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65c816 opcodes

Hex Mnemonic Addressing Mode Bytes Notes
00 BRK Stack/Interrupt 2 2
01 ORA DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
02 COP Stack/Interrupt 2 2
03 ORA Stack Relative 2
04 TSB Direct Page 2
05 ORA Direct Page 2
06 ASL Direct Page 2
07 ORA DP Indirect Long 2
08 PHP Stack (Push) 1
09 ORA Immediate 2 1
0A ASL Accumulator 1
0B PHD Stack (Push) 1
0C TSB Absolute 3
0D ORA Absolute 3
0E ASL Absolute 3
0F ORA Absolute Long 4
10 BPL Program Counter Relative 2
11 ORA DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
12 ORA DP Indirect 2
13 ORA SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
14 TRB Direct Page 2
15 ORA DP Indexed, X 2
16 ASL DP Indexed, X 2
17 ORA DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
18 CLC Implied 1
19 ORA Absolute Indexed, Y 3
1A INC Accumulator 1
1B TCS Implied 1
1C TRB Absolute 3
1D ORA Absolute Indexed, X 3
1E ASL Absolute Indexed, X 3
1F ORA Absolute Long Indexed, X 4
20 JSR Absolute 3
21 AND DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
22 JSR Absolute Long 4
23 AND Stack Relative 2
24 BIT Direct Page 2
25 AND Direct Page 2
26 ROL Direct Page 2
27 AND DP Indirect Long 2
28 PLP Stack (Pull) 1
29 AND Immediate 2 1
2A ROL Accumulator 1
2B PLD Stack (Pull) 1
2C BIT Absolute 3
2D AND Absolute 3
2E ROL Absolute 3
2F AND Absolute Long 4
30 BMI Program Counter Relative 2
31 AND DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
32 AND DP Indirect 2
33 AND SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
34 BIT DP Indexed, X 2
35 AND DP Indexed, X 2
36 ROL DP Indexed, X 2
37 AND DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
38 SEC Implied 1
39 AND Absolute Indexed, Y 3
3A DEC Accumulator 1
3B TSC Implied 1
3C BIT Absolute Indexed, X 3
3D AND Absolute Indexed, X 3
3E ROL Absolute Indexed, x 3
3F AND Absolute Long Indexed, X 4
40 RTI Stack/RTI 1
41 EOR DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
42 WDM 2 4
43 EOR Stack Relative 2
44 MVP Block Move 3
45 EOR Direct Page 2
46 LSR Direct Page 2
47 EOR DP Indirect Long 2
48 PHA Stack (Push) 1
49 EOR Immediate 2 1
4A LSR Accumulator 1
4B PHK Stack (Push 1
4C JMP Absolute 3
4D EOR Absolute 3
4E LSR Absolute 3
4F EOR Absolute Long 4
50 BVC Program Counter Relative 2
51 EOR DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
52 EOR DP Indirect 2
53 EOR SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
54 MVN Block Move 3
55 EOR DP Indexed, X 2
56 LSR DP Indexed, X 2
57 EOR DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
58 CLI Implied 1
59 EOR Absolute Indexed, Y 3
5A PHY Stack (Push) 1
5B TCD Implied 1
5C JMP Absolute Long 4
5D EOR Absolute Indexed, X 3
5E LSR Absolute Indexed, X 3
5F EOR Absolute Long Indexed, X 4
60 RTS Stack (RTS) 1
61 ADC DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
62 PER Stack (PC Relative Long) 3
63 ADC Stack Relative 2
64 STZ Direct Page 2
65 ADC Direct Page 2
66 ROR Direct Page 2
67 ADC DP Indirect Long 2
68 PLA Stack (Pull) 1
69 ADC Immediate 2 1
6A ROR Accumulator 1
6B RTL Stack (RTL) 1
6C JMP Absolute Indirect 3
6D ADC Absolute 3
6E ROR Absolute 3
6F ADC Absolute Long 4
70 BVS Program Counter Relative 2
71 ADC DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
72 ADC DP Indirect 2
73 ADC SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
74 STZ Direct Page Indexed, X 2
75 ADC DP Indexed, X 2
76 ROR DP Indexed, X 2
77 ADC DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
78 SEI Implied 1
79 ADC Absolute Indexed, Y 3
7A PLY Stack/Pull 1
7B TDC Implied 1
7C JMP Absolute Indexed Indirect 3
7D ADC Absolute Indexed, X 3
7E ROR Absolute Indexed, X 3
7F ADC Absolute Long Indexed, X 4
80 BRA Program Counter Relative 2
81 STA DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
82 BRL Program Counter Relative Long 3
83 STA Stack Relative 2
84 STY Direct Page 2
85 STA Direct Page 2
86 STX Direct Page 2
87 STA DP Indirect Long 2
88 DEY Implied 1
89 BIT Immediate 2 1
8A TXA Implied 1
8B PHB Stack (Push) 1
8C STY Absolute 3
8D STA Absolute 3
8E STX Absolute 3
8F STA Absolute Long 4
90 BCC Program Counter Relative 2
91 STA DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
92 STA DP Indirect 2
93 STA SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
94 STY Direct Page Indexed, X 2
95 STA DP Indexed, X 2
96 STX Direct Page Indexed, Y 2
97 STA DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
98 TYA Implied 1
99 STA Absolute Indexed, Y 3
9A TXS Implied 1
9B TXY Implied 1
9C STZ Absolute 3
9D STA Absolute Indexed, X 3
9E STZ Absolute Indexed, X 3
9F STA Absolute Long Indexed, X 4
A0 LDY Immediate 2 3
A1 LDA DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
A2 LDX Immediate 2 3
A3 LDA Stack Relative 2
A4 LDY Direct Page 2
A5 LDA Direct Page 2
A6 LDX Direct Page 2
A7 LDA DP Indirect Long 2
A8 TAY Implied 1
A9 LDA Immediate 2 1
AA TAX Implied 1
AB PLB Stack (Pull) 1
AC LDY Absolute 3
AD LDA Absolute 3
AE LDX Absolute 3
AF LDA Absolute Long 4
B0 BCS Program Counter Relative 2
B1 LDA DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
B2 LDA DP Indirect 2
B3 LDA SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
B4 LDY DP Indexed, X 2
B5 LDA DP Indexed, X 2
B6 LDX DP Indexed, Y 2
B7 LDA DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
B8 CLV Implied 1
B9 LDA Absolute Indexed, Y 3
BA TSX Implied 1
BB TYX Implied 1
BC LDY Absolute Indexed, X 3
BD LDA Absolute Indexed, X 3
BE LDX Absolute Indexed, Y 3
BF LDA Absolute Long Indexed, X 4
C0 CPY Immediate 2 3
C1 CMP DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
C2 REP Immediate 2
C3 CMP Stack Relative 2
C4 CPY Direct Page 2
C5 CMP Direct Page 2
C6 DEC Direct Page 2
C7 CMP DP Indirect Long 2
C8 INY Implied 1
C9 CMP Immediate 2 1
CA DEX Implied 1
CB WAI Implied 1
CC CPY Absolute 3
CD CMP Absolute 3
CE DEC Absolute 3
CF CMP Absolute Long 4
D0 BNE Program Counter Relative 2
D1 CMP DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
D2 CMP DP Indirect 2
D3 CMP SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
D4 PEI Stack (Direct Page Indirect) 2
D5 CMP DP Indexed, X 2
D6 DEC DP Indexed, X 2
D7 CMP DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
D8 CLD Implied 1
D9 CMP Absolute Indexed, Y 3
DA PHX Stack (Push) 1
DB STP Implied 1
DC JMP Absolute Indirect Long 3
DD CMP Absolute Indexed, X 3
DE DEC Absolute Indexed, X 3
DF CMP Absolute Long Indexed, X 4
E0 CPX Immediate 2 3
E1 SBC DP Indexed Indirect, X 2
E2 SEP Immediate 2
E3 SBC Stack Relative 2
E4 INX Direct Page 2
E5 SBC Direct Page 2
E6 INC Direct Page 2
E7 SBC DP Indirect Long 2
E8 INX Implied 1
E9 SBC Immediate 2 1
EA NOP Implied 1
EB XBA Implied 1
EC CPX Absolute 3
ED SBC Absolute 3
EE INC Absolute 3
EF SBC Absolute Long 4
F0 BEQ Program Counter Relative 2
F1 SBC DP Indirect Indexed, Y 2
F2 SBC DP Indirect 2
F3 SBC SR Indirect Indexed, Y 2
F4 PEA Stack (absolute) 3
F5 SBC DP Indexed, X 2
F6 INC DP Indexed, X 2
F7 SBC DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 2
F8 SED Implied 1
F9 SBC Absolute Indexed, Y 3
FA PLX Stack /Pull 1
FB XCE Implied 1
FC JSR Absolute Indexed Indirect 3
FD SBC Absolute Indexed, X 3
FE INC Absolute Indexed, X 3
FF SBC Absolute Long Indexed, X 4

More information about the SNES's 65c816 chip can be found below:


  1. Add 1 byte if m=0 (16-bit memory/accumulator)
  2. opcode is 1 byte, but program counter value pushed onto stack is incremented by 2 allowing for optional signature byte
  3. Add 1 byte if x=0 (16-bit index register)
  4. Bytes and cycle counts subject to change in future processors which expand WDM into 2-byte opcode portions of instructions of varying lengths.
super/technical_information/asm_opcodes.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/12 16:37 by danjen