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Data - 060000-067FFF - Title sequence sprite maps

$8C8000-80BA Beta Metroid logo
$8C80BB-8102 'Nintendo' logo
$8C8103-8136 '(C) 1994 Nintendo'
$8C8137-81CE '1993 R&D1 PRODUCE'
$8C82AD-82FE 'METROID 3'
$8C82FF-833C -Nintendo Presents-
$8C833D-83FC SUPER METROID Title screen
$8C843F-84BD Part of the NINTENDO logo
$8C84BE-8523 Part of the SUPER METROID logo
$8C8524-8575 Part of the NINTENDO logo
$8C8576-85C7 Part of 'METROID 3' string, METR
$8C85C8-85F1 Part of 'METROID 3' string, METRO
$8C85F2-8625 '(C) 1994 Nintendo, Ver. 2.00'
$8C8626-867C Part of 'METROID 3' string, METROI
$8C867D-86BA Part of 'METROID 3' string, METROID
$8C86BB-8702 Part of 'METROID 3' string, METROID_
$8C8703-874A Part of 'METROID 3' string, METROID 3
$8C874B-879C SUPER METROID title logo
$8C879D-8861 '1'
$8C8862-886D '19'
$8C886E-8883 '199'
$8C8884-88A3 '1994'
$8C88A4-88CD 'N'
$8C88CE-88D9 'NI'
$8C88DA-88DF 'NIN'
$8C88F0-890F 'NINT'
$8C8910-8939 'NINTE'
$8C893A-896D 'NINTEN'
$8C896E-89AB 'NINTEND'
$8C89F4-8A45 'P'
$8C8A46-8A51 'PR'
$8C8A52-8A67 'PRE'
$8C8A68-8A87 'PRES'
$8C8A88-8AB1 'PRESE'
$8C8AE6-8B23 'PRESENT'
$8C8B6C-8BBD 'M'
$8C8BBE-8BC9 'ME'
$8C8BE0-8BFF Intro Mother Brain (frame 1)
$8C8C00-8C2E Intro Mother Brain (frame 2)
$8C8C2F-8C5D Intro Mother Brain (frame 3)
$8C8C5E-8C8C Intro Rinka (frame 1)
$8C8C8D-8CA2 Intro Rinka (frame 2)
$8C8CA3-8CB8 Intro Rinka (frame 3)
$8C8CB9-8CCE Downward arrow from intro (frame 1)
$8C8CCF-8CDA Downward arrow from intro (frame 2)
$8C8CDB-8CE6 Downward arrow from intro (frame 3)
$8C8CE7-8CF2 Metroid with scientist from intro (frame 1)
$8C8CF3-8D12 Metroid with scientist from intro (frame 2)
$8C8D13-8D32 Metroid with scientist from intro (frame 3)
$8C8D33-8D59 Metroid in tube from intro (frame 1)
$8C8D5A-8D60 Metroid in tube from intro (frame 2)
$8C8D61-8D67 Metroid in tube from intro (frame 3)
$8C8D68-8D6E The blinking typewriter block
$8C8D6F-8D8E Metroid egg hatching (frame 1)
$8C8D8F-8DBD Metroid egg hatching (frame 2)
$8C8DBE-8DEC Metroid egg hatching (frame 3)
$8C8DED-8E1B Metroid egg hatching (frame 4)
$8C8E1C-8E4A Metroid egg hatching (frame 5)
$8C8E4B-8E79 Metroid egg hatching (frame 6)
$8C8E7A-8EA8 Metroid egg hatching (frame 7)
$8C8EA9-8ED7 Metroid egg hatching (frame 8)
$8C8ED8-8F06 Metroid egg hatching (frame 9)
$8C8F07-8F17 Metroid egg hatched (frame 1)
$8C8F18-8F28 Metroid egg hatched (frame 2)
$8C8F29-8F39 Metroid egg hatched (frame 3)
$8C8F3A-8F4A Metroid egg hatched (frame 4)
$8C8F4B-8F5B Metroid egg hatched (frame 5)
$8C8F5C-8F6C Metroid egg hatched (frame 6)
$8C8F6D-8F7D Metroid egg hatched (frame 7)
$8C8F7E-8F84 Metroid egg's particle 1
$8C8F85-8F8B Metroid egg's particle 2
$8C8F8C-8F92 Metroid egg's particle 3
$8C8F93-8F99 Metroid egg's particle 4
$8C8F9A-8FA0 Metroid egg's particle 5
$8C8FA1-8FA7 Metroid egg's particle 6
$8C8FA8-8FAE Metroid egg's slimy blot (frame 1)
$8C8FAF-8FB5 Metroid egg's slimy blot (frame 2)
$8C8FB6-8FBC Metroid egg's slimy blot (frame 3)
$8C8FBD-8FC3 Metroid egg's slimy blot (frame 4)
$8C8FC4-8FCA Metroid egg's slimy blot (frame 5)
$8C8FCB-8FD1 Metroid hatchling (frame 1)
$8C8FD2-8FD8 Metroid hatchling (frame 2)
$8C8FD9-8FDF Metroid hatchling (frame 3)
$8C8FE0-8FE6 Some kind of a 8×8 ball
$8C8FE7-909C That purple galaxy thing
$8C909D-90FD Asteroid belt 1
$8C90FE-914F Asteroid belt 2
$8C9150-921E Ceres Space Station
$8C921F-9257 'SPACE COLONY' text
$8C9258-92A9 Whatever 'Space colony' is in Japanese
$8C92AA-92B0 'S'
$8C92B1-92BC 'SP'
$8C92BD-92CD 'SPA'
$8C92CE-92E3 'SPAC'
$8C92E4-92FE 'SPACE'
$8C92FF-931E 'SPACE C'
$8C931F-9343 'SPACE CO'
$8C9344-936D 'SPACE COL'
$8C936E-939C 'SPACE COLO'
$8C939D-93D0 'SPACE COLON'
$8C93D1-9477 Star/galaxy group 1
$8C9478-94F6 Star/galaxy group 2
$8C94F7-9557 Asteroid belt 3
$8C9558-9653 Planet Zebes
$8C9654-968C 'Planet Zebes' text
$8C968D-96CA Whatever 'Planet Zebes' is in Japanese
$8C96CB-975D Star group background
$8C975E-979B Star group background
$8C979C-97BB Star group background
$8C97BC-97D1 Star group background
$8C97D2-97F6 Star group background
$8C9805-981A Mother Brain's explosion from the intro (frame 1)
$8C981B-9830 Mother Brain's explosion from the intro (frame 2)
$8C9831-9846 Mother Brain's explosion from the intro (frame 3)
$8C9847-985C Mother Brain's explosion from the intro (frame 4)
$8C9864-9879 Mother Brain's large explosion from the intro (frame 1)
$8C987A-988F Mother Brain's large explosion from the intro (frame 2)
$8C9890-98A5 Mother Brain's large explosion from the intro (frame 3)
$8C98A6-98BB Mother Brain's large explosion from the intro (frame 4)
$8C98BC-98D1 Mother Brain's large explosion from the intro (frame 5)
$8C99D6-9A81 Large Samus from ending (standing 1)
$8C9A82-9AF1 Large Samus from ending (standing 2)
$8C9AF2-9B57 Large Samus from ending (jumping)
$8C9B58-9B72 Large Samus helmet from ending (frame 1)
$8C9B73-9B8D Large Samus helmet from ending (frame 2)
$8C9B8E-9B9E Jumping Samus' head from ending
$8C9B9F-9BB9 Samus' hand from ending (frame 1)
$8C9BBA-9BD9 Samus' hand from ending (frame 2)
$8C9BDA-9BF4 Samus' hand from ending (frame 3)
$8C9BF5-9C0F Samus' hand from ending (frame 4)
$8C9C10-9C2A Samus' hand from ending (frame 5)
$8C9C2B-9C45 Samus' hand from ending (frame 6)
$8C9C46-9C60 Samus' hand from ending (frame 7)
$8C9C61-9C7B Samus' hand from ending (frame 8)
$8C9C7C-9C87 Samus' head from ending (frame 1)
$8C9C88-9C93 Samus' head from ending (frame 2)
$8C9C94-9C9F Samus' head from ending (frame 3)
$8C9CA0-9CAB Samus' head from ending (frame 4)
$8C9CAC-9CC1 Samus head with helmet from ending
$8CA28B-A395 Zebes boom starry background
$8CA396-A3AB Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 1)
$8CA3AC-A3C1 Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 2)
$8CA3C2-A3D7 Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 3)
$8CA3D8-A3ED Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 4)
$8CA3EE-A403 Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 5)
$8CA404-A419 Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 6)
$8CA41A-A42F Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 7)
$8CA430-A445 Exploding Planet Zebes (frame 8)
$8CA446-A45B Exploding Planet Zebes core (frame 1)
$8CA45C-A471 Exploding Planet Zebes core (frame 2)
$8CA472-A4AF Exploding Planet Zebes glow
$8CA4B0-A515 The Zebes Supernova (part 1)
$8CA516-A57B The Zebes Supernova (part 2)
$8CA57C-A5E1 The Zebes Supernova (part 3)
$8CA5E2-A69C The Zebes Supernova (part 4)
$8CA69D-A6A8 'T'
$8CA6A9-A6BE 'TH'
$8CA6DF-A708 'THE O'
$8CA709-A73C 'THE OP'
$8CA73D-A77A 'THE OPE'
$8CA7C3-A814 'THE OPERA'
$8CA815-A870 'THE OPERAT'
$8CAB6B-AB76 'C'
$8CAB77-AB8C 'CO'
$8CB49B-B4A6 'C'
$8CB4A7-B4BC 'CL'
$8CB4DD-B506 'CLEA'
$8CB507-B53A 'CLEAR'
$8CB53B-B578 'CLEAR T'
$8CB579-B5C0 'CLEAR TI'
$8CB5C1-B612 'CLEAR TIM'
$8CB67B-B686 '0'
$8CB687-B692 '1'
$8CB693-B69E '2'
$8CB69F-B6AA '3'
$8CB6AB-B6B6 '4'
$8CB6B7-B6C2 '5'
$8CB6C3-B6CE '6'
$8CB6CF-B6DA '7'
$8CB6DB-B6E6 '8'
$8CB6E7-B6F2 '9'
$8CF3E9-FFFF Free Space