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D73F (it's an elevator*)
[Special] = 2C00
[Speed] = 0000/0001 for down/up
[Speed 2] = Y position to make the elevator first appear when entering the room on an elevator. 0018 is a common value for elevators going down into a room.  0Z40 works quite well for elevators going up into a room, where Z is the screen just below where you emerge from.

*Do not include this in the Enemy Allowed list or it will crash your room.
**Door tiles with a RoomID of 0000 must be directly underneath the elevator, or you won't be able to stand on and use it.
***Elevators need 2 door in their path to function correctly.  More information on this is included with the door editor.

Hacking Information

Enemy Bank: $A3

PC Address Changes Description

super/enemy/d73f.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/28 22:59 by