Table of Contents


No description available.


D87F (aka- SBUG)
     -1st nybble
          -00 = fly away
          -01 = wiggle away
          -02 = fly away (different angles)
          -03 = find new place
          -04 = wander then fly away
          -05 = fly to a distance
          -06 = slow fly away (different angles)
     -2nd nybble = distance to activate from
[Speed 2]
     -1st nybble = angle (00 = right, counterclockwise)*
     -2nd nybble = speed

*Sbug will either move at a specific angle you choose, or appears to head at different angles toward you, depending on Speed 2.

Hacking Information

Enemy Bank: $A3

PC Address Changes Description

Super Metroid
List of enemies