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return_of_samus:data_locations:ram_map [2015/06/02 05:03] rt-55jreturn_of_samus:data_locations:ram_map [2020/03/27 02:08] – Small little thing I happened to come across kkzero
Line 2: Line 2:
 An in-progress RAM map to aid in custom assembly and ROM disassembly. An in-progress RAM map to aid in custom assembly and ROM disassembly.
-0000-3FFF - 16KB ROM Bank (fixed - bank 0)\\ +=== Overview ===
-4000-7FFF - 16KB ROM Bank (swappable)\\ +
-8000-9FFF - 8KB Video RAM\\ +
-A000-BFFF - 8KB SRAM\\ +
 <code> <code>
-01:A000-A007 SRAM Check - Must be 0123456789ABCDEF +0000-3FFF: 16KB ROM Bank (fixed bank 0) 
-01:A008-A02D - File 1 +4000-7FFF: 16KB ROM Bank (swappable) 
-01:A080-A087 - SRAM Check +8000-9FFF8KB Video RAM 
-01:A088-A0AD - File 2 (verify+A000-BFFF: 8KB Save RAM 
-01:A0C0-A0C7 - SRAM Check +C000-DFFF8KB Work RAM 
-01:A0C8-A0ED - File 3 (verify)+E000-FDFF: Echo RAM (unused
 +FEA0-FEFF: Not usable 
 +FF00-FF7FI/O Ports 
 +FF80-FFFE: High RAM 
 +FFFF:      Interrupt enable register 
-01:B000-B1BF File 1 Item/Metroid data (0x40 bytes per map) +=== VRAM === 
-01:B200-B3BF - File 2 Item/Metroid data (verify+<code> 
-01:B400-B5BF File 3 Item/Metroid data+8000-97FFVRAM tiles 
 +    8000-87AF: Samus 
 +        8080-9F: Arm cannon 
 +    8B00-8EFFEnemies 
 +        0x8C00-8E2F: Characters if room has message box (probably loaded with chozo?
 +    9000-97FFBackground 
 +9800-9FFF: VRAM tilemap 
 +    9800-9BFF: Background 
 +    9C00-9FFF: Window 
 +        9C00: Status bar 
 +        9C20: Message
 </code> </code>
-C000-DFFF 8KB WRAM\\+=== SRAM === 
 +A000-A03F: File 1 
 +    + 00-07: 0123456789ABCDEF 
 +    + 08: Samus' Y position 
 +    + 0A: Samus' X position 
 +    + 0C: Screen Y position 
 +    + 0E: Screen X position 
 +    + 10: Enemy tiles source address (2 bytes) 
 +    + 12: Background tiles source bank 
 +    + 13: Background tiles source address (2 bytes) 
 +    + 15: Metatile definitions source address (bank 8, 2 bytes) 
 +    + 17: Source address of data for $DC00..FF (bank 8, 2 bytes) 
 +    + 19: Bank for current room 
 +    + 1A: Samus passable block threshold 
 +    + 1B: Enemy passable block threshold 
 +    + 1C: Projectile passable block threshold 
 +    + 1D: Samus' equipment 
 +    + 1E: Samus' beam 
 +    + 1F: Samus' energy tanks 
 +    + 20: Samus' health 
 +    + 22: Samus' max missiles 
 +    + 24: Samus' missiles 
 +    + 26: Direction Samus is facing 
 +    + 27: Acid damage 
 +    + 28: Spike damage 
 +    + 29: Real number of Metroids remaining 
 +    + 2A: Song for room 
 +    + 2B: In-game timer, minutes 
 +    + 2C: In-game timer, hours 
 +    + 2D: Number of Metroids remaining 
 +A040-A07F: File 2 
 +A080-A0BF: File 3 
 +A0C0:       Last used save slot 
 +A800-ACE2: Written to in credits [$6:7920..7E02] 
 +B000-B1BF: File 1 Item/Metroid data (0x40 bytes per map) 
 +B200-B3BF: File 2 Item/Metroid data (verify) 
 +B400-B5BF: File 3 Item/Metroid data 
 +=== WRAM ===
 <code> <code>
-01:C000-C09F - OAM buffer (gets copied by the sprite DMA)+C000-9F: OAM buffer (gets copied by the sprite DMA
 +    + 0: Y position 
 +    + 1: X position 
 +    + 2: Tile number 
 +    + 3: Attributes 
 +         10: Palette 
 +         20: X flip 
 +         40: Y flip 
 +         80: Priority (set: behind background)
-01:C205 - Mirror of SCY ($FF42+C203Tile Y (see $22BC
-01:C206 - Mirror of SCX ($FF43)+C204Tile X (see $22BC) 
 +C205: Scroll Y 
 +C206: Scroll X
-01:C500-C5FE - Offscreen enemy bytes (for current map) +C215Tilemap address of ([$C204], [$C203]) (see $22BC)
- 01:C540-C57F - Item/Metroid data bytes (for current map, gets copied to $C900 when switching maps)+
-01:C600-C7FF - Enemy Slots (0x10 slots, 0x20 bytes each)+C308-37: Ch slots of 4 bytes according to $3:6E36 
 +    + 3: XOR'd with 10h in $6E36 every fourth frame
-01:C900-CABF - Item/Metroid data bytes (0x40 per map, gets saved to SRAM)+C3A1Scroll X for LCD interrupt handler type = 1
-Music RAM (01:CE00-CFFF -ish) +C3A8X position of Metroid Queen's head on screen 
-01:CEDC - Song Enqueued (poking this causes the song to change the next frame) +C3A9Y position of Metroid Queen's head on screen 
-01:CEDD - Song Playing (poking this does nothing) +C3AAA two-byte pointer to LCD interrupt data
- These below get copied to the sound hardware registers. +
-01:CF10 - Mirror of NR10 +
-01:CF11 - Mirror of NR11 +
-01:CF12 Mirror of NR12 +
-01:CF13 - Mirror of NR13 +
-01:CF14 - Mirror of NR14 +
-01:CF16 - Mirror of NR16 +
-01:CF17 - Mirror of NR17 +
-01:CF18 - Mirror of NR18 +
-01:CF19 - Mirror of NR19 +
-01:CF1A - Mirror of NR30 +
-01:CF1B - Mirror of NR31 +
-01:CF1C - Mirror of NR32 +
-01:CF1D - Mirror of NR33 +
-01:CF1E - Mirror of NR34+
-01:D02B - Direction Samus is facing +C3D2Background palette for LCD interrupt handler type = 1 
-01:D045 - Item Bits +C3D3Metroid Queen's health
-01:D04D - Weapon selected +
-01:D04E - Current ROM bank loaded +
-01:D050 - Current e-tanks owned +
-01:D051 - Current energy [BCD] +
-01:D052 - Current e-tanks filled +
-01:D053 - Current missile count, lo byte [BCD] +
-01:D054 - Current missile count, hi byte [BCD] +
-01:D055 - Current beam Samus has +
-01:D056 - Samussolidity index +
-01:D058 - Current level bank loaded +
-01:D069 - Enemy Solidity Index +
-01:D077 - Damage done by acid [BCD?] +
-01:D078 - Damage done by spikes [BCD?] +
-01:D07E - Mirror of BGP ($FF47) +
-01:D07F - Mirror of OBP0 ($FF48) +
-01:D080 - Mirror of OBP1 ($FF49) +
-01:D081 - Max missile count, lo byte [BCD] +
-01:D082 - Max missile count, hi byte [BCD] +
-01:D084 - Samus' current tank energy (on HUD) [BCD] +
-01:D089 - Metroids remaining (real) [BDC] +
-01:D08A - Weapon solidity index +
-01:D08E - Screen Transition index, lo byte +
-01:D08F - Screen Transition index, hi byte +
-01:D092 - Song to resume (upon defeating a Metroid, reloading a save) +
-01:D09A - Metroids remaining (HUD display) [BCD] +
-01:D0A3 - Save File Selected +
-01:D0A7 - "L" Counter [BCD?]+
-01:D700-D73F - Door Transition Data Buffer+C3EFSet to 1 in $3:6E36 if 0 < [Metroid Queen's health] < 32h, probably an aggression flag
-01:D800-D825 - Savegame data buffer+C3F1Set to 1 in $3:6E36 if 0 < [Metroid Queen's health] < 64h, probably an aggression flag
-01:DA00-DBFF Metatile data buffer +C407: Set to [$D069] in $2:4000 
-01:DC00-DCFF Collision data buffer + 
-01:DD00-?? - Projectile RAM+C40F: bottom-most visible metatile row index in map * $10 (big-endian word). 
 +C411: top-most visible metatile row index in map * $10 (big-endian word). 
 +C413: right-most visible metatile column index in map * $10 (big-endian word). 
 +C415: left-most visible metatile column index in map * $10 (big-endian word). 
 +C418: Set to [$D058] in $2:4000 
 +C422: Cleared by $2EE3, set to 1 by $1FF5 
 +C423: Value for $D00F in $2EE3, cleared by $1FF5 
 +C424: Read by $2EE3, set to [$D078] by $1FF5 
 +C430: Used as index for pointer table at $1:5AB1 
 +C432: Scroll Y two frames ago (according to $3:4000) 
 +C433: Scroll Y one frame ago (according to $3:4000) 
 +C434: Scroll X two frames ago (according to $3:4000) 
 +C435: Scroll X one frame ago (according to $3:4000) 
 +C44B: Checked and set in $2:4000, previous value for $C458 in $239C 
 +C459: Used by $1:7A6C (when saving to SRAM), decides where in C540.. to process for $C900 
 +C45C: Used as index for table at $1:729C, value for $FFEA 
 +C500-FE: Object spawn states (map-specific) 
 +    C500-C53F: Non-persistent object (e.g. enemy) spawn states 
 +        01: Spawned in object table ("visible"
 +        02: Dead/acquired 
 +        FF: Not spawned 
 +    C540-7F: Persistent object (e.g. item, Metroid) spawn states 
 +C600..C7FF: Enemy data. 20h byte slots according to $30BB, current address is kept in $D05E 
 +    + 0: Flags. If bits 0-3 clear, $30BB executes $30EA on slot. If bit 7 is set sprite is invisible (blinking). 
 +    + 1: Y coordinate. Value for $FFB7 in $30EA 
 +    + 2: X coordinate. Value for $FFB8 in $30EA 
 +    + 3: Metasprite number. Value for $FFB9 in $30EA 
 +    + 4: Priority bit ($80) for sprites. Value for $FFBF in $30EA 
 +    + 5: Sprite flip flags ($20 for horizontal, $40 for vertical) 
 +    + 6: Low nibble is blink frames remaining. Bit 4 is sprite palette flag. 
 +    + A: Frozen frame counter. Increments by 2 every 4 frames. 0 is not frozen, 1-$C4 is frozen, $C5-$D0 is thawing. 
 +    + B: Health 
 +    + 1D: Map object slot index 
 +C900-CABF: Item/Metroid data bytes (0x40 per map, gets saved to SRAM) 
 +CEC0-CFFFAudio data 
 +    CEC0: Tone/sweep channel sound effect 
 +        CEC0: Tone/sweep channel sound effect to play 
 +                0: Nothing 
 +                1: Jumping 
 +                2: Hi-jumping 
 +                3: Screw attacking 
 +                4: Uncrouching / turning around / landing 
 +                5: Crouching / unmorphing 
 +                6: Morphing 
 +                7: Shooting beam 
 +                8: Shooting missile 
 +                9: Shooting ice beam 
 +                Ah: Shooting plasma beam 
 +                Bh: Shooting spazer beam 
 +                Ch: Picked up missile drop 
 +                Dh: Spider ball 
 +                Eh: Picked up energy drop 
 +                Fh: Shot missile door with beam 
 +                10h:  
 +                11h:  
 +                12h:  
 +                13h: Bomb laid 
 +                14h:  
 +                15h: Option select / missile select 
 +                16h: Shooting wave beam 
 +                17h:  
 +                18h: Samus' health changed 
 +                19h: No missile dud shot 
 +                1Ah:  
 +                1Bh: Metroid cry 
 +                1Ch: Saved 
 +                1Dh:  
 +                1Eh: Unpaused 
 +        CEC1: Tone/sweep channel sound effect playing 
 +        CEC3: Tone/sweep channel sound effect timer 
 +    CEC7: Tone channel sound effect 
 +        CEC7: Tone channel sound effect to play 
 +                0: Nothing 
 +                1: Nothing 
 +                2: Nothing 
 +                3: Metroid Queen cry 
 +                4: Baby Metroid hatched / clearing blocks 
 +                5: Baby Metroid cry 
 +                6: Metroid Queen hurt cry 
 +                7:  
 +        CEC8: Tone channel sound effect playing 
 +        CECA: Tone channel sound effect timer 
 +    CECE-CED4: Would be the wave channel sound effect, but is unused (only cleared) and CEE6 is exclusively used instead. 
 +    CED5: Noise channel sound effect 
 +        CED5: Noise channel sound effect to play 
 +                0: Nothing 
 +                1: Enemy shot 
 +                2: Enemy killed 
 +                3:  
 +                4: Shot block destroyed 
 +                5: Metroid hurt 
 +                6: Samus hurt 
 +                7: Acid damage 
 +                8: Shot missile door with missile 
 +                9: Metroid Queen cry 
 +                Ah: Metroid Queen hurt cry 
 +                Bh: Samus killed 
 +                Ch: Bomb detonated 
 +                Dh: Metroid killed 
 +                Eh:  
 +                Fh:  
 +                10h Footsteps 
 +                11h:  
 +                12h:  
 +                13h:  
 +                14h:  
 +                15h:  
 +                16h: Baby Metroid hatched / clearing blocks 
 +                17h: Baby Metroid cry 
 +                18h:  
 +                19h:  
 +                1Ah:  
 +        CED6: Noise channel sound effect playing 
 +        CED8: Noise channel sound effect timer 
 +    CEDC: Song to play 
 +            0: Nothing 
 +            1: Baby Metroid 
 +            2: Metroid Queen battle 
 +            3: Chozo ruins 
 +            4: Main caves 
 +            5: Sub caves 1 
 +            6: Sub caves 2 
 +            7: Sub caves 3 
 +            8: Final caves 
 +            9: Metroid hive 
 +            Ah: Item-get 
 +            Bh: Metroid Queen hallway 
 +            Ch: Metroid battle 
 +            Dh: Sub caves 4 
 +            Eh: Earthquake 
 +            Fh: Killed Metroid 
 +            10h: Nothing 
 +            11h: Title 
 +            12h: Samus fanfare 
 +            13h: Reach the gunship 
 +            14h: Chozo ruins, same as 3 
 +            15h: Main caves, no intro 
 +            16h: Sub caves 1, no intro 
 +            17h: Sub caves 2, no intro 
 +            18h: Sub caves 3, no intro 
 +            19h: Final caves, same as 8 
 +            1Ah: Metroid hive, same as 9 
 +            1Bh: Item-get, same as Ah 
 +            1Ch: Metroid Queen hallway, same as Bh 
 +            1Dh: Metroid battle, same as Ch 
 +            1Eh: Sub caves 4, no intro 
 +            1Fh: Metroid hive with intro 
 +            20h: Missile pickup 
 +    CEDD: Song playing 
 +    CEDE: Isolated sound effect to play 
 +            0: Go to $42EA 
 +            1: Go to $432B, play item-get music 
 +            3: Go to $4390 (restores some audio state) 
 +            5: Go to $4335, play missile pickup music 
 +            8: Go to $43FB 
 +            Eh: Go to $433F, play earthquake music 
 +            FFh: $CEDE = 0, $CEDF = 0, go to $42FA 
 +            Otherwise: Go to $42FA 
 +    CEDF: Isolated sound effect playing 
 +            If [$CEDE] = 0: 
 +                2: Go to $43C4 (set by isolated sound effect to play = 3, restores some audio state) 
 +                8: Go to $4418 
 +                Otherwise: Go to $42FA 
 +    CEE4: Current tone/sweep channel sound effect 
 +    CEE5: Current tone channel sound effect 
 +    CEE6: Low health beep / wave channel sound effect 
 +            0: Samus' health >= 50 
 +            1: Samus' health < 20 
 +            2: Samus' health < 30 
 +            3: Samus' health < 40 
 +            4: Samus' health < 50 
 +    CEE7: Current noise channel sound effect 
 +    CF00-60:  
 +        CF00: Music note offset. Set to [$5F30 + ([song to play] - 1) * 2] & ~1 in $48A0 
 +        CF01: Pointer to value for $CF34/$CF36. Set to [$5F30 + ([song to play] - 1) * 2 + 1] in $48A0 
 +        CF03: Working sound channel (1/2/3/4) 
 +        CF04: Set to 1 if [$CF38] != 0 in $48A0 
 +        CF05: Set to 2 if [$CF41] != 0 in $48A0 
 +        CF06: Set to 3 if [$CF4A] != 0 in $48A0 
 +        CF07: Set to 4 if [$CF53] != 0 in $48A0 
 +        CF08: Checked to mirror $CF0B/0C to $CF10/11 in $497A 
 +        CF09: Pointer to wave pattern data, 10h bytes 
 +        CF0B: Working sound channel sweep / enable 
 +        CF0C: Working sound channel sound length / wave pattern duty 
 +        CF0D: Working sound channel envelope / volume 
 +        CF0E: Working sound channel frequency / noise channel polynomial counter 
 +        CF0F: Working noise channel counter control 
 +        CF10-23: Audio channel options (which conveniently correspond with FF10-23) 
 +            CF10: Tone/sweep channel sweep 
 +            CF11: Tone/sweep channel sound length / wave pattern duty 
 +            CF12: Tone/sweep channel envelope 
 +            CF13: Tone/sweep channel frequency 
 +            CF15: Unused 
 +            CF16: Tone channel sound length / wave pattern duty 
 +            CF17: Tone channel envelope 
 +            CF18: Tone channel frequency 
 +            CF1A: Wave channel enable 
 +            CF1B: Wave channel sound length 
 +            CF1C: Wave channel volume 
 +            CF1D: Wave channel frequency 
 +            CF1F: Unused 
 +            CF20: Noise channel sound length 
 +            CF21: Noise channel envelope 
 +            CF22: Noise channel polynomial counter 
 +            CF23: Noise channel counter control 
 +        CF26: Song tone/sweep channel instruction pointer 
 +        CF28: Song tone channel instruction pointer 
 +        CF2A: Song wave channel instruction pointer 
 +        CF2C: Song noise channel instruction pointer 
 +        CF2E: A 12 frame timer 
 +        CF2F-37: Working song sound channel options 
 +            CF2F: Instruction pointer 
 +                F1 ee ss ll: For non-wave channels. Working sound channel envelope = ee, working sound channel sweep = ss, working sound channel sound length / wave pattern duty = ll 
 +                F1 pppp vv:  For the wave channel. Pointer to wave pattern data = pppp, working sound channel volume = vv 
 +                F2 pppp:     $CF01 = pppp 
 +                F3 oo:       Add oo to any played music notes (sets $CF00) 
 +                F4 nn:       Repeat from after this instruction nn times |: (sets $CF31/$CF33) 
 +                F5:          Repeat :| (decrements $CF31) 
 +            CF31: Repeat count 
 +            CF33: Repeat point 
 +            CF35: Sound envelope / volume 
 +            CF37: Sound length (according to song instruction F1h) 
 +        CF38-40: Song tone/sweep channel options 
 +            CF38: Set to [$5F30 + ([song to play] - 1) * 2 + 3] in $48A0 
 +            CF3F: Set to 1 in $48A0 
 +        CF41-49: Song tone channel options 
 +            CF41: Set to [$5F30 + ([song to play] - 1) * 2 + 5] in $48A0 
 +            CF48: Set to 1 in $48A0 
 +        CF4A-52: Song wave channel options 
 +            CF4A: Set to [$5F30 + ([song to play] - 1) * 2 + 7] in $48A0 
 +            CF51: Set to 1 in $48A0 
 +        CF53-5B: Song noise channel options 
 +            CF53: Set to [$5F30 + ([song to play] - 1) * 2 + 9] in $48A0 
 +            CF5A: Set to 1 in $48A0 
 +        CF5C: Set to D0h by [$CEDE] == 8 (timer), sets $CF3E = $CF47 = $CF59 = $CF5D = $CF5E = [a] 
 +            0: Song play = isolated sound effect to play = 0, disable sound channels 
 +            10h: a = 13h 
 +            30h: a = 25h 
 +            70h: a = 45h, $CF07 = 0, $CF50 = $CF5F = 60h 
 +            A0h: a = 65h 
 +        CF5D: Set to [$CF3E] by [$CEDE] == 8 
 +        CF5E: Set to [$CF47] by [$CEDE] == 8 
 +        CF5F: Set to [$CF50] by [$CEDE] == 8 
 +        CF60: Tone channel frequency tweak. Set to 1 if [$5F30 + ([song to play] - 1) * 2] & 1 in $48A0 
 +    CF61-C1: Mirror of $CF00-60? 
 +    CFC5: Backup of song playing during isolated sound effect 
 +    CFC7:  
 +            1: Go to $4801 
 +            2: Go to $4846. Set when unpausing: plays unpaused sound effect 
 +            Otherwise: $4819 
 +    CFC8: Flag to go to $4852, set to 40h by $4801 
 +    CFC9: Mirror of $CF10? (tone/sweep channel sweep) 
 +    CFE3: Mirror of $CF09? 
 +    CFE5: Low health beep / wave channel sound effect to play 
 +    CFE6: Low health beep / wave channel sound effect playing 
 +    CFE7: Mirror of $CFE6? 
 +    CFEC: Mirror of $CFED? 
 +    CFED: Audio channel output stereo flags 
 +    CFEE: Quickly guessing wave pattern timer 
 +D008: Metatile top-left 
 +D009: Metatile top-right 
 +D00A: Metatile bottom-left 
 +D00B: Metatile bottom-right 
 +D00C: Samus' previous Y position 
 +D00E: Door transition direction 
 +        1: Right 
 +        2: Left 
 +        4: Up 
 +        8: Down 
 +D00F: Set to [$C423] by $2EE3, set to 1 by escaping Metroid Queen / in Metroid Queen's mouth 
 +D010: Counter for spin-jumping 
 +D011: Nothing. Only cleared 
 +D012: Value for $D060 in $31F1 
 +D020: Samus' pose 
 +        00: Standing 
 +        01: Jumping 
 +        02: Spin-jumping 
 +        03: Running (set to 83h when turning) 
 +        04: Crouching 
 +        05: Morphball 
 +        06: Morphball jumping 
 +        07: Falling 
 +        08: Morphball falling 
 +        09: Starting to jump 
 +        0A: Starting to spin-jump 
 +        0B: Spider ball rolling 
 +        0C: Spider ball falling 
 +        0D: Spider ball jumping 
 +        0E: Spider ball 
 +        0F: Knockback 
 +        10: Morphball knockback 
 +        11: Standing bombed 
 +        12: Morphball bombed 
 +        13: Facing screen 
 +        18: Being eaten by Metroid Queen 
 +        19: In Metroid Queen's mouth 
 +        1A: Being swallowed by Metroid Queen 
 +        1B: In Metroid Queen's stomach 
 +        1C: Escaping Metroid Queen 
 +        1D: Escaped Metroid Queen 
 +D022: += 3 in $08FE during door transition 
 +D023: Direction of screen movement 
 +        10: Right 
 +        20: Left 
 +        40: Up 
 +        80: Down 
 +D027: Samus X position 
 +D029: Samus Y position 
 +D02B: Direction Samus is facing, mirrored from $D81E at save load. 
 +        0: Left 
 +        1: Right 
 +D02C: Samus turning animation counter 
 +D035: Screen right velocity 
 +D036: Screen left velocity 
 +D037: Screen up velocity 
 +D038: Screen down velocity 
 +D039: Set to 0 by load title screen 
 +D03B: Samus' Y position on screen 
 +D03C: Samus' X position on screen, checked for <= A0h in $08FE 
 +D03D: Spider ball direction 
 +        0: In air 
 +        1: On bottom-left corner of ledge 
 +        2: On top-left corner of ledge 
 +        3: On left-facing wall 
 +        4: On bottom-right corner of ledge 
 +        5: On ceiling 
 +        6: Unused 
 +        7: On meet of left-facing wall and ceiling 
 +        8: On top-right corner of ledge 
 +        9: Unused 
 +        Ah: On floor 
 +        Bh: On meet of left-facing wall and floor 
 +        Ch: On right-facing wall 
 +        Dh: On meet of right-facing wall and ceiling 
 +        Eh: On meet of right-facing wall and floor 
 +D045: Samus' equipment, mirrored from $D815 at save load. 
 +        01: Bombs 
 +        02: Hi-jump 
 +        04: Screw attack 
 +        08: Space jump 
 +        10: Spring ball 
 +        20: Spider ball 
 +        40: Varia suit 
 +D046: Debug screen selector index 
 +D047: Tiles update flag (see $FFB1..B6, $2BA3, $27BA) 
 +D04D: Weapon equipped. 
 +        0: Normal 
 +        1: Ice 
 +        2: Wave 
 +        3: Spazer 
 +        4: Plasma 
 +        8: Missile 
 +D04E: Bank 
 +D050: Samus' max energy tanks, mirrored from $D817 at save load. 
 +D051: Samus' health, mirrored from $D818 at save load. 
 +D052: Samus' filled energy tanks, mirrored from $D819 at save load. 
 +D053: Samus' missiles(upper nybble tens, lower nybble ones), mirrored from $D81C at save load. 
 +D054: Samus' missiles(upper nybble thousands, lower nybble hundreds), mirrored from $D81D at save load. 
 +D055: Samus' beam. Saved to SRAM, mirrored from $D816 at save load. 
 +        0: Normal 
 +        1: Ice 
 +        2: Wave 
 +        3: Spazer 
 +        4: Plasma 
 +D056: Samus passable block threshold 
 +D057: Room sprite priority 
 +        0: Sprites over BG 
 +        1: BG over sprites 
 +D058: Bank for current room 
 +D059: Death sequence timer. Used as index into offset table for dest address in $2FE1 
 +D064: Used in $239C as new OAM stack pointer, set to OAM stack pointer in $04DF 
 +D065: VRAM DMA bank (see $FFB1-B6, $2BA3) 
 +D066: Used in v-blank handler. Timer for fade in. Set to 40h by $0CA3, set to 2Fh by $239C when type = Ah, set to A0h by game mode Ah, set to FFh by reached the gunship 
 +D067: Used in title. Set to 01h by $0CA3 and game mode Ah 
 +D069: Enemy passable block threshold 
 +D06E: Highest OAM stack pointer 
 +D073: Two byte pointer, data for [$C215] before subtracting 21h; pointer to SRAMCompared with F0h to enable $D09F, probably credits text 
 +D076: Used in v-blank handler. Flag to go to $5:403D; set every few frames during credits 
 +D077: Acid damage. Saved to SRAM 
 +D078: Spike damage. Saved to SRAM 
 +D079: Flag to load characters. But also used in facing screen as a flag to check if buttons are pressed 
 +D07A: Save slot option selected 
 +        0: Start 
 +        1: Clear 
 +D07B: Used in title. Y position of stars? 
 +D07C: Used in title. X position of stars? 
 +D07E: BG palette 
 +D07F: Object 0 palette 
 +D080: Object 1 palette 
 +D081: Samus' max missiles(upper nybble tens, lower nybble ones), mirrored from $D81A at save load. 
 +D082: Samus' max missiles(upper nybble thousands, lower nybble hundreds), mirrored from $D81B at save load. 
 +D083: Read in $1:7A34, adjusts sprite Y position in $1:4DDF 
 +D084: Samus' health for display,   mirror of $D051/D818? 
 +D086: Samus' missiles for display, mirror of $D053/$D81C? 
 +D089: Real number of Metroids remaining 
 +D08A: Projectile passable block threshold 
 +D08B: Metroid Queen's room flag 
 +        11h: In Metroid Queen's room (set by screen transition command 8) 
 +D08D: Value for $D05D in $31F1 
 +D08E: Index of screen transition command set. 
 +        Set to [$4300 + ([screen Y position high] * 10h + [screen X position high]) * 2] & ~800h by set up door transition 
 +D090: Metroid Queen eating pose 
 +        Sets Samus pose = escaping Metroid Queen when 7, checked for 5/20h and set to 6 in in Metroid Queen's mouth 
 +        0: Otherwise 
 +        1: Samus entering mouth 
 +        2: Mouth closing 
 +        3: Mouth closed 
 +        5: Samus escaping mouth 
 +        6: Swallowing Samus 
 +        7:  
 +        8: Samus escaping stomach 
 +        10h: Paralysed (can enter mouth) 
 +        20h:  
 +        22h: Dying 
 +D091: Set to 3 in $8:7EBC if killed a target number of Metroids or 1 if only Metroid Queen is remaining 
 +D092: Song for room 
 +D096: Metroids remaining shuffle timer 
 +D097: Index for $5:5620 jump table (first call in credits) 
 +D098: In-game timer, minutes 
 +D099: In-game timer, hours 
 +D09A: Number of Metroids remaining 
 +D09B: Fade in timer 
 +D09E: Checked and cleared in $2:4000, value for $FFC9 in $0C37 
 +D09F: Flag to display in-game time in credits 
 +D0A0: Debug flag 
 +D0A2: In-game timer, 256-frame periods (roughly 14ths of a minute) 
 +D0A3: Save slot 
 +D0A4: Show clear save slot option flag 
 +D0A7: Metroids remaining in area 
 +D600-D61F: OAM data for the starry background in the credits. 
 +D700-3F: Screen transition commands 
 +D800-25: Save data. Data loaded from $1:4E64-89 by game mode Bh, loaded from $A008-2D + save slot * 40h by game mode Ch 
 +    D800: Samus' Y position 
 +    D802: Samus' X position 
 +    D804: Screen Y position 
 +    D806: Screen X position 
 +    D808: Enemy tiles source address (2 bytes) 
 +    D80A: Background tiles source bank 
 +    D80B: Background tiles source address (2 bytes) 
 +    D80D: Metatile definitions source address (bank 8, 2 bytes) 
 +    D80F: Source address of data for $DC00-FF (bank 8, 2 bytes) 
 +    D811: Bank for current room 
 +    D812: Samus passable block threshold (>= this tile index is passable, < is impassible) 
 +    D813: Enemy passable block threshold 
 +    D814: Projectile passable block threshold 
 +    D815: Samus' equipment at save load. 
 +    D816: Samus' beam at save load. 
 +    D817: Samus' max energy tanks at save load. 
 +    D818: Samus' health at save load. 
 +    D819: Samus' filled energy tanks at save load. 
 +    D81A: Samus' max missiles at save load. Upper nybble tens, lower nybble ones. 
 +    D81B: Samus' max missiles at save load. Upper nybble thousands, lower nybble hundreds. 
 +    D81C: Samus' missiles at save load. Upper nybble tens, lower nybble ones. 
 +    D81D: Samus' missiles at save load. Upper nybble thousands, lower nybble hundreds. 
 +    D81E: Direction Samus is facing at save load. 
 +    D81F: Acid damage 
 +    D820: Spike damage 
 +    D821: Real number of Metroids remaining 
 +    D822: Song for room 
 +    D823: In-game timer, minutes 
 +    D824: In-game timer, hours 
 +    D825: Number of Metroids remaining 
 +D900-FF: 10h byte slots? The first byte of which each is cleared when saving 
 +DA00-DBFF: Metatile definitions 
 +DC00-FF: Tile properties 
 +    1: Viscous. Reduces jumping and detaches spider ball on movement. Also causes morph ball sound effect glitch. 
 +    2: Jump-through block. Passable when jumping, impassable in all other states (in all directions). 
 +    4: Fall-through block. Passable when falling, impassable in all other states (in all directions). 
 +    8: Spike 
 +    10h: Acid 
 +    20h: Destructible by shot/bomb 
 +    40h: Destructible by bomb 
 +    80h: Save pillar 
 +DD00-FF: Projectile RAM 
 +    Beams - Takes up three 16-byte rows for each shot on-screen. Spazer and Plasma take up all three immediately. 
 +    DD00, DD10, DD20: Beam state. 
 +        0-4: On-screen, being fired. Value will match the currently-equipped beam's as stored at D055. 
 +        FFh: Not on-screen. 
 +    DD01, DD11, DD21: Direction of fire. 
 +        1: To the right. 
 +        2: to the left. 
 +        4: Upwards. 
 +        8: Downwards. 
 +    DD02, DD12, DD22: Shot Y position. 
 +    DD03, DD13, DD23: Shot X position. 
 +    DD04, DD14, DD24: Unknown, switches between 0 and 8 on a seemingly random interval between firings. 
 +    DD05, DD15, DD25: Displacement from position fired at, ends up differently for each direction. 
 +    Missiles - Shares a 16-byte row with the third beam slot. 
 +    DD20: Missile state. 
 +        8: On-screen, being fired. 
 +        FFh: Not on-screen. 
 +    DD21: Direction of fire. 
 +        1: To the right. 
 +        2: to the left. 
 +        4: Upwards. 
 +        8: Downwards. 
 +    DD22: Shot Y position. 
 +    DD23: Shot X position. 
 +    DD24: Unknown, switches between 0 and 8 on a seemingly random interval between firings. 
 +    DD25: Displacement from position fired at, ends up differently for each direction. 
 +    Bombs - Takes up three 16-byte rows for each bomb on-screen. 
 +    DD30, DD40, DD50: Bomb state. 
 +        1: Laid, waiting to explode. 
 +        2: Exploding. 
 +        FFh: No bomb on-screen. 
 +    DD31, DD41, DD51: Bomb timer. Starts at the value it was set at and decreases to zero. 
 +    DD32, DD42, DD52: Bomb Y position. 
 +    DD33, DD43, DD53: Bomb X position. 
 +DE00-FF: Metatile update entries 
 +    + 0: Dest. address. $0000 terminates update 
 +    + 2: Top-left tile 
 +    + 3: Top-right tile 
 +    + 4: Bottom-left tile 
 +    + 5: Bottom-right tile 
 +DF00-FF: Stack
 </code> </code>
-FF00-FF7F - Hardware I/O Ports/Registers\\ +=== HRAM === 
-FF80-FFFE - High RAM (HRAM)\\+<code> 
 +FF80: Buttons 
 +        01: A 
 +        02: B 
 +        04: Select 
 +        08: Start 
 +        10: Right 
 +        20: Left 
 +        40: Up 
 +        80: Down 
 +FF81: New buttons 
 +FF82: V-blank handled flag
-<code>01:FF80 - Buttons being held +FF8DOAM stack pointer
-01:FF81 - Buttons just pressed+
-01:FF8D - OAM offset (beginning of first unused entry) +FF97Frame counter 
-01:FF99 - Samus pos onscreen (?+FF98Sprite tile number (see $5:4015). Mirror of sprite position (see $30BB). Door scroll flags (see $08FE): [$4200 + [screen Y position, screen] * 16 + [screen X position, screen]] 
-01:FF9B - Game Mode ($00-$13)+FF99Two sprite tile numbers (see $5:4000). Mirror of sprite X position (see $30BB). Door thing (see $08FE): [Samus' Y position] - [$FFC8] + 60h
-01:FFA0-FFA9 - Sprite DMA Routine+FF9BGame mode 
 +        0: Boot 
 +        1: Title screen 
 +        2: Loading save 2 
 +        3: Loading save 3 
 +        4: In-game 
 +        5: Dead 
 +        6: Dying 
 +        7: Game over 
 +        8: Paused 
 +        9: Save to SRAM 
 +        Ah: Unused 
 +        Bh: Start new game 
 +        Ch: Load from save 
 +        Dh: RET 
 +        Eh: RET 
 +        Fh: Unused. Identical to 7, set by game mode Ah 
 +        10h: Unused. Game cleared 
 +        11h: Unused. Functionally identical to 7, set by game mode 10h 
 +        12h: Reached the gunship 
 +        13h: Credits
-01:FFC0 Samus Y pos (pixels) +FFA0-A9: OAM DMA routine 
-01:FFC1 - Samus Y pos (screens+FFAAVRAM tilemap metatile update address. $FFAA = $9800 + ([row block to update] * 32 + [column block to update]* 2 
-01:FFC2 - Samus X pos (pixels) +FFACIndex of screen for metatile update. $FFAC = [row screen to update] * 16 + [column screen to update] 
-01:FFC3 Samus X pos (screens)+FFADIndex of block for metatile update. $FFAD = [row block to update] * 16 + [column block to update] 
 +FFAE: Number of blocks to update 
 +FFAF: Stack pointer for metatile update entries 
 +FFB1: VRAM DMA source address 
 +FFB3: VRAM DMA dest address, also source offset from $CE20 when [$D08C] is set 
 +FFB5: VRAM DMA size 
 +FFB7-BB: Energy tank graphics, other stuff too though 
 +FFB7: Offset for interval for [$FF98] in $30EA 
 +FFB8: Offset for interval for [$FF99] in $30EA 
 +FFB9: Table index for offset data     in $30EA 
 +FFBA: Start   of interval for [$FF98] in $30EA 
 +FFBB: End     of interval for [$FF98] in $30EA 
 +FFBC: Start   of interval for [$FF99] in $30EA 
 +FFBD: End     of interval for [$FF99] in $30EA
-01:FFC4 - temp sprite Y position +FFBFFlags to negate values in $30EA 
-01:FFC5 - temp sprite X position +FFC0: Samus' Y position 
-01:FFC6 - temp sprite frame/tile (depends on the subroutine using it+FFC2Samus' X position 
-01:FFC7 - temp sprite attributes+FFC4Sprite Y position (see $5:4015
 +FFC5Sprite X position (see $5:4015) 
 +FFC6: Sprite set 
 +FFC7: Sprite attributes (see $5:4015) 
 +FFC8: Screen Y position 
 +FFCA: Screen X position 
 +FFCC: Row to update    (in pixels) 
 +FFCE: Column to update (in pixels)
-01:FFC8 Camera Y position (pixels) +FFE0-FFF5Used by active enemies (??)
-01:FFC9 - Camera Y position (screens) +
-01:FFCA - Camera X position (pixels) +
-01:FFCB - Camera X position (screens)+
-01:FFE0-FFF5 - Used by active enemies (??)+FFFECounts every other in-game frame
 </code> </code>
return_of_samus/data_locations/ram_map.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/04 20:15 by kkzero