$20                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB69C:  LDY #$35                        ;Low byte of SQ2 sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB69E:  JMP MultiSFXInit                ;($B5A5)Initiate multi channel SFX.

LB6A1:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB6A4:  BNE -                           ;If more frames to process, branch to exit.
LB6A6:  JMP EndMultiSFX                 ;($B5CD)End SFX.

;The following table is used by the below routine to load SQ1Cntrl2 data in the-->
;MissilePickupSFXContinue routine.

LB6A9:  .byte $BD, $8D, $7E, $5E, $46, $3E, $00 

LB6B0:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB6B3:  BNE MusicBranch03               ;If more frames to process, branch to exit.
LB6B5:  LDY SQ1SFXData                  ;
LB6B8:  LDA MissilePickupSFXTbl,Y       ;Load SFX data from table above.
LB6BB:  BNE +                           ;
LB6BD:  JMP EndSQ1SFX                   ;($B6F2)SFX completed.
LB6C0:* STA SQ1Cntrl2                   ;
LB6C3:  LDA $B244                       ;#$28.
LB6C6:  STA SQ1Cntrl3                   ;load SQ1Cntrl3 with #$28.
LB6C9:  INC SQ1SFXData                  ;Increment index to data table above every 5 frames.

LB6CC:  RTS                             ;Exit from multiple routines.

LB6CD:  LDA #$05                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB6CF:  LDY #$41                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB6D1:  BNE +++                         ;Branch always.

LB6D3:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB6D6:  BNE MusicBranch03               ;If more frames to process, branch to exit.
LB6D8:  INC SQ1SFXData                  ;
LB6DB:  LDA SQ1SFXData                  ;Every six frames, reload SFX info.  Does it-->
LB6DE:  CMP #$03                        ;three times for a total of 18 frames.
LB6E0:  BEQ +                           ;
LB6E2:  LDY #$3D                        ;
LB6E4:  JMP LoadSQ1ChannelSFX           ;($B368)Set SQ1 SFX data.

LB6E7:  LDA #$06                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB6E9:  LDY #$3D                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB6EB:  BNE +++                         ;Branch always.

;The following continue routine is used by the metal, bird out of hole,
;enemy hit and the Samus jump SFXs.

LB6ED:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB6F0:  BNE MusicBranch03               ;

LB6F2:* LDA #$10                        ;
LB6F4:  STA SQ1Cntrl0                   ;Disable envelope generator(sound off).
LB6F7:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB6F9:  STA SQ1InUse                    ;Allows music to use SQ1 channel.
LB6FC:  JSR ClearCurrentSFXFlags        ;($B4A2)Clear all SFX flags.
LB6FF:  INC WriteMultiChannelData       ;Allows music routines to load SQ1 and SQ2 music.
LB702:  RTS                             ;

LB703:  LDA CurrentMusic                ;If escape music is playing, exit without playing-->
LB706:  CMP #$04                        ;Samus jump SFX.
LB708:  BEQ MusicBranch03               ;
LB70A:  LDA #$0C                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB70C:  LDY #$51                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB70E:  BNE SelectSFX1                  ;Branch always.

LB710:  LDA #$08                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB712:  LDY #$55                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB714:  BNE SelectSFX1                  ;Branch always.

LB716:  LDA HasBeamSFX                  ;
LB719:  LSR                             ;If Samus has ice beam, branch.
LB71A:  BCS +++++                       ;
LB71C:  LDA SQ1ContSFX                  ;If MissilePickup, EnergyPickup, BirdOutOfHole-->
LB71F:  AND #$CC                        ;or EnemyHit SFX already playing, branch to exit.
LB721:  BNE MusicBranch03               ;
LB723:  LDA HasBeamSFX                  ;
LB726:  ASL                             ;If Samus has long beam, branch.
LB727:  BCS +                           ;
LB729:  LDA #$03                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB72B:  LDY #$4D                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB72D:  BNE SelectSFX1                  ;Branch always (Plays ShortBeamSFX).

LB72F:* LDA #$07                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB731:  LDY #$49                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB733:  BNE SelectSFX1                  ;Branch always.

LB735:  LDA #$0B                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB737:  LDY #$45                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).

LB739:* JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB73C:  LDA CurrentMusic                ;If escape music is playing, use this SFX to make-->
LB73F:  CMP #$04                        ;the bomb ticking sound, else play regular SFX.
LB741:  BEQ +                           ;
LB743:  LDA #$16                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB745:  LDY #$59                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB747:  BNE SelectSFX1                  ;Branch always.
LB749:* LDA #$07                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB74B:  LDY #$39                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB74D:  BNE SelectSFX1                  ;Branch always.

LB74F:  LDA HasBeamSFX                  ;
LB752:  LSR                             ;If Samus has ice beam, branch.
LB753:  BCS +++                         ;
LB755:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB758:  BNE +                           ;If more frames to process, branch to exit.
LB75A:  JMP EndSQ1SFX                   ;($B6F2)If SFX finished, jump.
LB75D:* RTS                             ;

LB75E:* LDA #$07                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB760:  LDY #$61                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB762:  JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB765:* JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB768:  BNE +                           ;If more frames to process, branch.
LB76A:  JMP EndSQ1SFX                   ;($B6F2)If SFX finished, jump.
LB76D:* LDA SQ1SFXData                  ;
LB770:  AND #$01                        ;Determine index for IceBeamSFXDataTbl below.
LB772:  TAY                             ;
LB773:  LDA IceBeamSFXDataTbl,Y         ;Loads A with value from IceBeamSFXDataTbl below.
LB776:  BNE ++                          ;

LB778:  .byte $93                       ;Ice beam SFX period low data.
LB779:  .byte $81                       ;

LB77A:  LDA #$08                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB77C:  LDY #$5D                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB77E:  JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB781:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB784:  BNE +                           ;If more frames to process, branch.
LB786:  LDY SQ1SQ2SFXData               ;
LB789:  INC SQ1SQ2SFXData               ;Load wave beam SFXDisable/enable envelope length-->
LB78C:  LDA WaveBeamSFXDisLngthTbl,Y    ;data from WaveBeamSFXDisableLengthTbl.
LB78F:  STA SQ1Cntrl0                   ;
LB792:  BNE MusicBranch10               ;If at end of WaveBeamSFXDisableLengthTbl, end SFX.
LB794:  JMP EndSQ1SFX                   ;($B6F2)If SFX finished, jump.
LB797:* LDA SQ1SFXData
LB79A:  AND #$01                        ;
LB79C:  TAY                             ;Load wave beam SFX period low data from-->
LB79D:  LDA WaveBeamSFXPeriodLowTbl,Y   ;WaveBeamSFXPeriodLowTbl.

LB7A0:* STA SQ1Cntrl2                   ;Change the period low data for SQ1 channel.
LB7A3:  INC SQ1SFXData                  ;

LB7A6:  RTS                             ;Exit for multiple routines.
LB7A7:  .byte $58                       ;Wave beam SFX period low data.
LB7A8:  .byte $6F                       ;

LB7A9:  .byte $93                       ;
LB7AA:  .byte $91                       ;Wave beam SFX Disable/enable envelope length data.
LB7AB:  .byte $00                       ;

LB7AC:  LDA $B287                       ;#$30.
LB7AF:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;Set triangle period low data byte.
LB7B2:  LDA $B288                       ;#$B2.
LB7B5:  AND #$07                        ;Set triangle period high data byte.
LB7B7:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;#$B7.
LB7BA:  LDA #$0F                        ;
LB7BC:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;Change triangle channel period low every frame by #$0F.
LB7BF:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB7C1:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;No change in triangle channel period high.
LB7C4:  LDA #$1F                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB7C6:  LDY #$85                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB7C8:  JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB7CB:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB7CE:  BNE +                           ;
LB7D0:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX.
LB7D3:* JSR DecreaseTrianglePeriods     ;($B98C)Decrease periods.
LB7D6:  JMP WriteTrianglePeriods        ;($B869)Save new periods.

LB7D9:  LDA TriangleContSFX             ;If BombLaunchSFX is already playing, branch-->
LB7DC:  AND #$80                        ;without playing BeepSFX.
LB7DE:  BNE MusicBranch10               ;
LB7E0:  LDA #$03                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB7E2:  LDY #$79                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB7E4:  JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB7E7:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB7EA:  BNE MusicBranch10               ;If more frames to process, branch to exit.
LB7EC:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX.

LB7EF:  LDA #$12                        ;Increase triangle low period by #$12 every frame.
LB7F1:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;
LB7F4:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB7F6:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;Does not change triangle period high.
LB7F9:  LDA $B27F                       ;#$42.
LB7FC:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;Save new triangle period low data.
LB7FF:  LDA $B280                       ;#$18.
LB802:  AND #$07                        ;#$1F.
LB804:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;Save new triangle period high data.
LB807:  LDA #$0A                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB809:  LDY #$7D                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB80B:  JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB80E:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB811:  BNE +                           ;If more frames to process, branch
LB813:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX
LB816:* JSR IncreaseTrianglePeriods     ;($B978)Increase periods.
LB819:  LDA RandomNumber1               ;
LB81B:  AND #$3C                        ;
LB81D:  STA TriangleSFXData             ;
LB820:  LDA TrianglePeriodLow           ;Randomly set or clear bits 2, 3, 4 and 5 in-->
LB823:  AND #$C3                        ;triangle channel period low.
LB825:  ORA TriangleSFXData             ;
LB828:  STA TriangleCntrl2              ;
LB82B:  LDA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB82E:  ORA #$40                        ;Set 4th bit in triangle channel period high.
LB830:  STA TriangleCntrl3              ;
LB833:  RTS                             ;

LB834:  LDA #$08                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB836:  LDY #$6D                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB838:  JSR SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.
LB83B:  LDA #$05                        ;
LB83D:  STA PercentDifference           ;Stores percent difference. In this case 5 = 1/5 = 20%.
LB840:  LDA $B26F                       ;#$DD.
LB843:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;Save new triangle period low data.
LB846:  LDA $B270                       ;#$3B.
LB849:  AND #$07                        ;#$02.
LB84B:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;Save new triangle period high data.
LB84E:  RTS                             ;

LB84F:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB852:  BNE +                           ;If more frames to process, branch.
LB854:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX.
LB857:* JSR DivideTrianglePeriods       ;($B9A0)reduces triangle period low by 20% each frame.
LB85A:  LDA TriangleLowPercentage       ;
LB85D:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;Store new values to change triangle periods.
LB860:  LDA TriangleHighPercentage      ;
LB863:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;
LB866:  JSR DecreaseTrianglePeriods     ;($B98C)Decrease periods.

LB869:  LDA TrianglePeriodLow           ;Write TrianglePeriodLow to triangle channel.
LB86C:  STA TriangleCntrl2              ;
LB86F:  LDA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB872:  ORA #$08                        ;Write TrianglePeriodHigh to triangle channel.
LB874:  STA TriangleCntrl3              ;
LB877:  RTS                             ;

LB878:  LDA #$04                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB87A:  LDY #$65                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB87C:  JMP SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB87F:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB882:  BNE MusicBranch04               ;If more frames to process, branch to exit.
LB884:  INC TriangleSFXData             ;
LB887:  LDA TriangleSFXData             ;After four frames, load second part of SFX.
LB88A:  CMP #$02                        ;
LB88C:  BNE +                           ;
LB88E:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX.
LB891:* LDY #$69                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB893:  JMP LoadTriangleChannelSFX      ;($B36C)Prepare to load triangle channel with data.

LB896:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB898:  STA TriangleCntrl0              ;clear TriangleCntr0(sound off).
LB89B:  STA TriangleInUse               ;Allows music to use triangle channel.
LB89E:  LDA #$18                        ;
LB8A0:  STA TriangleCntrl3              ;Set length index to #$03.
LB8A3:  JSR ClearCurrentSFXFlags        ;($B4A2)Clear all SFX flags.

LB8A6:  RTS                             ;Exit from for multiple routines.

LB8A7:  LDA #$03                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB8A9:  LDY #$71                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB8AB:  JSR SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.
LB8AE:  JMP RndTrianglePeriods          ;($B8C3)MetroidHit SFX has several different sounds.

LB8B1:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB8B4:  BEQ +                           ;
LB8B6:  INC TriangleSFXData             ;
LB8B9:  LDA TriangleSFXData             ;Randomize triangle periods nine times throughout-->
LB8BC:  CMP #$09                        ;the course of the SFX.
LB8BE:  BNE MusicBranch04               ;If SFX not done, branch.
LB8C0:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX.

LB8C3:* LDA RandomNumber1               ;Randomly set or reset bits 7, 4, 2 and 1 of-->
LB8C5:  ORA #$6C                        ;triangle channel period low.
LB8C7:  STA TriangleCntrl2              ;
LB8CA:  AND #$01                        ;
LB8CC:  ORA #$F8                        ;Randomly set or reset last bit of triangle-->
LB8CE:  STA TriangleCntrl3              ;channel period high.
LB8D1:  RTS                             ;

LB8D2:  JSR InitializeSoundAddresses    ;($B404)Clear all sound addresses.
LB8D5:  LDA #$0E                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB8D7:  LDY #$75                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB8D9:  JSR SelectSFXRoutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.
LB8DC:  LDA #$15                        ;Decrease triangle SFX periods by 4.8% every frame.
LB8DE:  STA PercentDifference           ;
LB8E1:  LDA $B277                       ;#$40.
LB8E4:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB8E7:  LDA #$00                        ;Initial values of triangle periods.
LB8E9:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB8EC:* RTS                             ;

LB8ED:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB8F0:  BNE +                           ;
LB8F2:  LDA #$20                        ;Store change in triangle period low.
LB8F4:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;
LB8F7:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB8F9:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;No change in triangle period high.
LB8FC:  JSR DecreaseTrianglePeriods     ;($B98C)Decrease periods.
LB8FF:  INC TriangleSFXData             ;
LB902:  LDA TriangleSFXData             ;
LB905:  CMP #$06                        ;
LB907:  BNE -                           ;If more frames to process, branch to exit.
LB909:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX.
LB90C:* JSR DivideTrianglePeriods       ;($B9A0)reduces triangle period low.
LB90F:  LDA TriangleLowPercentage       ;
LB912:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;Update triangle periods.
LB915:  LDA TriangleHighPercentage      ;
LB918:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;
LB91B:  JSR IncreaseTrianglePeriods     ;($B978)Increase periods.
LB91E:  JMP WriteTrianglePeriods        ;($B869)Save new periods.

LB921:  LDA $B283                       ;#$11.
LB924:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;Save period low data.
LB927:  LDA $B284                       ;#$09.
LB92A:  AND #$07                        ;
LB92C:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;Store last three bits in $B284.
LB92F:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB931:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;No change in Triangle period high.
LB934:  LDA #$0B                        ;
LB936:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;
LB939:  LDA #$06                        ;Number of frames to play sound before a change.
LB93B:  LDY #$81                        ;Lower byte of sound data start address(base=$B200).
LB93D:  JMP SelectSFXroutine            ;($B452)Setup registers for SFX.

LB940:  JSR IncrementSFXFrame           ;($B4A9)Get next databyte to process in SFX.
LB943:  BNE ++                          ;
LB945:  INC TriangleSFXData             ;Increment TriangleSFXData every 6 frames.
LB948:  LDA TriangleSFXData             ;
LB94B:  CMP #$09                        ;When TriangleSFXData = #$09, end SFX.
LB94D:  BNE +                           ;
LB94F:  JMP EndTriangleSFX              ;($B896)End SFX.
LB952:* LDA TriangleChangeLow           ;
LB955:  PHA                             ;Save triangle periods.
LB956:  LDA TriangleChangeHigh          ;
LB959:  PHA                             ;
LB95A:  LDA #$25                        ;
LB95C:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;
LB95F:  LDA #$00                        ;No change in triangle period high.
LB961:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;
LB964:  JSR IncreaseTrianglePeriods     ;($B978)Increase periods.
LB967:  PLA                             ;
LB968:  STA TriangleChangeHigh          ;Restore triangle periods.
LB96B:  PLA                             ;
LB96C:  STA TriangleChangeLow           ;
LB96F:  JMP WriteTrianglePeriods        ;($B869)Save new periods.
LB972:* JSR DecreaseTrianglePeriods     ;($B98C)Decrease periods.
LB975:  JMP WriteTrianglePeriods        ;($B869)Save new periods.

LB978:  CLC 
LB979:  LDA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB97C:  ADC TriangleChangeLow           ;Calculate new TrianglePeriodLow.
LB97F:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB982:  LDA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB985:  ADC TriangleChangeHigh          ;Calculate new TrianglePeriodHigh.
LB988:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB98B:  RTS                             ;

LB98C:  SEC 
LB98D:  LDA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB990:  SBC TriangleChangeLow           ;Calculate new TrianglePeriodLow.
LB993:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB996:  LDA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB999:  SBC TriangleChangeHigh          ;Calculate new TrianglePeriodHigh.
LB99C:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB99F:  RTS                             ;

LB9A0:  LDA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB9A3:  PHA                             ;Store TrianglePeriodLow and TrianglePeriodHigh.
LB9A4:  LDA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB9A7:  PHA                             ;
LB9A8:  LDA #$00                        ;
LB9AA:  STA DivideData                  ;
LB9AD:  LDX #$10                        ;
LB9AF:  ROL TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB9B2:  ROL TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB9B5:* ROL DivideData                  ;The following routine takes the triangle period-->
LB9B8:  LDA DivideData                  ;high and triangle period low values and reduces-->
LB9BB:  CMP PercentDifference           ;them by a certain percent.  The percent is-->
LB9BE:  BCC +                           ;determined by the value stored in-->
LB9C0:  SBC PercentDifference           ;PercentDifference.  If PercentDifference=#$05,-->
LB9C3:  STA DivideData                  ;then the values will be reduced by 20%(1/5).-->
LB9C6:* ROL TrianglePeriodLow           ;If PercentDifference=#$0A,Then the value will-->
LB9C9:  ROL TrianglePeriodHigh          ;be reduced by 10%(1/10), etc. This function is-->
LB9CC:  DEX                             ;basically a software emulation of a sweep function.
LB9CD:  BNE --                          ;
LB9CF:  LDA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB9D2:  STA TriangleLowPercentage       ;
LB9D5:  LDA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;
LB9D8:  STA TriangleHighPercentage      ;
LB9DB:  PLA                             ;
LB9DC:  STA TrianglePeriodHigh          ;Restore TrianglePerodLow and TrianglePeriodHigh.
LB9DF:  PLA                             ;
LB9E0:  STA TrianglePeriodLow           ;
LB9E3:  RTS                             ;

;--------------------------------------[ End SFX routines ]-------------------------------------
LB9E4:  LDA #$7F                        ;
LB9E6:  STA MusicSQ1Sweep               ;Disable sweep generator on SQ1 and SQ2.
LB9E9:  STA MusicSQ2Sweep               ;
LB9EC:  STX SQ1DutyEnvelope             ;Store duty cycle and volume data for SQ1 and SQ2.
LB9EF:  STY SQ2DutyEnvelope             ;
LB9F2:  RTS                             ;

LB9F3:  LDA SQ1MusicFrameCount          ;If at the beginning of a new SQ1 note, set-->
LB9F6:  CMP #$01                        ;SQ1VolumeIndex = #$01.
LB9F8:  BNE +                           ;
LB9FA:  STA SQ1VolumeIndex              ;
LB9FD:* LDA SQ2MusicFrameCount          ;
LBA00:  CMP #$01                        ;If at the beginning of a new SQ2 note, set-->
LBA02:  BNE +                           ;SQ2VolumeIndex = #$01.
LBA04:  STA SQ2VolumeIndex              ;
LBA07:* RTS                             ;

LBA08:  LDA WriteMultiChannelData       ;If a Multi channel data does not need to be-->
LBA0B:  BEQ +                           ;loaded, branch to exit.
LBA0D:  LDA #$00                        ;
LBA0F:  STA WriteMultiChannelData       ;Clear multi channel data write flag.
LBA12:  LDA MusicSQ1Sweep               ;
LBA15:  STA SQ1Cntrl1                   ;
LBA18:  LDA MusicSQ1PeriodLow           ;
LBA1B:  STA SQ1Cntrl2                   ;Loads SQ1 channel addresses $4001, $4002, $4003.
LBA1E:  LDA MusicSQ1PeriodHigh          ;
LBA21:  STA SQ1Cntrl3                   ;
LBA24:  LDA MusicSQ2Sweep               ;
LBA27:  STA SQ2Cntrl1                   ;
LBA2A:  LDA MusicSQ2PeriodLow           ;
LBA2D:  STA SQ2Cntrl2                   ;Loads SQ2 channel addresses $4005, $4006, $4007.
LBA30:  LDA MusicSQ2PeriodHigh          ;
LBA33:  STA SQ2Cntrl3                   ;
LBA36:* RTS                             ;

LBA37:  LDX #$00                        ;Load SQ1 channel data.
LBA39:  JSR WriteSQCntrl0               ;($BA41)Write Cntrl0 data.
LBA3C:  INX                             ;Load SQ2 channel data.
LBA3D:  JSR WriteSQCntrl0               ;($BA41)Write Cntrl0 data.
LBA40:  RTS                             ;

LBA41:  LDA SQ1VolumeCntrl,X            ;Load SQ channel volume data. If zero, branch to exit.
LBA44:  BEQ +++++                       ;
LBA46:  STA VolumeCntrlAddress          ;
LBA48:  JSR LoadSQ1SQ2Periods           ;($BA08)Load SQ1 and SQ2 control information.
LBA4B:  LDA SQ1VolumeData,X             ;
LBA4E:  CMP #$10                        ;If sound channel is not currently-->
LBA50:  BEQ +++++++                     ;playing sound, branch.
LBA52:  LDY #$00                        ;
LBA54:* DEC VolumeCntrlAddress          ;Desired entry in VolumeCntrlAdressTbl.
LBA56:  BEQ +                           ;
LBA58:  INY                             ;*2(2 byte address to find voulume control data).
LBA59:  INY                             ;
LBA5A:  BNE -                           ;Keep decrementing until desired address is found.
LBA5C:* LDA VolumeCntrlAddressTbl,Y     ;Base is $BCB0.
LBA5F:  STA $EC                         ;Volume data address low byte.
LBA61:  LDA VolumeCntrlAddressTbl+1,Y   ;Base is $BCB1.
LBA64:  STA $ED                         ;Volume data address high byte.
LBA66:  LDY SQ1VolumeIndex,X            ;Index to desired volume data.
LBA69:  LDA ($EC),Y                     ;Load desired volume for current channel into-->
LBA6B:  STA Cntrl0Data                  ;Cntrl0Data.
LBA6D:  CMP #$FF                        ;If last entry in volume table is #$FF, restore-->
LBA6F:  BEQ MusicBranch05               ;volume to its original level after done reading-->
LBA71:  CMP #$F0                        ;Volume data.  If #$F0 is last entry, turn sound-->
LBA73:  BEQ MusicBranch06               ;off on current channel until next note.
LBA75:  LDA SQ1DutyEnvelope,X           ;Remove duty cycle data For current channel and-->
LBA78:  AND #$F0                        ;add this frame of volume data and store results--> 
LBA7A:  ORA Cntrl0Data                  ;in Cntrl0Data.
LBA7C:  TAY                             ;
LBA7D:* INC SQ1VolumeIndex,X            ;Increment Index to volume data.
LBA80:* LDA SQ1InUse,X                  ;If SQ1 or SQ2(depends on loop iteration) in use,-->
LBA83:  BNE +                           ;branch to exit, else write SQ(1 or 2)Cntrl0.
LBA85:  TXA                             ;
LBA86:  BEQ ++                          ;If currently on SQ1, branch to write SQ1 data.

WriteSQ2Cntrl0:                         ;
LBA88:  STY SQ2Cntrl0                   ;Write SQ2Cntrl0 data.
LBA8B:* RTS                             ;

WriteSQ1Cntrl0:                         ;
LBA8C:* STY SQ1Cntrl0                   ;Write SQ1Cntrl0 data.
LBA8F:  RTS                             ;

LBA90:  LDY SQ1DutyEnvelope,X           ;Restore original volume of sound channel.
LBA93:  BNE ---                         ;Branch always.

LBA95:  LDY #$10                        ;Disable envelope generator and set volume to 0.
LBA97:  BNE ---                         ;Branch always.
LBA99:* LDY #$10                        ;Disable envelope generator and set volume to 0.
LBA9B:  BNE -----                       ;Branch always.

LBA9D:* JSR CheckRepeatMusic            ;($B3F0)Resets music flags if music repeats.
LBAA0:  RTS                             ;

LBAA1:* JSR LoadSQ1SQ2Channels          ;($BA37)Load SQ1 and SQ2 channel data.
LBAA4:  RTS                             ;

LBAA5:  JSR ResetVolumeIndex            ;($B9F3)Reset index if at the beginning of a new note.
LBAA8:  LDA #$00                        ;
LBAAA:  TAX                             ;X = #$00.
LBAAB:  STA ThisSoundChannel            ;(#$00, #$04, #$08 or #$0C).
LBAAE:  BEQ ++                          ;
LBAB0:* TXA                             ;
LBAB1:  LSR                             ;
LBAB2:  TAX                             ;Increment to next sound channel(1,2 or 3).
IncrementToNextChannel:                 ;
LBAB3:  INX                             ;
LBAB4:  TXA                             ;
LBAB5:  CMP #$04                        ;If done with four sound channels, branch to load-->
LBAB7:  BEQ --                          ;sound channel SQ1 SQ2 data.
LBAB9:  LDA ThisSoundChannel            ;Add 4 to the least significant byte of the current-->
LBABC:  CLC                             ;sound channel start address.  This moves to next-->
LBABD:  ADC #$04                        ;sound channel address ranges to process.
LBABF:  STA ThisSoundChannel            ;
LBAC2:* TXA                             ;
LBAC3:  ASL                             ;*2(two bytes for sound channel info base address).
LBAC4:  TAX                             ;
LBAC5:  LDA SQ1LowBaseByte,X            ;
LBAC8:  STA $E6                         ;Load sound channel info base address into $E6-->
LBACA:  LDA SQ1HighBaseByte,X           ;and $E7. ($E6=low byte, $E7=high byte).
LBACD:  STA $E7                         ;
LBACF:  LDA SQ1HighBaseByte,X           ;If no data for this sound channel, branch-->
LBAD2:  BEQ --                          ;to find data for next sound channel.
LBAD4:  TXA                             ;
LBAD5:  LSR                             ;/2. Determine current sound channel (0,1,2 or3).
LBAD6:  TAX                             ;
LBAD7:  DEC SQ1MusicFrameCount,X        ;Decrement the current sound channel frame count-->
LBADA:  BNE IncrementToNextChannel      ;If not zero, branch to check next channel, else-->
                                        ;load the next set of sound channel data.
LBADC:  LDY SQ1MusicIndexIndex,X        ;Load current channel index to music data index.
LBADF:  INC SQ1MusicIndexIndex,X        ;Increment current channel index to music data index.
LBAE2:  LDA ($E6),Y                     ;
LBAE4:  BEQ ----                                ;Branch if music has reached the end.
LBAE6:  TAY                             ;Transfer music data index to Y (base=$BE77) .
LBAE7:  CMP #$FF                        ;
LBAE9:  BEQ +                           ;At end of loop? If yes, branch.
LBAEB:  AND #$C0                        ;
LBAED:  CMP #$C0                        ;At beginnig of new loop? if yes, branch.
LBAEF:  BEQ ++                          ;
LBAF1:  JMP LoadMusicChannel            ;($BB1C)Load music data into channel.

LBAF4:* LDA SQ1RepeatCounter,X          ;If loop counter has reached zero, branch to exit.
LBAF7:  BEQ ++                          ;
LBAF9:  DEC SQ1RepeatCounter,X          ;Decrement loop counter.
LBAFC:  LDA SQ1LoopIndex,X              ;Load loop index for proper channel and store it in-->
LBAFF:  STA SQ1MusicIndexIndex,X        ;music index index address.
LBB02:  BNE ++                          ;Branch unless music has reached the end.

LBB04:* TYA                             ;
LBB05:  AND #$3F                        ;Remove last six bits of loop controller and save-->
LBB07:  STA SQ1RepeatCounter,X          ;in repeat counter addresses.  # of times to loop.
LBB0A:  DEC SQ1RepeatCounter,X          ;Decrement loop counter.
LBB0D:  LDA SQ1MusicIndexIndex,X        ;Store location of loop start in loop index address.
LBB10:  STA SQ1LoopIndex,X              ;
LBB13:* JMP LoadNextChannelIndexData    ;($BADC)Load next channel index data.

LBB16:* JMP LoadNoiseChannelMusic       ;($BBDE)Load data for noise channel music.

LBB19:* JMP LoadTriangleCntrl0          ;($BBB7)Load Cntrl0 byte of triangle channel.

LBB1C:  TYA                             ;
LBB1D:  AND #$B0                        ;
LBB1F:  CMP #$B0                        ;Is data byte music note length data?  If not, branch.
LBB21:  BNE +                           ;
LBB23:  TYA                             ;
LBB24:  AND #$0F                        ;Separate note length data.
LBB26:  CLC                             ;
LBB27:  ADC NoteLengthTblOffset         ;Find proper note lengths table for current music.
LBB2A:  TAY                             ;
LBB2B:  LDA NoteLengths0Tbl,Y           ;(Base is $BEF7)Load note length and store in--> 
LBB2E:  STA SQ1FrameCountInit,X         ;frame count init address.
LBB31:  TAY                             ;Y now contains note length.
LBB32:  TXA                             ;
LBB33:  CMP #$02                        ;If loading Triangle channel data, branch.
LBB35:  BEQ -                           ;

LBB37:  LDY SQ1MusicIndexIndex,X        ;Load current index to sound data index.
LBB3A:  INC SQ1MusicIndexIndex,X        ;Increment music index index address.
LBB3D:  LDA ($E6),Y                     ;Load index to sound channel music data.
LBB3F:  TAY                             ;
LBB40:* TXA                             ;
LBB41:  CMP #$03                        ;If loading Noise channel data, branch.
LBB43:  BEQ ---                         ;
LBB45:  PHA                             ;Push music channel number on stack(0, 1 or 2).
LBB46:  LDX ThisSoundChannel            ;
LBB49:  LDA MusicNotesTbl+1,Y           ;(Base=$BE78)Load A with music channel period low data.
LBB4C:  BEQ +                           ;If data is #$00, skip period high and low loading.
LBB4E:  STA MusicSQ1PeriodLow,X         ;Store period low data in proper period low address.
LBB51:  LDA MusicNotesTbl,Y             ;(Base=$BE77)Load A with music channel period high data.
LBB54:  ORA #$08                        ;Ensure minimum index length of 1.
LBB56:  STA MusicSQ1PeriodHigh,X        ;Store period high data in proper period high address.
LBB59:* TAY                             ;
LBB5A:  PLA                             ;Pull stack and restore channel number to X.
LBB5B:  TAX                             ;
LBB5C:  TYA                             ;
LBB5D:  BNE +                           ;If period information was present, branch.
LBB5F:  LDA #$00                        ;Turn off channel volume since no period data present.
LBB61:  STA Cntrl0Data                  ;
LBB63:  TXA                             ;
LBB64:  CMP #$02                        ;If loading triangle channel data, branch.
LBB66:  BEQ ++                          ;
LBB68:  LDA #$10                        ;Turn off volume and disable env. generator(SQ1,SQ2).
LBB6A:  STA Cntrl0Data                  ;
LBB6C:  BNE ++                          ;Branch always.

LBB6E:* LDA SQ1DutyEnvelope,X           ;Store channel duty cycle and volume info in $EA.
LBB71:  STA Cntrl0Data                  ;
LBB73:* TXA                             ;
LBB74:  DEC SQ1InUse,X                  ;
LBB77:  CMP SQ1InUse,X                  ;If SQ1 or SQ2 are being used by SFX routines, branch.
LBB7A:  BEQ +++                         ;
LBB7C:  INC SQ1InUse,X                  ;Restore not in use status of SQ1 or SQ2.
LBB7F:  LDY ThisSoundChannel            ;
LBB82:  TXA                             ;
LBB83:  CMP #$02                        ;If loading triangle channel data, branch.
LBB85:  BEQ +                           ;
LBB87:  LDA SQ1VolumeCntrl,X            ;If $062E or $062F has volume data, skip writing-->
LBB8A:  BNE ++                          ;Cntrl0Data to SQ1 or SQ2.
LBB8C:* LDA Cntrl0Data                  ;
LBB8E:  STA SQ1Cntrl0,Y                 ;Write Cntrl0Data.
LBB91:* LDA Cntrl0Data                  ;
LBB93:  STA SQ1VolumeData,X             ;Store volume data index to volume data.
LBB96:  LDA MusicSQ1PeriodLow,Y         ;
LBB99:  STA SQ1Cntrl2,Y                 ;
LBB9C:  LDA MusicSQ1PeriodHigh,Y        ;Write data to three sound channel addresses.
LBB9F:  STA SQ1Cntrl3,Y                 ;
LBBA2:  LDA MusicSQ1Sweep,X             ;
LBBA5:  STA SQ1Cntrl1,Y                 ;

LBBA8:  LDA SQ1FrameCountInit,X         ;Load new music frame count and store it in music-->
LBBAB:  STA SQ1MusicFrameCount,X        ;frame count address.
LBBAE:  JMP IncrementToNextChannel      ;($BAB3)Move to next sound channel.

LBBB1:* INC SQ1InUse,X                  ;Restore in use status of SQ1 or SQ1.
LBBB4:  JMP LoadNewMusicFrameCount      ;($BBA8)Load new music frame count.

LBBB7:  LDA TriangleCounterCntrl        ;
LBBBA:  AND #$0F                        ;If lower bits set, branch to play shorter note. 
LBBBC:  BNE ++                          ;
LBBBE:  LDA TriangleCounterCntrl        ;
LBBC1:  AND #$F0                        ;If upper bits are set, branch to play longer note.
LBBC3:  BNE +                           ;
LBBC5:  TYA                             ;
LBBC6:  JMP AddTriangleLength           ;($BBCD)Calculate length to play note.
LBBC9:* LDA #$FF                        ;Disable length cntr(play until triangle data changes).
LBBCB:  BNE +                           ;Branch always.

LBBCD:  CLC                             ;
LBBCE:  ADC #$FF                        ;Add #$FF(Effectively subtracts 1 from A).
LBBD0:  ASL                             ;*2.
LBBD1:  ASL                             ;*2.
LBBD2:  CMP #$3C                        ;
LBBD4:  BCC +                           ;If result is greater than #$3C, store #$3C(highest-->
LBBD6:  LDA #$3C                        ;triangle linear count allowed).
LBBD8:* STA TriLinearCount              ;
LBBDB:* JMP LoadSoundDataIndexIndex     ;($BB37)Load index to sound data index.

LBBDE:  LDA NoiseContSFX                ;
LBBE1:  AND #$FC                        ;If playing any Noise SFX, branch to exit.
LBBE3:  BNE +                           ;
LBBE5:  LDA $B200,Y                     ;
LBBE8:  STA NoiseCntrl0                 ;Load noise channel with drum beat SFX starting-->
LBBEB:  LDA $B201,Y                     ;at address B201.  The possible values of Y are-->
LBBEE:  STA NoiseCntrl2                 ;#$01, #$04, #$07 or #$0A.
LBBF1:  LDA $B202,Y                     ;
LBBF4:  STA NoiseCntrl3                 ;
LBBF7:* JMP LoadNewMusicFrameCount      ;($BBA8)Load new music frame count.

;The following table is used by the InitializeMusic routine to find the index for loading
;addresses $062B thru $0637.  Base is $BD31.

LBBFA:  .byte $41                       ;Ridley area music.
LBBFB:  .byte $8F                       ;Tourian music.
LBBFC:  .byte $34                       ;Item room music.
LBBFD:  .byte $27                       ;Kraid area music.
LBBFE:  .byte $1A                       ;Norfair music.
LBBFF:  .byte $0D                       ;Escape music.
LBC00:  .byte $00                       ;Mother brain music.
LBC01:  .byte $82                       ;Brinstar music.
LBC02:  .byte $68                       ;Fade in music.
LBC03:  .byte $75                       ;Power up music.
LBC04:  .byte $4E                       ;End music.
LBC05:  .byte $5B                       ;Intro music.

;The tables below contain addresses for SFX and music handling routines.
;Multi channel Init SFX and music handling routine addresses:

LBC06:  .word $BC80                     ;Fade in music.
LBC08:  .word $BC7A                     ;Power up music. 
LBC0A:  .word $BC86                     ;End game music.
LBC0C:  .word $BC7A                     ;Intro music.
LBC0E:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LBC10:  .word $B673                     ;Samus hit init SFX.
LBC12:  .word $B5EC                     ;Boss hit init SFX.
LBC14:  .word $B695                     ;Incorrect password init SFX.

;Multi channel continue SFX handling routine addresses:

LBC16:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LBC18:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LBC1A:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LBC1C:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LBC1E:  .word $B4EE                     ;No sound.
LBC20:  .word $B650                     ;Samus hit continue SFX.
LBC22:  .word $B5F6                     ;Boss hit continue SFX.
LBC24:  .word $B6A1                     ;Incorrect password continue SFX.

;Music handling routine addresses:

LBC26:  .word $BC83                     ;Ridley area music.
LBC28:  .word $BC77                     ;Tourian music.
LBC2A:  .word $BC77                     ;Item room music.
LBC2C:  .word $BC77                     ;Kraid area music.
LBC2E:  .word $BC80                     ;Norfair music.
LBC30:  .word $BC7D                     ;Escape music.
LBC32:  .word $BC77                     ;Mother brain music.
LBC34:  .word $BC80                     ;Brinstar music.

;-----------------------------------[ Entry point for music routines ]--------------------------------

LBC36:  LDA CurrentMusicRepeat          ;Load A with temp music flags, (9th SFX cycle).
LBC39:  LDX #$B6                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LBC3B:  BNE +                           ;Branch always.

LBC3D:  LDA MusicInitFlag               ;Load A with Music flags, (10th SFX cycle).
LBC40:  LDX #$B1                        ;Lower address byte in ChooseNextSFXRoutineTbl.
LBC42:* JSR CheckSFXFlag                ;($B4BD)Checks to see if SFX or music flags set.
LBC45:  JSR FindMusicInitIndex          ;($BC53)Find bit containing music init flag.
LBC48:  JMP ($00E2)                     ;If no flag found, Jump to next SFX cycle,-->
                                        ;else jump to specific SFX handling subroutine.

ContinueMusic:                          ;11th and last SFX cycle.
LBC4B:  LDA CurrentMusic                ;
LBC4E:  BEQ +++                         ;Branch to exit of no music playing.
LBC50:  JMP LoadCurrentMusicFrameData   ;($BAA5)Load info for current frame of music data.

;MusicInitIndex values correspond to the following music:
;#$00=Ridley area music, #$01=Tourian music, #$02=Item room music, #$03=Kraid area music,
;#$04=Norfair music, #$05=Escape music, #$06=Mother brain music, #$07=Brinstar music,
;#$08=Fade in music, #$09=Power up music, #$0A=End game music, #$0B=Intro music.

LBC53:  LDA #$FF                        ;Load MusicInitIndex with #$FF.
LBC55:  STA MusicInitIndex              ;
LBC58:  LDA CurrentSFXFlags             ;
LBC5B:  BEQ ++                          ;Branch to exit if no SFX flags set for Multi SFX.
LBC5D:* INC MusicInitIndex              ;
LBC60:  ASL                             ;Shift left until bit flag is in carry bit.
LBC61:  BCC -                           ;Loop until SFX flag found.  Store bit-->
LBC63:* RTS                             ;number of music in MusicInitIndex.

;The following routine is used to add eight to the music index when looking for music flags
;in the MultiSFX address.  
LBC64:  LDA MusicInitIndex              ;
LBC67:  CLC                             ;
LBC68:  ADC #$08                        ;Add #$08 to MusicInitIndex.
LBC6A:  STA MusicInitIndex              ;
LBC6D:  RTS                             ;

LBC6E:  LDA CurrentMusic                ;
LBC71:  ORA #$F0                        ;This code does not appear to be used in this page.
LBC73:  STA CurrentMusic                ;
LBC76:* RTS                             ;

LBC77:  JMP Music00Init                 ;($BCAA)Initialize music 00.

LBC7A:  JMP Music01Init                 ;($BCA4)Initialize music 01.

LBC7D:  JMP Music02Init                 ;($BC9A)Initialize music 02.

LBC80:  JMP Music03Init                 ;($BC96)Initialize music 03.

LBC83:  JMP Music04Init                 ;($BC89)Initialize music 04.

LBC86:  JMP Music05Init                 ;($BC9E)Initialize music 05.

LBC89:  LDA #$B3                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ1 and SQ2.

LBC8B:* TAX                             ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ1.
LBC8C:  TAY                             ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ2.

LBC8D:* JSR SetVolumeAndDisableSweep    ;($B9E4)Set duty cycle and volume data for SQ1 and SQ2.
LBC90:  JSR InitializeMusic             ;($BF19)Setup music registers.
LBC93:  JMP LoadCurrentMusicFrameData   ;($BAA5)Load info for current frame of music data.

LBC96:  LDA #$34                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ1 and SQ2.
LBC98:  BNE --                          ;Branch always

LBC9A:  LDA #$F4                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ1 and SQ2.
LBC9C:  BNE --                          ;Branch always

LBC9E:  LDX #$F5                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ1.
LBCA0:  LDY #$F6                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ2.
LBCA2:  BNE -                           ;Branch always

LBCA4:  LDX #$B6                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ1.
LBCA6:  LDY #$F6                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ2.
LBCA8:  BNE -                           ;Branch always

LBCAA:  LDX #$92                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ1.
LBCAC:  LDY #$96                        ;Duty cycle and volume data for SQ2.
LBCAE:  BNE -                           ;Branch always

;The following address table provides starting addresses of the volume data tables below:
LBCB0:  .word $BCBA, $BCC5, $BCCF, $BCDA, $BD03

LBCBA:  .byte $01, $02, $02, $03, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07, $08, $FF

LBCC5:  .byte $02, $04, $05, $06, $07, $08, $07, $06, $05, $FF

LBCCF:  .byte $00, $0D, $09, $07, $06, $05, $05, $05, $04, $04, $FF

LBCDA:  .byte $02, $06, $07, $07, $07, $06, $06, $06, $06, $05, $05, $05, $04, $04, $04, $03
LBCEA:  .byte $03, $03, $03, $02, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02
LBCFA:  .byte $02, $02, $02, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $F0

LBD03:  .byte $0A, $0A, $09, $08, $07, $06, $05, $04, $03, $02, $07, $07, $06, $05, $04, $04
LBD13:  .byte $03, $02, $02, $02, $05, $05, $05, $04, $03, $02, $02, $02, $01, $01, $04, $04
LBD23:  .byte $03, $02, $01, $02, $02, $01, $01, $01, $02, $02, $02, $01, $01, $F0 

;The init music table loads addresses $062B thru $0637 with the initial data needed to play the
;selected music.  The data for each entry in the table have the following format:
;.byte $xx, $xx, $xx, $xx, $xx : .word $xxxx, $xxxx, $xxxx, $xxxx.
;The first five bytes have the following functions:
;Byte 0=index to proper note length table.  Will be either #$00, #$0B or #$17.
;Byte 1=Repeat music byte. #$00=no repeat, any other value and the music repeats.
;Byte 2=Controls length counter for triangle channel.
;Byte 3=Volume control byte for SQ1.
;Byte 4=Volume control byte for SQ2.
;Address 0=Base address of SQ1 music data.
;Address 1=Base address of SQ2 music data.
;Address 2=Base address of triangle music data.
;Address 3=Base address of noise music data.


;Mother brain music(not used this memory page).
LBD31:  .byte $0B, $FF, $F5, $00, $00
LBD36:  .word $0100, $0300, $0500, $0000

;Escape music(not used this memory page).
LBD3E:  .byte $0B, $FF, $00, $02, $02
LBD43:  .word $0100, $0300, $0500, $0700

;Norfair music(not used this memory page).
LBD4B:  .byte $0B, $FF, $F0, $04, $04
LBD50:  .word $0100, $0300, $0500, $0700

;Kraid area music(not used this memory page).
LBD58:  .byte $00, $FF, $F0, $00, $00
LBD5D:  .word $0100, $0300, $0500, $0000

;Item room music.
LBD65:  .byte $0B, $FF, $03, $00, $00
LBD6A:  .word $BDDA, $BDDC, $BDCD, $0000

;Ridley area music(not used this memory page).
LBD72:  .byte $0B, $FF, $F0, $01, $01
LBD77:  .word $0100, $0300, $0500, $0000

;End game music(not used this memory page).
LBD7F:  .byte $17, $00, $00, $02, $01
LBD84:  .word $0100, $0300, $0500, $0700

;Intro music(not used this memory page).
LBD8C:  .byte $17, $00, $F0, $02, $05
LBD91:  .word $0100, $0300, $0500, $0700

;Fade in music
LBD99:  .byte $0B, $00, $F0, $02, $00
LBD9E:  .word $BE3E, $BE1D, $BE36, $0000

;Power up music
LBDA6:  .byte $00, $00, $F0, $01, $00
LBDAB:  .word $BDF7, $BE0D, $BE08, $0000

;Brinstar music
LBDB3:  .byte $0B, $FF, $00, $02, $03
LBDB8:  .word $B000, $B057, $B0C1, $B12B

;Tourian music
LBDC0:  .byte $0B, $FF, $03, $00, $00
LBDC5:  .word $BE59, $BE47, $BE62, $0000

LBDCD:  .byte $C8                       ;
LBDCE:  .byte $B0                       ;3/32 seconds   +
LBDCF:  .byte $38                       ;E3             |
LBDD0:  .byte $3A                       ;F3             |
LBDD1:  .byte $3C                       ;F#3            |
LBDD2:  .byte $3E                       ;G3             |
LBDD3:  .byte $40                       ;Ab3            | Repeat 8 times
LBDD4:  .byte $3E                       ;G3             |
LBDD5:  .byte $3C                       ;F#3            |
LBDD6:  .byte $3A                       ;F3             |
LBDD7:  .byte $B6                       ;1 3/16 seconds |
LBDD8:  .byte $02                       ;no sound       +
LBDD9:  .byte $FF                       ;

LBDDA:  .byte $B8                       ;1/4 seconds
LBDDB:  .byte $02                       ;No sound

LBDDC:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LBDDD:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDDE:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LBDDF:  .byte $74                       ;A#6
LBDE0:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDE1:  .byte $6A                       ;F5
LBDE2:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDE3:  .byte $72                       ;A6
LBDE4:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDE5:  .byte $62                       ;C#5
LBDE6:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LBDE7:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDE8:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LBDE9:  .byte $60                       ;C5
LBDEA:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDEB:  .byte $6C                       ;F#5
LBDEC:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDED:  .byte $76                       ;B6
LBDEE:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LBDEF:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDF0:  .byte $B2                       ;3/8 seconds
LBDF1:  .byte $7E                       ;F6
LBDF2:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDF3:  .byte $7C                       ;D6
LBDF4:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LBDF5:  .byte $02                       ;No sound
LBDF6:  .byte $00                       ;End item room music.

LBDF7:  .byte $B3                       ;1/2 seconds
LBDF8:  .byte $48                       ;C4
LBDF9:  .byte $42                       ;A4
LBDFA:  .byte $B2                       ;1/4 seconds
LBDFB:  .byte $3E                       ;G3
LBDFC:  .byte $38                       ;E3
LBDFD:  .byte $30                       ;C3
LBDFE:  .byte $38                       ;E3
LBDFF:  .byte $4C                       ;D4
LBE00:  .byte $44                       ;A#4
LBE01:  .byte $3E                       ;G3
LBE02:  .byte $36                       ;D#3
LBE03:  .byte $C8                       ;
LBE04:  .byte $B0                       ;1/16 seconds   +
LBE05:  .byte $38                       ;E3             | Repeat 8 times
LBE06:  .byte $3C                       ;F#3            +
LBE07:  .byte $FF

LBE08:  .byte $B4                       ;1 second
LBE09:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LBE0A:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LBE0B:  .byte $1E                       ;D#2
LBE0C:  .byte $1C                       ;D2

LBE0D:  .byte $B2                       ;1/4 seconds
LBE0E:  .byte $22                       ;F2
LBE0F:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LBE10:  .byte $30                       ;C3
LBE11:  .byte $34                       ;D3
LBE12:  .byte $38                       ;E3
LBE13:  .byte $30                       ;C3
LBE14:  .byte $26                       ;G2
LBE15:  .byte $30                       ;C3
LBE16:  .byte $3A                       ;F3
LBE17:  .byte $34                       ;D3
LBE18:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3
LBE19:  .byte $26                       ;G2
LBE1A:  .byte $B4                       ;1 second
LBE1B:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LBE1C:  .byte $00                       ;End power up music.

LBE1D:  .byte $C4
LBE1E:  .byte $B0                       ;3/32 seconds   +
LBE1F:  .byte $3E                       ;G3             | Repeat 4 times
LBE20:  .byte $30                       ;C3             +
LBE21:  .byte $FF                       ;
LBE22:  .byte $C4                       ;
LBE23:  .byte $42                       ;A4             + Repeat 4 times
LBE24:  .byte $30                       ;C3             +
LBE25:  .byte $FF                       ;
LBE26:  .byte $C4                       ;
LBE27:  .byte $3A                       ;F3             + Repeat 4 times
LBE28:  .byte $2C                       ;A#3            +
LBE29:  .byte $FF                       ;
LBE2A:  .byte $C4                       ;
LBE2B:  .byte $38                       ;E3             + Repeat 4 times
LBE2C:  .byte $26                       ;G2             +
LBE2D:  .byte $FF                       ;
LBE2E:  .byte $C4                       ;
LBE2F:  .byte $34                       ;D3             + Repeat 4 times
LBE30:  .byte $20                       ;E2             +
LBE31:  .byte $FF                       ;
LBE32:  .byte $E0                       ;
LBE33:  .byte $34                       ;D3             + Repeat 32 times
LBE34:  .byte $24                       ;F#2            +
LBE35:  .byte $FF                       ;

LBE36:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LBE37:  .byte $36                       ;D#3
LBE38:  .byte $34                       ;D3
LBE39:  .byte $30                       ;C3
LBE3A:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LBE3B:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LBE3C:  .byte $1C                       ;D2
LBE3D:  .byte $1C                       ;D2

LBE3E:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LBE3F:  .byte $34                       ;D3
LBE40:  .byte $3A                       ;F3
LBE41:  .byte $34                       ;D3
LBE42:  .byte $30                       ;C3
LBE43:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LBE44:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LBE45:  .byte $2A                       ;A3
LBE46:  .byte $00                       ;End fade in music.

LBE47:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LBE48:  .byte $12                       ;A2
LBE49:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LBE4A:  .byte $10                       ;Ab1
LBE4B:  .byte $18                       ;C2
LBE4C:  .byte $16                       ;B2
LBE4D:  .byte $0A                       ;F1
LBE4E:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LBE4F:  .byte $14                       ;A#2
LBE50:  .byte $12                       ;A2
LBE51:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds
LBE52:  .byte $10                       ;Ab1
LBE53:  .byte $06                       ;D1
LBE54:  .byte $0E                       ;G1
LBE55:  .byte $04                       ;C#1
LBE56:  .byte $B4                       ;1 1/2 seconds
LBE57:  .byte $0C                       ;F#1
LBE58:  .byte $00                       ;End Tourian music.

LBE59:  .byte $E0                       ;
LBE5A:  .byte $B0                       ;3/32 seconds   +
LBE5B:  .byte $54                       ;F#4            |
LBE5C:  .byte $4E                       ;D#4            |
LBE5D:  .byte $48                       ;C4             | Repeat 32 times
LBE5E:  .byte $42                       ;A4             |
LBE5F:  .byte $48                       ;C4             |
LBE60:  .byte $4E                       ;D#4            +
LBE61:  .byte $FF                       ;

LBE62:  .byte $E0                       ;
LBE63:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds    +
LBE64:  .byte $02                       ;No sound       |
LBE65:  .byte $B0                       ;3/32 seconds   |
LBE66:  .byte $3C                       ;F#3            |
LBE67:  .byte $40                       ;Ab3            |
LBE68:  .byte $44                       ;A#4            |
LBE69:  .byte $4A                       ;C#4            |
LBE6A:  .byte $4E                       ;D#4            |
LBE6B:  .byte $54                       ;F#4            |
LBE6C:  .byte $58                       ;Ab4            | Repeat 32 times
LBE6D:  .byte $5C                       ;A#5            |
LBE6E:  .byte $62                       ;C#5            |
LBE6F:  .byte $66                       ;D#5            |
LBE70:  .byte $6C                       ;F#5            |
LBE71:  .byte $70                       ;Ab5            |
LBE72:  .byte $74                       ;A#6            |
LBE73:  .byte $7A                       ;C#6            |
LBE74:  .byte $B3                       ;3/4 seconds    |
LBE75:  .byte $02                       ;No sound       +
LBE76:  .byte $FF

;The following table contains the musical notes used by the music player.  The first byte is
;the period high information(3 bits) and the second byte is the period low information(8 bits).
;The formula for figuring out the frequency is as follows: 1790000/16/(hhhllllllll + 1)

LBE77:  .byte $07                       ;55.0Hz (A1)    Index #$00 (Not used)
LBE78:  .byte $F0                       ;

LBE79:  .byte $00                       ;No sound       Index #$02
LBE7A:  .byte $00                       ;

LBE7B:  .byte $06                       ;69.3Hz (C#2)   Index #$04
LBE7C:  .byte $4E                       ;

LBE7D:  .byte $05                       ;73.4Hz (D2)    Index #$06
LBE7E:  .byte $F3                       ;

LBE7F:  .byte $05                       ;82.4Hz (E2)    Index #$08
LBE80:  .byte $4D                       ;

LBE81:  .byte $05                       ;87.3Hz (F2)    Index #$0A
LBE82:  .byte $01                       ;

LBE83:  .byte $04                       ;92.5Hz (F#2)   Index #$0C
LBE84:  .byte $B9                       ;

LBE85:  .byte $04                       ;98.0Hz (G2)    Index #$0E
LBE86:  .byte $75                       ;

LBE87:  .byte $04                       ;103.8Hz (Ab2)  Index #$10
LBE88:  .byte $35                       ;

LBE89:  .byte $03                       ;110.0Hz (A2)   Index #$12
LBE8A:  .byte $F8                       ;

LBE8B:  .byte $03                       ;116.5Hz (A#2)  Index #$14
LBE8C:  .byte $BF                       ;

LBE8D:  .byte $03                       ;123.5Hz (B2)   Index #$16
LBE8E:  .byte $89                       ;

LBE8F:  .byte $03                       ;130.7Hz (C3)   Index #$18
LBE90:  .byte $57                       ;

LBE91:  .byte $03                       ;138.5Hz (C#3)  Index #$1A
LBE92:  .byte $27                       ;

LBE93:  .byte $02                       ;146.8Hz (D3)   Index #$1C
LBE94:  .byte $F9                       ;

LBE95:  .byte $02                       ;155.4Hz (D#3)  Index #$1E
LBE96:  .byte $CF                       ;

LBE97:  .byte $02                       ;164.8Hz (E3)   Index #$20
LBE98:  .byte $A6                       ;

LBE99:  .byte $02                       ;174.5Hz (F3)   Index #$22
LBE9A:  .byte $80                       ;

LBE9B:  .byte $02                       ;184.9Hz (F#3)  Index #$24
LBE9C:  .byte $5C                       ;

LBE9D:  .byte $02                       ;196.0Hz (G3)   Index #$26
LBE9E:  .byte $3A                       ;       
LBE9F:  .byte $02                       ;207.6Hz (Ab3)  Index #$28
LBEA0:  .byte $1A                       ;

LBEA1:  .byte $01                       ;219.8Hz (A3)   Index #$2A
LBEA2:  .byte $FC                       ;

LBEA3:  .byte $01                       ;233.1Hz (A#3)  Index #$2C
LBEA4:  .byte $DF                       ;

LBEA5:  .byte $01                       ;247.0Hz (B3)   Index #$2E
LBEA6:  .byte $C4                       ;

LBEA7:  .byte $01                       ;261.4Hz (C4)   Index #$30
LBEA8:  .byte $AB                       ;

LBEA9:  .byte $01                       ;276.9Hz (C#4)  Index #$32
LBEAA:  .byte $93                       ;

LBEAB:  .byte $01                       ;293.6Hz (D4)   Index #$34
LBEAC:  .byte $7C                       ;

LBEAD:  .byte $01                       ;310.8Hz (D#4)  Index #$36
LBEAE:  .byte $67                       ;

LBEAF:  .byte $01                       ;330.0Hz (E4)   Index #$38
LBEB0:  .byte $52                       ;

LBEB1:  .byte $01                       ;349.6Hz (F4)   Index #$3A
LBEB2:  .byte $3F                       ;

LBEB3:  .byte $01                       ;370.4Hz (F#4)  Index #$3C
LBEB4:  .byte $2D                       ;

LBEB5:  .byte $01                       ;392.5Hz (G4)   Index #$3E
LBEB6:  .byte $1C                       ;

LBEB7:  .byte $01                       ;415.9Hz (Ab4)  Index #$40
LBEB8:  .byte $0C                       ;

LBEB9:  .byte $00                       ;440.4Hz (A4)   Index #$42
LBEBA:  .byte $FD                       ;

LBEBB:  .byte $00                       ;468.1Hz (A#4)  Index #$44
LBEBC:  .byte $EE                       ;

LBEBD:  .byte $00                       ;495.0Hz (B4)   Index #$46
LBEBE:  .byte $E1                       ;

LBEBF:  .byte $00                       ;525.2Hz (C5)   Index #$48
LBEC0:  .byte $D4                       ;

LBEC1:  .byte $00                       ;556.6Hz (C#5)  Index #$4A
LBEC2:  .byte $C8                       ;

LBEC3:  .byte $00                       ;588.8Hz (D5)   Index #$4C
LBEC4:  .byte $BD                       ;

LBEC5:  .byte $00                       ;625.0Hz (D#5)  Index #$4E
LBEC6:  .byte $B2                       ;

LBEC7:  .byte $00                       ;662.0Hz (E5)   Index #$50
LBEC8:  .byte $A8                       ;

LBEC9:  .byte $00                       ;699.2Hz (F5)   Index #$52
LBECA:  .byte $9F                       ;

LBECB:  .byte $00                       ;740.9Hz (F#5)  Index #$54
LBECC:  .byte $96                       ;

LBECD:  .byte $00                       ;787.9Hz (G5)   Index #$56
LBECE:  .byte $8D                       ;

LBECF:  .byte $00                       ;834.9Hz (Ab5)  Index #$58
LBED0:  .byte $85                       ;

LBED1:  .byte $00                       ;880.9HZ (A5)   Index #$5A
LBED2:  .byte $7E                       ;

LBED3:  .byte $00                       ;940.1Hz (A#5)  Index #$5C
LBED4:  .byte $76                       ;

LBED5:  .byte $00                       ;990.0Hz (B5)   Index #$5E
LBED6:  .byte $70                       ;

LBED7:  .byte $00                       ;1055Hz (C6)    Index #$60
LBED8:  .byte $69                       ;

LBED9:  .byte $00                       ;1118Hz (C#6)   Index #$62
LBEDA:  .byte $63                       ;

LBEDB:  .byte $00                       ;1178Hz (D6)    Index #$64
LBEDC:  .byte $5E                       ;

LBEDD:  .byte $00                       ;1257Hz (D#6)   Index #$66
LBEDE:  .byte $58                       ;

LBEDF:  .byte $00                       ;1332Hz (E6)    Index #$68
LBEE0:  .byte $53                       ;

LBEE1:  .byte $00                       ;1398Hz (F6)    Index #$6A
LBEE2:  .byte $4F                       ;

LBEE3:  .byte $00                       ;1492Hz (F#6)   Index #$6C
LBEE4:  .byte $4A                       ;

LBEE5:  .byte $00                       ;1576Hz (G6)    Index #$6E
LBEE6:  .byte $46                       ;

LBEE7:  .byte $00                       ;1670Hz (Ab6)   Index #$70
LBEE8:  .byte $42                       ;

LBEE9:  .byte $00                       ;1776Hz (A6)    Index #$72
LBEEA:  .byte $3E                       ;

LBEEB:  .byte $00                       ;1896Hz (A#6)   Index #$74
LBEEC:  .byte $3A                       ;

LBEED:  .byte $00                       ;1998Hz (B6)    Index #$76
LBEEE:  .byte $37                       ;

LBEEF:  .byte $00                       ;2111Hz (C7)    Index #$78
LBEF0:  .byte $34                       ;

LBEF1:  .byte $00                       ;2238Hz (C#7)   Index #$7A
LBEF2:  .byte $31                       ;

LBEF3:  .byte $00                       ;2380Hz (D7)    Index #$7C
LBEF4:  .byte $2E                       ;

LBEF5:  .byte $00                       ;2796Hz (F7)    Index #$7E
LBEF6:  .byte $27                       ;

;The following tables are used to load the music frame count addresses ($0640 thru $0643). The
;larger the number, the longer the music will play a solid note.  The number represents how
;many frames the note will play.  There is a small discrepancy in time length because the
;Nintendo runs at 60 frames pers second and I am using 64 frames per second to make the
;numbers below divide more evenly.

;Used by power up music and Kraid area music.

LBEF7:  .byte $04                       ;About    1/16 seconds ($B0)
LBEF8:  .byte $08                       ;About    1/8  seconds ($B1)
LBEF9:  .byte $10                       ;About    1/4  seconds ($B2)
LBEFA:  .byte $20                       ;About    1/2  seconds ($B3)
LBEFB:  .byte $40                       ;About 1       seconds ($B4)
LBEFC:  .byte $18                       ;About    3/8  seconds ($B5)
LBEFD:  .byte $30                       ;About    3/4  seconds ($B6)
LBEFE:  .byte $0C                       ;About    3/16 seconds ($B7)
LBEFF:  .byte $0B                       ;About   11/64 seconds ($B8)
LBF00:  .byte $05                       ;About    5/64 seconds ($B9)
LBF01:  .byte $02                       ;About    1/32 seconds ($BA)

;Used by item room, fade in, Brinstar music, Ridley area music, Mother brain music,
;escape music, Norfair music and Tourian music.

LBF02:  .byte $06                       ;About    3/32 seconds ($B0)
LBF03:  .byte $0C                       ;About    3/16 seconds ($B1)
LBF04:  .byte $18                       ;About    3/8  seconds ($B2)
LBF05:  .byte $30                       ;About    3/4  seconds ($B3)
LBF06:  .byte $60                       ;About 1  1/2  seconds ($B4)
LBF07:  .byte $24                       ;About    9/16 seconds ($B5)
LBF08:  .byte $48                       ;About 1  3/16 seconds ($B6)
LBF09:  .byte $12                       ;About    9/32 seconds ($B7)
LBF0A:  .byte $10                       ;About    1/4  seconds ($B8)
LBF0B:  .byte $08                       ;About    1/8  seconds ($B9)
LBF0C:  .byte $03                       ;About    3/64 seconds ($BA)

;Used by intro and end game music.

LBF0D:  .byte $10                       ;About    1/4  seconds ($B0)
LBF0E:  .byte $07                       ;About    7/64 seconds ($B1)
LBF0F:  .byte $0E                       ;About    7/32 seconds ($B2)
LBF10:  .byte $1C                       ;About    7/16 seconds ($B3)
LBF11:  .byte $38                       ;About    7/8  seconds ($B4)
LBF12:  .byte $70                       ;About 1 13/16 seconds ($B5)
LBF13:  .byte $2A                       ;About   21/32 seconds ($B6)
LBF14:  .byte $54                       ;About 1  5/16 seconds ($B7)
LBF15:  .byte $15                       ;About   21/64 seconds ($B8)
LBF16:  .byte $12                       ;About    9/32 seconds ($B9)
LBF17:  .byte $02                       ;About    1/32 seconds ($BA)
LBF18:  .byte $03                       ;About    3/64 seconds ($BB)

LBF19:  JSR CheckMusicFlags             ;($B3FC)Check to see if restarting current music.
LBF1C:  LDA CurrentSFXFlags             ;Load current SFX flags and store CurrentMusic address.
LBF1F:  STA CurrentMusic                ;
LBF22:  LDA MusicInitIndex              ;
LBF25:  TAY                             ;
LBF26:  LDA InitMusicIndexTbl,Y         ;($BBFA)Find index for music in InitMusicInitIndexTbl.
LBF29:  TAY                             ;
LBF2A:  LDX #$00                        ;

LBF2C:* LDA InitMusicTbl,Y              ;Base is $BD31.
LBF2F:  STA NoteLengthTblOffset,X       ;
LBF32:  INY                             ;The following loop repeats 13 times to-->
LBF33:  INX                             ;load the initial music addresses -->
LBF34:  TXA                             ;(registers $062B thru $0637).
LBF35:  CMP #$0D                        ;
LBF37:  BNE -                           ;

LBF39:  LDA #$01                        ;Resets addresses $0640 thru $0643 to #$01.-->
LBF3B:  STA SQ1MusicFrameCount          ;These addresses are used for counting the-->
LBF3E:  STA SQ2MusicFrameCount          ;number of frames music channels have been playing.
LBF41:  STA TriangleMusicFrameCount     ;
LBF44:  STA NoiseMusicFrameCount        ;
LBF47:  LDA #$00                        ;
LBF49:  STA SQ1MusicIndexIndex          ;
LBF4C:  STA SQ2MusicIndexIndex          ;Resets addresses $0638 thru $063B to #$00.-->
LBF4F:  STA TriangleMusicIndexIndex     ;These are the index to find sound channel data index.
LBF52:  STA NoiseMusicIndexIndex        ;
LBF55:  RTS                             ;

;Not used.
LBF56:  .byte $10, $07, $0E, $1C, $38, $70, $2A, $54, $15, $12, $02, $03, $20, $2C, $B4, $AD
LBF66:  .byte $4D, $06, $8D, $8D, $06, $AD, $5E, $06, $A8, $B9, $2A, $BC, $A8, $A2, $00, $B9
LBF76:  .byte $61, $BD, $9D, $2B, $06, $C8, $E8, $8A, $C9, $0D, $D0, $F3, $A9, $01, $8D, $40
LBF86:  .byte $06, $8D, $41, $06, $8D, $42, $06, $8D, $43, $06, $A9, $00, $8D, $38, $06, $8D
LBF96:  .byte $39, $06, $8D, $3A, $06, $8D, $3B, $06, $60, $FF, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
LBFA6:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00

;----------------------------------------------[ RESET ]--------------------------------------------

LBFB0:  SEI                             ;Disables interrupt.
LBFB1:  CLD                             ;Sets processor to binary mode.
LBFB2:  LDX #$00                        ;
LBFB4:  STX PPUControl0                 ;Clear PPU control registers.
LBFB7:  STX PPUControl1                 ;
LBFBA:* LDA PPUStatus                   ;
LBFBD:  BPL -                           ;Wait for VBlank.
LBFBF:* LDA PPUStatus                   ;
LBFC2:  BPL -                           ;
LBFC4:  ORA #$FF                        ;
LBFC6:  STA MMC1Reg0                    ;Reset MMC1 chip.-->
LBFC9:  STA MMC1Reg1                    ;(MSB is set).
LBFCC:  STA MMC1Reg2                    ;
LBFCF:  STA MMC1Reg3                    ;
LBFD2:  JMP Startup                     ;($C01A)Does preliminry housekeeping.

;Not used.
LBFD5:  .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
LBFE5:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
LBFF5:  .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00

;----------------------------------------[ Interrupt vectors ]--------------------------------------

LBFFA:  .word NMI                       ;($C0D9)NMI vector.
LBFFC:  .word RESET                     ;($FFB0)Reset vector.
LBFFE:  .word RESET                     ;($FFB0)IRQ vector.
m1/disassembly/brinstar_page.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/07 12:14 by