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YY-CHR Graphics Guide

FIXME Hello, and welcome to our current graphics guide for YY-CHR.

=====What is YY-CHR?=====FIXME

=====Downloading YY-CHR=====FIXME


====Download links====FIXME

=====Known Issues with YY-CHR=====FIXME

=====Using YY-CHR=====FIXME

====Keyboard Shortcuts====FIXME Before we get into graphics editing you should probably learn more about how to actually use this program. For ROMhacking, here is a comprehensive list of YY-CHR's various keyboard shortcuts:

Key CombinationDescription

And now that you know this let's look at some other features.


Tool Description

====Finding Palettes====FIXME

====Finding Graphics====FIXME



====Saving to ROM====FIXME

general/guides/yy_chr_graphics_guide.1663443899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/17 19:44 by felixwright