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_ \ | | | _ | / | | |_/ / _ _ | | \ V / / /
_ \/ _` | '_ \| |/ / / _ \/ /_| | | |_/ / (_| | | | | < | |_| \_

\/ \,_|_| |_|_|\_\ \___/ |_/ Data - 020000-027FFF - /PLM Data

$84|8000- Golden Torizo colour setting routine $84|8032- [data] Golden Torizo colour table 1 $84|8132- [data] Golden Torizo colour table 2 $84|8232- Custom graphic $84|8250- Clear sound check $84|8258- Unused. Clear sound check $84|8270- Play spin-jump sound $84|8278- Unused. Play spin-jump sound $84|8290- Get PLM co-ordinates $84|82B4- Write block type and BTS $84|82D6- Write a row of block and BTS $84|831A- X-ray: look up special graphics $84|839D- [data] Pointers to graphics (A2DF, A2F1, A2FD, A303, A30F, A31B, A327, A333) $84|83AD- Enable PLM processing $84|83B8- Disable PLM processing $84|83C3- Delete all PLMs $84|83D7- Spawn PLM [PC+2] $84|8469- RTS $84|846A- Load room PLMs $84|84E6- RTS $84|84E7- Spawn PLM $84|853D- RTS $84|853E- Spawn PLM at enemy location $84|85B3- RTS $84|85B4- Process PLMs $84|85DA- Process existing PLM $84|861E- Set PLM block properties $84|86B4- Instruction. Wait $84|86BC- Instruction. Delete PLM $84|86C1- Instruction. Set pre-instruction code $84|86CA- Instruction. Disable pre-instruction code $84|86D1- Instruction. Unused. Call external JSL, backs up Y $84|86EB- Instruction. Unused. Call external JSL with argument, backs up Y $84|870B- Instruction. Call external JSL, backs up X and Y $84|8724- Instruction. Go to command for instructions $84|8729- Instruction. Unused. BRA for instructions $84|873F- Instruction. Conditional goto: decrement counter (1D77), BNE argument $84|8747- Instruction. Unused. Conditional branch: decrement counter (1D77), BNE argument $84|874E- Instruction. Set counter (1D77) to 1-byte argument $84|875A- Instruction. Unused. Set counter (1D77) to 2-byte argument $84|8763- RTS $84|8764- Instruction. Load graphics $84|87E5- Instruction. Transfer stuff to VRAM $84|880E- Instruction. Go to if boss bits in current area $84|8821- Instruction. Unused. Set boss bits for current area $84|882D- Instruction. Go to if event bit set $84|883E- Instruction. Set event bit $84|8848- Instruction. Go to argument if room argument's boss bit is set $84|8865- Instruction. Set room argument's boss bit $84|887C- Instruction. Go to argument if room argument's item bit is set $84|8899- Instruction. Set room argument's item bit $84|88B0- Instruction. Pick up beam item (2 bytes) then display message box (1 byte). Equips it, toggles spazer/plasma, updates graphics $84|88F3- Instruction. Pick up equipment (2 bytes) then display message box (1 byte) and resume music $84|891A- Instruction. Pick up grapple. Grapple message box displayed and resume music $84|8941- Instruction. Pick up X-ray scope. X-ray message box displayed and resume music $84|8968- Instruction. Pick up Energy Tank. Energy tank message displayed and resume music $84|8986- Instruction. Pick up Reserve Tank. Reserve tank message displayed and resume music $84|89A9- Instruction. Pick up Missile Tank. Missile tank message displayed and resume music $84|89D2- Instruction. Pick up Super Missile Tank. Super missile tank message displayed and resume music $84|89FB- Instruction. Pick up Power Bomb Tank. Power bomb tank message displayed and resume music $84|8A24- Instruction. Set goto/return pointer $84|8A2E- Instruction. JSR for instructions $84|8A3A- Instruction. RTS for instructions $84|8A40- Instruction. Unused. Wait until the first enemy in the room (should be DAFF) dies? $84|8A59- Instruction. Unused. Wait until the second enemy in the room (should be DAFF) dies? $84|8A72- Instruction. Goto argument if room argument's door bit is set $84|8A91- Instruction. Increment counter (DF0C), if it's passed the first argument set room argument's door and goto second argument. Also stop pre-instruction code $84|8ACD- Instruction. Increment room argument, if it exceeds first argument, goto second argument. Clears pre-instruction code $84|8AF1- Instruction. Store argument to PLM's BTS $84|8B05- Instruction. Clone of 8B17 $84|8B17- Instruction. Draw block at PLM using 1E17. DE6C gets overwritten, on-screen graphic is refreshed $84|8B55- Instruction. Update scrolling in the room by following room argument as a pointer. Main part of a scroll PLM $84|8B93- Instruction. Same as normal scroll update but for a crumble blocktype instead of treadmill blocktype $84|8BD1- Instruction. Unused. Switch song track to argument $84|8BDD- Instruction. Clear out music queue, THEN switch song track to argument $84|8C07- Instruction. Play a sound from library 1 $84|8C10- Instruction. Play a sound from library 2 $84|8C19- Instruction. Play a sound from library 3 $84|8C22- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 1, allow full queue $84|8C2B- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 2, allow full queue $84|8C34- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, allow full queue $84|8C3D- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, short queue only $84|8C46- Instruction. Play a sound from library 2, short queue only $84|8C4F- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, short queue only $84|8C58- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 1, long queue allowed $84|8C61- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 2, long queue allowed $84|8C6A- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, long queue allowed $84|8C73- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 1, no queue allowed $84|8C7C- Instruction. Play a sound from library 2, no queue allowed $84|8C85- Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, no queue allowed $84|8C8E- RTS $84|8C8F- Instruction. Set map of current area as collected. Also message box $84|8CAF- Instruction. Energy station; restore health, display message box, resume gameplay controls $84|8CD0- Instruction. Missile station; restore missiles, display message box, resume gameplay controls $84|8CF1- Instruction. Save station check. Pop up a message box, if saving do some saving stuff and continue, otherwise goto argument $84|8D39- Instruction. Unused. Waits 6 seconds then resumes music $84|8D41- Instruction. If Samus' center is inside of hitbox, goto third argument, else continue $84|8D89- Instruction. Unused. Move PLM down 1 block $84|8D97- RTS $84|8D98- Instruction. Unused. Broken. Unknown PLM instruction $84|8DA0- Instruction. Unused. Broken. Unknown PLM draw instruction $84|8DA6- Draw PLM with custom draw pointer and screen start positions $84|8DAA- Draw PLM $84|924D- Draw. Instructions D0EC $84|9253- Draw. Instructions BB19 $84|925B- Draw. Instructions B9A2 $84|9265- Draw. Instructions B9A2 $84|926F- Draw. Instructions B9A2 $84|9279- Draw. Instructions B9A2 $84|9283- Draw. Instructions B919 $84|9297- Draw. Instructions AAE5 $84|92A3- Draw. Instructions AAE5 $84|92AF- Draw. Instructions AAE5 $84|92BB- Draw. Instructions AAE5 $84|92C7- Draw. Instructions AB0C $84|930F- Draw. Instructions AB67 $84|9325- Draw. Unused $84|933B- Draw. Unused $84|9351- Draw. Unused $84|9367- Draw. Instructions AB6D, AB7F, AB91, ABA9 $84|936D- Draw. Instructions AB6D, AB7F, AB91, ABA9 $84|9373- Draw. Instructions AB6D, AB7F, AB91, ABA9 $84|9379- Draw. Instructions AB6D $84|937F- Draw. Instructions AB7F $84|9385- Draw. Instructions AB91 $84|938B- Draw. Unused $84|9391- Draw. Instructions ABA9 $84|9397- Draw. Instructions ABA9 $84|939D- Draw. Instructions ABA3 $84|93BF- Draw. Instructions ABDD $84|93EF- Draw. Instructions B77B $84|9407- Draw. Instructions B785 $84|9413- Draw. Instructions AB12 $84|9423- Draw. Instructions AB12 $84|9433- Draw. Instructions AB12 $84|9443- Draw. Instructions AB12 $84|9453- Draw. Instructions ABE3 $84|9463- Draw. Instructions ABE9 $84|9473- Draw. Instructions ABEF, BB3A, BB44 $84|947F- Draw. Instructions BB3A, BB44 $84|948B- Draw. Instructions ABEF, BB34, BB44 $84|9497- Draw. Instructions ABF9 $84|949D- Draw. Instructions ABFF $84|94A3- Draw. Instructions AC05 $84|94B1- Draw. Instructions AC0B $84|94C9- Draw. Unused $84|94E7- Draw. Unused $84|9505- Draw. Instructions AC11 $84|9523- Draw. Instructions AC17 $84|9541- Draw. Instructions AC1D $84|955F- Draw. Instructions AC23 $84|957D- Draw. Instructions AC29 $84|959B- Draw. Instructions AC2F $84|95B9- Draw. Instructions AC35 $84|95D7- Draw. Instructions AC3B $84|95F5- Draw. Instructions AC41 $84|9613- Draw. Instructions AC47 $84|9631- Draw. Instructions AC4D $84|964F- Draw. Instructions AC53 $84|966D- Draw. Instructions AC59 $84|968B- Draw. Instructions AC5F $84|96A9- Draw. Instructions AC68 $84|96B1- Draw. Instructions AC6B $84|96BF- Draw. Instructions AC71 $84|96CB- Draw. Instructions AC77 $84|96EF- Draw. Instructions AC7D $84|9703- Draw. Instructions AC83 $84|9717- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|971D- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|9731- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|9745- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|974F- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|9769- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|9781- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|978F- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|97B7- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|97E7- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|9817- Draw. Instructions D202 $84|9847- Draw. Unused $84|9877- Draw. Instructions D368 $84|9897- Draw. Unused $84|989D- Draw. Instructions D368 $84|98D1- Draw. Instructions D4D4 $84|98D7- Draw. Instructions D4D4 $84|98DD- Draw. Instructions D4D4 $84|98E3- Draw. Instructions D519 $84|9953- Draw. Instructions D519 $84|9991- Draw. Instructions D4D4 $84|99E5- Draw. Instructions D4D4 $84|9A3F- Draw. Instructions AFE8 $84|9A6F- Draw. Instructions AFEE $84|9A9F- Draw. Instructions AFEE $84|9ACF- Draw. Instructions B03E $84|9AED- Draw. Instructions B044 $84|9B0B- Draw. Instructions D490 $84|9B1B- Draw. Instructions D490 $84|9B2B- Draw. Instructions D490 $84|9B3B- Draw. Instructions D490 $84|9B4B- Draw. Instructions D490 $84|9B5B- Draw. Instructions AFCA $84|9B73- Draw. Instructions AFD0 $84|9B79- Draw. Instructions AFD6 $84|9B7F- Draw. Instructions AFDC $84|9BBB- Draw. Instructions AFE2 $84|9BF7- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C03- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C0B- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C13- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C1B- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C23- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C2B- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C31- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C37- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C3D- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C43- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C49- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|9C4F- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C5B- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C63- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C6B- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C73- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C7B- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C83- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C89- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C8F- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|9C95- Draw. Instructions DA56 $84|9C9B- Draw. Instructions DA56 $84|9CA1- Draw. Instructions DA56 $84|9CA7- Draw. Instructions D44E $84|9CAD- Draw. Unused $84|9CB3- Draw. Unused $84|9CB9- Draw. Unused $84|9CBF- Draw. Instructions D44E $84|9CC5- Draw. Instructions D3CF $84|9D0F- Draw. Instructions D3EC $84|9D59- Draw. Instructions D426 $84|9D7D- Draw. Instructions D426 $84|9DA1- Draw. Instructions D426 $84|9DC5- Draw. Instructions D426 $84|9DE9- Draw. Instructions D426 $84|9E0D- Draw. Instructions ACB8 $84|9E29- Draw. Unused $84|9E45- Draw. Instructions ACB8 $84|9E61- Draw. Instructions ACB8 $84|9E7D- Draw. Instructions ACB8 $84|9E99- Draw. Instructions ACF8 $84|9EB5- Draw. Unused $84|9ED1- Draw. Instructions ACF8 $84|9EED- Draw. Instructions ACF8 $84|9F09- Draw. Instructions ACF8 $84|9F25- Draw. Instructions AD62 $84|9F31- Draw. Instructions AD62 $84|9F3D- Draw. Instructions AD62 $84|9F49- Draw. Instructions AD86 $84|9F55- Draw. Instructions AD86 $84|9F5B- Draw. Instructions ADA4 $84|9F67- Draw. Instructions ADA4 $84|9F6D- Draw. Instructions ADC2 $84|9F79- Draw. Instructions ADC2 $84|9F85- Draw. Instructions ADC2 $84|9F91- Draw. Instructions AE4C $84|9F9D- Draw. Instructions AE4C $84|9FA9- Draw. Instructions AE4C $84|9FB5- Draw. Instructions ADF1, AE7B $84|9FBB- Draw. Instructions ADF1, AE7B $84|9FC1- Draw. Instructions AE13, AE9D $84|9FC7- Draw. Instructions AE13, AE9D $84|9FCD- Draw. Instructions DCDE $84|9FDD- Draw. Instructions DCDE $84|9FED- Draw. Instructions DD27 $84|9FFD- Draw. Instructions DD27 $84|A00D- Draw. Instructions DD70 $84|A01D- Draw. Instructions DD70 $84|A02D- Draw. Instructions DCDE $84|A03D- Draw. Instructions DCDE $84|A04D- Draw. Instructions DCDE $84|A05D- Draw. Instructions DCDE $84|A06D- Draw. Instructions DD27 $84|A07D- Draw. Instructions DD27 $84|A08D- Draw. Instructions DD27 $84|A09D- Draw. Instructions DD27 $84|A0AD- Draw. Instructions DD70 $84|A0BD- Draw. Instructions DD70 $84|A0CD- Draw. Instructions DD70 $84|A0DD- Draw. Instructions DD70 $84|A0ED- Draw. Instructions DDB9 $84|A101- Draw. Instructions DDB9 $84|A115- Draw. Instructions DE02 $84|A129- Draw. Instructions DE02 $84|A13D- Draw. Instructions DE4B $84|A151- Draw. Instructions DE4B $84|A165- Draw. Instructions DDB9 $84|A179- Draw. Instructions DDB9 $84|A18D- Draw. Instructions DDB9 $84|A1A1- Draw. Instructions DDB9 $84|A1B5- Draw. Instructions DE02 $84|A1C9- Draw. Instructions DE02 $84|A1DD- Draw. Instructions DE02 $84|A1F1- Draw. Instructions DE02 $84|A205- Draw. Instructions DE4B $84|A219- Draw. Instructions DE4B $84|A22D- Draw. Instructions DE4B $84|A241- Draw. Instructions DE4B $84|A255- Draw. Instructions AED8 $84|A25D- Draw. Instructions AED8 $84|A265- Draw. Instructions AED8 $84|A26D- Draw. Instructions AED8 $84|A275- Draw. Instructions AF1E $84|A285- Draw. Instructions AF1E $84|A295- Draw. Instructions AF1E $84|A2A5- Draw. Instructions AF1E $84|A2B5- Draw. Instructions AADF, D13F, DFA9, DFC7, DFD7, E032, A2B5, E47C, E4AE, E4E0, E512, E54D, E588, E5C3, E5FE, E642, E67D, E6B8, E6F3, E735, E777, E7B1, E7EC, E826, E861, E89C, E8D7 $84|A2BB- Draw. Unused $84|A2C1- Draw. Unused $84|A2C7- Draw. Instructions A2C7 $84|A2CD- Draw. Instructions A2C7 $84|A2D3- Draw. Instructions A2C7 $84|A2D9- Draw. Instructions DFC7 $84|A2DF- Draw. Instructions E099, E44A, E911 $84|A2E5- Draw. Instructions E099, E44A, E911 $84|A2EB- Draw. Instructions E0BE, A47C, E949 $84|A2F1- Draw. Instructions E0BE, A47C, E949 $84|A2F7- Draw. Instructions E0E3, E4AE, E981 $84|A2FD- Draw. Instructions E0E3, E4AE, E981 $84|A303- Draw. Instructions E108, E4E0, E9B9 $84|A309- Draw. Instructions E108, E4E0, E9B9 $84|A30F- Draw. Instruction E04F $84|A315- Draw. Instruction E067 $84|A31B- Draw. Instruction E04F $84|A321- Draw. Instruction E067 $84|A327- Draw. Instruction E04F $84|A32D- Draw. Instruction E067 $84|A333- Draw. Instruction E04F $84|A339- Draw. Instruction E067 $84|A33F- Draw. Instructions D121 $84|A345- Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 $84|A34B- Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 $84|A351- Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 $84|A357- Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 $84|A35D- Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF $84|A365- Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF $84|A36D- Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF $84|A375- Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF $84|A37D- Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B $84|A385- Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B $84|A38D- Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B $84|A395- Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B $84|A39D- Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 $84|A3AD- Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 $84|A3BD- Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 $84|A3CD- Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 $84|A3DD- Draw. Instructions E007, E020 $84|A3E3- Draw. Instructions E007, E020 $84|A3E9- Draw. Instructions E007, E020 $84|A3EF- Draw. Unused $84|A3F5- Draw. Unused $84|A3FD- Draw. Unused $84|A405- Draw. Unused $84|A40D- Draw. Unused $84|A415- Draw. Unused $84|A41D- Draw. Unused $84|A425- Draw. Unused $84|A42D- Draw. Unused $84|A435- Draw. Unused $84|A445- Draw. Unused $84|A455- Draw. Unused $84|A465- Draw. Unused $84|A475- Draw. Instructions C8D4 $84|A47B- Draw. Instructions C8DA, CB02 $84|A483- Draw. Instructions C8E0, CB27 $84|A48B- Draw. Instructions C8E6, CB4C $84|A49B- Draw. Instructions C8EC $84|A4A1- Draw. Instructions C8F2, CA1C $84|A4A9- Draw. Instructions C8F8, CA41 $84|A4B1- Draw. Instructions C8FE, CA66 $84|A4C1- Draw. Instructions C904 $84|A4C7- Draw. Instructions C90A, CC5F $84|A4CF- Draw. Instructions C910, CC8B $84|A4D7- Draw. Instructions C916, CCB7 $84|A4E7- Draw. Instructions C91C $84|A4ED- Draw. Instructions C922 $84|A4F3- Draw. Instructions C928 $84|A4F9- Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9, D135 $84|A4FF- Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 $84|A505- Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 $84|A50B- Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 $84|A511- Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 $84|A517- Draw. Instructions BC13 $84|A525- Draw. Instructions BC13 $84|A533- Draw. Instructions BC13 $84|A541- Draw. Instructions BC13 $84|A54F- Draw. Instructions BC13 $84|A55D- Draw. Instructions BC13 $84|A56B- Draw. Instructions BC61 $84|A57D- Draw. Instructions BC61 $84|A58F- Draw. Instructions BC61 $84|A5A1- Draw. Instructions BC61 $84|A5B3- Draw. Instructions BC61 $84|A5C5- Draw. Instructions BC61 $84|A5D7- Draw. Instructions BCAF $84|A5E3- Draw. Instructions BCB5 $84|A5EB- Draw. Instructions BCBB $84|A5F7- Draw. Instructions BCC1 $84|A5FF- Draw. Instructions BCC7 $84|A60B- Draw. Instructions BCCD $84|A613- Draw. Instructions BCD3 $84|A61F- Draw. Instructions BCD9 $84|A627- Draw. Instructions BCDF $84|A633- Draw. Instructions BCE5 $84|A63B- Draw. Instructions BCEB $84|A647- Draw. Instructions BCF1 $84|A64F- Draw. Instructions BCF7 $84|A65B- Draw. Instructions BCFD $84|A663- Draw. Instructions BD03 $84|A66F- Draw. Instructions BD09 $84|A677- Draw. Instructions BE59, BFFD, C185, C301, C489, C49E $84|A683- Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2, C060, C1E4, C363, C4BA, C4CF $84|A68F- Draw. Instructions BF2B, C0C3, C243, A68F, C4EB, C500 $84|A69B- Draw. Instructions BF94, C122, C2A2, C427, C51C, C531 $84|A6A7- Draw. Instructions BE59 $84|A6B3- Draw. Instructions BE59 $84|A6BF- Draw. Instructions BE59 $84|A6CB- Draw. Instructions BE59 $84|A6D7- Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 $84|A6E3- Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 $84|A6EF- Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 $84|A6FB- Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 $84|A707- Draw. Instructions BF2B $84|A713- Draw. Instructions BF2B $84|A71F- Draw. Instructions BF2B $84|A72B- Draw. Instructions BF2B $84|A737- Draw. Instructions BF94 $84|A743- Draw. Instructions BF94 $84|A74F- Draw. Instructions BF94 $84|A75B- Draw. Instructions BF94 $84|A767- Draw. Instructions BFFD $84|A773- Draw. Instructions BFFD $84|A77F- Draw. Instructions BFFD $84|A78B- Draw. Instructions BFFD $84|A797- Draw. Instructions C060 $84|A7A3- Draw. Instructions C060 $84|A7AF- Draw. Instructions C060 $84|A7BB- Draw. Instructions C060 $84|A7C7- Draw. Instructions C0C3 $84|A7D3- Draw. Instructions C0C3 $84|A7DF- Draw. Instructions C0C3 $84|A7EB- Draw. Instructions C0C3 $84|A7F7- Draw. Instructions C122 $84|A803- Draw. Instructions C122 $84|A80F- Draw. Instructions C122 $84|A81B- Draw. Instructions C122 $84|A827- Draw. Instructions C185 $84|A833- Draw. Instructions C185 $84|A83F- Draw. Instructions C185 $84|A84B- Draw. Instructions C185 $84|A857- Draw. Instructions C1E4 $84|A863- Draw. Instructions C1E4 $84|A86F- Draw. Instructions C1E4 $84|A87B- Draw. Instructions C1E4 $84|A887- Draw. Instructions C243 $84|A893- Draw. Instructions C243 $84|A89F- Draw. Instructions C243 $84|A8AB- Draw. Instructions C243 $84|A8B7- Draw. Instructions C2A2 $84|A8C3- Draw. Instructions C2A2 $84|A8CF- Draw. Instructions C2A2 $84|A8DB- Draw. Instructions C2A2 $84|A8E7- Draw. Instructions C301 $84|A8F3- Draw. Instructions C301 $84|A8FF- Draw. Instructions C301 $84|A90B- Draw. Instructions C301 $84|A917- Draw. Instructions C363 $84|A923- Draw. Instructions C363 $84|A92F- Draw. Instructions C363 $84|A93B- Draw. Instructions C363 $84|A947- Draw. Instructions C3C5 $84|A953- Draw. Instructions C3C5 $84|A95F- Draw. Instructions C3C5 $84|A96B- Draw. Instructions C3C5 $84|A977- Draw. Instructions C427 $84|A983- Draw. Instructions C427 $84|A98F- Draw. Instructions C427 $84|A99B- Draw. Instructions C427 $84|A9A7- Draw. Instructions D81E $84|A9B3- Draw. Instructions BE59, BFFD, C185, C301, C49E $84|A9BF- Draw. Instructions C489, C49E $84|A9CB- Draw. Instructions C489, C49E $84|A9D7- Draw. Instructions C489, C49E $84|A9E3- Draw. Instructions D955 $84|A9EF- Draw. Instructions BA7F, BEC2, C060, C1E4, C363 $84|A9FB- Draw. Instructions C4BA, C4CF $84|AA07- Draw. Instructions C4BA, C4CF $84|AA13- Draw. Instructions C4BA, C4CF $84|AA1F- Draw. Unused $84|AA2B- Draw. Instructions BF2B, C0C3, C243, C3C5, C500 $84|AA37- Draw. Instructions C4EB, C500 $84|AA43- Draw. Instructions C4EB, C500 $84|AA4F- Draw. Instructions C4EB, C500 $84|AA5B- Draw. Unused $84|AA67- Draw. Instructions BF94, C122, C2A2, AA67, C531 $84|AA73- Draw. Instructions C51C, C531 $84|AA7F- Draw. Instructions C51C, C531 $84|AA8B- Draw. Instructions C51C, C531 $84|AA97- Draw. Instructions AFB6 $84|AAAF- Draw. Instructions AFB6 $84|AAC7- Draw. Instructions AFB6 $84|AADF- Instructions. Unused $84|AAE3- Instructions. Do not make $84|AAE5- Instructions. PLM B733 $84|AB00- Instruction. Move PLM down 1 block $84|AB0C- Instructions. PLM B777 $84|AB12- Instructions. PLM B78F $84|AB27- Setup. RTS $84|AB28- Setup. Don't run first instruction for 40 frames $84|AB31- Instructions. PLM B79B $84|AB51- Instruction. Set first two screens of room to scroll 1 $84|AB59- Instruction. Move PLM down 1 block $84|AB67- Instructions. PLM B797 $84|AB6D- Instructions. PLM B7A3 $84|AB7F- Instructions. PLM B7AB $84|AB91- Instructions. PLM B7B3 $84|ABA3- Instructions. PLM B7B7 $84|ABA9- Instructions. PLM B7BF $84|ABD6- Instruction. Move PLM right 1 block $84|ABDD- Instructions. PLM B7BB $84|ABE3- Instructions. PLM B65F $84|ABE9- Instructions. PLM B663 $84|ABEF- Instructions. PLM B667 $84|ABF9- Instructions. PLM B66B $84|ABFF- Instructions. PLM B66F $84|AC05- Instructions. PLM B673 $84|AC0B- Instructions. PLM B677 $84|AC11- Instructions. PLM B67B $84|AC17- Instructions. PLM B67F $84|AC1D- Instructions. PLM B683 $84|AC23- Instructions. PLM B687 $84|AC29- Instructions. PLM B68B $84|AC2F- Instructions. PLM B68F $84|AC35- Instructions. PLM B693 $84|AC3B- Instructions. PLM B697 $84|AC41- Instructions. PLM B69B $84|AC47- Instructions. PLM B69F $84|AC4D- Instructions. PLM B6A3 $84|AC53- Instructions. PLM B6A7 $84|AC59- Instructions. PLM B6AB $84|AC5F- Instructions. PLM B6AF $84|AC65- Instructions. PLM B6B3 $84|AC6B- Instructions. PLM B6B7 $84|AC71- Instructions. PLM B6BB $84|AC77- Instructions. PLM B6BF $84|AC7D- Instructions. PLM B6C3 $84|AC83- Instructions. PLM B6C7 $84|AC89- Pre-instruction. Move Samus, give Samus 10 frames of invincibility $84|AC9D- Instruction. Do 2 atmospheric damage to Samus $84|ACB1- Instruction. Set Samus' invincibility timer to 30 frames $84|ACB8- Instructions. PLM B6CB $84|ACF8- Instructions. PLM B6CF $84|AD38- Instructions. PLM B64B $84|AD43- Instruction. Write 38 blocks of treadmill type 8 $84|AD4D- Instructions. PLM B64F $84|AD58- Instruction. Write 38 blocks of treadmill type 9 $84|AD62- Instructions. PLM B6D3 $84|AD86- Instructions. PLM B6D7 $84|ADA4- Instructions. PLM B6DB $84|ADC2- Instructions. PLM B6DF $84|ADF1- Instructions. PLM B6E3 $84|AE13- Instructions. PLM B6E7 $84|AE35- Instruction. Check health. If full, enable Samus' controls and go to argument $84|AE4C- Instructions. PLM B6EB $84|AE7B- Instructions. PLM B6EF $84|AE9D- Instructions. PLM B6F3 $84|AEBF- Instruction. Check if Samus has full missiles. If so, enable controls and go to argument $84|AED6- Instructions. PLM B6F7 $84|AED8- Instructions. Unused $84|AF1C- Instructions. PLM B6FB $84|AF1E- Instructions. Unused $84|AF62- Draw. Instructions AF86 $84|AF68- Draw. Instructions AF92 $84|AF6E- Draw. Instructions AF9E $84|AF74- Draw. Instructions AFA4 $84|AF7A- Draw. Instructions AFAA $84|AF80- Draw. Instructions AFB0 $84|AF86- Instructions. PLM B703 $84|AF92- Instructions. PLM B707 $84|AF9E- Instructions. PLM B63F $84|AFA4- Instructions. PLM B63B $84|AFAA- Instructions. PLM B647 $84|AFB0- Instructions. PLM B643 $84|AFB6- Instructions. PLM B70B $84|AFCA- Instructions. PLM B747 $84|AFD0- Instructions. PLM B74B $84|AFD6- Instructions. PLM B74F $84|AFDC- Instructions. PLM B753 $84|AFE2- Instructions. PLM B757 $84|AFE8- Instructions. PLM B76F $84|AFEE- Instructions. Unused $84|B00E- Instruction. Start saving $84|B024- Instruction. Display 'Game Saved' message box $84|B030- Instruction. End saving $84|B03E- Instructions. PLM B75B $84|B044- Instructions. PLM B75F $84|B04A- Setup. Clear 38 horizontal blocks to air, starting at PLM's location $84|B05D- Setup. Unused. Stack suicide routine $84|B08B- Setup. Unused. Stack suicide 1 $84|B0A6- Setup. Unused. Stack suicide 2 $84|B0C1- Setup. Unused. Stack suicide 3 $84|B0DC- Setup. Delete PLM if Samus' right isn't lined up. Else Save Samus' position and make PLM normal solid (or possibly air) $84|B113- Setup. Delete PLM if Samus' left isn't lined up. Else Save Samus' position and make PLM normal solid (or possibly air) $84|B146- Setup. Delete PLM if Samus isn't lined up. Else if Samus' centre lines up with THIS PLM, wake up the PLM located at A, and pause(?) Samus $84|B18B- Setup. Sets itself to solid, if map not collected, sets next and previous blocks' type and BTS (map station setup) $84|B1C8- Setup. Check to see if Samus is in the proper pose to hookup to a station. Else delete self $84|B1F0- Setup. Check to see if Samus is in the proper pose to hookup to a station. Else delete self $84|B21D- Setup. Energy or Missile station setup, not sure. Sets blocks' type/BTS $84|B245- Setup. Energy or Missile station setup, not sure. Sets blocks' type/BTS $84|B26D- Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the energy station and doesn't have full energy $84|B29D- Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the energy station and doesn't have full energy $84|B2D0- Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the missile station and doesn't have full energy $84|B300- Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the missile station and doesn't have full energy $84|B333- Setup. Delete self $84|B33A- Setup. Extend left block $84|B345- Setup. Extend right block $84|B350- Setup. Extend above block $84|B35B- Setup. Extend below block $84|B366- Setup. Skip first four bytes of instructions $84|B371- Setup. (Scroll PLM setup). Sets block type 3, BTS 46h (scroll touch block), clears $1E17,X and skips first four bytes of instructions $84|B382- Setup. (Unused scroll PLM setup). Sets block type B, BTS 46h (scroll touch block), clears $1E17,X and skips first four bytes of instructions $84|B393- Setup. Find the (scroll) PLM on this spot, if it's triggerable, trigger it $84|B3C1- Setup. Change block type to solid (or possibly air) $84|B3D0- Setup. Clear carry $84|B3D2- Setup. Set carry $84|B3D4- Setup. Change block type to air $84|B3E3- Setup. Unused. Spawn ER projectile $A977. Curious what this is. Oh well $84|B3EB- Setup. Set momentum subtraction multiplier to 10 if Samus is lined up vertically $84|B408- Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Seems to be some sort of vertical treadmill $84|B497- Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Vertical treadmill. What's 0AF4 do? $84|B4A8- Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Vertical treadmill, slightly faster $84|B4B6- Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Vertical treadmill. Significantly faster $84|B4C4- Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Quicksand stuff, I guess $84|B541- Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Maridian quicksand? $84|B54F- Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Maridian quicksand? $84|B551- Setup. Turn this and the 9 tiles below it to air $84|B56F- Setup. Turn this and the 9 tiles below it to solid $84|B590- Setup. Save station trigger, I think… Checks if Samus is standing still in the right spot, wakes up a PLM at the same location $84|B5EE- Setup. (Save station). Sets block type B, BTS 4Dh $84|B5F8- Setup. Create door after Mother Brain kill $84|B62F- PLM. Don't make PLM $84|B633- PLM. Clear carry $84|B637- PLM. Unused. Set carry $84|B63B- PLM. Continue from left $84|B63F- PLM. Continue from right $84|B643- PLM. Continue from above $84|B647- PLM. Continue from below $84|B64B- PLM. Wrecked ship entrance treadmill from west $84|B64F- PLM. Wrecked ship entrance treadmill from east $84|B653- PLM. Nothing $84|B657- PLM. Nothing $84|B65B- PLM. Nothing $84|B65F- PLM. Unused $84|B663- PLM. Unused $84|B667- PLM. Unused $84|B66B- PLM. Unused $84|B66F- PLM. Unused $84|B673- PLM. Mother Brain fight wall-gap-fill blocks $84|B677- PLM. Used in $ECBF's enemy touch (Shitroid?) $84|B67B- PLM $84|B67F- PLM $84|B683- PLM $84|B687- PLM $84|B68B- PLM $84|B68F- PLM $84|B693- PLM $84|B697- PLM $84|B69B- PLM $84|B69F- PLM $84|B6A3- PLM $84|B6A7- PLM $84|B6AB- PLM. Unused $84|B6AF- PLM. Unused $84|B6B3- PLM $84|B6B7- PLM $84|B6BB- PLM $84|B6BF- PLM $84|B6C3- PLM $84|B6C7- PLM $84|B6CB- PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Brinstar 80h $84|B6CF- PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Brinstar 81h $84|B6D3- PLM. Map station $84|B6D7- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 47h. Map station right access $84|B6DB- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 48h. Map station left access $84|B6DF- PLM. Energy station $84|B6E3- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 49h. Energy station right access $84|B6E7- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Ah. Energy station left access $84|B6EB- PLM. Missile station $84|B6EF- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Bh. Missile station right access $84|B6F3- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Ch. Missile station left access $84|B6F7- PLM. Unused $84|B6FB- PLM. Unused $84|B6FF- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 46h / inside reaction, treadmill, BTS 46h. Scroll block touch PLM $84|B703- PLM. Common scroll PLM $84|B707- PLM. Unused $84|B70B- PLM. Elevator platform $84|B70F- PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Crateria/Debug 80h $84|B713- PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 80h/81h/82h $84|B717- PLM. Unused $84|B71B- PLM. Unused $84|B71F- PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 83h $84|B723- PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 84h $84|B727- PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 85h $84|B72B- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Maridia 80h/81h/82h $84|B72F- PLM. Unused $84|B733- PLM. Unused $84|B737- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 83h $84|B73B- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 84h $84|B73F- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 85h $84|B743- PLM. Unused $84|B747- PLM $84|B74B- PLM $84|B74F- PLM $84|B753- PLM $84|B757- PLM $84|B75B- PLM. Unused $84|B75F- PLM. Unused $84|B763- PLM $84|B767- PLM $84|B76B- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Dh. Save station detect block $84|B76F- PLM. Save station $84|B773- PLM $84|B777- PLM $84|B77B- Instructions. PLM B781 $84|B781- PLM $84|B785- Instructions. PLM B78B $84|B78B- PLM $84|B78F- PLM $84|B793- PLM $84|B797- PLM $84|B79B- PLM $84|B79F- PLM. Unused $84|B7A3- PLM $84|B7A7- PLM $84|B7AB- PLM $84|B7AF- PLM $84|B7B3- PLM $84|B7B7- PLM $84|B7BB- PLM $84|B7BF- PLM $84|B7C3- Setup. Enable sounds in 20 frames, or F0 frames if on Ceres $84|B7DD- Pre-instruction. Pre-instruction code for something $84|B7E9- Instructions. PLM B7EB $84|B7EB- PLM. Enable sounds in 20 frames, or F0 frames if on Ceres $84|B7EF- Pre-instruction. Speedbooster check, if speedbooster is collected, set liquid raising speed and wake up PLM. Otherwise delete PLM $84|B82A- Pre-instruction. Position check, if Samus is far enough left start FX1 motion and wake up PLM $84|B846- Pre-instruction. If Samus is left of Arg1 and the liquid is above Arg2, set speed to Arg3 and move to next entry. Set event when done (Arg1 = negative) $84|B88A- Instructions. PLM B8AC $84|B89C- Setup. If event set, delete PLM $84|B8AC- PLM. Post speed booster rising lava $84|B8B0- Pre-instruction. If Samus is right of a point, set Shaktool event and delete self. Also maybe set scrolling $84|B8D6- Instructions. PLM B8EB $84|B8DC- Setup. Set up scrolls in Shaktool room $84|B8EB- PLM. Shaktool event $84|B8EF- Setup. RTS $84|B8F0- Instructions. PLM B8F9 $84|B8F9- PLM. Spawned by Maridian elevatube $84|B8FD- If Samus is below and right of a point, wake up PLM (also sorta CLC) $84|B919- Instructions. PLM B9C1 $84|B927- Pre-instruction. Spawn object if Samus below and right of spot $84|B940- Instructions. PLM B968 $84|B948- Pre-instruction. Set liquid stuff if Samus below and right of spot $84|B964- PLM. Old Tourian escape shaft, auto-destroy wall during escape $84|B968- PLM. Escape room before old escape shaft $84|B96C- Setup. $26=0000, $28=$FFFF $84|B974- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 10h $84|B978- Setup. Set up clipdata of Critters escape blocks $84|B9A2- Instructions. PLM B9C1 $84|B9B9- Instruction. Set event F (saved Etecoons and Dachara) $84|B9C1- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Fh. Critters escape block reaction $84|B9C5- Setup. Set up shotblocks in Bomb Torizo room during escape $84|B9ED- PLM. Shotblocks in Bomb Torizo room during escape $84|B9F1- Setup. Make this and the three blocks below it solid $84|BA48- PLM. Turn door to solid blocks $84|BA4C- Instructions. Door BAF4 $84|BA6F- Instruction. If Samus does not have bombs, go to argument $84|BA7F- Instructions. Door BAF4 $84|BAD1- Setup. Unused. ??? $84|BAF4- Door. Bomb Torizo grey door $84|BAFA- Unused. PLM BB05 setup and pre-instruction used in instruction BAFF. Does nothing $84|BAFF- Instructions. PLM BB05 $84|BB05- PLM. Does nothing $84|BB19- Instructions. PLM BB30 $84|BB25- Instruction. Move PLM right 4 blocks $84|BB30- PLM. Crateria Mainstreet escape PLM (clears a few blocks after saving animals) $84|BB34- Instructions. Door C8CA $84|BB3A- Instructions. Unused $84|BB44- Instructions. Door C8CA, PLM C8D0 $84|BB52- Pre-instruction. Wakeup trigger when shot $84|BB6B- Pre-instruction. If Samus is below PLM or if shot, wake up $84|BBA4- Pre-instruction. If Samus above PLM or if shot, wakeup $84|BBDD- Instruction. Clear check $84|BBE1- Instruction. Spawn argument as a room object $84|BBF0- Instruction. Find the room object that has this PLM's position stored, and wake it up. Crashes if fails $84|BC13- Instructions. PLM C826 $84|BC3A- Instructions. PLM C82A $84|BC61- Instructions. PLM C82E $84|BC88- Instructions. PLM C832 $84|BCAF- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCB5- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCBB- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCC1- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCC7- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCCD- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCD3- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCD9- Instructions. PLM C836 $84|BCDF- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BCE5- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BCEB- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BCF1- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BCF7- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BCFD- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BD03- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BD09- Instructions. PLM C83A $84|BD0F- Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot(?) $84|BD26- Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot with powerbomb $84|BD50- Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot with (super) missile $84|BD88- Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot with super missile $84|BDB2- Go to stored pointer and clear check $84|BDC4- Play sound when shot $84|BDD4- Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when boss 1 is dead (main area boss) $84|BDE3- Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when boss 2 is dead (secondary area boss) $84|BDF2- Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when boss 3 is dead (Torizo/Mother Brain) $84|BE01- Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when enemy kill quota is met $84|BE1C- Pre-instruction. Grey door. Don't open $84|BE1F- Pre-instruction. Grey door. Delay in Tourian Gate room (closed while 1E6D is positive) $84|BE30- Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when critters freed $84|BE3F- Instruction. Use 1E17 to decide what triggers opening the door $84|BE59- Instructions. Door C842 $84|BE70- Instructions. Door C842 $84|BEC2- Instructions. Door C848 $84|BED9- Instructions. Door C848 $84|BF2B- Instructions. Door C84E $84|BF42- Instructions. Door C84E $84|BF94- Instructions. Door C854 $84|BFAB- Instructions. Door C854 $84|BFFD- Instructions. Door C85A $84|C014- Instructions. Door C85A $84|C060- Instructions. Door C860 $84|C077- Instructions. Door C860 $84|C0C3- Instructions. Door C866 $84|C0DA- Instructions. Door C866 $84|C122- Instructions. Door C86C $84|C139- Instructions. Door C86C $84|C185- Instructions. Door C872 $84|C19C- Instructions. Door C872 $84|C1E4- Instructions. Door C878 $84|C1FB- Instructions. Door C878 $84|C243- Instructions. Door C87E $84|C25A- Instructions. Door C87E $84|C2A2- Instructions. Door C884 $84|C2B9- Instructions. Door C884 $84|C301- Instructions. Door C88A $84|C318- Instructions. Door C88A $84|C363- Instructions. Door C890 $84|C37A- Instructions. Door C890 $84|C3C5- Instructions. Door C896 $84|C3DC- Instructions. Door C896 $84|C427- Instructions. Door C89C $84|C43E- Instructions. Door C89C $84|C489- Instructions. Door C8A2 $84|C49E- Instructions. Door C8A2 $84|C4BA- Instructions. Door C8A8 $84|C4CF- Instructions. Door C8A8 $84|C4EB- Instructions. Door C8AE $84|C500- Instructions. Door C8AE $84|C51C- Instructions. Door C8B4 $84|C531- Instructions. Door C8B4 $84|C54D- Setup. If projectile not a super, delete self, else go to C63F $84|C56C- Setup. If projectile not a super, delete self, else go to C647 $84|C58B- Setup. If projectile not a missile or super, delete self, else go to C63F $84|C5AF- Setup. If projectile not a missile or super, delete self, else go to C647 $84|C5D3- Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C63F $84|C5F1- Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C647 $84|C610- Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C63F. Same as C5D3, but without sound $84|C627- Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C647. Same as C5D3, but without sound $84|C63F- Setup. Position + 2 for C64C $84|C647- Setup. Position - 2 for C64C $84|C64C- Find PLM at spot in A and wake it up $84|C66A- Setup. Set 5 blocks BTS to 10, going down $84|C694- Setup. Set 5 blocks BTS to 10, going up $84|C6BE- Setup. Spawn ER projectile E659, go to $C66A $84|C6CB- Setup. Spawn ER projectile E675, go to $C694 $84|C6D8- Setup. Call $C66A $84|C6DC- Setup. Call $C694 $84|C6E0- Setup. Get initial instruction for this PLM, and block type / BTS for gate shotblock $84|C73A- Setup. Get initial instruction for this PLM, and block type / BTS for upside-down gate shotblock $84|C794- Setup. Grey door setup $84|C7B1- Setup. Door setup $84|C7BB- Setup. Blue door setup: If projectile was not a powerbomb, change to solid $84|C7E2- Setup. Find the PLM on the same spot and tell it what hit it $84|C806- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Ah. Left green gate trigger $84|C80A- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Bh. Right green gate trigger $84|C80E- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 48h. Left red gate trigger $84|C812- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 49h. Right red gate trigger $84|C816- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 46h. Left blue gate trigger $84|C81A- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 47h. Right blue gate trigger $84|C81E- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Ch. Left orange gate trigger $84|C822- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Dh. Right orange gate trigger $84|C826- PLM. Normal open gate $84|C82A- PLM. Normal closed gate $84|C82E- PLM. Upwards open gate $84|C832- PLM. Upwards closed gate $84|C836- PLM. Gate shotblock $84|C83A- PLM. Upside-down gate shotblock $84|C83E- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 44h / Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 44h. Generic shot trigger for a PLM $84|C842- Door. Grey facing left $84|C848- Door. Grey facing right $84|C84E- Door. Grey facing up $84|C854- Door. Grey facing down $84|C85A- Door. Yellow facing left $84|C860- Door. Yellow facing right $84|C866- Door. Yellow facing up $84|C86C- Door. Yellow facing down $84|C872- Door. Green facing left $84|C878- Door. Green facing right $84|C87E- Door. Green facing up $84|C884- Door. Green facing down $84|C88A- Door. Red facing left $84|C890- Door. Red facing right $84|C896- Door. Red facing up $84|C89C- Door. Red facing down $84|C8A2- Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 40h. Blue facing left $84|C8A8- Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 41h. Blue facing right $84|C8AE- Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 42h. Blue facing up $84|C8B4- Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 43h. Blue facing down $84|C8BA- PLM. Blue door closing facing left $84|C8BE- PLM. Blue door closing facing right $84|C8C2- PLM. Blue door closing facing up $84|C8C6- PLM. Blue door closing facing down $84|C8CA- Door. Gate that closes during escape in room after Mother Brain kill $84|C8D0- PLM. PLM version of the above $84|C8D4- Instructions. PLM CFEC $84|C8DA- Instructions. PLM CFF0 $84|C8E0- Instructions. PLM CFF4 $84|C8E6- Instructions. PLM CFF8 $84|C8EC- Instructions. PLM CFFC $84|C8F2- Instructions. PLM D000 $84|C8F8- Instructions. PLM D004 $84|C8FE- Instructions. PLM D008 $84|C904- Instructions. PLM D00C $84|C90A- Instructions. PLM D010 $84|C910- Instructions. PLM D014 $84|C916- Instructions. PLM D018 $84|C91C- Instructions. PLM D01C $84|C922- Instructions. PLM D020 $84|C928- Instructions. PLM D024 $84|C92E- Instructions. PLM D028 $84|C951- Instructions. PLM D030 $84|C974- Instructions. PLM D038 $84|C997- Instructions. PLM D03C $84|C9BA- Instructions. PLM D02C $84|C9CF- Instructions. PLM D034 $84|C9E4- Instructions. PLM D040 $84|C9F9- Instructions. PLM D044 $84|CA1C- Instructions. PLM D048 $84|CA41- Instructions. PLM D04C $84|CA66- Instructions. PLM D050 $84|CA8B- Instructions. PLM D054 $84|CAA0- Instructions. PLM D058 $84|CAB5- Instructions. PLM D05C $84|CACA- Instructions. PLM D060 $84|CADF- Instructions. PLM D064 $84|CB02- Instructions. PLM D068 $84|CB27- Instructions. PLM D06C $84|CB4C- Instructions. PLM D070 $84|CB71- Instructions. PLM D08C $84|CB94- Instructions. PLM D084 $84|CBB7- Instructions. PLM D074 $84|CBCC- Instructions. PLM D078 $84|CBE1- Instructions. PLM D07C $84|CBF6- Instructions. PLM D080 $84|CC0B- Instructions. PLM D090 $84|CC20- Instructions. PLM D088 $84|CC35- Instructions. PLM D098 $84|CC3C- Instructions. PLM D0B8 $84|CC5F- Instructions. PLM D09C $84|CC66- Instructions. PLM D0BC $84|CC8B- Instructions. PLM D0A0 $84|CC92- Instructions. PLM D0C0 $84|CCB7- Instructions. PLM D0A4 $84|CCBE- Instructions. PLM D0C4 $84|CCE3- Instructions. PLM D0A8 $84|CCEA- Instructions. PLM D0C8 $84|CCFF- Instructions. PLM D0AC $84|CD06- Instructions. PLM D0CC $84|CD1B- Instructions. PLM D0B0 $84|CD22- Instructions. PLM D0D0 $84|CD37- Instructions. PLM D0B4 $84|CD3E- Instructions. PLM D0D4 $84|CD53- Instructions. PLM D094 $84|CD68- Instructions. PLM D0D8, D0E4, D0E8 $84|CD6A- Instructions. PLM D0DC $84|CD93- Instruction. Set BTS to 01 $84|CDA9- Instructions. PLM D0E0 $84|CDC2- Setup. Turn to air if Samus is screw attacking, else delete self $84|CDEA- Setup. If Samus is speedboosting (or in a shinespark pose) break block, else delete self $84|CE37- Setup. If Samus collided with block from above, break block (though still solid for the moment). Else delete self $84|CE6B- Setup. Set block type to solid, store type and new graphic to 1E17 $84|CE83- Setup. If Samus speedboosting or shinesparking, break block. Else delete self $84|CEDA- Setup. If hit by powerbomb, skip first 3 bytes of instructions. If hit by any bomb, setup 1E17 and break, else delete self $84|CF2E- Setup. If hit by powerbomb, break. If hit by a bomb, reveal block $84|CF67- Setup. If hit by super missile, break. If hit by a bomb, reveal block $84|CFA0- Setup. If hit by anything other than a bomb, delete self $84|CFB5- Setup. Store block type, set BTS to 0. Also sets V and C $84|CFCD- Setup. Set V and C $84|CFD1- Setup. Clear V, set C $84|CFD5- Setup. Deal 1 atmospheric damage to Samus. Set V and C $84|CFEC- PLM. Unused. Draws 1×1 shot block $84|CFF0- PLM. Unused. Draws 1×2 shot block $84|CFF4- PLM. Unused. Draws 2×1 shot block $84|CFF8- PLM. Unused. Draws 2×2 shot block $84|CFFC- PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 00/04. 1×1 respawning crumble block $84|D000- PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 01/05. 2×1 respawning crumble block $84|D004- PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 02/06. 1×2 respawning crumble block $84|D008- PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 03/07. 2×2 respawning crumble block $84|D00C- PLM. Unused $84|D010- PLM. Unused $84|D014- PLM. Unused $84|D018- PLM. Unused $84|D01C- PLM. Unused $84|D020- PLM. Unused $84|D024- PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 0E/0F / Brinstar 82/83/84/85. Speed block $84|D028- PLM. Unused $84|D02C- PLM. Unused $84|D030- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Brinstar 82 $84|D034- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Brinstar 83 $84|D038- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 0E $84|D03C- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Brinstar 84 $84|D040- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 0F / Brinstar 85 $84|D044- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 00. 1×1 respawning crumble block touched $84|D048- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 01. $84|D04C- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 02. $84|D050- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 03. $84|D054- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 04. $84|D058- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 05. $84|D05C- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 06. $84|D060- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 07. $84|D064- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 00. 1×1 respawning shot block $84|D068- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 01. 2×1 respawning shot block $84|D06C- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 02. 1×2 respawning shot block $84|D070- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 03. 2×2 respawning shot block $84|D074- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 04. 1×1 shot block $84|D078- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 05. 2×1 shot block $84|D07C- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 06. 1×2 shot block $84|D080- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 07. 2×2 shot block $84|D084- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 08. Respawning power bomb block $84|D088- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 09. Power bomb block $84|D08C- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 0A. Respawning super missile block $84|D090- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 0B. Super missile block $84|D094- PLM. Enemy collision reaction, spike block, BTS 0F. Enemy breakable block $84|D098- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 00. 1×1 respawning bomb block $84|D09C- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 01. 2×1 respawning bomb block $84|D0A0- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 02. 1×2 respawning bomb block $84|D0A4- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 03. 2×2 respawning bomb block $84|D0A8- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 04. 1×1 bomb block collision $84|D0AC- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 05. 2×1 bomb block collision $84|D0B0- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 06. 1×2 bomb block collision $84|D0B4- PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 07. 2×2 bomb block collision $84|D0B8- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 00. 1×1 respawning bomb block $84|D0BC- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 01. 2×1 respawning bomb block $84|D0C0- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 02. 1×2 respawning bomb block $84|D0C4- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 03. 2×2 respawning bomb block $84|D0C8- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 04. 1×1 bomb block $84|D0CC- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 05. 2×1 bomb block $84|D0D0- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 06. 1×2 bomb block $84|D0D4- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 07. 2×2 bomb block $84|D0D8- PLM. Grapple block grappled $84|D0DC- PLM. Respawning breakable grapple block grappled $84|D0E0- PLM. Breakable grapple block grappled $84|D0E4- PLM. Spike grappled $84|D0E8- PLM. Draygon's broken turret grappled $84|D0EC- Instructions. PLM D0E8 $84|D0F2- PLM. Unused. Blue Brinstar face-block $84|D0F6- Instructions. PLM D113 $84|D113- PLM. Shotblock crumbling $84|D117- Setup. Store normal shot block to block? $84|D121- Instructions. PLM D127 $84|D127- PLM. Unused. Shot block $84|D12B- Setup. Store normal grapple block to block? $84|D135- Instructions. PLM D13B $84|D13B- PLM. Unused. Grapple block $84|D13F- Instructions. PLM D6D6 $84|D155- Instruction. Set's liquid height to bottom of third screen $84|D18E- RTS $84|D18F- Setup. LN Chozo hand block $84|D202- Instructions. PLM D6DE, D6E2, D6E6 $84|D2F9- Instruction. If argument 1 matches room argument, go to argument 2 $84|D30B- Instruction. I'm assuming this spawns glass shrapnel when MB's glass is shattering $84|D357- Instruction. Spawn object A993 with argument argument $84|D368- Instructions. PLM D6EA $84|D3C7- Instruction. Set music track to 6 $84|D3CF- Instructions. PLM D6F8 $84|D3D7- Instruction. Set top of Wrecked Ship Chozo slope to slopes $84|D3EC- Instructions. PLM D6FC $84|D3F4- Instruction. Set top of Wrecked Ship Chozo slope to spikes $84|D426- Instructions. PLM D700 $84|D44E- Instructions. PLM D704 $84|D476- Instruction. Set liquid target, speed, and delay $84|D489- Instruction. Set liquid level to bottom of third screen. Clone of D155 $84|D490- Instructions. PLM D708 $84|D4BE- RTS $84|D4D4- Instructions. PLM D70C $84|D525- Instruction. Set liquid to affect Samus after all $84|D52C- Instruction. Create object, hardcoded $84|D536- Instruction. Make room shake for 40 frames $84|D543- Instruction. Create… a LOT of room objects $84|D5E6- Instruction. Disable Samus' controls $84|D5EE- Instruction. Enable Samus' controls $84|D5F6- Setup. Clear room argument, set block type $84|D606- Setup. Delete self if boss 3 dead $84|D616- Setup. Set block type $84|D620- Setup. If boss 1 is dead, hit from above, and Samus is in a morph ball pose, disable Samus' controls, enable enemy, and some more stuff. $84|D67F- Setup. Sets block type $84|D689- Setup. Sets block type $84|D693- Setup. Sets block type for 4 blocks. $84|D6CC- Setup. Sets block type. A clone. $84|D6D6- PLM. Lower Norfair Chozo hand $84|D6DA- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Norfair 83h. Lower Norfair Chozo hand check $84|D6DE- PLM. Mother Brain's glass $84|D6E2- PLM. Unused. Mother Brain's glass, Mother Brain dead $84|D6E6- PLM. Unused. Mother Brain's glass, no glass state $84|D6EA- PLM. Bomb Torizo's crumbling Chozo $84|D6EE- PLM. Wrecked Ship Chozo hand $84|D6F2- PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Wrecked Ship 80. Wrecked Ship Chozo hand check $84|D6F6- RTS $84|D6F7- RTS $84|D6F8- PLM. Clear slope access for Wrecked Ship Chozo $84|D6FC- PLM. Block slope access for Wrecked Ship Chozo $84|D700- PLM. Unused. If room argument boss alive: draw Wrecked Ship 3×3 block, set room argument boss when bombed $84|D704- PLM. Unused. Power bomb version of Lower Norfair Chozo hand $84|D708- PLM. Unused. If room argument boss alive: draw Lower Norfair 2×2 block, set room argument boss when shot $84|D70C- PLM. n00b tube $84|D710- Pre-instruction. If Samus is within 4 blocks of this PLM, go to stored pointer and activate $84|D753- Pre-instruction. If room argument's door has been opened, wake up PLM $84|D77A- Instruction. Create an object with the argument argument. Also play a sound $84|D790- Instruction. Create an object with the argument argument $84|D79F- Instruction. Create a few objects $84|D7B6- Instruction. Create an object $84|D7C3- Instruction. Move PLM up a block, setup that block and the 3 below it $84|D7DA- Instruction. Move PLM up a block, setup that block and the 3 below it $84|D81E- Instructions. PLM DB56, door DB5A $84|D91F- Instructions. PLM DB60 $84|D955- Instructions. PLM DB48, door DB4C $84|DA56- Instructions. PLM DB52 $84|DA8C- Setup. If room argument's door bit isn't set, setup two blocks. $84|DAB9- Setup. If room argument's door bit isn't set, setup block. $84|DAD5- RTS $84|DAD6- RTS $84|DAD7- RTS $84|DAD8- RTS $84|DAD9- RTS $84|DADA- RTS $84|DADB- RTS $84|DADC- RTS $84|DADD- RTS $84|DADE- Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 1 if enemy death target reached $84|DAEE- Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 2 if enemy death target reached $84|DAFE- Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 3 if enemy death target reached $84|DB0E- Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 4 if enemy death target reached $84|DB1E- Setup. Get pointer to check code using room argument as index $84|DB42- Instructions. PLM DB44 $84|DB44- PLM. Sets Metroids cleared states when required $84|DB48- PLM. Eye door eye, facing right $84|DB4C- Door. Eye door, facing right $84|DB52- PLM. Eye door bottom, facing right $84|DB56- PLM. Eye door eye, facing left $84|DB5A- Door. Eye door, facing left $84|DB60- PLM. Eye door bottom, facing left $84|DB64- Pre-instruction. If hit by missile or super, go to stored pointer. Supers are an automatic 119 to counter $84|DB8E- Instruction. Sets two blocks and (1E17) $84|DBB8- Instruction. Sets 4 blocks and (1E17) $84|DBF7- Instruction. Sets 4 blocks and (1E17) $84|DC36- Instruction. Sets 2 blocks and (1E17). Exact clone of DB8E $84|DC60- Instruction. Sets 4 blocks and (1E17). Left wall $84|DC9F- Instruction. Set 4 blocks and (1E17). Left wall $84|DCDE- Instructions. PLM DF59, DF65 $84|DD27- Instructions. PLM DF5D, DF69 $84|DD70- Instructions. PLM DF61, DF6D $84|DDB9- Instructions. PLM DF71, DF7D $84|DE02- Instructions. PLM DF75, DF81 $84|DE4B- Instructions. PLM DF79, DF85 $84|DE94- Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 2 blocks $84|DEB9- Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 4 blocks. $84|DEF0- Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 2 blocks. Exact clone of DE94 $84|DF15- Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 4 blocks. $84|DF4C- Setup. Copy room argument, set it to 3. $84|DF59- PLM. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing right $84|DF5D- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-right $84|DF61- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing up-right $84|DF65- PLM. Draygon cannon, facing right $84|DF69- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing down-right $84|DF6D- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing up-right $84|DF71- PLM. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing left $84|DF75- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-left $84|DF79- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing up-left $84|DF7D- PLM. Dragon cannon, facing left $84|DF81- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing down-left $84|DF85- PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing up-left $84|DF89- Pre-instruction. If touched? then go to stored pointer $84|DFA9- Instructions. Draw single air block $84|DFAF- Instructions. Item orb $84|DFC7- Instructions. Item orb burst $84|DFD7- Instructions. Unused. Draw single air block for 176 frames (incomplete reconcealing orb) $84|DFE6- Pre-instruction. If touched by Samus? wake up PLM. Also pointless PB check? $84|E007- Instructions. Item shot block $84|E020- Instructions. Item shot block reconcealing $84|E032- Instructions. Draw single air block for 176 frames, then reconceal item shot block $84|E04F- Instruction. Draw custom-graphic PLM from a table depending on variable RAM. 4 delay $84|E067- Instruction. Draw custom-graphic PLM from a table depending on variable RAM. 4 delay $84|E099- Instructions. PLM EED7 $84|E0BE- Instructions. PLM EEDB $84|E0E3- Instructions. PLM EEDF $84|E108- Instructions. PLM EEE3 $84|E12D- Instructions. PLM EEE7 $84|E15B- Instructions. PLM EEEB $84|E189- Instructions. PLM EEEF $84|E1B7- Instructions. PLM EEF3 $84|E1E5- Instructions. PLM EEF7 $84|E213- Instructions. PLM EEFB $84|E241- Instructions. PLM EEFF $84|E26F- Instructions. PLM EF03 $84|E29D- Instruction. Clear charge beam $84|E2A1- Instructions. PLM EF07 $84|E2D6- Instructions. PLM EF0B $84|E30B- Instructions. PLM EF0F $84|E338- Instructions. PLM EF13 $84|E366- Instructions. PLM EF17 $84|E393- Instructions. PLM EF1B $84|E3C1- Instructions. PLM EF1F $84|E3EF- Instructions. PLM EF23 $84|E41D- Instructions. PLM EF27 $84|E44A- Instructions. PLM EF2B $84|E47C- Instructions. PLM EF2F $84|E4AE- Instructions. PLM EF33 $84|E4E0- Instructions. PLM EF37 $84|E512- Instructions. PLM EF3B $84|E54D- Instructions. PLM EF3F $84|E588- Instructions. PLM EF43 $84|E5C3- Instructions. PLM EF47 $84|E5FE- Instructions. PLM EF4B $84|E63B- Instruction. Set liquid speed to -20 $84|E642- Instructions. PLM EF4F $84|E67D- Instructions. PLM EF53 $84|E6B8- Instructions. PLM EF57 $84|E6F3- Instructions. PLM EF5B $84|E735- Instructions. PLM EF5F $84|E777- Instructions. PLM EF63 $84|E7B1- Instructions. PLM EF67 $84|E7EC- Instructions. PLM EF6B $84|E826- Instructions. PLM EF6F $84|E861- Instructions. PLM EF73 $84|E89C- Instructions. PLM EF77 $84|E8D7- Instructions. PLM EF7B $84|E911- Instructions. PLM EF7F $84|E949- Instructions. PLM EF83 $84|E981- Instructions. PLM EF87 $84|E9B9- Instructions. PLM EF8B $84|E9F1- Instructions. PLM EF8F $84|EA32- Instructions. PLM EF93 $84|EA73- Instructions. PLM EF97 $84|EAB4- Instructions. PLM EF9B $84|EAF5- Instructions. PLM EF9F $84|EB36- Instructions. PLM EFA3 $84|EB77- Instructions. PLM EFA7 $84|EBB8- Instructions. PLM EFAB $84|EBF9- Instructions. PLM EFAF $84|EC41- Instructions. PLM EFB3 $84|EC89- Instructions. PLM EFB7 $84|ECC9- Instructions. PLM EFBB $84|ED0A- Instructions. PLM EFBF $84|ED4A- Instructions. PLM EFC3 $84|ED8B- Instructions. PLM EFC7 $84|EDCC- Instructions. PLM EFCB $84|EE0D- Instructions. PLM EFCF $84|EE4D- Setup. Energy tank $84|EE52- Setup. Missile tank $84|EE57- Setup. Super missile tank $84|EE5C- Setup. Power bomb tank $84|EE64- Setup. Ability $84|EE77- Setup. Energy tank shot block $84|EE7C- Setup. Missile tank shot block $84|EE81- Setup. Super missile tank shot block $84|EE86- Setup. Power bomb tank shot block $84|EE8E- Setup. Ability shot block $84|EEAB- Setup. Find the PLM on this spot and alert it that Samus touched it? $84|EED3- PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 45h / Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 45h. Item collision detection $84|EED7- PLM. Energy tank $84|EEDB- PLM. Missile tank $84|EEDF- PLM. Super missile tank $84|EEE3- PLM. Power bomb tank $84|EEE7- PLM. Bombs $84|EEEB- PLM. Charge beam $84|EEEF- PLM. Ice beam $84|EEF3- PLM. Hi-jump $84|EEF7- PLM. Speed booster $84|EEFB- PLM. Wave beam $84|EEFF- PLM. Spazer beam $84|EF03- PLM. Spring ball $84|EF07- PLM. Varia suit $84|EF0B- PLM. Gravity suit $84|EF0F- PLM. X-ray scope $84|EF13- PLM. Plasma beam $84|EF17- PLM. Grapple beam $84|EF1B- PLM. Space jump $84|EF1F- PLM. Screw attack $84|EF23- PLM. Morph ball $84|EF27- PLM. Reserve tank $84|EF2B- PLM. Energy tank, Chozo orb $84|EF2F- PLM. Missile tank, Chozo orb $84|EF33- PLM. Super missile tank, Chozo orb $84|EF37- PLM. Power bomb tank, Chozo orb $84|EF3B- PLM. Bombs, Chozo orb $84|EF3F- PLM. Charge beam, Chozo orb $84|EF43- PLM. Ice beam, Chozo orb $84|EF47- PLM. Hi-jump, Chozo orb $84|EF4B- PLM. Speed booster, Chozo orb $84|EF4F- PLM. Wave beam, Chozo orb $84|EF53- PLM. Spazer beam, Chozo orb $84|EF57- PLM. Spring ball, Chozo orb $84|EF5B- PLM. Varia suit, Chozo orb $84|EF5F- PLM. Gravity suit, Chozo orb $84|EF63- PLM. X-ray scope, Chozo orb $84|EF67- PLM. Plasma beam, Chozo orb $84|EF6B- PLM. Grapple beam, Chozo orb $84|EF6F- PLM. Space jump, Chozo orb $84|EF73- PLM. Screw attack, Chozo orb $84|EF77- PLM. Morph ball, Chozo orb $84|EF7B- PLM. Reserve tank, Chozo orb $84|EF7F- PLM. Energy tank, shot block $84|EF83- PLM. Missile tank, shot block $84|EF87- PLM. Super missile tank, shot block $84|EF8B- PLM. Power bomb tank, shot block $84|EF8F- PLM. Bombs, shot block $84|EF93- PLM. Charge beam, shot block $84|EF97- PLM. Ice beam, shot block $84|EF9B- PLM. Hi-jump, shot block $84|EF9F- PLM. Speed booster, shot block $84|EFA3- PLM. Wave beam, shot block $84|EFA7- PLM. Spazer beam, shot block $84|EFAB- PLM. Spring ball, shot block $84|EFAF- PLM. Varia suit, shot block $84|EFB3- PLM. Gravity suit, shot block $84|EFB7- PLM. X-ray scope, shot block $84|EFBB- PLM. Plasma beam, shot block $84|EFBF- PLM. Grapple beam, shot block $84|EFC3- PLM. Space jump, shot block $84|EFC7- PLM. Screw attack, shot block $84|EFCB- PLM. Morph ball, shot block $84|EFCF- PLM. Reserve tank, shot block $84|EFD3-FFFF Free Space

super/data_maps/rom_map/bank84.1468785746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/17 21:03 (external edit)